public static DataTable getCourseList() { string query = "SELECT COURSE.course_id, COURSE.course_designation, COURSE.course_title, [first_name] & \" \" & [last_name] AS instructor, DEPARTMENT.dept_name, COURSE.credit_hour, COURSE.description, COURSE.prereq_course, COURSE_DETAILS.year_semester, COURSE_DETAILS.max_capacity, COURSE_DETAILS.students_enrolled, COURSE_DETAILS.location, [schedule_days] & \" \" & Format([start_time],\"Short Time\") & \"-\" & Format([end_time],\"Short Time\") AS schedule" + " FROM (DEPARTMENT INNER JOIN (COURSE INNER JOIN COURSE_DETAILS ON COURSE.course_id = COURSE_DETAILS.course_id) ON DEPARTMENT.dept_id = COURSE.dept_id) INNER JOIN FACULTY ON (DEPARTMENT.dept_id = FACULTY.dept_id) AND (FACULTY.faculty_id = COURSE.instructor_id)"; return(GLOBALS.db_query(query)); }
public bool GetCourseInformation(string year_semester_) { string query = "SELECT COURSE.course_id, COURSE.course_designation, COURSE.course_title, [first_name] & \" \" & [last_name] AS instructor, DEPARTMENT.dept_name, COURSE.credit_hour, COURSE.description, COURSE.prereq_course, COURSE_DETAILS.year_semester, COURSE_DETAILS.max_capacity, COURSE_DETAILS.students_enrolled, COURSE_DETAILS.location, [schedule_days] & \" \" & Format([start_time],\"Short Time\") & \"-\" & Format([end_time],\"Short Time\") AS schedule" + " FROM (DEPARTMENT INNER JOIN (COURSE INNER JOIN COURSE_DETAILS ON COURSE.course_id = COURSE_DETAILS.course_id) ON DEPARTMENT.dept_id = COURSE.dept_id) INNER JOIN FACULTY ON (DEPARTMENT.dept_id = FACULTY.dept_id) AND (FACULTY.faculty_id = COURSE.instructor_id)" + " WHERE(( (COURSE_DETAILS.year_semester)='" + year_semester_ + "' and COURSE.course_designation='" + course_designation + "'))"; DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query(query); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { course_id = dt.Rows[0]["course_id"].ToString(); title = dt.Rows[0]["course_title"].ToString(); instructor = dt.Rows[0]["instructor"].ToString(); department = dt.Rows[0]["dept_name"].ToString(); credit_hours = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["credit_hour"]); description = dt.Rows[0]["description"].ToString(); prereq_course = dt.Rows[0]["prereq_course"].ToString(); year_semester = dt.Rows[0]["year_semester"].ToString(); capacity = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["max_capacity"]); enrolled_student = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["students_enrolled"]); location = dt.Rows[0]["location"].ToString(); schedule = dt.Rows[0]["schedule"].ToString(); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool addRegistration(Student student, Course course) { string query = "insert into REGISTRATION (course_id, student_id, year_semester)" + "values (" + course.course_id + ", " + student.student_id + ", '" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "')"; return(GLOBALS.db_command(query)); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoginController login_controller = new LoginController(); if (!GLOBALS.isAlphaNumeric(txtUsername.Text) || !GLOBALS.isAlphaNumeric(txtPassword.Text)) { return; } if (login_controller.validateLogin(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Success!"); this.Hide(); if (Member.membership_type == "administrator" || Member.membership_type == "data entry operator") { HomePageAdmin homepage_admin = new HomePageAdmin(); homepage_admin.ShowDialog(); } else if (Member.membership_type == "student" || Member.membership_type == "faculty") { HomePage homepage = new HomePage(); homepage.ShowDialog(); } txtUsername.Text = ""; txtPassword.Text = ""; this.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Your username and password are not match!"); } }
public bool updateEnrolledStudent(int new_enrolled_student) { enrolled_student = new_enrolled_student; string query = "update COURSE_DETAILS set students_enrolled = " + enrolled_student + " where course_id = " + course_id + " and year_semester= '" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "'"; return(GLOBALS.db_command(query)); }
public static bool delete(string course_id) { string query = "delete from COURSE_DETAILS where " + "course_id= " + course_id + " and year_semester='" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "'"; return(GLOBALS.db_command(query)); }
public bool updateCreditHour(int new_credit_hour) { current_credit_hour = new_credit_hour; string query = "update STUDENT set current_credit_hr = " + current_credit_hour + " where student_id = " + student_id; return(GLOBALS.db_command(query)); }
public static bool dropRegistration(Student student, Course course) { string query = "delete from REGISTRATION where " + "course_id= " + course.course_id + " and student_id =" + student.student_id + " and year_semester='" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "'"; return(GLOBALS.db_command(query)); }
public static bool checkValidCourseDesignation(string course_designation) { DataTable course_dt = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from COURSE where course_designation = '" + course_designation + "'"); if (course_dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static string getCourseIdFromDesignation(string course_designation) { DataTable course_dt = GLOBALS.db_query("select course_id from COURSE where course_designation = '" + course_designation + "'"); if (course_dt.Rows.Count == 1) { return(course_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } return(null); }
public static string getCourseDesignationFromId(string course_id) { DataTable course_dt = GLOBALS.db_query("select course_designation from COURSE where course_id = " + course_id); if (course_dt.Rows.Count == 1) { return(course_dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } return(null); }
public static DataTable getCoursesFromSemester(string semester_number, string program_id) { return(GLOBALS.db_query( "select course_designation, prereq_course " + "from COURSE " + "where course_id = any( " + "select cs.course_id " + "from course_semester as cs " + "where cs.semester_id = all( select semester_id from semester " + "where semester_number = " + semester_number + " and program = " + program_id + "))")); }
public static string getMaxId() { DataTable course_max_id = GLOBALS.db_query("select MAX(course_id) from COURSE"); if (course_max_id.Rows.Count == 1) { return(course_max_id.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } return(null); }
private void btnReportCourseDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtCourseID.Text != "" && GLOBALS.isAlphaNumeric(txtCourseID.Text)) { if (GenerateReportController.reportCourseDetail(txtCourseID.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Report generated!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fail to generate report! That course is not offered this semester!"); } } }
public static List <Course> getCoursesFromFaculty(string faculty_id) { List <Course> course_list = new List <Course>(); DataTable course_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from course where instructor_id=" + faculty_id); foreach (DataRow row in course_table.Rows) { Course course = new Course(row["course_designation"].ToString()); course.GetCourseInformation(GLOBALS.current_semester); course_list.Add(course); } return(course_list); }
static public bool Validate() { string query = "select * from login where username='******' and password='******'"; DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query(query); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { member_id = dt.Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString(); membership_type = dt.Rows[0]["Role"].ToString(); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool checkCourseTaken(Student student, Course course) { DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query( "select * from REGISTRATION " + "where course_id = " + course.course_id + " and student_id = " + student.student_id + " and (passed_course = 1 or passed_course is null)"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static List <Student> getStudentsFromCourseCurrentSemester(string course_id) { List <Student> student_list = new List <Student>(); string query = "select * from registration where course_id=" + course_id + " and year_semester='" + GLOBALS.current_semester + "'"; DataTable registration_table = GLOBALS.db_query(query); foreach (DataRow row in registration_table.Rows) { Student student = new Student(row["student_id"].ToString()); student.getStudentInformation(); student_list.Add(student); } return(student_list); }
public static bool update( string course_id, string title, string course_designation, string instructor_id, string department_id, string num_credit, string course_description, string pre_req_course_id, string max_capacity, string enrolled_student, string semester) { string query; if (pre_req_course_id == null) { pre_req_course_id = "Null"; } query = "update COURSE set course_title = '" + title + "', " + "course_designation = '" + course_designation + "', " + "instructor_id = " + instructor_id + ", " + "description = '" + course_description + "', " + "prereq_course = " + pre_req_course_id + ", " + "dept_id = " + department_id + ", " + "credit_hour = " + num_credit + " " + " where course_id = " + course_id; if (!GLOBALS.db_command(query)) { return(false); } query = "update COURSE_DETAILS set " + "max_capacity = " + max_capacity + ", " + "students_enrolled = " + enrolled_student + " " + "where course_id = " + course_id + " " + "and year_semester = '" + semester + "'"; if (!GLOBALS.db_command(query)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static List <Course> getCoursesFromStudent(string student_id, string year_semester) { List <Course> course_list = new List <Course>(); string query = "select * from registration where student_id=" + student_id + " and year_semester='" + year_semester + "'"; DataTable registration_table = GLOBALS.db_query(query); foreach (DataRow row in registration_table.Rows) { DataTable course_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select course_designation from course where course_id=" + row["course_id"].ToString()); Course course = new Course(course_table.Rows[0]["course_designation"].ToString()); if (course.GetCourseInformation(GLOBALS.current_semester)) { course_list.Add(course); } } return(course_list); }
public bool getStudentInformation() { DataTable student_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from student where student_id=" + student_id); if (student_table.Rows.Count == 1) { first_name = student_table.Rows[0]["first_name"].ToString(); last_name = student_table.Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString(); phone_number = student_table.Rows[0]["phone_number"].ToString(); email = student_table.Rows[0]["email"].ToString(); department_id = student_table.Rows[0]["dept_id"].ToString(); program_id = student_table.Rows[0]["program_id"].ToString(); current_semester_id = student_table.Rows[0]["current_semester"].ToString(); date_admission = student_table.Rows[0]["date_admission"].ToString(); current_credit_hour = Convert.ToInt32(student_table.Rows[0]["current_credit_hr"]); // get information from department DataTable department_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from department where dept_id=" + department_id); if (department_table.Rows.Count == 1) { department = department_table.Rows[0]["dept_name"].ToString(); } // get information from program DataTable program_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from program where program_id=" + program_id); if (program_table.Rows.Count == 1) { program_title = program_table.Rows[0]["program_title"].ToString(); } // get information from semester DataTable semester_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from semester where semester_id=" + current_semester_id); if (semester_table.Rows.Count == 1) { current_semester = semester_table.Rows[0]["semester_number"].ToString(); max_credit_hour_allowed = Convert.ToInt32(semester_table.Rows[0]["total_credits"]); } return(true); } return(false); }
public bool getFalcutyInformation() { DataTable falcuty = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from faculty where faculty_id=" + faculty_id); if (falcuty.Rows.Count == 1) { first_name = falcuty.Rows[0]["first_name"].ToString(); last_name = falcuty.Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString(); phone_number = falcuty.Rows[0]["phone_number"].ToString(); email = falcuty.Rows[0]["email"].ToString(); department_id = falcuty.Rows[0]["dept_id"].ToString(); DataTable department_table = GLOBALS.db_query("select * from department where dept_id=" + department_id); if (department_table.Rows.Count == 1) { department = department_table.Rows[0]["dept_name"].ToString(); } return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool checkCoursePrereqNotTaken(Student student, Course course) { // if there is no pre-req course if (course.prereq_course == null || course.prereq_course == "") { return(false); } DataTable dt = GLOBALS.db_query( "select * from REGISTRATION " + "where course_id = " + course.prereq_course + " and student_id = " + student.student_id + " and passed_course = 1"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool add( string course_id, string title, string course_designation, string instructor_id, string department_id, string num_credit, string course_description, string pre_req_course_id, string max_capacity, string enrolled_student, string semester) { string query; if (pre_req_course_id == null) { query = "insert into COURSE (course_id, course_title, course_designation, instructor_id, dept_id, credit_hour, description) " + "values (" + course_id + ", '" + title + "', '" + course_designation + "', " + instructor_id + ", " + department_id + ", " + num_credit + ", '" + course_description + "')"; } else { query = "insert into COURSE (course_id, course_title, course_designation, instructor_id, dept_id, credit_hour, description, prereq_course) " + "values (" + course_id + ", '" + title + "', '" + course_designation + "', " + instructor_id + ", " + department_id + ", " + num_credit + ", '" + course_description + "', " + pre_req_course_id + ")"; } if (!GLOBALS.db_command(query)) { return(false); } query = "insert into COURSE_DETAILS (course_id, max_capacity, students_enrolled, year_semester) " + "values (" + course_id + ", " + max_capacity + ", " + "0" + ", '" + semester + "')"; if (!GLOBALS.db_command(query)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static DataTable getStudentList() { return(GLOBALS.db_query("select student_id, [first_name] & \" \" & [last_name] AS name, email from STUDENT")); }
public static DataTable getSemesterList() { return(GLOBALS.db_query( "select distinct year_semester from COURSE_DETAILS" )); }
public static DataTable getInstructorList() { return(GLOBALS.db_query( "select faculty_id, [first_name] & \" \" & [last_name] AS name from Faculty" )); }
public static DataTable getDepartmentList() { return(GLOBALS.db_query( "select * from Department" )); }