static void Main() { try { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); EventLogManager.CreateEventLog(); EventLogManager.WriteEventLog(@"App Engine " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + @" starting - " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Information, 1); Application.Run(new Form1(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName)); EventLogManager.WriteEventLog(@"App Engine " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + @" exiting - " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Information, 3);; } catch (Exception e) { string message = AppCommon.AppendInnerExceptionMessages("ERROR: Could not start AppEngine - " + e.Message, e); if (message.ToUpper().Contains("NOT ALLOWED")) { message += " - Make sure the AppEngine is running with Administrator privledges."; } MessageBox.Show(message, "App Engine Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static void Log(string logMessage, EventLogEntryType type) { // writes message to the specified listbox and the EventLog as an Information type int eventId = 0; // type 0 = error, 2 = information if (type == EventLogEntryType.Error) { eventId = 0; } if (type == EventLogEntryType.Information) { eventId = 2; } try { string prefix = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:MM:ss tt - "); if (type == EventLogEntryType.Error) { prefix += "ERROR: "; } ; if (mainformRichTextBox.InvokeRequired) { // InvokeRequired is true prior to the instatiation of the UI thread mainformRichTextBox.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => mainformRichTextBox.AppendText(prefix + logMessage + Environment.NewLine))); } else { // add message to form mainformRichTextBox.AppendText(prefix + logMessage + Environment.NewLine); } EventLogManager.WriteEventLog(logMessage, type, eventId); } catch (Exception e) { string message = AppendInnerExceptionMessages("Log: Could not log message - " + e.Message, e); throw new Exception(message); } } // Log()