コード例 #1
            public static void CombineParentFile(FileObject.ParentFile parent)
                var projectInfo = parent.ProjectInfo;

                // do not process if any child files were unsuccessful
                if (!parent.ProcessedChildCadFiles.All(x => x.ExecuteSuccessful))
                    Program.Log($"Parent file {parent.ProcessedPath} was not processed because one or more of its children were not processed successfully.", Program.MessageType.Error);

                #region edit script text
                // make combine script
                //string combineScriptPath = projectInfo.InboxPath + "\\" +
                //                           parent.ChildCadFilesProcessed.First().InboxSubdirectoryName + "\\Backup\\Scripts\\" +
                //                           Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(parent.ProcessedPath) + "_combine.scr";

                var combineScriptPath = $"{projectInfo.InboxPath}\\{parent.ProcessedChildCadFiles.First().ProcessedSubdirectoryName}" +

                // insert all children that exist into template on own layer
                string combineScriptText;

                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ScriptPaths.CombineDwgs)) {
                    combineScriptText = reader.ReadToEnd();

                var layersAndInsertsText = string.Empty;

                // leave out child files that do not exist
                foreach (string childPath in parent.ChildPaths.Where(x => File.Exists(x)))
                    var layerName = Regex.Match(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(childPath), @"\d{6}_(.+)-Lev").Groups[1].Value;

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layerName))
                        Program.Log($"Could not parse subtrade for {childPath}, falling back to basename.", Program.MessageType.Error);
                        layerName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(childPath);

                    layersAndInsertsText += $"-LAYER MAKE \"{layerName}\"\n\n";
                    layersAndInsertsText += $"-insert \"{childPath}\"\n0,0,0\n\n\n\n";

                layersAndInsertsText = layersAndInsertsText.TrimEnd('\n');

                combineScriptText = combineScriptText.Replace("%LAYERSANDINSERTS%", layersAndInsertsText);
                // save to inbox folder
                combineScriptText = combineScriptText.Replace("%COMBINEDFILEPATH%", "\"" + parent.InboxSaveAsPath + "\"");

                File.WriteAllText(combineScriptPath, combineScriptText);

                if (File.Exists(parent.InboxSaveAsPath))

                Program.Log("Combining files " + string.Join(", ", parent.ChildPaths.Where(x => File.Exists(x)).Select(x => Path.GetFileName(x))) + " into: " + Path.GetFileName(parent.ProcessedPath));

                var timeBeforeStart = DateTime.Now;

                RunACCC(parent.TemplatePath, combineScriptPath, true);

                if (File.Exists(parent.InboxSaveAsPath) &&
                    DateTime.Compare(new FileInfo(parent.InboxSaveAsPath).LastWriteTime, timeBeforeStart) > 0)
                    // if parent file exists and has been modified recently
                    parent.FileInfo = new FileInfo(parent.InboxSaveAsPath);
                    Program.Log("Parent file could not be created.", Program.MessageType.Error);

                // copy to Vdc-Merge
                File.Copy(parent.InboxSaveAsPath, parent.ProcessedPath, true);

                if (File.Exists(parent.ProcessedPath) && DateTime.Compare(new FileInfo(parent.ProcessedPath).LastWriteTime, timeBeforeStart) > 0)
                    // if parent file exists and has been modified recently
                    parent.FileInfo          = new FileInfo(parent.ProcessedPath);
                    parent.ExecuteSuccessful = true;
                    Program.Log("Parent file could not be copied to Vdc-Merge folder.", Program.MessageType.Error);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: calculon7/turing
        static int Update(CLI.UpdateOptions opts)
            // get project number
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(opts.Project, "^\\d{6}$"))
                throw new Exception("Invalid project number");

            string projectNumber = opts.Project;

            logFile = $"{turingSettings.LogFileDirectory}\\{projectNumber}_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd(HHmm)")}.txt";

            Log("Project number: " + projectNumber);

            // check command line switches
            bool noDl = opts.Nodl;

            if (noDl)
                Log("360 Sync download disabled");

            bool nwd = opts.Nwd;

            if (!nwd)
                Log("NWD creation disabled");

            bool showUnknown = opts.ShowUnknown;
            bool showIgnored = opts.ShowIgnored;

            // find turing project config xml file
            var projectConfigFile = Path.Combine(turingSettings.ProjectConfigFileDirectory, projectNumber + ".xml");

            if (!File.Exists(projectConfigFile))
                throw new Exception("Project config file does not exist at: " + projectConfigFile);

            var projectDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(turingSettings.ProjectsDirectory).GetDirectories(projectNumber + "*").SingleOrDefault();

            if (projectDirectory == null)
                throw new Exception("Project path not found");

            // TODO could read from config file
            string projectPath = projectDirectory.FullName;

            // get project info
            Log("Getting project info...");
            var projectInfo = new ProjectInfo(projectPath);

            // find download folder
            // TODO could read from config file
            var downloadFolderPath = Path.Combine(turingSettings.RootDownloadDirectory, $"{projectInfo.ProjectNumber} - {projectInfo.ProjectName}");
            var downloadFolder     = new DirectoryInfo(downloadFolderPath);

            if (!downloadFolder.Exists)
                Log($"Download folder not found. Creating {downloadFolder.FullName}", MessageType.Warning);

            // get info from config file
            projectSettings = new ProjectSettings(projectConfigFile);

            if (noDl == false)
                Log("360Sync config file found: " + projectSettings.ConfigName360Sync);

                if (projectSettings.FileSource == ProjectSettings.FileSourceType.BIM360Glue)
                    // set hostname
                    Log("Setting hostname: " + projectSettings.Hostname);


                // start 360Sync process and wait for it to end
                Log("Running 360Sync...");

                // TODO need to make sure glue source is not disabled

            // get all files in download folder
            Log("Checking downloaded files...");
            var fileInfos = downloadFolder.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            // create file objects
            var fileObjects = CreateFileObjects(fileInfos, projectInfo);

            // CAD files to process and files to copy
            var newFiles = fileObjects.Where(x => x.TaskType == TaskType.ProcessCad || x.TaskType == TaskType.Copy).ToList();

            // moved to file downloading program
            //foreach (var newFile in newFiles) {
            //    newFile.SetFileStatus(FileStatus.Downloaded);

            projectInfo.IgnoredFiles = fileObjects.Where(x => x.TaskType == TaskType.Ignore).ToList();

            var cadFilesToProcess = newFiles.OfType <FileObject.CadFile>().ToList();

            Log($"{cadFilesToProcess.Count()} files to update: " + string.Join(", ", cadFilesToProcess.Select(x => x.FileInfo.Name)));

            projectInfo.FilesToCopy = newFiles.OfType <FileObject.NonCadFile>().ToList();

            Log($"{projectInfo.FilesToCopy.Count()} files to copy over: " + string.Join(", ", projectInfo.FilesToCopy.Select(x => x.FileInfo.Name)));

            projectInfo.UnknownFiles = fileObjects.Where(x => x.TaskType == TaskType.Unknown).ToList();

            if (showUnknown)
                Log($"{projectInfo.UnknownFiles.Count} files not recognized: " +
                    string.Join(", ", projectInfo.UnknownFiles.Select(x => x.FileInfo.Name)));

            if (showIgnored)
                Log($"{projectInfo.IgnoredFiles.Count} files ignored: " + string.Join(", ", projectInfo.IgnoredFiles.Select(x => x.FileInfo.Name)));

            if (newFiles.Count == 0)
                Log("No new files found. Ending process");

            projectInfo.ProcessedFiles = new List <ICadFile>();
            projectInfo.FailedFiles    = new List <IFileObject>();

            // execute tasks
            if (cadFilesToProcess.Count + projectInfo.FilesToCopy.Count == 0)
                Log("No actions to take. Ending process");
                if (cadFilesToProcess.Count > 0)
                    #region process cad files
                    Log("Preparing files");

                    foreach (var cadFileToProcess in cadFilesToProcess)


                    var preparedFiles = cadFilesToProcess.Where(x => x.PrepareSuccessful).ToList();


                    var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions()
                        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10

                    Log("Processing files.");

                    //// for debug
                    //// process cad files in serial
                    //foreach (var preparedFile in preparedFiles) {
                    //    preparedFile.ExecuteTask();

                    // process cad files
                    Parallel.ForEach(preparedFiles, parallelOptions, (preparedFile) => {

                    var processedCadFiles = preparedFiles.Where(x => x.ExecuteSuccessful);

                    // check if cads successful
                    foreach (var cadFileToProcess in cadFilesToProcess)
                        if (cadFileToProcess.ExecuteSuccessful)

                    var childFiles = processedCadFiles.Where(x => x.IsChild).ToArray();

                    if (childFiles.Length > 0)
                        // create parent file objects
                        Log("Creating parent files.");

                        var parents = new List <FileObject.ParentFile>();

                        var childFilesWithDistinctParent = childFiles.DistinctBy(x => x.ParentPath).ToArray();

                        foreach (var childFile in childFilesWithDistinctParent)
                            var parent = new FileObject.ParentFile()
                                ProcessedBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(childFile.ParentPath),
                                InboxSaveAsPath   = $"{childFile.ProjectInfo.InboxPath}\\{childFile.ProcessedSubdirectoryName}\\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(childFile.ParentPath)}.dwg",
                                ProcessedPath     = childFile.ParentPath,
                                Level             = childFile.Level,
                                Trade             = childFile.Trade,
                                ProjectInfo       = childFile.ProjectInfo,
                                TemplatePath      = childFile.TemplatePath


                        foreach (var parent in parents)

                            var parentProcessedDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(parent.ProcessedPath);

                            // get all parent's children from database Files_IO
                            var childData = Database.Read(
                                "select FILE_INTERNAL_NAME " +
                                "from AIS_DEV.VDC_FILES " +
                                $"where FILE_PROJECT_NUMBER = {projectSettings.ProjectNumber} " +
                                $"and FILE_PARENT_NAME like '{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(parent.ProcessedPath)}'");

                            if (childData.Length == 0)
                                Log($"No child files found for: {parent.ProcessedBaseName}", MessageType.Error);

                            OracleString[] allChildrenBaseNames = childData.Select(x => (OracleString)x.Single()).ToArray();

                            // child path are in same directory as parent in vdc-merge directory
                            parent.ChildPaths = allChildrenBaseNames.Select(x => Path.Combine(parentProcessedDir, x.Value + ".dwg")).ToList();

                            parent.ProcessedChildCadFiles = processedCadFiles.Where(x => x.ParentPath == parent.ProcessedPath);

                        //// debug process parent files
                        //foreach (var parent in parents) {
                        //    AutoCad.Updating.CombineParentFile(parent);

                        // process parent files
                        Parallel.ForEach(parents, parallelOptions, parent => {

                        // check if parents successful
                        foreach (var parent in parents)
                            if (parent.ExecuteSuccessful)
                                //SetFileStatus(parent, FileStatus.Ready);
                                //SetFileStatus(parent, FileStatus.Failed);

                    // TODO this should happen during file processing
                    // if update successful, change Last Processed time of file in database
                    if (projectInfo.ProcessedFiles.Count > 0)
                        Log("Updating database timestamps");

                        foreach (var dwg in projectInfo.ProcessedFiles)
                            UpdateLastProcessedTimestamp(dwg.ProcessedPath, projectNumber, useExternalFileName: false);

                    if (nwd)
                        // create nwd for quality checking
                        Log("Creating NWDs");

                        Parallel.ForEach(projectInfo.ProcessedFiles.Select(x => x.ProcessedPath), file => {
                            NwdCreator.Create(file, file.Replace(".dwg", ".nwd"));
                            File.Delete(file.Replace(".dwg", ".nwc"));

                if (projectInfo.FilesToCopy.Count > 0)
                    #region copy noncad files
                    Log("Copying over files");

                    foreach (var fileObject in projectInfo.FilesToCopy)
                        var destDir = Path.Combine(fileObject.ProjectInfo.VdcMergePath, "MISC");

                        fileObject.DestinationPath = Path.Combine(destDir, fileObject.FileInfo.Name);


                        // get last write time of existing file
                        DateTime existingLastWriteTime;

                        if (File.Exists(fileObject.DestinationPath))
                            existingLastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(fileObject.FileInfo.FullName);
                            existingLastWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                        // copy file to vdc-merge misc folder and overwrite
                        try {
                            File.Copy(fileObject.FileInfo.FullName, fileObject.DestinationPath, true);
                        catch (IOException) {
                            Log($"Could not copy over file {fileObject.FileInfo.Name}", MessageType.Error);

                        // doesnt update if copying same file, uses same lastWrite timestamp
                        var newLastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(fileObject.FileInfo.FullName);

                        // check if copy successful
                        if (File.Exists(fileObject.DestinationPath) && DateTime.Compare(existingLastWriteTime, newLastWriteTime) <= 0)
                            fileObject.CopySuccessful = true;
                            //SetFileStatus(fileObject, FileStatus.Ready);
                            //SetFileStatus(fileObject, FileStatus.Failed);

                    // update database timestamps
                    var successfullyCopiedFiles = projectInfo.FilesToCopy.Where(x => x.CopySuccessful).ToArray();

                    if (successfullyCopiedFiles.Length > 0)
                        Log("Updating copied files timestamps");

                        foreach (var copiedFile in successfullyCopiedFiles)
                            UpdateLastProcessedTimestamp(copiedFile.DestinationPath, projectNumber, useExternalFileName: true);

                // create trade file update email
                var attachments = new string[] { };

                var coordEmailfileName = projectNumber + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd(HHmm)") + ".msg";
                var coordEmailFilePath = turingSettings.CoordEmailDirectory + "\\" + coordEmailfileName;

                projectInfo.ProcessedFiles = projectInfo.ProcessedFiles.OrderBy(x => x.FileInfo.Name).ToList();
                projectInfo.FailedFiles    = projectInfo.FailedFiles.OrderBy(x => x.FileInfo.Name).ToList();

                if (projectInfo.ProcessedFiles.Count() > 0)
                    Log("Creating coordination email...");
                    Notification.SaveCoordEmailOutlook(projectInfo, coordEmailFilePath, attachments);

                Log("Sending notification to VDC...");
                Notification.SendTuringNotification(projectInfo, downloadFolder, coordEmailFilePath);

            Log("Process complete!");
