private void HandleMethodExit(jvmtiEnvHandle env, JNIEnvHandle jniEnv, jthread threadHandle, jmethodID methodId, bool wasPoppedByException, jvalue returnValue) { if (!VirtualMachine.IsAgentThread.Value) { // ignore events before VMInit if (AgentEventDispatcher == null) return; // dispatch this call to an agent thread Action<jvmtiEnvHandle, JNIEnvHandle, jthread, jmethodID, bool, jvalue> method = HandleMethodExit; AgentEventDispatcher.Invoke(method, env, jniEnv, threadHandle, methodId, wasPoppedByException, returnValue); return; } //JvmEnvironment environment = JvmEnvironment.GetEnvironment(env); //JvmThreadReference thread = JvmThreadReference.FromHandle(environment, jniEnv, threadHandle, true); //JvmMethod method = new JvmMethod(environment, methodId); //foreach (var processor in _processors) //{ // processor.HandleMethodExit(environment, thread, method, wasPoppedByException, returnValue); //} }
private void HandleFieldModification(jvmtiEnvHandle env, JNIEnvHandle jniEnv, jthread threadHandle, jmethodID methodId, jlocation jlocation, jclass fieldClassHandle, jobject objectHandle, jfieldID fieldId, byte signatureType, jvalue newValue) { if (!VirtualMachine.IsAgentThread.Value) { // ignore events before VMInit if (AgentEventDispatcher == null) return; // dispatch this call to an agent thread Action<jvmtiEnvHandle, JNIEnvHandle, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation, jclass, jobject, jfieldID, byte, jvalue> method = HandleFieldModification; AgentEventDispatcher.Invoke(method, env, jniEnv, threadHandle, methodId, jlocation, fieldClassHandle, objectHandle, fieldId, signatureType, newValue); return; } //JvmEnvironment environment = JvmEnvironment.GetEnvironment(env); //JvmThreadReference thread = JvmThreadReference.FromHandle(environment, jniEnv, threadHandle, true); //JvmLocation location = new JvmLocation(environment, method, jlocation); //JvmClassReference fieldClass = JvmClassReference.FromHandle(environment, jniEnv, fieldClassHandle, true); //JvmObjectReference @object = JvmObjectReference.FromHandle(environment, jniEnv, objectHandle, true); //JvmField field = new JvmField(environment, fieldId); //foreach (var processor in _processors) //{ // processor.HandleFieldModification(environment, thread, location, fieldClass, @object, field, signatureType, newValue); //} }