コード例 #1
ファイル: Prog3Form.cs プロジェクト: m0kova01/CIS-200
        //precondition: the address toolstrip menu item is clicked.
        //postcondition: the selected upv address object is updated
        private void AddressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const int MINIMUM_ADDRESSES = 0; //the minimum addresses required to be able to edit

            //checks if there is at least one address
            //If yes, opens an EditAddress form. If no, shows a messagebox with error.
            if (upv.AddressCount > MINIMUM_ADDRESSES)
                EditAddress  editAddress = new EditAddress(upv.AddressList); // Send list of addresses and open EditAddress form
                DialogResult result      = editAddress.ShowDialog();         //the dialog result of the EditAddress form
                int          selectedIndex;                                  //keeps track of selected indoex in the editaddress form.

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)                               // Only add if OK
                    selectedIndex = editAddress.AddressBoxIndex;             //sets selectedIndex to the selected one in the EditAddress form.
                    //Populates the address form textboxes with the selected address' data
                    AddressForm addressForm = new AddressForm
                        AddressName = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Name,
                        Address1    = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Address1,
                        Address2    = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Address2,
                        City        = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].City,
                        State       = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].State,
                        ZipText     = upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Zip.ToString()

                    DialogResult editResult = addressForm.ShowDialog(); //sets editResult depending on what was clicked
                    //checks if the result was ok.
                    //If so, tries to update the upv address with the new information
                    if (editResult == DialogResult.OK)
                    { //tries to parse the zipcode. If successful, updates the upv address.
                        if (int.TryParse(addressForm.ZipText, out int zip))
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Name     = addressForm.AddressName;
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Address1 = addressForm.Address1;
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Address2 = addressForm.Address2;
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].City     = addressForm.City;
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].State    = addressForm.State;
                            upv.AddressList[selectedIndex].Zip      = zip;
                        else // If there was an error
                            MessageBox.Show("Problem with Address Validation!", "Validation Error");
                    addressForm.Dispose(); //disposes the form
                editAddress.Dispose();     // Disposes the form
                //shows if there is nothing to edit
                MessageBox.Show("No addresses to edit!",
                                "Addresses Error");
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; // Dismiss immediately
コード例 #2
        // Precondition:  Edit, Address menu item activated
        // Postcondition: The address selected from the list has been edited
        //                with the new information replacing the existing object's
        //                properties
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (upv.AddressList.Count > 0)                                                // Only edit if there are addresses!
                ChooseAddressForm chooseAddForm = new ChooseAddressForm(upv.AddressList); // The choose address dialog box form
                DialogResult      result        = chooseAddForm.ShowDialog();             // Show form as dialog and store result

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)                                            // Only edit if OK
                    int editIndex;                                                        // Index of address to edit
                    editIndex = chooseAddForm.AddressIndex;

                    if (editIndex >= 0)                                     // -1 if didn't select item from combo box
                        Address     editAddress = upv.AddressAt(editIndex); // The address being edited
                        AddressForm addressForm = new AddressForm();        // The address dialog box form

                        // Populate form fields from selected address
                        addressForm.AddressName = editAddress.Name;
                        addressForm.Address1    = editAddress.Address1;
                        addressForm.Address2    = editAddress.Address2;
                        addressForm.City        = editAddress.City;
                        addressForm.State       = editAddress.State;
                        addressForm.ZipText     = $"{editAddress.Zip:D5}";

                        result = addressForm.ShowDialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result

                        if (result == DialogResult.OK)     // Only edit if OK
                            // Edit address properties using form fields
                            editAddress.Name     = addressForm.AddressName;
                            editAddress.Address1 = addressForm.Address1;
                            editAddress.Address2 = addressForm.Address2;
                            editAddress.City     = addressForm.City;
                            editAddress.State    = addressForm.State;
                            if (int.TryParse(addressForm.ZipText, out int zip))
                                editAddress.Zip = zip;
                                MessageBox.Show("Problem with Zip Validation!", "Validation Error");
                        addressForm.Dispose(); // Best practice for dialog boxes
                chooseAddForm.Dispose(); // Best practice for dialog boxes
                MessageBox.Show("No addresses to edit!", "No Addresses");
コード例 #3
        //Precondition: None
        //Postcondition: Shows form for and creates address
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddressForm afrm = new AddressForm();

            DialogResult result = afrm.ShowDialog(); //Shows address dialog box

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                upv.AddAddress(afrm.NameValue, afrm.AddressOne, afrm.AddressTwo, afrm.City, afrm.StateIndex, afrm.Zip);

            afrm.Dispose(); //Resources are released
コード例 #4
        //Precondition: Edit, Address menu item activated.
        //Postcondition: A dialog box to choose an address to edit appears. Then an address form
        //with the chosen adress information appears.
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Address> Addresses;

            Addresses = upv.AddressList;

            if ((Addresses.Count() == 0))
                MessageBox.Show("Must have address to edit", "Edit Error");
                SelectAddressForm saForm = new SelectAddressForm(upv.AddressList);
                DialogResult      result = saForm.ShowDialog();

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    int editIndex;

                    editIndex = saForm.EditAddressIndex;

                    if (editIndex >= 0)
                        Address editAddress = Addresses[editIndex];

                        AddressForm addressForm = new AddressForm();

                        addressForm.AddressName = editAddress.Name;
                        addressForm.Address1    = editAddress.Address1;
                        addressForm.Address2    = editAddress.Address2;
                        addressForm.City        = editAddress.City;
                        addressForm.State       = editAddress.State;
                        addressForm.ZipText     = editAddress.Zip.ToString();

                        DialogResult editResult = addressForm.ShowDialog();

                        if (editResult == DialogResult.OK)
                            editAddress.Name     = addressForm.AddressName;
                            editAddress.Address1 = addressForm.Address1;
                            editAddress.Address2 = addressForm.Address2;
                            editAddress.City     = addressForm.City;
                            editAddress.State    = addressForm.State;
                            editAddress.Zip      = int.Parse(addressForm.ZipText);
コード例 #5
        //Precondition: Address menu item is clicked
        //Postcondition: An address is added to the UPV object's list and the dialog box is disposed.
        private void AddressToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddressForm  addAddress = new AddressForm(); //new AddressForm object
            DialogResult dialogResult;                   //allows us to store a dialog result.

            dialogResult = addAddress.ShowDialog();      //displays the AddressForm.

            //checks to see if the dialogresult was set to ok. If it was, an address is added to the UPV object.
            if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                upvObject.AddAddress(addAddress.NameValue, addAddress.Address1Value, addAddress.Address2Value, addAddress.CityValue, addAddress.StateValue, int.Parse(addAddress.ZipValue)); //passing the AddressForms results into the AddAddress method.
                addAddress.Dispose();                                                                                                                                                        //Gets rid of the form.
コード例 #6
        //Precondition: AddressList must be > 0
        //Postcondition: The address selected will be updated with newly specified values
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (upv.AddressCount < SelectorForm.MIN_ADDRESSES) //Count of Addresses in the upv must be greater than 0
                MessageBox.Show("Need at least " + SelectorForm.MIN_ADDRESSES + " Address", "Address Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return; // Exit now since can't create valid letter

            SelectorForm Selector = new SelectorForm(upv.AddressList); // The Selector dialog box form
            DialogResult result   = Selector.ShowDialog();             //Show Selector Form as dialog and store result

            AddressForm Editor   = new AddressForm();                  //The Editor dialog box form
            int         addIndex = Selector.Index;                     //local variable to store the index selected in the Editor Form

            Editor.AddressName = upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Name;         //Set Property to the Name of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex
            Editor.Address1    = upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Address1;     //Set Property to the Address1 of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex
            Editor.Address2    = upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Address2;     //Set Property to the Address2 of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex
            Editor.City        = upv.AddressAt(addIndex).City;         //Set Property to the City of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex
            Editor.State       = upv.AddressAt(addIndex).State;        //Set Property to the State of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex
            Editor.ZipText     = $"{upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Zip}";     //Set Property to the Zip of the AddressAt the SelectedIndex

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)                                 //if OK was clicked (Selector Form)
                DialogResult result1 = Editor.ShowDialog();                //Show Editor form as a dialog box
                int          zipResult;                                    //integer holding TryParse result

                if (result1 == DialogResult.OK)                            //if OK was clicked (Editor Form)
                    upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Name     = Editor.AddressName; //set upv Name property to the current value held in the Editor Forms TextBox
                    upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Address1 = Editor.Address1;    //set upv Address1 property to the current value held in the Editor Forms TextBox
                    upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Address2 = Editor.Address2;    //set upv Address2 property to the current value held in the Editor Forms TextBox
                    upv.AddressAt(addIndex).City     = Editor.City;        //set upv City property to the current value held in the Editor Forms TextBox
                    upv.AddressAt(addIndex).State    = Editor.State;       //set upv State property to the current value held in the Editor Forms TextBox

                    if (int.TryParse(Editor.ZipText, out zipResult))       //Try parsing the value in the TextBox, if successful, set the upv Zip property to that value
                        upv.AddressAt(addIndex).Zip = zipResult;
                Editor.Dispose();     //dispose of resources
                Selector.Dispose();   //dispose of resources
コード例 #7
        //Precondition: click
        //Postcondition: Show Address Form, Add address to upv AddressList
        public void addressToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddressForm  AF = new AddressForm();                    //create an AddressForm object
            DialogResult result;                                    //holds result of the AddressForm button (OK/Cancel)

            result = AF.ShowDialog();                               //Shows the form as a modal dialog box

            if (result == DialogResult.OK && AF.ValidateChildren()) //if Result is OK, then Add an Address to the UserParcelView AddressList
                //Precondition: ValidateChildren() must return true
                //Postcondition: Add Address to UserParcelView Address list
                upv.AddAddress(AF.NameValue, AF.AddressValue, AF.AddressValue1, AF.CityValue, AF.StateValue, AF.ZipValue);
            if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)    //Dispose of resources if result == cancel
コード例 #8
        // Precondition:  Insert, Address menu item activated
        // Postcondition: The Address dialog box is displayed. If data entered
        //                are OK, an Address is created and added to the list
        //                of addresses
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddressForm  addressForm = new AddressForm();        // The address dialog box form
            DialogResult result      = addressForm.ShowDialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)                       // Only add if OK
                    upv.AddAddress(addressForm.AddressName, addressForm.Address1,
                                   addressForm.Address2, addressForm.City, addressForm.State,
                                   int.Parse(addressForm.ZipText)); // Use form's properties to create address
                catch (FormatException)                             // This should never happen if form validation works!
                    MessageBox.Show("Problem with Address Validation!", "Validation Error");
            addressForm.Dispose(); // Best practice for dialog boxes
コード例 #9
        // Precondition:  Insert, Address menu item activated
        // Postcondition: The Address dialog box is displayed. If data entered
        //                are OK, an Address is created and added to the list
        //                of addresses
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddressForm  addressForm = new AddressForm();        // The address dialog box form
            DialogResult result      = addressForm.ShowDialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result
            int          zip;                                    // Address zip code

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)                       // Only add if OK
                if (int.TryParse(addressForm.ZipText, out zip))
                    upv.AddAddress(addressForm.AddressName, addressForm.Address1,
                                   addressForm.Address2, addressForm.City, addressForm.State,
                                   zip); // Use form's properties to create address
                else // This should never happen if form validation works!
                    MessageBox.Show("Problem with Address Validation!", "Validation Error");

            addressForm.Dispose(); // Best practice for dialog boxes
                                   // Alternatively, use with using clause as in Ch. 17
コード例 #10
        // Precondition:  Edit, Address menu item activated
        // Postcondition: Dialog to seect address is shown, if user selects address
        // and clicks OK address dialog is shown to edit address info
        private void addressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EditAddress  editAddress = new EditAddress(upv.addresses);     //edit addrss form passes addresses
            DialogResult result      = editAddress.ShowDialog();           //stores the result of the editaddress dialog

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)                                 //if the user clicks ok
                Address address = upv.AddressAt(editAddress.AddressIndex); //stores the address the user selected to be edited

                AddressForm addressForm = new AddressForm();               //new instance of the address form

                //Populate the address text boxes with the info to be edited
                addressForm.AddressName = address.Name;
                addressForm.Address1    = address.Address1;
                addressForm.Address2    = address.Address2;
                addressForm.City        = address.City;
                addressForm.State       = address.State;
                addressForm.ZipText     = address.Zip.ToString();

                DialogResult editresult = addressForm.ShowDialog(); //stores the result of the address dialog

                if (editresult == DialogResult.OK)                  //if user clicked ok
                    //reassigns the addresses properties to the contents of the address forms fields
                    address.Name     = addressForm.AddressName;
                    address.Address1 = addressForm.Address1;
                    address.Address2 = addressForm.Address2;
                    address.City     = addressForm.City;
                    address.State    = addressForm.State;
                    address.Zip      = int.Parse(addressForm.ZipText);

                addressForm.Dispose(); //dispose of the address form
            editAddress.Dispose();     //dispose of the edit address form
コード例 #11
        // Precondition:  Edit, Address menu item activated
        // Postcondition: Chosen address is updated according
        //                to user's input
        private void editAddressToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ChooseAddressForm chooseAddressForm   = new ChooseAddressForm(upv.AddressList); // The address dialog box form
            DialogResult      chooseAddressResult = chooseAddressForm.ShowDialog();         // Show form as dialog and store result

            if (chooseAddressResult == DialogResult.OK)                             // Only select if OK
                int         addressAt       = chooseAddressForm.ChooseAddressIndex; // Holds index for for the addressAt variable
                Address     editAddress     = upv.AddressAt(addressAt);             // Holds address data
                AddressForm editAddressForm = new AddressForm();                    // The address dialog box form

                editAddressForm.AddressName = editAddress.Name;
                editAddressForm.Address1    = editAddress.Address1;
                editAddressForm.Address2    = editAddress.Address2;
                editAddressForm.City        = editAddress.City;
                editAddressForm.State       = editAddress.State;
                editAddressForm.ZipText     = editAddress.Zip.ToString("d5");

                DialogResult editAddressResult = editAddressForm.ShowDialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result

                if (editAddressResult == DialogResult.OK)                      // Only edit if OK
                    upv.AddressAt(addressAt).Name     = editAddressForm.AddressName;
                    upv.AddressAt(addressAt).Address1 = editAddressForm.Address1;
                    upv.AddressAt(addressAt).Address2 = editAddressForm.Address2;
                    upv.AddressAt(addressAt).City     = editAddressForm.City;
                    upv.AddressAt(addressAt).State    = editAddressForm.State;

                        upv.AddressAt(addressAt).Zip = int.Parse(editAddressForm.ZipText);
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                        // notify user if zip code is invalid
                        MessageBox.Show("Enter valid zip code", "Error",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    catch (ArgumentNullException)
                        // notify user if zip code is invalid
                        MessageBox.Show("Enter a zip code", "Error",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        // notify user if zip code is invalid
                        MessageBox.Show("Enter valid zip code", "Error",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    catch (FormatException)
                        // notify user if zip code is invalid
                        MessageBox.Show("Enter valid zip code", "Error",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);