public virtual void Awake() { activeGeneratorCoroutine = null; if (atlasResolution == 0) { atlasResolution = 256; } if (defaultOverlayAsset != null) { _defaultOverlayData = new OverlayData(defaultOverlayAsset); } if (!textureMerge) { Transform tempTextureMerger = Instantiate(textureMergePrefab, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity) as Transform; textureMerge = tempTextureMerger.GetComponent("TextureMerge") as TextureMerge; textureMerge.transform.parent = transform; textureMerge.gameObject.SetActive(false); } //Garbage Collection hack var mb = (System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / (1024 * 1024)); if (mb < 10) { byte[] data = new byte[10 * 1024 * 1024]; data[0] = 0; data[10 * 1024 * 1024 - 1] = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a Wardrobe Recipe from the slot (and optionally overlay) /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="sd"></param> /// <param name="od"></param> /// <param name="slotName"></param> /// <param name="addToGlobalLibrary"></param> public static UMAWardrobeRecipe CreateRecipe(string path, SlotDataAsset sd, OverlayDataAsset od, string slotName, bool addToGlobalLibrary) { // Generate an asset in memory UMAWardrobeRecipe asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <CharacterSystem.UMAWardrobeRecipe>(); UMAData.UMARecipe recipe = new UMAData.UMARecipe(); recipe.ClearDna(); SlotData mySlot = new SlotData(sd); if (od != null) { OverlayData myOverlay = new OverlayData(od); mySlot.AddOverlay(myOverlay); } recipe.SetSlot(0, mySlot); asset.Save(recipe, UMAContextBase.Instance); asset.DisplayValue = slotName; // Write the asset to disk AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, path); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); if (addToGlobalLibrary) { // Add it to the global libary UMAAssetIndexer.Instance.EvilAddAsset(typeof(CharacterSystem.UMAWardrobeRecipe), asset); EditorUtility.SetDirty(UMAAssetIndexer.Instance); } // Inform the asset database a file has changes AssetDatabase.Refresh(); return(asset); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiate a tinted overlay by name hash. /// </summary> /// <returns>The overlay.</returns> /// <param name="nameHash">Name hash.</param> /// <param name="color">Color.</param> public override OverlayData InstantiateOverlay(int nameHash, Color color) { OverlayData res = InstantiateOverlay(nameHash); res.colorData.color = color; return(res); }
public override void AddOverlay(OverlayData overlay) { ValidateDictionary(); var hash = UMASkeleton.StringToHash(overlay.overlayName); if (overlayDictionary.ContainsKey(hash)) { for (int i = 0; i < overlayElementList.Length; i++) { if (overlayElementList[i].overlayName == overlay.overlayName) { overlayElementList[i] = overlay; break; } } } else { var list = new OverlayData[overlayElementList.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < overlayElementList.Length; i++) { list[i] = overlayElementList[i]; } list[list.Length - 1] = overlay; overlayElementList = list; } overlayDictionary[hash] = overlay; }
public virtual void Awake() { activeGeneratorCoroutine = null; if (atlasResolution == 0) { atlasResolution = 256; } if (defaultOverlayAsset != null) { _defaultOverlayData = new OverlayData(defaultOverlayAsset); } if (!textureMerge) { if (Debug.isDebugBuild) { Debug.LogError("No TextureMerge set!"); } } //Garbage Collection hack var mb = (System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / (1024 * 1024)); if (mb < 10) { byte[] data = new byte[10 * 1024 * 1024]; data[0] = 0; data[10 * 1024 * 1024 - 1] = 0; } }
private void SelectNewOverlay(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= overlayDataList.serializedProperty.arraySize) { currentOverlayProperty = null; return; } Debug.Log("Index is " + index); var element = overlayDataList.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(overlayDataList.index); if (element.objectReferenceValue == null) { currentOverlayProperty = null; return; } if (element != currentOverlayProperty) { currentOverlayProperty = element; OverlayDataAsset asset = currentOverlayProperty.objectReferenceValue as OverlayDataAsset; if (!AdditionalOverlays.ContainsKey(asset.GetInstanceID())) { AdditionalOverlays.Add(asset.GetInstanceID(), new OverlayData(asset)); } TempOverlay = AdditionalOverlays[asset.GetInstanceID()]; overlayEditor = new OverlayEditor(TempUMAData.umaRecipe, TempSlot, TempOverlay, baseOverlayProperty.objectReferenceValue as OverlayDataAsset); } }
/// <summary> /// Add an overlay to the slot. /// </summary> /// <param name="overlayData">Overlay.</param> public void AddOverlay(OverlayData overlayData) { if (overlayData) { overlayList.Add(overlayData); } }
protected override IEnumerator workerMethod() { umaData.generatedMaterials.rendererCount = rendererCount; umaData.generatedMaterials.materials = generatedMaterials; GenerateAtlasData(); OptimizeAtlas(); textureProcessCoroutine.Prepare(umaData, umaGenerator); yield return(textureProcessCoroutine); CleanBackUpTextures(); UpdateUV(); // HACK - is this the right place? SlotData[] slots = umaData.umaRecipe.slotDataList; for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { var slot = slots[i]; if (slot == null) { continue; } for (int j = 1; j < slot.OverlayCount; j++) { OverlayData overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_XBOXONE //supported platforms for procedural materials if ((overlay != null) && (overlay.isProcedural)) { overlay.ReleaseProceduralTextures(); } #endif } } if (updateMaterialList) { for (int j = 0; j < umaData.rendererCount; j++) { var renderer = umaData.GetRenderer(j); var mats = renderer.sharedMaterials; var newMats = new Material[mats.Length]; var atlasses = umaData.generatedMaterials.materials; int materialIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < atlasses.Count; i++) { if (atlasses[i].renderer == j) { UMAUtils.DestroySceneObject(mats[materialIndex]); newMats[materialIndex] = atlasses[i].material; materialIndex++; } } renderer.sharedMaterials = newMats; } } }
public void ProcessCurrentOverlays(bool retry = true) { if (baseOverlayProperty == null) { return; } if (BaseOverlay == null || (BaseOverlay.asset.GetInstanceID() != (baseOverlayProperty.objectReferenceValue as OverlayDataAsset).GetInstanceID())) { OverlayDataAsset overlayDataAsset = baseOverlayProperty.objectReferenceValue as OverlayDataAsset; BaseOverlay = new OverlayData(overlayDataAsset); } OverlayViewer viewerobj = serializedObject.targetObject as OverlayViewer; List <OverlayData> od = new List <OverlayData>(); od.Add(BaseOverlay); foreach (OverlayDataAsset o in viewerobj.Overlays) { if (o != null) { if (!AdditionalOverlays.ContainsKey(o.GetInstanceID())) { AdditionalOverlays.Add(o.GetInstanceID(), new OverlayData(o)); } od.Add(AdditionalOverlays[o.GetInstanceID()]); } } TempSlot.asset.material = od[0].asset.material; TempSlot.SetOverlayList(od); SlotData[] slot = new SlotData[1]; slot[0] = TempSlot; TempUMAData.SetSlots(slot); TextureProcessBaseCoroutine textureProcessCoroutine; textureProcessCoroutine = new TextureProcessPROCoroutine(); textureProcessCoroutine.Prepare(TempUMAData, TempUMAData.umaGenerator); activeGeneratorCoroutine.Prepare(TempUMAData.umaGenerator, TempUMAData, textureProcessCoroutine, false, 1); try { bool workDone = activeGeneratorCoroutine.Work(); //Debug.Log("Workdone is " + workDone); rawImage.material = TempUMAData.generatedMaterials.materials[0].material; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Something has gone wrong. Reinitializing. Text of error was: " + ex.Message); if (retry) { Initialize(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Instantiate a tinted overlay by name. /// </summary> /// <returns>The overlay.</returns> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> /// <param name="color">Color.</param> public override OverlayData InstantiateOverlay(string name, Color color) { #if SUPER_LOGGING Debug.Log("Instantiating Overlay: " + name); #endif OverlayData res = InstantiateOverlay(name); res.colorData.color = color; return(res); }
public void SetOverlay(int index, OverlayData overlay) { if (index >= overlayList.Count) { overlayList.Capacity = index + 1; while (index >= overlayList.Count) { overlayList.Add(null); } } overlayList[index] = overlay; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to find an equivalent overlay in the slot, based on the overlay rect and its assets properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="overlay"></param> /// <returns></returns> public OverlayData GetEquivalentUsedOverlay(OverlayData overlay) { foreach (OverlayData overlay2 in overlayList) { if (OverlayData.EquivalentAssetAndUse(overlay, overlay2)) { return(overlay2); } } return(null); }
private OverlayData[] GetOverlayDataArray(){ int arrayCount = m_OverlayDataCount.intValue; OverlayData[] OverlayDataArray = new OverlayData[arrayCount]; for(int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++){ OverlayDataArray[i] = m_Object.FindProperty(string.Format(kArrayData,i)).objectReferenceValue as OverlayData ; } return OverlayDataArray; }
public void CopyColors(OverlayData overlay) { if (overlay.useAdvancedMasks) { EnsureChannels(overlay.channelAdditiveMask.Length); for (int i = 0; i < overlay.channelAdditiveMask.Length; i++) { SetColor(i, overlay.GetColor(i)); SetAdditive(i, overlay.GetAdditive(i)); } } else { SetColor(0, overlay.color); } }
public void AddOverlay(string name, OverlayData overlay) { var list = new OverlayData[overlayElementList.Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < overlayElementList.Length; i++) { if (overlayElementList[i].overlayName == name) { overlayElementList[i] = overlay; return; } list[i] = overlayElementList[i]; } list[list.Length - 1] = overlay; overlayElementList = list; overlayDictionary.Add(name, overlay); }
public OverlayData Duplicate() { OverlayData tempOverlay = CreateInstance <OverlayData>(); tempOverlay.overlayName = overlayName; tempOverlay.listID = listID; tempOverlay.color = color; tempOverlay.rect = rect; tempOverlay.textureList = new Texture2D[textureList.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < textureList.Length; i++) { tempOverlay.textureList[i] = textureList[i]; } return(tempOverlay); }
/// <summary> /// Deep copy of the SlotData. /// </summary> public SlotData Copy() { var res = new SlotData(asset); int overlayCount = overlayList.Count; res.overlayList = new List <OverlayData>(overlayCount); for (int i = 0; i < overlayCount; i++) { OverlayData overlay = overlayList[i]; if (overlay != null) { res.overlayList.Add(overlay.Duplicate()); } } return(res); }
private void SetupOverlay(UMAData.MaterialFragment source, int OverlayIndex, int textureType) { if (source.overlays[OverlayIndex] == null) { return; } if (source.overlays[OverlayIndex].textureList[textureType] == null) { return; } if (source.isNoTextures) { return; } Rect overlayRect; if (source.rects[OverlayIndex].width != 0) { overlayRect = new Rect(atlasRect.xMin + source.rects[OverlayIndex].x * resolutionScale.x, atlasRect.yMax - source.rects[OverlayIndex].y * resolutionScale.y - source.rects[OverlayIndex].height * resolutionScale.y, source.rects[OverlayIndex].width * resolutionScale.x, source.rects[OverlayIndex].height * resolutionScale.y); } else { overlayRect = atlasRect; } SetupMaterial(ref textureMergeRects[textureMergeRectCount], source, OverlayIndex, ref overlayRect, textureType); // for some reason, the overlayData is stored on the next textureMergeRect. // Check the generator. There must be a reason, but I just can't fathom it. if (source.overlayData[OverlayIndex + 1].instanceTransformed) { OverlayData od = source.overlayData[OverlayIndex + 1]; textureMergeRects[textureMergeRectCount].transform = true; textureMergeRects[textureMergeRectCount].rotation = od.Rotation; textureMergeRects[textureMergeRectCount].scale = od.Scale; } else { textureMergeRects[textureMergeRectCount].transform = false; } textureMergeRectCount++; }
/// <summary> /// Are two overlay lists the same? /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if lists match, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="list1">List1.</param> /// <param name="list2">List2.</param> public static bool OverlayListsMatch(List <OverlayData> list1, List <OverlayData> list2) { if ((list1 == null) || (list2 == null)) { return(false); } if ((list1.Count == 0) || (list1.Count != list2.Count)) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; i++) { OverlayData overlay1 = list1[i]; if (!(overlay1)) { continue; } bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < list2.Count; j++) { OverlayData overlay2 = list2[i]; if (!(overlay2)) { continue; } if (OverlayData.Equivalent(overlay1, overlay2)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void UnpackRecipeVersion3(UMA.UMAData.UMARecipe umaRecipe, UMAPackRecipe umaPackRecipe, UMAContext context) { umaRecipe.slotDataList = new SlotData[umaPackRecipe.slotsV3.Length]; umaRecipe.SetRace(context.GetRace(umaPackRecipe.race)); umaRecipe.ClearDna(); List <UMADnaBase> packedDna = UnPackDNA(umaPackRecipe.packedDna); foreach (UMADnaBase umd in packedDna) { umaRecipe.AddDna(umd); } OverlayColorData[] colorData; if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaPackRecipe.fColors)) { colorData = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.fColors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorData.Length; i++) { colorData[i] = new OverlayColorData(); umaPackRecipe.fColors[i].SetOverlayColorData(colorData[i]); } } else if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaPackRecipe.colors)) { colorData = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.colors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorData.Length; i++) { colorData[i] = new OverlayColorData(); umaPackRecipe.colors[i].SetOverlayColorData(colorData[i]); } } else { colorData = new OverlayColorData[0]; } umaRecipe.sharedColors = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < umaRecipe.sharedColors.Length; i++) { umaRecipe.sharedColors[i] = colorData[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < umaPackRecipe.slotsV3.Length; i++) { PackedSlotDataV3 packedSlot = umaPackRecipe.slotsV3[i]; if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(packedSlot)) { var tempSlotData = context.InstantiateSlot(; tempSlotData.overlayScale = packedSlot.scale * 0.01f; umaRecipe.slotDataList[i] = tempSlotData; if (packedSlot.copyIdx == -1) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < packedSlot.overlays.Length; i2++) { PackedOverlayDataV3 packedOverlay = packedSlot.overlays[i2]; OverlayData overlayData = context.InstantiateOverlay(; overlayData.rect = new Rect( packedOverlay.rect[0], packedOverlay.rect[1], packedOverlay.rect[2], packedOverlay.rect[3]); if (packedOverlay.colorIdx < umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount) { overlayData.colorData = umaRecipe.sharedColors[packedOverlay.colorIdx]; } else { overlayData.colorData = colorData[packedOverlay.colorIdx].Duplicate(); = OverlayColorData.UNSHARED; } if (UMAPackRecipe.MaterialIsValid(overlayData.asset.material)) { overlayData.EnsureChannels(overlayData.asset.material.channels.Length); } #if (UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_XBOXONE) && !UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER //supported platforms for procedural materials if ( == null) { overlayData.proceduralData = new OverlayData.OverlayProceduralData[0]; } else { overlayData.proceduralData = new OverlayData.OverlayProceduralData[]; for (int dataIdx = 0; dataIdx <; dataIdx++) { OverlayData.OverlayProceduralData proceduralData = new OverlayData.OverlayProceduralData();[dataIdx].SetOverlayProceduralData(proceduralData); overlayData.proceduralData[dataIdx] = proceduralData; } } #endif tempSlotData.AddOverlay(overlayData); } } else { tempSlotData.SetOverlayList(umaRecipe.slotDataList[packedSlot.copyIdx].GetOverlayList()); } } } }
/* * public static UMAPackRecipe PackRecipeV2(UMA.UMAData.UMARecipe umaRecipe) * { * UMAPackRecipe umaPackRecipe = new UMAPackRecipe(); * umaPackRecipe.version = 2; * * int slotCount = umaRecipe.slotDataList.Length; * umaPackRecipe.slotsV2 = new PackedSlotDataV2[slotCount]; * if (UMAPackRecipe.RaceIsValid(umaRecipe.raceData)) * { * umaPackRecipe.race = umaRecipe.raceData.raceName; * } * * umaPackRecipe.packedDna = GetPackedDNA(umaRecipe); * * umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount = 0; * if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaRecipe.sharedColors)) * umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount = umaRecipe.sharedColors.Length; * List<OverlayColorData> colorEntries = new List<OverlayColorData>(umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount); * List<PackedOverlayColorDataV3> packedColorEntries = new List<PackedOverlayColorDataV3>(umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount); * for (int i = 0; i < umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount; i++) * { * colorEntries.Add(umaRecipe.sharedColors[i]); * packedColorEntries.Add(new PackedOverlayColorDataV3(umaRecipe.sharedColors[i])); * } * * for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) * { * if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i]) && !umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].dontSerialize) * { * PackedSlotDataV2 tempPackedSlotData = new PackedSlotDataV2(); * umaPackRecipe.slotsV2[i] = tempPackedSlotData; * * = umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].asset.slotName; * tempPackedSlotData.scale = Mathf.FloorToInt(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].overlayScale * 100); * * bool copiedOverlays = false; * for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) * { * if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i2]) && UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaPackRecipe.slotsV2[i2])) * { * if (umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].GetOverlayList() == umaRecipe.slotDataList[i2].GetOverlayList()) * { * tempPackedSlotData.copyIdx = i2; * copiedOverlays = true; * break; * } * } * } * if (copiedOverlays) continue; * * tempPackedSlotData.overlays = new PackedOverlayDataV2[umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].OverlayCount]; * * for (int overlayIdx = 0; overlayIdx < tempPackedSlotData.overlays.Length; overlayIdx++) * { * PackedOverlayDataV2 tempPackedOverlay = new PackedOverlayDataV2(); * * OverlayData overlayData = umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].GetOverlay(overlayIdx); * = overlayData.overlayName; * tempPackedOverlay.rect = new int[4]; * tempPackedOverlay.rect[0] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.x); * tempPackedOverlay.rect[1] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.y); * tempPackedOverlay.rect[2] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.width); * tempPackedOverlay.rect[3] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.height); * * OverlayColorData colorData = overlayData.colorData; * int colorIndex = -1; * int cIndex = 0; * foreach (OverlayColorData cData in colorEntries) * { * if ( != null && && cData.Equals(colorData)) * { * colorIndex = cIndex; * break; * } * cIndex++; * } * * if (colorIndex < 0) * { * PackedOverlayColorDataV3 newColorEntry = new PackedOverlayColorDataV3(colorData); * packedColorEntries.Add(newColorEntry); * colorIndex = colorEntries.Count; * colorEntries.Add(colorData); * * } * * tempPackedOverlay.colorIdx = colorIndex; * * tempPackedSlotData.overlays[overlayIdx] = tempPackedOverlay; * } * } * } * * umaPackRecipe.fColors = packedColorEntries.ToArray(); * return umaPackRecipe; * } */ public static UMAPackRecipe PackRecipeV3(UMA.UMAData.UMARecipe umaRecipe) { UMAPackRecipe umaPackRecipe = new UMAPackRecipe(); umaPackRecipe.version = 3; int slotCount = umaRecipe.slotDataList.Length; umaPackRecipe.slotsV3 = new PackedSlotDataV3[slotCount]; if (UMAPackRecipe.RaceIsValid(umaRecipe.raceData)) { umaPackRecipe.race = umaRecipe.raceData.raceName; } umaPackRecipe.packedDna = GetPackedDNA(umaRecipe); umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount = 0; if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaRecipe.sharedColors)) { umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount = umaRecipe.sharedColors.Length; } List <OverlayColorData> colorEntries = new List <OverlayColorData>(umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount); List <PackedOverlayColorDataV3> packedColorEntries = new List <PackedOverlayColorDataV3>(umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount); for (int i = 0; i < umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount; i++) { colorEntries.Add(umaRecipe.sharedColors[i]); packedColorEntries.Add(new PackedOverlayColorDataV3(umaRecipe.sharedColors[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i]) && !umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].dontSerialize) { PackedSlotDataV3 tempPackedSlotData = new PackedSlotDataV3(); umaPackRecipe.slotsV3[i] = tempPackedSlotData; = umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].asset.slotName; tempPackedSlotData.scale = Mathf.FloorToInt(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].overlayScale * 100); bool copiedOverlays = false; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaRecipe.slotDataList[i2]) && UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(umaPackRecipe.slotsV3[i2])) { if (umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].GetOverlayList() == umaRecipe.slotDataList[i2].GetOverlayList()) { tempPackedSlotData.copyIdx = i2; copiedOverlays = true; break; } } } if (copiedOverlays) { continue; } tempPackedSlotData.overlays = new PackedOverlayDataV3[umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].OverlayCount]; for (int overlayIdx = 0; overlayIdx < tempPackedSlotData.overlays.Length; overlayIdx++) { PackedOverlayDataV3 tempPackedOverlay = new PackedOverlayDataV3(); OverlayData overlayData = umaRecipe.slotDataList[i].GetOverlay(overlayIdx); = overlayData.overlayName; tempPackedOverlay.rect = new int[4]; tempPackedOverlay.rect[0] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.x); tempPackedOverlay.rect[1] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.y); tempPackedOverlay.rect[2] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.width); tempPackedOverlay.rect[3] = Mathf.FloorToInt(overlayData.rect.height); #if (UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_XBOXONE) && !UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER //supported platforms for procedural materials if (overlayData.isProcedural && (overlayData.proceduralData != null)) { = new PackedOverlaySubstanceData[overlayData.proceduralData.Length]; for (int dataIdx = 0; dataIdx < overlayData.proceduralData.Length; dataIdx++) {[dataIdx] = new PackedOverlaySubstanceData(overlayData.proceduralData[dataIdx]); } } #endif OverlayColorData colorData = overlayData.colorData; int colorIndex = -1; int cIndex = 0; foreach (OverlayColorData cData in colorEntries) { if ( != null && && cData.Equals(colorData)) { colorIndex = cIndex; break; } cIndex++; } if (colorIndex < 0) { PackedOverlayColorDataV3 newColorEntry = new PackedOverlayColorDataV3(colorData); packedColorEntries.Add(newColorEntry); colorIndex = colorEntries.Count; colorEntries.Add(colorData); } tempPackedOverlay.colorIdx = colorIndex; tempPackedSlotData.overlays[overlayIdx] = tempPackedOverlay; } } } umaPackRecipe.fColors = packedColorEntries.ToArray(); return(umaPackRecipe); }
public static void UnpackRecipeVersion2(UMA.UMAData.UMARecipe umaRecipe, UMAPackRecipe umaPackRecipe, UMAContext context) { umaRecipe.slotDataList = new SlotData[umaPackRecipe.slotsV2.Length]; umaRecipe.SetRace(context.GetRace(umaPackRecipe.race)); umaRecipe.ClearDna(); List <UMADnaBase> packedDna = UnPackDNA(umaPackRecipe.packedDna); foreach (UMADnaBase umd in packedDna) { umaRecipe.AddDna(umd); } OverlayColorData[] colorData; if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaPackRecipe.fColors)) { colorData = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.fColors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorData.Length; i++) { colorData[i] = new OverlayColorData(); umaPackRecipe.fColors[i].SetOverlayColorData(colorData[i]); } } else if (UMAPackRecipe.ArrayHasData(umaPackRecipe.colors)) { colorData = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.colors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorData.Length; i++) { colorData[i] = new OverlayColorData(); umaPackRecipe.colors[i].SetOverlayColorData(colorData[i]); } } else { colorData = new OverlayColorData[0]; } umaRecipe.sharedColors = new OverlayColorData[umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < umaRecipe.sharedColors.Length; i++) { umaRecipe.sharedColors[i] = colorData[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < umaPackRecipe.slotsV2.Length; i++) { PackedSlotDataV2 packedSlot = umaPackRecipe.slotsV2[i]; if (UMAPackRecipe.SlotIsValid(packedSlot)) { var tempSlotData = context.InstantiateSlot(; tempSlotData.overlayScale = packedSlot.scale * 0.01f; umaRecipe.slotDataList[i] = tempSlotData; if (packedSlot.copyIdx == -1) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < packedSlot.overlays.Length; i2++) { PackedOverlayDataV2 packedOverlay = packedSlot.overlays[i2]; OverlayData overlayData = context.InstantiateOverlay(; overlayData.rect = new Rect(packedOverlay.rect[0], packedOverlay.rect[1], packedOverlay.rect[2], packedOverlay.rect[3]); if (packedOverlay.colorIdx < umaPackRecipe.sharedColorCount) { overlayData.colorData = umaRecipe.sharedColors[packedOverlay.colorIdx]; } else { overlayData.colorData = colorData[packedOverlay.colorIdx].Duplicate(); = OverlayColorData.UNSHARED; } if (UMAPackRecipe.MaterialIsValid(overlayData.asset.material)) { overlayData.EnsureChannels(overlayData.asset.material.channels.Length); } tempSlotData.AddOverlay(overlayData); } } else { tempSlotData.SetOverlayList(umaRecipe.slotDataList[packedSlot.copyIdx].GetOverlayList()); } } } }
public virtual void AddOverlay(OverlayData overlay) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
protected override void Start() { if (generatedMaterialLookup == null) { generatedMaterialLookup = new Dictionary <GeneratedMaterialLookupKey, UMAData.GeneratedMaterial>(20); } else { generatedMaterialLookup.Clear(); } backUpTexture = umaData.backUpTextures(); umaData.CleanTextures(); generatedMaterials = new List <UMAData.GeneratedMaterial>(20); atlassedMaterials.Clear(); uniqueRenderers.Clear(); SlotData[] slots = umaData.umaRecipe.slotDataList; for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { SlotData slot = slots[i]; if (slot == null) { continue; } if (slot.Suppressed) { continue; } //Keep a running list of unique RendererHashes from our slots //Null rendererAsset gets added, which is good, it is the default renderer. if (!uniqueRenderers.Contains(slot.rendererAsset)) { uniqueRenderers.Add(slot.rendererAsset); } // Let's only add the default overlay if the slot has meshData and NO overlays // This should be able to be removed if default overlay/textures are ever added to uma materials... if ((slot.asset.meshData != null) && (slot.OverlayCount == 0)) { if (umaGenerator.defaultOverlaydata != null) { slot.AddOverlay(umaGenerator.defaultOverlaydata); } } OverlayData overlay0 = slot.GetOverlay(0); if ((slot.asset.material != null) && (overlay0 != null)) { GeneratedMaterialLookupKey lookupKey = new GeneratedMaterialLookupKey { overlayList = slot.GetOverlayList(), rendererAsset = slot.rendererAsset }; UMAData.GeneratedMaterial generatedMaterial; if (!generatedMaterialLookup.TryGetValue(lookupKey, out generatedMaterial)) { generatedMaterial = FindOrCreateGeneratedMaterial(slot.asset.material, slot.rendererAsset); generatedMaterialLookup.Add(lookupKey, generatedMaterial); } int validOverlayCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < slot.OverlayCount; j++) { var overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); if (overlay != null) { validOverlayCount++; #if (UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_XBOXONE) && !UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER //supported platforms for procedural materials if (overlay.isProcedural) { overlay.GenerateProceduralTextures(); } #endif } } UMAData.MaterialFragment tempMaterialDefinition = new UMAData.MaterialFragment(); tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay = new UMAData.textureData(); tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.textureList = overlay0.textureArray; tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.alphaTexture = overlay0.alphaMask; tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.overlayType = overlay0.overlayType; tempMaterialDefinition.umaMaterial = slot.asset.material; tempMaterialDefinition.baseColor = overlay0.colorData.color; tempMaterialDefinition.size = overlay0.pixelCount; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays = new UMAData.textureData[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayColors = new Color32[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.rects = new Rect[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData = new OverlayData[validOverlayCount]; tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask = new Color[validOverlayCount][]; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask = new Color[validOverlayCount][]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0); tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0).colorData.channelMask; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0).colorData.channelAdditiveMask; tempMaterialDefinition.slotData = slot; int overlayID = 0; for (int j = 1; j < slot.OverlayCount; j++) { OverlayData overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); if (overlay == null) { continue; } if (IsUVCoordinates(overlay.rect)) { tempMaterialDefinition.rects[overlayID] = ScaleToBase(overlay.rect, overlay0.textureArray[0]); } else { tempMaterialDefinition.rects[overlayID] = overlay.rect; // JRRM: Convert here into base overlay coordinates? } tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID] = new UMAData.textureData(); tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].textureList = overlay.textureArray; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].alphaTexture = overlay.alphaMask; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].overlayType = overlay.overlayType; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayColors[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.color; overlayID++; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData[overlayID] = overlay; tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.channelMask; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.channelAdditiveMask; } tempMaterialDefinition.overlayList = lookupKey.overlayList; tempMaterialDefinition.isRectShared = false; for (int j = 0; j < generatedMaterial.materialFragments.Count; j++) { if (tempMaterialDefinition.overlayList == generatedMaterial.materialFragments[j].overlayList) { tempMaterialDefinition.isRectShared = true; tempMaterialDefinition.rectFragment = generatedMaterial.materialFragments[j]; break; } } generatedMaterial.materialFragments.Add(tempMaterialDefinition); } } //**************************************************** //* Set parameters based on shader parameter mapping //**************************************************** for (int i = 0; i < generatedMaterials.Count; i++) { UMAData.GeneratedMaterial ugm = generatedMaterials[i]; if (ugm.umaMaterial.shaderParms != null) { for (int j = 0; j < ugm.umaMaterial.shaderParms.Length; j++) { UMAMaterial.ShaderParms parm = ugm.umaMaterial.shaderParms[j]; if (ugm.material.HasProperty(parm.ParameterName)) { foreach (OverlayColorData ocd in umaData.umaRecipe.sharedColors) { if ( == parm.ColorName) { ugm.material.SetColor(parm.ParameterName, ocd.color); break; } } } } } } packTexture = new MaxRectsBinPack(umaGenerator.atlasResolution, umaGenerator.atlasResolution, false); }
public abstract void AddOverlay(OverlayData overlay);
/// <summary> /// Combine additional slot with current data. /// </summary> /// <param name="slot">Slot.</param> /// <param name="additional">If set to <c>true</c> slot will not be serialized.</param> public void MergeSlot(SlotData slot, bool additional) { if ((slot == null) || (slot.asset == null)) { return; } int overlayCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < slotDataList.Length; i++) { if (slotDataList[i] == null) { continue; } if (slot.asset == slotDataList[i].asset) { SlotData originalSlot = slotDataList[i]; overlayCount = slot.OverlayCount; for (int j = 0; j < overlayCount; j++) { OverlayData overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); OverlayData originalOverlay = originalSlot.GetEquivalentOverlay(overlay); if (originalOverlay != null) { // originalOverlay.CopyColors(overlay); } else { OverlayData overlayCopy = overlay.Duplicate(); if (overlayCopy.colorData.HasName()) { int sharedIndex; if (mergedSharedColors.TryGetValue(, out sharedIndex)) { overlayCopy.colorData = sharedColors[sharedIndex]; } } originalSlot.AddOverlay(overlayCopy); } } return; } } int insertIndex = slotDataList.Length; System.Array.Resize <SlotData>(ref slotDataList, slotDataList.Length + 1); if (additional) { additionalSlotCount += 1; } else { for (int i = 0; i < additionalSlotCount; i++) { slotDataList[insertIndex] = slotDataList[insertIndex - 1]; insertIndex--; } } SlotData slotCopy = slot.Copy(); overlayCount = slotCopy.OverlayCount; for (int j = 0; j < overlayCount; j++) { OverlayData overlay = slotCopy.GetOverlay(j); if (overlay.colorData.HasName()) { int sharedIndex; if (mergedSharedColors.TryGetValue(, out sharedIndex)) { overlay.colorData = sharedColors[sharedIndex]; } } } slotDataList[insertIndex] = slotCopy; MergeMatchingOverlays(); }
private void AddOverlayData(OverlayData overlayElement){ m_OverlayDataCount.intValue ++; SetOverlayData(m_OverlayDataCount.intValue - 1, overlayElement); }
protected override void Start() { if (generatedMaterialLookup == null) { generatedMaterialLookup = new Dictionary <List <OverlayData>, UMAData.GeneratedMaterial>(20); } else { generatedMaterialLookup.Clear(); } backUpTexture = umaData.backUpTextures(); umaData.CleanTextures(); generatedMaterials = new List <UMAData.GeneratedMaterial>(20); atlassedMaterials.Clear(); rendererCount = 0; SlotData[] slots = umaData.umaRecipe.slotDataList; for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { var slot = slots[i]; if (slot == null) { continue; } if ((slot.asset.material != null) && (slot.GetOverlay(0) != null)) { if (!slot.asset.material.RequireSeperateRenderer) { // At least one slot that doesn't require a seperate renderer, so we reserve renderer 0 for those. rendererCount = 1; break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { SlotData slot = slots[i]; if (slot == null) { continue; } // Let's only add the default overlay if the slot has overlays and NO meshData if ((slot.asset.meshData != null) && (slot.OverlayCount == 0)) { if (umaGenerator.defaultOverlaydata != null) { slot.AddOverlay(umaGenerator.defaultOverlaydata); } } OverlayData overlay0 = slot.GetOverlay(0); if ((slot.asset.material != null) && (overlay0 != null)) { List <OverlayData> overlayList = slot.GetOverlayList(); UMAData.GeneratedMaterial generatedMaterial; if (!generatedMaterialLookup.TryGetValue(overlayList, out generatedMaterial)) { generatedMaterial = FindOrCreateGeneratedMaterial(slot.asset.material); generatedMaterialLookup.Add(overlayList, generatedMaterial); } int validOverlayCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < slot.OverlayCount; j++) { var overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); if (overlay != null) { validOverlayCount++; #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_XBOXONE //supported platforms for procedural materials if (overlay.isProcedural) { overlay.GenerateProceduralTextures(); } #endif } } UMAData.MaterialFragment tempMaterialDefinition = new UMAData.MaterialFragment(); tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay = new UMAData.textureData(); tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.textureList = overlay0.textureArray; tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.alphaTexture = overlay0.alphaMask; tempMaterialDefinition.baseOverlay.overlayType = overlay0.overlayType; tempMaterialDefinition.umaMaterial = slot.asset.material; tempMaterialDefinition.baseColor = overlay0.colorData.color; tempMaterialDefinition.size = overlay0.pixelCount; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays = new UMAData.textureData[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayColors = new Color32[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.rects = new Rect[validOverlayCount - 1]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData = new OverlayData[validOverlayCount]; tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask = new Color[validOverlayCount][]; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask = new Color[validOverlayCount][]; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0); tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0).colorData.channelMask; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask[0] = slot.GetOverlay(0).colorData.channelAdditiveMask; tempMaterialDefinition.slotData = slot; int overlayID = 0; for (int j = 1; j < slot.OverlayCount; j++) { OverlayData overlay = slot.GetOverlay(j); if (overlay == null) { continue; } tempMaterialDefinition.rects[overlayID] = overlay.rect; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID] = new UMAData.textureData(); tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].textureList = overlay.textureArray; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].alphaTexture = overlay.alphaMask; tempMaterialDefinition.overlays[overlayID].overlayType = overlay.overlayType; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayColors[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.color; overlayID++; tempMaterialDefinition.overlayData[overlayID] = overlay; tempMaterialDefinition.channelMask[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.channelMask; tempMaterialDefinition.channelAdditiveMask[overlayID] = overlay.colorData.channelAdditiveMask; } tempMaterialDefinition.overlayList = overlayList; tempMaterialDefinition.isRectShared = false; for (int j = 0; j < generatedMaterial.materialFragments.Count; j++) { if (tempMaterialDefinition.overlayList == generatedMaterial.materialFragments[j].overlayList) { tempMaterialDefinition.isRectShared = true; tempMaterialDefinition.rectFragment = generatedMaterial.materialFragments[j]; break; } } generatedMaterial.materialFragments.Add(tempMaterialDefinition); } } packTexture = new MaxRectsBinPack(umaGenerator.atlasResolution, umaGenerator.atlasResolution, false); }
public void AddOverlay(OverlayData overlayData) { overlayList.Add(overlayData); }
private void SetOverlayData (int index,OverlayData overlayElement){ m_Object.FindProperty(string.Format(kArrayData,index)).objectReferenceValue = overlayElement; isDirty = true; }