public EditClass(StudentWorker selectedStudentWorker, int eventDetailsID) { InitializeComponent(); deleteButton.Visible = true; checkBoxes = new CheckBox[] { mondayCheckBox, tuesdayCheckBox, wednesdayCheckBox, thursdayCheckBox, fridayCheckBox }; studentWorker = selectedStudentWorker; studentWorkerNameLabel.Text = selectedStudentWorker.Name; isNewClass = false; EventDetailsID = eventDetailsID; // add class meeting times for the class to edit oldClass = DatabaseManager.GetClass(EventDetailsID); DatabaseManager.RemoveClass(EventDetailsID); // remove the class from database while editing so new times will not conflict with times of the same class if (oldClass.Count > 0) { classNameTextBox.Text = oldClass[0].EventName; } foreach (CalendarEvent classEvent in oldClass) { newClassSchedule.AddEvent(classEvent); ClassMeetingTimePanel newTimePanel = new ClassMeetingTimePanel(); classTimePanel.Controls.Add(newTimePanel); } LayoutTimePanels(); }