public async Task <TwitchClass> ImportJson() { string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"/import.json"; if (File.Exists(path)) { TwitchClass obj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TwitchClass>(File.ReadAllText(path)); return(obj); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Set up intervalls to search for clips /// </summary> /// <param name="clientPassthrough"></param> /// <param name="configuration"></param> public async void ClipSearch(Discord clientPassthrough, int daysToGoThrough = 0) { timeToSearch = Convert.ToInt32(configuration.GetSettings("searchTime")); // Initialise Database Class Database database = new Database(configuration.GetConnectionString("Clips")); try { TwitchClass import = await ImportJson(); if (import != null) { clips =; clips = clips.Distinct().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Imported " + clips.Count + " clips"); clips = clips.OrderBy(d => d.created_at).ToList(); await DownloadClips(clientPassthrough, database, clips); clips = new List <ClipInfo>(); } // Get the number of archived clips await database.OpenDBConnection(); int numberOfArchivedClips = await database.GetNumberOfArchivedClips(); await database.CloseDBConnection(); // If database is empty, then first run of the application, get all past clips if (numberOfArchivedClips == 0) { await ConfigClipSearch(database, clientPassthrough, true, DateTime.UtcNow, false, import); if (clips.Count > 0) { clips = clips.Distinct().ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Got " + clips.Count + " clips"); // Order from Oldest to Newest clips = clips.OrderBy(d => d.created_at).ToList(); await DownloadClips(clientPassthrough, database, clips); } clips = new List <ClipInfo>(); } try { // Push it in the background await Task.Run(async() => { try { clips = new List <ClipInfo>(); DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow; bool DoubleCheck = false; // Check if the time is around midnight to make a test check if every clip of the day is archived if ((currentTime.Hour == 23 && currentTime.Minute > 30) || (currentTime.Hour == 0 && currentTime.Minute < 1)) { DoubleCheck = true; } Task work1 = ConfigClipSearch(database, clientPassthrough, false, currentTime.AddMinutes(-20), DoubleCheck, null, daysToGoThrough); Task work2 = ConfigClipSearch(database, clientPassthrough, false, currentTime.AddMinutes(-30), DoubleCheck, null, daysToGoThrough); Task work3 = ConfigClipSearch(database, clientPassthrough, false, currentTime.AddMinutes(-40), DoubleCheck, null, daysToGoThrough); // await ConfigClipSearch(database, configuration, clientPassthrough, false, currentTime); await Task.WhenAll(work1, work2, work3); if (clips.Count > 0) { clips = clips.Distinct().ToList(); Program.Logging.Log("Got " + clips.Count + " clips"); // Console.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " Got " + clips.Count + " clips"); // Existed to write results to file // using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"/clips/import.json")) // { // Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer(); // TwitchClass twitchClass = new TwitchClass() // { // data = clips, // pagination = null // }; // //serialize object directly into file stream // serializer.Serialize(file, twitchClass); // } // Order from Oldest to Newest clips = clips.OrderBy(d => d.created_at).ToList(); await DownloadClips(clientPassthrough, database, clips); } else { Program.Logging.Log("There were no Clips found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { List <string> msg = new List <string>(); msg.Add(ex.Message); msg.Add(ex.StackTrace); Program.Logging.Log(msg); } }); // await Task.Delay(60000); // do // { // await Task.Delay(250); // } while (DateTime.UtcNow.Minute != 0 && DateTime.UtcNow.Minute != 30); // await Task.Delay(30 * 60000); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.Logging.Log(ex.Message); } } finally { // No matter what happens, close Database Connection await database.CloseDBConnection(); Program.SkipCheck = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Get the clips from twitch /// </summary> /// <param name="fiveMinutesAgo"></param> /// <param name="database"></param> /// <param name="configuration"></param> /// <param name="discord"></param> /// <param name="getAllClips"></param> /// <param name="wholeDay"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task ConfigClipSearch(Database database, Discord discord, bool getAllClips, DateTime currentTime, bool wholeDay = false, TwitchClass import = null, int daysToGoThrough = 0) { await Task.Run(async() => { // DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // if (bypass != null) // { // currentTime = bypass.Value.AddMinutes(-10); // } DateTime past = currentTime.AddMinutes(-30); var counter = 0; TwitchClass streamTwitch = null; int endDay = 30; int endMonth = 1; int endYear = 2019; string finalDate = ""; // List<ClipInfo> clips = new List<ClipInfo>(); if (getAllClips || import != null) { if (import != null) { clips =; clips = clips.OrderByDescending(d => d.created_at).ToList(); ClipInfo newest = clips[0]; DateTime newEnd = newest.created_at.AddDays(-3); endMonth = newEnd.Month; endDay = newEnd.Day; endYear = newEnd.Year; } } string broadcasterId = configuration.GetSettings("Broadcaster_ID"); double amountsOfRunningThrough = 1; if (timeToSearch > 30) { amountsOfRunningThrough = Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(timeToSearch) / 30); } if (wholeDay) { amountsOfRunningThrough = 96; } if (daysToGoThrough > 0) { amountsOfRunningThrough = 48 * daysToGoThrough; } do { if (counter > 0) { currentTime = currentTime.AddMinutes(-30); past = past.AddMinutes(-30); } counter++; string endDate = currentTime.ToString("yyyy") + "-" + currentTime.ToString("MM") + "-" + currentTime.ToString("dd") + "T" + currentTime.ToString("HH") + ":" + currentTime.ToString("mm") + ":" + currentTime.ToString("ss") + "Z"; string date = past.ToString("yyyy") + "-" + past.ToString("MM") + "-" + past.ToString("dd") + "T" + past.ToString("HH") + ":" + past.ToString("mm") + ":" + past.ToString("ss") + "Z"; int PaginationCounter = 0; do { string url = "" + broadcasterId + "&started_at="; if (PaginationCounter == 0) { PaginationCounter++; url = url + date + "&ended_at=" + endDate; } else { url = url + date + "&ended_at=" + endDate + "&after=" + streamTwitch.pagination.cursor; } string responseBody = await twitch.GetAsync(url).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); streamTwitch = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TwitchClass>(responseBody); foreach (ClipInfo clip in { lock (_lockObj) { clips.Add(clip); } } // Console.Clear(); // Console.WriteLine("Got " + clips.Count + " Clips"); } while (streamTwitch.pagination.cursor != null); finalDate = endDate; amountsOfRunningThrough--; if (amountsOfRunningThrough == 0 && getAllClips == false) { break; } else if (getAllClips && (currentTime.Month == endMonth && currentTime.Day == endDay && currentTime.Year == endYear)) { break; } } while (true); // Filter out duplicates // lock (_lockObj) // { // clips = clips.Distinct().ToList(); // } // Console.WriteLine("done getting clips " + finalDate); // Console.WriteLine("Got " + clips.Count + " Clips"); // Console.WriteLine(); // if (clips.Count > 0) // { // // Order from Oldest to Newest // // clips = clips.OrderBy(d => d.created_at).ToList(); // // await DownloadClips(discord, database, clips); // } }); }