public IssuerKeyAndParameters CreateIssuerSetupParameters(IssuerSetupParametersSpec spec) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = spec.GroupConstruction ?? GroupType.Subgroup; isp.UidP = ExtensionMethods.ToByteArray(spec.IssuerID); isp.E = spec.AttributeEncoding != null ? spec.AttributeEncoding : IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(spec.NumberOfAttributes); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = spec.UseRecommendedParameterSet ?? true; if (issuerStore.HasValue(spec.IssuerID) && spec.StoreOnServer) { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Issuer with unique ID was found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ID"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException <ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } // look up ParameterSet. if (isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet) { isp.ParameterSet = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultParameterSet(isp.GroupConstruction); // XXX add a check here to see if the name of the default parameterset is that same as // specified in spec.ParameterSetName and that match with the sha method specified. } else { ParameterSet pSet; if (ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet(spec.ParameterSetName, out pSet)) { isp.ParameterSet = pSet; } else { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Member value vas not found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ParameterSetName"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException <ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } } // specification field unused in ABC4Trust isp.S = null; IssuerKeyAndParameters issuerKeyParam = isp.Generate(true); if (spec.StoreOnServer) { issuerStore.AddValue(spec.IssuerID, issuerKeyParam); } return(issuerKeyParam); }
public IssuerKeyAndParameters CreateIssuerSetupParameters(IssuerSetupParametersSpec spec) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = spec.GroupConstruction ?? GroupType.Subgroup; isp.UidP = ExtensionMethods.ToByteArray(spec.IssuerID); isp.E = spec.AttributeEncoding != null ? spec.AttributeEncoding : IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(spec.NumberOfAttributes); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = spec.UseRecommendedParameterSet ?? true; if (issuerStore.HasValue(spec.IssuerID) && spec.StoreOnServer) { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Issuer with unique ID was found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ID"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException<ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } // look up ParameterSet. if (isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet) { isp.ParameterSet = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultParameterSet(isp.GroupConstruction); // XXX add a check here to see if the name of the default parameterset is that same as // specified in spec.ParameterSetName and that match with the sha method specified. } else { ParameterSet pSet; if (ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet(spec.ParameterSetName, out pSet)) { isp.ParameterSet = pSet; } else { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Member value vas not found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ParameterSetName"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException<ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } } // specification field unused in ABC4Trust isp.S = null; IssuerKeyAndParameters issuerKeyParam = isp.Generate(true); if (spec.StoreOnServer) { issuerStore.AddValue(spec.IssuerID, issuerKeyParam); } return issuerKeyParam; }