internal RemoteStorage(AvailabilityGroup trinityServer, int connPerServer, MemoryCloud mc, int serverId, bool nonblocking) { this.memory_cloud = mc; this.MyServerId = serverId; retry = 3; var connect_async_task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int k = 0; k < connPerServer; k++) // make different server connections interleaved { for (int i = 0; i < trinityServer.ServerInstances.Count; i++) { ConnectIPEndPoint(trinityServer.ServerInstances[i].EndPoint); } } BackgroundThread.AddBackgroundTask(new BackgroundTask(Heartbeat, TrinityConfig.HeartbeatInterval)); mc.ReportServerConnectedEvent(serverId); }); if (!nonblocking) { try { connect_async_task.Wait(); } catch (AggregateException ex) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex.InnerException).Throw(); } } }
protected internal RemoteStorage(IEnumerable <ServerInfo> servers, int connPerServer, MemoryCloud mc, int partitionId, bool nonblocking) { this.m_memorycloud = mc; this.PartitionId = partitionId; var connect_async_task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int k = 0; k < connPerServer; k++) // make different server connections interleaved { foreach (var s in servers) { Connect(s); } } if (mc != null && partitionId != -1) { BackgroundThread.AddBackgroundTask(new BackgroundTask(Heartbeat, TrinityConfig.HeartbeatInterval)); mc.ReportServerConnectedEvent(this); } }); if (!nonblocking) { try { connect_async_task.Wait(); } catch (AggregateException ex) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex.InnerException).Throw(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new cell to the key-value store if the cell Id does not exist, or updates an existing cell in the key-value store if the cell Id already exists. /// Note that the generic cell will be saved as a strongly typed cell. It can then be loaded into either a strongly-typed cell or a generic cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="storage">A <see cref="Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell to be saved.</param> public void SaveGenericCell(Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, ICell cell) { switch ((CellType)cell.CellType) { /*FOREACH*/ case CellType.t_cell_name: storage.Savet_cell_name((t_cell_name)cell); break; /*END*/ } }
public unsafe static void ReportToMyProxy(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, int proxyId, ResultWriter msg) { byte *bufferPtr = (byte *)msg.handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer(); *(int *)(bufferPtr) = msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.ProtocolHeaderLength; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgTypeOffset) = (byte)TrinityMessageType.ASYNC; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgIdOffset) = (byte)Trinity.TSL.TrinityProxy.MyProxy.AsynReqMessageType.Report; Global.GetProxy(proxyId).SendMessage( msg.buffer, 0, msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.AsyncRequestWithoutResponseHeaderLength); }
public unsafe static SSSPCell LoadSSSPCell(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, long CellID) { byte[] content = Global.CloudStorage.LoadCell(CellID); fixed(byte *ptr = content) { using (var cell = new SSSPCell_Accessor(ptr)) { SSSPCell ret = cell; ret.CellID = CellID; return(ret); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new cell to the key-value store if the cell Id does not exist, or updates an existing cell in the key-value store if the cell Id already exists. /// Note that the generic cell will be saved as a strongly typed cell. It can then be loaded into either a strongly-typed cell or a generic cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="storage">A <see cref="Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="cell">The cell to be saved.</param> public void SaveGenericCell(Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, ICell cell) { switch ((CellType)cell.CellType) { case CellType.Movie: storage.SaveMovie((Movie)cell); break; case CellType.Celebrity: storage.SaveCelebrity((Celebrity)cell); break; } }
public unsafe static void DistanceUpdatingToSSSPSlave(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, int slaveId, DistanceUpdatingMessageWriter msg) { byte *bufferPtr = (byte *)msg.handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer(); *(int *)(bufferPtr) = msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.ProtocolHeaderLength; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgTypeOffset) = (byte)TrinityMessageType.ASYNC; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgIdOffset) = (byte)Trinity.TSL.TrinitySlave.SSSPSlave.AsynReqMessageType.DistanceUpdating; Global.CloudStorage.SendMessage( slaveId, msg.buffer, 0, msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.AsyncRequestWithoutResponseHeaderLength); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the content of the cell with the specified cell Id. /// </summary> /// <param name="storage">A <see cref="Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="cellId">A 64-bit cell Id.</param> /// <returns></returns> public unsafe ICell LoadGenericCell(Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, long cellId) { ushort type; byte[] buff; var err = storage.LoadCell(cellId, out buff, out type); if (err != TrinityErrorCode.E_SUCCESS) { switch (err) { case TrinityErrorCode.E_CELL_NOT_FOUND: throw new CellNotFoundException("Cannot access the cell."); case TrinityErrorCode.E_NETWORK_SEND_FAILURE: throw new System.IO.IOException("Network error while accessing the cell."); default: throw new Exception("Cannot access the cell. Error code: " + err.ToString()); } } switch ((CellType)type) { case CellType.Movie: fixed(byte *Movie_ptr = buff) { Movie_Accessor /*_*/ Movie_accessor = new Movie_Accessor(Movie_ptr); Movie_accessor.CellID = cellId; return((Movie)Movie_accessor); } break; case CellType.Celebrity: fixed(byte *Celebrity_ptr = buff) { Celebrity_Accessor /*_*/ Celebrity_accessor = new Celebrity_Accessor(Celebrity_ptr); Celebrity_accessor.CellID = cellId; return((Celebrity)Celebrity_accessor); } break; default: throw new CellTypeNotMatchException("Cannot determine cell type."); } }
public unsafe static ResultReader QueryToMyProxy(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, int proxyId, NameRequestWriter msg) { byte *bufferPtr = (byte *)msg.handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer(); *(int *)(bufferPtr) = msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.ProtocolHeaderLength; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgTypeOffset) = (byte)TrinityMessageType.SYNC_WITH_RSP; *(bufferPtr + TrinityProtocol.MsgIdOffset) = (byte)Trinity.TSL.TrinityProxy.MyProxy.SynReqRspMessageType.Query; TrinityMessage response; Global.GetProxy(proxyId).SendMessage( msg.buffer, 0, msg.Length + TrinityProtocol.MsgHeader, out response); return(new ResultReader(response.Buffer, TrinityMessage.Offset)); }
public unsafe static bool SaveSSSPCell(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, long CellID, int distance = default(int), long parent = default(long), List <long> neighbors = null) { byte *targetPtr = null; targetPtr += 4; targetPtr += 8; if (neighbors != null) { targetPtr += neighbors.Count * 8 + sizeof(int); } else { targetPtr += sizeof(int); } byte[] tmpcell = new byte[(int)(targetPtr)]; fixed(byte *tmpcellptr = tmpcell) { targetPtr = tmpcellptr; *(int *)targetPtr = distance; targetPtr += 4; *(long *)targetPtr = parent; targetPtr += 8; if (neighbors != null) { *(int *)targetPtr = neighbors.Count * 8; targetPtr += sizeof(int); for (int iterator_0 = 0; iterator_0 < neighbors.Count; ++iterator_0) { *(long *)targetPtr = neighbors[iterator_0]; targetPtr += 8; } } else { *(int *)targetPtr = 0; targetPtr += sizeof(int); } } return(storage.SaveCell(CellID, tmpcell, (ushort)CellType.SSSPCell)); }
public unsafe static bool SaveSSSPCell(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, SSSPCell CellContent) { return(SaveSSSPCell(storage, CellContent.CellID, CellContent.distance, CellContent.parent, CellContent.neighbors)); }
public unsafe static bool Savenode(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, node CellContent) { return(Savenode(storage, CellContent.CellID,, CellContent.friends)); }
public unsafe static bool Savenode(this Trinity.Storage.MemoryCloud storage, long CellID, string name = null, List <long> friends = null) { byte *targetPtr = null; if (name != null) { targetPtr += name.Length * 2 + sizeof(int); } else { targetPtr += sizeof(int); } if (friends != null) { targetPtr += friends.Count * 8 + sizeof(int); } else { targetPtr += sizeof(int); } byte[] tmpcell = new byte[(int)(targetPtr)]; fixed(byte *tmpcellptr = tmpcell) { targetPtr = tmpcellptr; if (name != null) { *(int *)targetPtr = name.Length * 2; targetPtr += sizeof(int); for (int iterator_0 = 0; iterator_0 < name.Length; ++iterator_0) { *(char *)targetPtr = name[iterator_0]; targetPtr += 2; } } else { *(int *)targetPtr = 0; targetPtr += sizeof(int); } if (friends != null) { *(int *)targetPtr = friends.Count * 8; targetPtr += sizeof(int); for (int iterator_0 = 0; iterator_0 < friends.Count; ++iterator_0) { *(long *)targetPtr = friends[iterator_0]; targetPtr += 8; } } else { *(int *)targetPtr = 0; targetPtr += sizeof(int); } } return(storage.SaveCell(CellID, tmpcell, (ushort)CellType.node)); }
public void SaveGenericCell(MemoryCloud storage, ICell cell) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ICell LoadGenericCell(MemoryCloud storage, long cellId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }