コード例 #1
        private void btnRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(combCourseName.Text))                                                                         //check if anything necessary is null
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a course for the session.");
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(combHours.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(combMins.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please input values for the hours and minutes dropdown boxes");
            else if (((Convert.ToInt32(combHours.Text) * 4 + (Convert.ToInt32(combMins.Text) / 15)) == 0) ||                            //check that the appointment is between 15 minutes and 3 hours
                     ((Convert.ToInt32(combHours.Text) * 4 + (Convert.ToInt32(combMins.Text) / 15)) > 12))
                MessageBox.Show("Please input values for the hours and minutes that are between a length of 15 minutes and 3 hours");
                bool     weekly           = cbxWeekly.Checked;                                                                                 //get whether this is weekly
                DateTime start            = DateTime.Now;                                                                                      //set start to now
                TutorMasterDBEntities4 db = new TutorMasterDBEntities4();                                                                      //connect to database

                string classCode = (from row in db.Classes where combCourseName.Text == row.ClassName select row.ClassCode).First();           //get the class code

                var approvedTutorIds = (from row in db.StudentClasses.AsEnumerable() where classCode == row.ClassCode select row.ID).ToList(); //get all of the approved tutors
                if (approvedTutorIds.Count() == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("There are currently no tutors approved to tutor this course. Sorry.");
                    List <Commitment> tuteeCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable()                               //get the tutee commitments
                                                      where stucmt.ID == id
                                                      join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                                      select cmt).ToList();

                    int sessionLength = Convert.ToInt32(combHours.Text) * 4 + (Convert.ToInt32(combMins.Text) / 15);                   //get the number of 15 minute time blocks of the session

                    SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref tuteeCommits, tuteeCommits.Count());                                                //sort the tutee commit list

                    checkMax(ref tuteeCommits);                                                                                        //check if there are any 3 hour time blocks

                    removeNotOpens(ref tuteeCommits, start, weekly);                                                                   //remove the commitments that are not open

                    if (tuteeCommits.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("You currently have no available slots, please add some availability before attempting to schedule a session of this length");
                        List <string> tuteeValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref tuteeCommits, sessionLength);                                //get the tutee's valid time slots for the length of the session we're looking for

                        bool done = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < approvedTutorIds.Count(); i++)                                                            //go through each tutor in the approved tutor list
                            if (approvedTutorIds[i] != id)                                                                            //don't let a tutor tutor him/herself
                                var tutorFirstName = (from row in db.Users.AsEnumerable() where row.ID == approvedTutorIds[i] select row.FirstName).First();
                                var tutorLastName  = (from row in db.Users.AsEnumerable() where row.ID == approvedTutorIds[i] select row.LastName).First();

                                List <TutorMaster.Commitment> tutorCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable()     //get the tutor's commitments
                                                                              where stucmt.ID == approvedTutorIds[i]
                                                                              join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                                                              select cmt).ToList();

                                SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref tutorCommits, tutorCommits.Count());                                   //sort them

                                checkMax(ref tutorCommits);                                                                           //check for 3 tutoring blocks

                                removeNotOpens(ref tutorCommits, start, weekly);                                                      //remove the not opens

                                List <string> tutorValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref tutorCommits, sessionLength);                       //get the valid time slots for the tutors

                                for (int j = 0; j < tutorValidSlots.Count(); j++)                                                     //iterate through the valid tutor time slots
                                    if (SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(tuteeValidSlots, tutorValidSlots[j]))                           //see if the tutorvalid slot is in the tutee list
                                    {                                                                                                 //if it is, ask the user if they'd this appointment
                                        DialogResult choice = MessageBox.Show("You have been matched with " + tutorFirstName + " " + tutorLastName +
                                                                              " for a time at: " + tutorValidSlots[j].Split(',')[0] + " - " + tutorValidSlots[j].Split(',')[1], "You've got a match!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                                        if (choice == DialogResult.Yes)                                                               //if they say yes, get their ids and add the commitments to their schedules
                                            int tutorId = Convert.ToInt32(approvedTutorIds[i]);
                                            int tuteeId = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                                            addCommits(tutorValidSlots[j], tutorId, tuteeId, tutorCommits, tuteeCommits, classCode, db, weekly, sessionLength);
                                            done = true;
                                        else if (choice == DialogResult.No)                                                           //if no, break out of this loop and repeat the same process with another approved tutor if there is one
                                if (done)                                                                                             //if they picked this tutor and we're done, break out of this large for loop
                        if (!done)                                                                                                    //if we go through every tutor and do not pick one, put the message up
                            MessageBox.Show("There are no more tutors that meet your request requirements.");
                    StudentMain g = new StudentMain(id);                                                                              //return to student main
コード例 #2
        //Match Function and it's helpers
        private void MatchTimes(ComboBox TutBox, ComboBox ClsBox)
            TutorMasterDBEntities4 db = new TutorMasterDBEntities4();


            //a. Name of Tutor, use it to find their ID
            int TutID = tutorIDs[TutBox.SelectedIndex];

            //b. Length of tutoring session in minutes
            int length = Convert.ToInt32(combStartHour.Text) * 4 + (Convert.ToInt32(combStartMinute.Text) / 15);

            //c. whether it is weekly
            bool weekly = cbxWeekly.Checked;

            //d. tutee ID (ACCID), use to match the availiblity
            int TuteeID = ACCID;

            DateTime start = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0);

            string classCode = (from row in db.Classes where row.ClassName == ClsBox.Text select row.ClassCode).First();

            List <Commitment> tuteeCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable()    // create a list of tutee's commitments
                                              where stucmt.ID == TuteeID
                                              join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                              select cmt).ToList();

            SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref tuteeCommits, tuteeCommits.Count()); //sort the tutee commits so that they are in chronological order

            checkMax(ref tuteeCommits);

            removeNotOpens(ref tuteeCommits, start, weekly); //remove all the things that are not open

            if (tuteeCommits.Count == 0)                     //If the tuttee doesn't have any compatible availibility then give a pop up box to let them know
                MessageBox.Show("You currently have no available slots, please add some availability before attempting to schedule a session of this length");
                List <string> tuteeValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref tuteeCommits, length);                          //this is returning 0 for some reason

                List <TutorMaster.Commitment> tutorCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable() //This creates a list of all the tutor commitments.
                                                              where stucmt.ID == TutID
                                                              join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                                              select cmt).ToList();

                SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref tutorCommits, tutorCommits.Count());      //sort it so we can use it
                checkMax(ref tutorCommits);
                removeNotOpens(ref tutorCommits, start, weekly);                         //remove the occupied commitments

                List <string> tutorValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref tutorCommits, length); //create a list of all the valid tutor slots

                int numMatches = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < tutorValidSlots.Count(); j++) //iterate through all the available tutor slots
                    if (SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(tuteeValidSlots, tutorValidSlots[j]))
                        //add all the slots to the tutor availibility timeslot
                        ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { tutorValidSlots[j].Split(',')[0], tutorValidSlots[j].Split(',')[1] });
                        lvAvailableTimes.Items.Add(item);//adds the time slot to the combo box


                if (numMatches == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("This Tutor has no matching availibility.");
                btnSendRequest.Click += (sender, e) => btnSendRequest_Click(sender, e, tutorValidSlots, TutID, TuteeID, tutorCommits, tuteeCommits, classCode, db, weekly, length);
コード例 #3
 public static bool weeklyAndFound(Commitment commit, List <DateTime> searchList)
 {//this function checks if a commitment is weekly and found in the commitment list
     return(commit.Weekly == true && SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(searchList, Convert.ToDateTime(commit.StartTime)));
コード例 #4
        private void loadMatchingTimeSlots()
            TutorMasterDBEntities4 db = new TutorMasterDBEntities4();
            bool weekly = cbWeekly.Checked;

            if (rememberStudIDs.Count == 0)                                                                                     //if there are no valid students, print this message
                MessageBox.Show("There are currently no students available for this course");
                DateTime start         = DateTime.Now;
                string   classCode     = (from row in db.Classes where cbxClasses.Text == row.ClassName select row.ClassCode).First(); //get the classcode
                int      sessionLength = Convert.ToInt32(cbxHour.Text) * 4 + (Convert.ToInt32(cbxMinutes.Text) / 15);                  //calculate session length from the hour and minute dropdowns

                if (sessionLength > 12 || sessionLength == 0)                                                                          //make sure the length is of the appropriate size
                    MessageBox.Show("Please pick a session legnth between 15 minutes and 3 hours.");
                    List <TutorMaster.Commitment> studentCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable()
                                                                    where stucmt.ID == id
                                                                    join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                                                    select cmt).ToList();                                      //get all of the signed in student's commitments

                    SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref studentCommits, studentCommits.Count);                                      //sort them

                    removeNotOpens(ref studentCommits, start, weekly);                                                         //remove the not opens

                    if (studentCommits.Count == 0)                                                                             //if the student we are signed in on has no open slots, print this message
                        MessageBox.Show("The student you are trying to create an appointment for currently has no open time slots with which to make an appointment.");
                        List <string> studentValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref studentCommits, sessionLength);                    //get all the slots of the appropriate length
                        int           partnerId         = rememberStudIDs[cbxStudents.SelectedIndex];                          //get the chosen partner id

                        List <TutorMaster.Commitment> partnerCommits = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments.AsEnumerable()
                                                                        where stucmt.ID == partnerId
                                                                        join cmt in db.Commitments.AsEnumerable() on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                                                        select cmt).ToList();

                        SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref partnerCommits, partnerCommits.Count);                                 //sort the partner's commitments

                        removeNotOpens(ref partnerCommits, start, weekly);                                                    //remove the not opens

                        if (partnerCommits.Count == 0)                                                                        //make sure they have some open available time
                            MessageBox.Show("The chosen partner currently has no open time slots with which to make an appointment.");
                            List <string> tuteeValidSlots = getValidSlots(ref partnerCommits, sessionLength);                  //get every possible valid slot

                            for (int c = 0; c < studentValidSlots.Count(); c++)
                                if (SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(tuteeValidSlots, studentValidSlots[c]))                    //look for overlaps and then add them to the listview
                                    lvTimeMatches.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { studentValidSlots[c].Split(',')[0], studentValidSlots[c].Split(',')[1] }));
コード例 #5
        private void deleteAvail(bool week)
            TutorMasterDBEntities4 db = new TutorMasterDBEntities4();                                        //connect to the database

            List <Commitment> cmtList = (from stucmt in db.StudentCommitments                                //get the student's commitments
                                         where stucmt.ID == id
                                         join cmt in db.Commitments on stucmt.CmtID equals cmt.CmtID
                                         select cmt).ToList();

            SortsAndSearches.QuickSort(ref cmtList, cmtList.Count());                                                         //sort the list by DateTime

            List <DateTime> searchList = new List <DateTime>();

            searchList = getStartTimes();                                                                    //get the starttimes from the listview

            if (week)
                for (int i = 0; i < cmtList.Count(); i++)
                    if (SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(searchList, Convert.ToDateTime(cmtList[i].StartTime)))
                        if (cmtList[i].Weekly == true)
                        {                                                                               //ask the user if they want to delete the weekly commitment through the end of the semester
                            DateTime endSemes    = new DateTime(2017, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0);                   //get end of semester
                            DateTime weekForward = Convert.ToDateTime(cmtList[i].StartTime).AddDays(7); //go a week forward
                            while (DateTimeMethods.endOfSemesIsLater(endSemes, weekForward))            //if the end of the semester is later than our commitment start Time
                            {                                                                           //run a binary search
                                bool found = false;
                                int  first = 0;
                                int  last  = cmtList.Count() - 1;
                                while (first <= last && !found)
                                    int midpoint = (first + last) / 2;
                                    if (DateTimeMethods.sameTime(cmtList[midpoint], weekForward))             //if commitment time and weekforward time are the same
                                        if (cmtList[midpoint].Open == true)                                   //and if the midpoint commitment is open
                                            db.Commitments.DeleteObject(cmtList[midpoint]);                   //delete the commitment from the database
                                            cmtList.Remove(cmtList[midpoint]);                                //remove it from the commit list as well
                                        found = true;                                                         //say we found what we were looking for
                                        break;                                                                //break out of the search
                                        if (DateTimeMethods.forwardEarlierThanStart(weekForward, cmtList[midpoint]))
                                            last = midpoint - 1;
                                            first = midpoint + 1;
                                weekForward = weekForward.AddDays(7);

                MessageBox.Show("The checked 15 minute time blocks have been removed from your availability until the end of the semster.");
                for (int i = 0; i < cmtList.Count(); i++)
                    if (SortsAndSearches.BinarySearch(searchList, Convert.ToDateTime(cmtList[i].StartTime)))
                MessageBox.Show("Only the checked 15 minute time blocks have been removed from your availability.");