public static List<TwilioNumber> GetUnusedNumberList() { var available = new List<TwilioNumber>(); var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(GetSid(), GetToken()); var numbers = twilio.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers(); var used = (from e in DbUtil.Db.SMSNumbers select e).ToList(); for (var iX = numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers.Count() - 1; iX > -1; iX--) { if (used.Any(n => n.Number == numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers[iX].PhoneNumber)) numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers.RemoveAt(iX); } foreach (var item in numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers) { var newNum = new TwilioNumber(); newNum.Name = item.FriendlyName; newNum.Number = item.PhoneNumber; available.Add(newNum); } return available; }
public static List<IncomingPhoneNumber> GetNumberList() { var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(GetSid(), GetToken()); var numbers = twilio.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers(); return numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers; }
public SmsSender(string accountSid, string authToken, string fromPhoneNumber = null) { this.client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken); if (fromPhoneNumber == null) { fromPhoneNumber = client.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers().IncomingPhoneNumbers.Select(a => a.PhoneNumber).First(); } this.fromPhoneNumber = fromPhoneNumber; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at string AccountSid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; string AuthToken = "your_auth_token"; var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken); var numbers = twilio.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers("867", null, null, null); foreach (var number in numbers.IncomingPhoneNumbers) { Console.WriteLine(number.VoiceUrl); } }
protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string accountSid = "AC49ecef1b877e244ea13ada1b5fe92b85"; //string applicationsid = "AP5556f6cd1af5cfa5317acae7a49eeb5c"; string sid = "CA748c6019014ca0ac151908a81299f927"; string authToken = "4eeeaf7ed6459dcd02ec7888149d5ea1"; string recordingSid = "RE5dabfb2da314b39cd87dc151bf669e78"; DateTime datecreated=DateTime.Now; TwilioRestClient client; client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken); string APIversuion = client.ApiVersion; string TwilioBaseURL = client.BaseUrl; Account account = client.GetAccount(accountSid); client.GetRecording(recordingSid); client.GetRecordingText(recordingSid); client.ListRecordings(sid, datecreated, 1, 2); client.ListQueues(); client.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers(); this.varDisplay.Items.Clear(); if (this.txtcall.Text == "" || this.message.Text == "") { this.varDisplay.Items.Add( "You must enter a phone number and a message."); } else { // Retrieve the values entered by the user. string to = this.txtcall.Text; string myMessage = this.message.Text; //string Url = ""; String Url = "" + myMessage.Replace(" ", "%20"); // Diplay the enpoint, API version, and the URL for the message. this.varDisplay.Items.Add("Using Tilio endpoint " + TwilioBaseURL); this.varDisplay.Items.Add("Twilioclient API Version is " + APIversuion); this.varDisplay.Items.Add("The URL is " + Url); // Instantiate the call options that are passed // to the outbound call. CallOptions options = new CallOptions(); // Set the call From, To, and URL values into a hash map. // This sample uses the sandbox number provided by Twilio // to make the call. options.From = "+14242165015"; options.To = to; options.Url = Url; // Place the call. options.Record = true; var call = client.InitiateOutboundCall(options); this.varDisplay.Items.Add("Call status: " + call.Status); } }
public static IncomingPhoneNumberResult GetPhoneNumbers(Account Acnt) { TwilioRestClient acntInfo = new TwilioRestClient(Acnt.Sid, Acnt.AuthToken); IncomingPhoneNumberResult phoneNumbers = acntInfo.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers(); return phoneNumbers; }
protected void ContactBarber_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindDataList(); string sql = "SELECT idMembership FROM member WHERE idMember = " + Request.QueryString["id"]; DataTable dt = Worker.SqlTransaction(sql, connect_string); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if ((dt.Rows[0]["idMembership"].ToString() == "2") || (dt.Rows[0]["idMembership"].ToString() == "1")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "AddResource('440','415');", true); } else { phoneno = (string)Session["phoneno"]; string accountSid = "AC49ecef1b877e244ea13ada1b5fe92b85"; //string applicationsid = "AP5556f6cd1af5cfa5317acae7a49eeb5c"; string sid = "CA748c6019014ca0ac151908a81299f927"; string authToken = "4eeeaf7ed6459dcd02ec7888149d5ea1"; string recordingSid = "RE5dabfb2da314b39cd87dc151bf669e78"; DateTime datecreated = DateTime.Now; TwilioRestClient client; client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken); string APIversuion = client.ApiVersion; string TwilioBaseURL = client.BaseUrl; Account account = client.GetAccount(accountSid); client.GetRecording(recordingSid); client.GetRecordingText(recordingSid); client.ListRecordings(sid, datecreated, 1, 2); client.ListQueues(); client.ListIncomingPhoneNumbers(); //string Url = ""; String Url = ""; CallOptions options = new CallOptions(); // Set the call From, To, and URL values into a hash map. // This sample uses the sandbox number provided by Twilio // to make the call. options.From = "+14242165015"; options.To = phoneno; options.Url = Url; // Place the call. options.Record = true; var call = client.InitiateOutboundCall(options); Session.Remove("phoneno"); } } }