public static void GenerateTestIssuanceParameters(string uidp, string spec, int numberOfAttributes, bool useRecommendedParameters, int numberOfTokens, out IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap, out IssuerProtocolParameters ipp, out ProverProtocolParameters ppp) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = (uidp == null ? null : encoding.GetBytes(uidp)); isp.E = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(numberOfAttributes); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = useRecommendedParameters; isp.S = (spec == null ? null : encoding.GetBytes(spec)); ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[numberOfAttributes][]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++) { attributes[i] = encoding.GetBytes("attribute value " + (i + 1)); } byte[] tokenInformation = encoding.GetBytes("token information field"); byte[] proverInformation = encoding.GetBytes("prover information field"); ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; }
public void VerifyIssuerParametersTest() { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; isp.E = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(7); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = false; isp.GroupConstruction = GroupType.Subgroup; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; ProtocolHelper.VerifyIssuerParameters(ip, false); byte[] g0Bytes = ip.G[0].GetEncoded(); g0Bytes[g0Bytes.Length - 1]++; ip.G[0] = (SubgroupGroupElement)ip.Gq.CreateGroupElement(g0Bytes); try { ProtocolHelper.VerifyIssuerParameters(ip, false); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } }
private static IssuerKeyAndParameters SetupUProveIssuer(string UIDP, int numberOfAttributes, GroupType groupType = GroupType.Subgroup, bool supportDevice = false) { WriteLine("Setting up Issuer parameters"); IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); // pick a unique identifier for the issuer params isp.UidP = encoding.GetBytes(UIDP); // set the number of attributes in the U-Prove tokens isp.NumberOfAttributes = numberOfAttributes; // an application profile would define the format of the specification field, // we use a dummy value in this sample isp.S = encoding.GetBytes("application-specific specification"); // specify the group type: subgroup (default) or ECC isp.GroupConstruction = groupType; return isp.Generate(supportDevice); }
public void CollaborativeIssuanceTest() { // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.E = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1 }; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; isp.S = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[][] { encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 1"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 3"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4") }; byte[] tokenInformation = new byte[] { }; byte[] proverInformation = new byte[] { }; int numberOfTokens = 2; // Test cases // 1: CA-RA split (a party trusted by the issuer provides the gamma value) int numTestCases = 1; for (int testCase = 1; testCase <= numTestCases; testCase++) { ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); if (testCase == 1) { ipp.Gamma = ProtocolHelper.ComputeIssuanceInput(ip, attributes, tokenInformation, null); } ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); // use the token to make sure everything is ok int[] disclosed = new int[0]; byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("this is the presentation message, this can be a very long message"); FieldZqElement[] unused; byte[] scope = null; PresentationProof proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, null, 1, scope, message, null, null, upkt[0], attributes, out unused); proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, null, 1, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); } }
public void TestEndToEnd() { Random random = new Random(); int attributeLength = 10; foreach (GroupType groupConstruction in groupConstructions) { foreach (string hashFunction in supportedHashFunctions) { //Console.WriteLine("Hash = " + hashFunction); for (int numberOfAttribs = 0; numberOfAttribs <= 3; numberOfAttribs++) { //Console.WriteLine("NumberOfAttribs = " + numberOfAttribs); for (int e = 0; e <= 1; e++) { foreach (bool supportDevice in new bool[] { false, true }) { // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = groupConstruction; isp.UidP = encoding.GetBytes("unique UID"); isp.UidH = hashFunction; isp.E = new byte[numberOfAttribs]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttribs; i++) { isp.E[i] = (byte)e; } isp.S = encoding.GetBytes("specification"); IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(supportDevice); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; ip.Verify(); IDevice device = null; GroupElement hd = null; if (supportDevice) { device = new VirtualDevice(ip); hd = device.GetDevicePublicKey(); } // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[numberOfAttribs][]; for (int index = 0; index < numberOfAttribs; index++) { attributes[index] = new byte[attributeLength]; random.NextBytes(attributes[index]); } byte[] tokenInformation = encoding.GetBytes("token information"); byte[] proverInformation = encoding.GetBytes("prover information"); int numberOfTokens = (int)Math.Pow(2, numberOfAttribs); IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ipp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; ppp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); // issue token UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); // Presentation for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTokens; i++) { List<int> disclosedList = new List<int>(); //Console.Write("Disclosed list = "); for (int index = 0; index < numberOfAttribs; index++) { if ((((int)Math.Pow(2, index)) & i) != 0) { //Console.Write((index + 1) + ", "); disclosedList.Add(index + 1); } } //Console.WriteLine(); int[] disclosed = disclosedList.ToArray(); byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("message"); byte[] deviceMessage = null; IDevicePresentationContext deviceContext = null; if (supportDevice) { deviceMessage = encoding.GetBytes("message"); deviceContext = device.GetPresentationContext(); } // generate the presentation proof PresentationProof proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, message, deviceMessage, deviceContext, upkt[i], attributes); // verify the presentation proof proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, message, deviceMessage, upkt[i].Token); // // negative cases // if (numberOfAttribs > 0) { // modify issuer params (change specification); IssuerParameters ip2 = new IssuerParameters(ip.UidP, ip.Gq, ip.UidH, ip.G, ip.Gd, ip.E, ip.S, ip.UsesRecommendedParameters); ip2.S = encoding.GetBytes("wrong issuer params"); try { proof.Verify(ip2, disclosed, message, null, upkt[i].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // modify disclosed list int[] disclosed2; if (disclosed.Length == 0) { disclosed2 = new int[] { 1 }; } else { disclosed2 = new int[] { }; } try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed2, message, deviceMessage, upkt[i].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // modify message try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, encoding.GetBytes("wrong message"), deviceMessage, upkt[i].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // modify token try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, message, deviceMessage, upkt[(i + 1) % numberOfTokens].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // modify proof proof.A = encoding.GetBytes("wrong proof"); try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, message, deviceMessage, upkt[i].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } } } } } } } } }
public void LongTest() { int numberOfAttribs = 25; // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.E = new byte[numberOfAttribs]; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttribs; i++) { isp.E[i] = (byte) (i%2); // alternate between 0 (direct encoding) and 1 (hash) } isp.S = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; ip.Verify(); // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[numberOfAttribs][]; attributes[0] = new byte[] { 0x00 }; attributes[1] = null; attributes[2] = new byte[] { 0x00 }; attributes[3] = encoding.GetBytes("This is a very long value that doesn't fit in one attribute, but this is ok since we hash this value"); for (int index = 4; index < numberOfAttribs; index++) { // for the rest, we just encode random Zq values attributes[index] = ip.Zq.GetRandomElement(false).ToByteArray(); } byte[] tokenInformation = new byte[] { 0x01 }; byte[] proverInformation = new byte[] { 0x01 }; int numberOfTokens = 10; IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); // issue token UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); // Presentation for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfAttribs; i++) { // disclose each attribute one by one int[] disclosed = new int[] { i }; byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("this is the presentation message, this can be a very long message"); // generate the presentation proof PresentationProof proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, message, null, null, upkt[0], attributes); // verify the presentation proof proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, message, null, upkt[0].Token); } // Pseudonym for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfAttribs; i++) { // present each attribute as a pseudonym int[] disclosed = new int[0]; byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("this is the presentation message, this can be a very long message"); byte[] scope = encoding.GetBytes("scope" + i); FieldZqElement[] unused; // generate the presentation proof PresentationProof proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, null, i, scope, message, null, null, upkt[0], attributes, out unused); // verify the presentation proof proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, null, i, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); } }
public void DevicePseudonymTest() { // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.E = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1 }; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; isp.S = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(true); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[][] { encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 1"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 3"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4") }; byte[] tokenInformation = new byte[] { }; byte[] proverInformation = new byte[] { }; int numberOfTokens = 1; IDevice device = new VirtualDevice(ip); GroupElement hd = device.GetDevicePublicKey(); IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ipp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; ppp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); // Pseudonym int[] disclosed = new int[0]; byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("this is the presentation message, this can be a very long message"); byte[] messageForDevice = encoding.GetBytes("message for Device"); byte[] scope = encoding.GetBytes("scope"); PresentationProof proof; FieldZqElement[] tildeO; // Valid presentation IDevicePresentationContext deviceCtx = device.GetPresentationContext(); proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, null, PresentationProof.DeviceAttributeIndex, scope, message, messageForDevice, deviceCtx, upkt[0], attributes, out tildeO); proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, null, PresentationProof.DeviceAttributeIndex, scope, message, messageForDevice, upkt[0].Token); // Invalid pseudonym (wrong scope) deviceCtx = device.GetPresentationContext(); proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, null, PresentationProof.DeviceAttributeIndex, scope, message, messageForDevice, deviceCtx, upkt[0], attributes, out tildeO); try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, null, PresentationProof.DeviceAttributeIndex, encoding.GetBytes("bad scope"), message, messageForDevice, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Ensure tildeO is correct, in this case it should be empty because there are no comitted attributes Assert.IsTrue(tildeO == null || tildeO.Length == 0); }
public void TestIssuerSetupParameters() { System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); byte[][] A = new byte[][] { encoding.GetBytes("attribute value") }; byte[] TI = encoding.GetBytes("TI value"); IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = GroupType.Subgroup; isp.UidP = encoding.GetBytes("UIDP value"); isp.E = new byte[] { 1 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); ikap.IssuerParameters.Verify(); // invalidate the issuer parameters IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; SubgroupGroupElement sgG0 = (SubgroupGroupElement) ip.G[0]; byte[] g0Bytes = ip.G[0].GetEncoded(); g0Bytes[g0Bytes.Length - 1]++; ip.G[0] = (SubgroupGroupElement) ip.Gq.CreateGroupElement(g0Bytes); try { ip.Verify(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } }
private static IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite UseCustomParameterSet(string uniqueIdentifier, byte[] attributeEncoding, string hash, string sessionID) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = GroupConstruction.Subgroup; // pick a unique identifier for the issuer params isp.UidP = encoding.GetBytes(uniqueIdentifier); // set the encoding parameters for the attributes isp.E = attributeEncoding; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = false; // we don't use the recommended parameters // specification field unused in ABC4Trust isp.S = null; // generate the serializable IssuerKeyAndParameters IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(true); sessionDB[sessionID].group = ikap.IssuerParameters.Gq; sessionDB[sessionID].groupElement = ikap.IssuerParameters.Gd; IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite ikpc = new IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite(); ikpc.IssuerParameters = ConvertUtils.convertIssuerParameters(ikap.IssuerParameters); ikpc.PrivateKey = ikap.PrivateKey.ToByteArray(); return ikpc; }
public IssuerKeyAndParameters CreateIssuerSetupParameters(IssuerSetupParametersSpec spec) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = spec.GroupConstruction ?? GroupType.Subgroup; isp.UidP = ExtensionMethods.ToByteArray(spec.IssuerID); isp.E = spec.AttributeEncoding != null ? spec.AttributeEncoding : IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(spec.NumberOfAttributes); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = spec.UseRecommendedParameterSet ?? true; if (issuerStore.HasValue(spec.IssuerID) && spec.StoreOnServer) { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Issuer with unique ID was found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ID"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException<ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } // look up ParameterSet. if (isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet) { isp.ParameterSet = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultParameterSet(isp.GroupConstruction); // XXX add a check here to see if the name of the default parameterset is that same as // specified in spec.ParameterSetName and that match with the sha method specified. } else { ParameterSet pSet; if (ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet(spec.ParameterSetName, out pSet)) { isp.ParameterSet = pSet; } else { ApiArgumentFault fault = new ApiArgumentFault(); fault.Details = "Member value vas not found"; fault.Argument = "IssuerSetupParametersSpec.ParameterSetName"; fault.ArgumentValue = spec.ParameterSetName; throw new FaultException<ApiArgumentFault>(fault); } } // specification field unused in ABC4Trust isp.S = null; IssuerKeyAndParameters issuerKeyParam = isp.Generate(true); if (spec.StoreOnServer) { issuerStore.AddValue(spec.IssuerID, issuerKeyParam); } return issuerKeyParam; }
public void TestProver() { byte[][] A = new byte[][] { }; byte[] TI = null; byte[] PI = null; IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 0 }; isp.E = new byte[] { 0 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = A; ipp.NumberOfTokens = 1; ipp.TokenInformation = TI; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = null; SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = null; ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = null; msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); try { new Prover(null, 1, A, TI, PI, null); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } try { new Prover(ikap.IssuerParameters, -1, A, TI, PI, null); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } try { new Prover(ikap.IssuerParameters, 0, A, TI, PI, null); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } Prover prover = new Prover(ikap.IssuerParameters, 1, A, TI, PI, null); try { prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); try { msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); try { prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } }
public void TestRecommendedParameters() { ParameterSet set; const string ECCNamePrefix = "U-Prove Recommended Parameters Profile"; var encoder = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.UTF8; Dictionary<string, byte[]> oidContextDictionary = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>(); // Subgroup (OID, NIST domain params seed) oidContextDictionary.Add("", new byte[] { 0x42, 0xf3, 0x05, 0xc4, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0xa3, 0x3b, 0x97, 0xd7, 0x25, 0x77, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xfe, 0x61, 0xa8, 0xa1, 0xae, 0xe7 }); oidContextDictionary.Add("", new byte[] { 0x22, 0x7c, 0xc8, 0x30, 0x35, 0xac, 0x2c, 0x68, 0xe6, 0xb4, 0xe5, 0xfe, 0x4b, 0x59, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x4a, 0xe8, 0x03, 0x30, 0xf3, 0x80, 0xde, 0x03, 0x22, 0x3e, 0x37, 0x81, 0x36, 0xd7, 0x6f, 0xc0 }); oidContextDictionary.Add("", new byte[] { 0x31, 0xf2, 0xd6, 0xcf, 0xcd, 0x65, 0x2b, 0x7d, 0xb8, 0x18, 0x6e, 0x84, 0x9d, 0xf1, 0x4b, 0x75, 0x60, 0x40, 0x7b, 0xca, 0x0f, 0x03, 0x04, 0xe0, 0x9e, 0x0d, 0x9d, 0x2c, 0x03, 0xd4, 0xfa, 0x4c }); // Elliptic Curve (OID, ECC Prefix + curve name) oidContextDictionary.Add("", encoder.GetBytes(ECCNamePrefix + "P-256")); // NIST P-256 oidContextDictionary.Add("", encoder.GetBytes(ECCNamePrefix + "P-384")); // NIST P-384 oidContextDictionary.Add("", encoder.GetBytes(ECCNamePrefix + "P-521")); // NIST P-521 foreach (string oid in oidContextDictionary.Keys) { ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet(oid, out set); Assert.AreEqual<string>(oid, set.Name); Assert.AreEqual<int>(ParameterSet.NumberOfIssuerGenerators + 1, set.G.Length); // g_t is also in the list Group Gq = set.Group; Gq.Verify(); int counter; byte[] context = oidContextDictionary[oid]; if (Gq.Type == GroupType.Subgroup) { // g is only generated for the subgroup construction Assert.AreEqual<GroupElement>(Gq.G, Gq.DeriveElement(context, (byte)0, out counter)); } // tests gi for (int i = 1; i < set.G.Length; i++ ) { GroupElement gi = set.G[i - 1]; Gq.ValidateGroupElement(gi); GroupElement derived = Gq.DeriveElement(context, (byte)i, out counter); Gq.ValidateGroupElement(derived); if (!gi.Equals(derived)) { Debugger.Break(); } Assert.AreEqual<GroupElement>(gi, derived); } // gt uses index = 255 Assert.AreEqual<GroupElement>(set.G[set.G.Length - 1], Gq.DeriveElement(context, (byte)255, out counter)); Gq.ValidateGroupElement(set.Gd); // gd uses index = 254 Assert.AreEqual<GroupElement>(set.Gd, Gq.DeriveElement(context, (byte)254, out counter)); Gq.ValidateGroupElement(set.Gd); // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; if (oid == "") // P-521 { isp.UidH = "SHA-512"; } isp.E = new byte[ParameterSet.NumberOfIssuerGenerators]; isp.ParameterSet = set; for (int i = 0; i < ParameterSet.NumberOfIssuerGenerators; i++) { isp.E[i] = (byte)0; } isp.S = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; RunProtocol(ikap, ip); } }
public void CustomGroupTest() { // we reuse an exisiting group, but without setting it by name. // we expect new generators to be generated. ParameterSet set; ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet(SubgroupParameterSets.ParamSet_SG_2048256_V1Name, out set); IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.NumberOfAttributes = 1; isp.Gq = set.Group; // reusing an existing group. IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // new generators should have been generated, to the issuer parameters' g1 and parameter set's g1 // should be different. Assert.AreNotEqual(ip.G[1], set.G[0]); // set's index 0 is g_1 }
public void FreshParametersTest() { // // test with 1 attribute // // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.NumberOfAttributes = 1; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = false; // use freshly generated generators isp.GroupConstruction = GroupType.Subgroup; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // get the default subgroup to make sure that is _not_ what we are generating ParameterSet set; ParameterSet.TryGetNamedParameterSet("", out set); Assert.AreNotEqual(ip.G[1], set.G[0]); // set's index 0 is g_1 RunProtocol(ikap, ip); // // test with max+1 attributes // isp.NumberOfAttributes = IssuerSetupParameters.RecommendedParametersMaxNumberOfAttributes + 1; ikap = isp.Generate(); ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; Assert.IsTrue(ip.E.Length == IssuerSetupParameters.RecommendedParametersMaxNumberOfAttributes + 1); RunProtocol(ikap, ip); // // test invalid number of attributes // isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; try { ikap = isp.Generate(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { // expected }; }
private void RunFuzzedTest(bool useSubgroupConstruction, string hashFunction, int numberOfAttributes, bool supportDevice, int numberOfTokens, int[] dArray, int[] cArray, int pseudonymIndex) { // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.GroupConstruction = useSubgroupConstruction ? GroupType.Subgroup : GroupType.ECC; isp.UidP = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); isp.UidH = hashFunction; isp.E = IssuerSetupParameters.GetDefaultEValues(numberOfAttributes); isp.S = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(supportDevice); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; ip.Verify(); IDevice device = null; GroupElement hd = null; if (supportDevice) { device = new VirtualDevice(ip); hd = device.GetDevicePublicKey(); } // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[numberOfAttributes][]; for (int index = 0; index < numberOfAttributes; index++) { attributes[index] = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); } byte[] tokenInformation = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); byte[] proverInformation = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ipp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); string msg1 = ip.Serialize(issuer.GenerateFirstMessage()); ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; ppp.DevicePublicKey = hd; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); string msg2 = ip.Serialize(prover.GenerateSecondMessage(ip.Deserialize<FirstIssuanceMessage>(msg1))); string msg3 = ip.Serialize(issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(ip.Deserialize<SecondIssuanceMessage>(msg2))); // issue token UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(ip.Deserialize<ThirdIssuanceMessage>(msg3)); // Presentation byte[] message = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); byte[] deviceMessage = null; IDevicePresentationContext deviceContext = null; if (supportDevice) { deviceMessage = GetRandomBytes(MaxByteArrayLength); deviceContext = device.GetPresentationContext(); } int tokenIndex = random.Next(upkt.Length); // generate the presentation proof PresentationProof proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, dArray, message, deviceMessage, deviceContext, upkt[tokenIndex], attributes); // verify the presentation proof proof.Verify(ip, dArray, message, deviceMessage, upkt[tokenIndex].Token); }
private static IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite UsePreComputeParameterSet(string uniqueIdentifier, byte[] attributeEncoding, string hash, string sessionID) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); // pick the group construction (defaults to subgroup, but ECC is more efficient) // TODOv2: Enable the UProve module to switch between ECC and subgroup based on ie. a config file. // isp.GroupConstruction = GroupConstruction.ECC; // right now, we need to use the subgroup construction to interop with Idemix isp.GroupConstruction = GroupConstruction.Subgroup; isp.ParameterSet = sessionDB[sessionID].parameterSet; sessionDB[sessionID].group = isp.ParameterSet.Group; sessionDB[sessionID].groupElement = isp.ParameterSet.Gd; isp.UidH = hash; // pick a unique identifier for the issuer params isp.UidP = encoding.GetBytes(uniqueIdentifier); // set the encoding parameters for the attributes isp.E = attributeEncoding; // specification field unused in ABC4Trust isp.S = null; // generate the serializable IssuerKeyAndParameters IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(true); IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite ikpc = new IssuerKeyAndParametersComposite(); ikpc.IssuerParameters = ConvertUtils.convertIssuerParameters(ikap.IssuerParameters); ikpc.PrivateKey = ikap.PrivateKey.ToByteArray(); return ikpc; }
public void PseudonymAndCommitmentsTest() { // Issuer setup IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UidP = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; isp.E = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1, (byte)1 }; isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; isp.S = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(); IssuerParameters ip = ikap.IssuerParameters; // Issuance byte[][] attributes = new byte[][] { encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 1"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 3"), encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4") }; byte[] tokenInformation = new byte[] { }; byte[] proverInformation = new byte[] { }; int numberOfTokens = 1; IssuerProtocolParameters ipp = new IssuerProtocolParameters(ikap); ipp.Attributes = attributes; ipp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ipp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; Issuer issuer = ipp.CreateIssuer(); FirstIssuanceMessage msg1 = issuer.GenerateFirstMessage(); ProverProtocolParameters ppp = new ProverProtocolParameters(ip); ppp.Attributes = attributes; ppp.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; ppp.TokenInformation = tokenInformation; ppp.ProverInformation = proverInformation; Prover prover = ppp.CreateProver(); SecondIssuanceMessage msg2 = prover.GenerateSecondMessage(msg1); ThirdIssuanceMessage msg3 = issuer.GenerateThirdMessage(msg2); UProveKeyAndToken[] upkt = prover.GenerateTokens(msg3); // Pseudonym int[] disclosed = new int[0]; int[] committed = new int[] { 2, 4 }; byte[] message = encoding.GetBytes("this is the presentation message, this can be a very long message"); byte[] scope = encoding.GetBytes("scope"); PresentationProof proof; FieldZqElement[] tildeO; // Valid presentation proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, committed, 1, scope, message, null, null, upkt[0], attributes, out tildeO); proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, committed, 1, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); // Invalid pseudonym (wrong scope) proof = PresentationProof.Generate(ip, disclosed, committed, 1, scope, message, null, null, upkt[0], attributes, out tildeO); try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, committed, 1, encoding.GetBytes("bad scope"), message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Invalid pseudonym (wrong attribute) try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, committed, 2, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Invalid commitment (null list) try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, null, 2, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Invalid commitment (wrong committed values) try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, new int[] { 1, 4 }, 2, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Invalid commitment (wront number of committed values) try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, new int[] { 1 }, 2, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Invalid commitment (value) proof.Commitments[0].TildeA[0]++; try { proof.Verify(ip, disclosed, committed, 2, scope, message, null, upkt[0].Token); Assert.Fail(); } catch (InvalidUProveArtifactException) { } // Ensure tildeO is correct GroupElement Cx2 = proof.Commitments[0].TildeC; // x2 is the first committed attribute FieldZqElement x2 = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(ip, 1, attributes[1]); // attributes[] is zero indexed. FieldZqElement tildeO2 = tildeO[0]; // double check that Cx2 is computed correctly. GroupElement Cx2Prime = ip.Gq.G.Exponentiate(x2); Cx2Prime = Cx2Prime.Multiply(ip.G[1].Exponentiate(tildeO2)); Assert.IsTrue(Cx2Prime.Equals(Cx2)); }
IssuerKeyAndParameters LoadIssuerKeyAndParameters(bool useSubgroupConstruction, string oid, bool supportDevice, Dictionary<string, string> vectors) { IssuerSetupParameters isp = new IssuerSetupParameters(); isp.UseRecommendedParameterSet = true; isp.GroupConstruction = useSubgroupConstruction ? GroupType.Subgroup : GroupType.ECC; isp.UidP = HexToBytes(vectors["UIDp"]); isp.UidH = vectors["UIDh"]; isp.E = new byte[] { byte.Parse(vectors["e1"]), byte.Parse(vectors["e2"]), byte.Parse(vectors["e3"]), byte.Parse(vectors["e4"]), byte.Parse(vectors["e5"]) }; isp.S = HexToBytes(vectors["S"]); IssuerKeyAndParameters ikap = isp.Generate(supportDevice); Assert.AreEqual<string>(ikap.IssuerParameters.Gq.GroupName, oid); return ikap; }