コード例 #1
        public void SetSettingsFromUI(TyrantSettings settings)
            var grid = (Grid)Content;

            foreach (var item in grid.Children)
                if (item is CheckBox checkbox)
                    // Use default XAML value to determine if it this is default to on/off
                    settings[checkbox.Name] = checkbox.IsChecked == true ? "Yes" : "No";
                else if (item is TextBox box)
                    if (box.Name.StartsWith("Float"))
                        settings[box.Name.Substring(5)] = float.TryParse(box.Text, out var val) ? box.Text : "1.0";
                    else if (box.Name.StartsWith("Integer"))
                        settings[box.Name.Substring(7)] = int.TryParse(box.Text, out var val) ? box.Text : "1";
                        settings[box.Name] = box.Text;
コード例 #2
        public void SetUIFromSettings(TyrantSettings settings)
            var grid = (Grid)Content;

            foreach (var item in grid.Children)
                if (item is CheckBox checkbox)
                    // Use default XAML value to determine if it this is default to on/off
                    checkbox.IsChecked = settings[checkbox.Name, checkbox.IsChecked == true ? "Yes" : "No"] == "Yes";
                else if (item is TextBox box)
                    if (box.Name.StartsWith("Float"))
                        box.Text = settings[box.Name.Substring(5), "1.0"];
                    else if (box.Name.StartsWith("Integer"))
                        box.Text = settings[box.Name.Substring(7), "1"];
                        box.Text = settings[box.Name, ""];