コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode a set of Y, U (Cb), and V (Cr) image planes into an RGB or grayscale image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yPlane">
        /// A pointer to the Y image planes of the YUV image to be decoded.
        /// The size of the plane should match the value returned by tjPlaneSizeYUV() for the given image width, height, strides, and level of chrominance subsampling.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uPlane">
        /// A pointer to the U (Cb) image plane (or just <see langword="null"/>, if decoding a grayscale image) of the YUV image to be decoded.
        /// The size of the plane should match the value returned by tjPlaneSizeYUV() for the given image width, height, strides, and level of chrominance subsampling.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vPlane">
        /// A pointer to the V (Cr)image plane (or just <see langword="null"/>, if decoding a grayscale image) of the YUV image to be decoded.
        /// The size of the plane should match the value returned by tjPlaneSizeYUV() for the given image width, height, strides, and level of chrominance subsampling.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="strides">
        /// An array of integers, each specifying the number of bytes per line in the corresponding plane of the YUV source image.
        /// Setting the stride for any plane to 0 is the same as setting it to the plane width (see YUV Image Format Notes.)
        /// If strides is <see langword="null"/>, then the strides for all planes will be set to their respective plane widths.
        /// You can adjust the strides in order to specify an arbitrary amount of line padding in each plane or to decode a subregion of a larger YUV planar image.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="subsamp">
        /// The level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV source image (see Chrominance subsampling options.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dstBuf">
        /// A pointer to an image buffer that will receive the decoded image. This buffer should normally be <paramref name="pitch"/> * <paramref name="height"/> bytes in size,
        /// but the <paramref name="dstBuf"/> pointer can also be used to decode into a specific region of a larger buffer.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="width">
        /// Width (in pixels) of the source and destination images.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pitch">
        /// Bytes per line in the destination image. Normally, this should be <paramref name="width"/> * <c>tjPixelSize[pixelFormat]</c>
        /// if the destination image is unpadded, or <c>TJPAD(width * tjPixelSize[pixelFormat])</c> if each line of the destination image
        /// should be padded to the nearest 32-bit boundary, as is the case for Windows bitmaps. You can also be clever and use the
        /// pitch parameter to skip lines, etc.
        /// Setting this parameter to <c>0</c> is the equivalent of setting it to <paramref name="width"/> * <c>tjPixelSize[pixelFormat]</c>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="height">
        /// Height (in pixels) of the source and destination images.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pixelFormat">
        /// Pixel format of the destination image.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">
        /// The bitwise OR of one or more of the flags.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// This function uses the accelerated color conversion routines in the underlying codec but does not execute any of the other steps in the JPEG decompression process.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The <paramref name="yPlane"/>, <paramref name="uPlane"/> and <paramref name="vPlane"/> planes can be contiguous or non-contiguous in memory.
        /// Refer to YUV Image Format Notes for more details.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public unsafe void DecodeYUVPlanes(
            Span <byte> yPlane,
            Span <byte> uPlane,
            Span <byte> vPlane,
            int[] strides,
            TJSubsamplingOption subsamp,
            Span <byte> dstBuf,
            int width,
            int pitch,
            int height,
            TJPixelFormat pixelFormat,
            TJFlags flags)
            if (this.isDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(TJDecompressor));

            fixed(byte *yPlanePtr = yPlane)
            fixed(byte *uPlanePtr = uPlane)
            fixed(byte *vPlanePtr = vPlane)
                byte *[] planes = new byte *[] { yPlanePtr, uPlanePtr, vPlanePtr };

                fixed(int *stridesPtr = strides)
                fixed(byte **planesPtr = planes)
                fixed(byte *dstBufPtr  = dstBuf)
                    if (TurboJpegImport.TjDecodeYUVPlanes(
                            (int)flags) == -1)