public static ITileController MakeController(TileView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell, IHexGridController console) { ITileController tileController; switch (cell.Value.Type) { case BaseNode.NodeType.Group: tileController = new GroupTileController(console, view, cell); break; case BaseNode.NodeType.Invokable: tileController = new InvokableTileController(console, view, cell); break; case BaseNode.NodeType.Tweakable: tileController = new TweakableTileController(console, view as TweakableTileView, cell); break; case BaseNode.NodeType.Watchable: tileController = new WatchableTileController(console, view, cell); break; case BaseNode.NodeType.Unknown: tileController = new TileController <TileView, BaseNode>(console, view, cell); break; default: LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error("Invalid or unsupported BaseNode.Type value: {0}", cell.Value.Type); tileController = null; break; } tileController.Init(); return(tileController); }
public HexGridCell <TCellValue> GetCell(AxialCoord axialCoord) { HexGridCell <TCellValue> value = null; cells.TryGetValue(axialCoord.ToString(), out value); return(value); }
public TileController(IHexGridController grid, TView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) { this.grid = grid; View = view; BaseCell = cell; Node = BaseCell.Value as TNode; }
private TileView GetTileView(HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) { if (cell == null || cell.Value == null) { logger.Error("A cell instance must be provided for cell: {0}", cell); return(null); } return(tileViewFactory.MakeView <TileView>(cell, gridWidth, gridHeight)); }
public IEnumerable <HexGridCell <TCellValue> > GetRingCells(CubeCoord center, uint radius) { CubeCoord direction = CubeCoord.Directions[4] * (int)radius; CubeCoord cube = center + direction; for (uint i = 0u; i < 6; i++) { for (uint j = 0u; j < radius; j++) { HexGridCell <TCellValue> cell = GetCell(cube); if (cell != null) { yield return(cell); } cube = HexCoord.GetNeighbour(cube, i); } } }
public IEnumerable <HexGridCell <TCellValue> > GetSpiralCells(CubeCoord center, uint radius) { HexGridCell <TCellValue> centerCell = GetCell(center); if (centerCell != null) { yield return(centerCell); } for (uint i = 1u; i <= radius; i++) { foreach (HexGridCell <TCellValue> cell in GetRingCells(center, i)) { if (cell != null) { yield return(cell); } } } }
public TView MakeView <TView>(HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell, uint gridWidth, uint gridHeight) where TView : TileView { if (!tilePrefabMap.TryGetValue(cell.Value.GetType(), out var value)) { logger.Error("Could not find a prefab mapping for type '{0}'.", cell.Value.GetType().FullName); value = defaultViewPrefab; } TView val = InstantiateFunc(value) as TView; if ((UnityEngine.Object)val == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { logger.Error("Failed to Instantiate view prefab <{0}> as TileView", value); return(null); } RectTransform component = val.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); component.SetParent(tileContainer, worldPositionStays: false); = cell.AxialCoord.ToString(); val.gameObject.SetActive(value: true); float num = (float)Screen.height / (float)(gridHeight + 1); float num2 = num / (Mathf.Sqrt(3f) / 2f); float size = num2 / 2f; Vector2 anchoredPosition = HexCoord.AxialToPixel(cell.AxialCoord, size).ToVector(); float num3 = num / 4f; if (gridWidth % 2u == 0) { anchoredPosition.y -= num3; anchoredPosition.x += 0.375f * num2; } else { anchoredPosition.y -= num3; } if (gridHeight % 2u == 0) { anchoredPosition.y -= num / 2f; } component.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; component.sizeDelta = new Vector2(num2, num); return(val); }
public static Dictionary <string, HexGridCell <TCellValue> > MakeRectangleGrid <TCellValue>(uint width, uint height) where TCellValue : class { Dictionary <string, HexGridCell <TCellValue> > dictionary = new Dictionary <string, HexGridCell <TCellValue> >(); int num = (int)width / 2; int num2 = (int)height / 2; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int num3 = j - num; int num4 = -1 * (i - num2); int q = num3; int r = num4 - (num3 - (num3 & 1)) / 2; HexGridCell <TCellValue> hexGridCell = new HexGridCell <TCellValue>(new AxialCoord(q, r), null); dictionary.Add(hexGridCell.AxialCoord.ToString(), hexGridCell); } } return(dictionary); }
private void SetupTileController(uint orderedIndex, BaseNode node) { HexGridCell <BaseNode> hexGridCell = orderedCells[orderedIndex]; hexGridCell.Value = node; ITileController tileController = orderedControllers[orderedIndex]; TileView tileView = null; if (!tilePrefabMap.TryGetValue(node.GetType(), out var value)) { logger.Error("No tile view prefab mapping exists for type {0}.", node.GetType()); DestroyController(orderedIndex, destroyView: true); return; } if (tileController != null) { if (tileController.ViewType != value.GetType()) { DestroyController(orderedIndex, destroyView: true); } else { tileView = tileController.BaseView; } } if (tileView == null) { tileView = GetTileView(hexGridCell); if (tileView == null) { logger.Error("Failed to get a tile view for node of type {0}", node.Type); return; } } DestroyController(orderedIndex, destroyView: false); tileController = TileControllerFactory.MakeController(tileView, hexGridCell, this); orderedControllers[orderedIndex] = tileController; }
public InvokableTileController(IHexGridController console, TileView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) : base(console, view, cell) { invokable = base.Node.Invokable; }
public void SetCellValue(TCellValue value, AxialCoord coord) { HexGridCell <TCellValue> cell = GetCell(coord); cell.Value = value; }
public WatchableTileController(IHexGridController console, TileView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) : base(console, view, cell) { watchable = base.Node.Watchable; }
public TweakableTileController(IHexGridController console, TweakableTileView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) : base(console, view, cell) { tweakable = base.Node.Tweakable; }
public GroupTileController(IHexGridController console, TileView view, HexGridCell <BaseNode> cell) : base(console, view, cell) { }