コード例 #1
        private SiteMapNode ReadSitemapFromXml(string sitemapUrl)
            SiteMapNode rootNode = null;

            NodeDictionary = new Dictionary <string, SiteMapNode>();

            // ideally, we would need a SiteMapSource property which is the file to read from, and a SiteMapFile property which is the file to write to
            // note: these two cannot be the same because the links in the sitemap are parsed, so the output is different from the input!
            //string sitemap = PageFactory.FindPageContent(sitemapUrl);
            string sitemap;

            if (!PageFactory.TryFindPageContent(sitemapUrl, out sitemap))
                sitemap = emptySiteMapString();

            XDocument xDoc        = XDocument.Parse(sitemap);
            XElement  siteMapRoot = xDoc.Element("siteMap");

                rootNode = new TridionSiteMapNode(this, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, new ArrayList(), new NameValueCollection(), new NameValueCollection(), String.Empty);

                //Fill down the hierarchy.
                AddChildren(rootNode, siteMapRoot.Elements(), 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                Exception e2 = e;

コード例 #2
        private void AddChildren(SiteMapNode rootNode, IEnumerable <XElement> siteMapNodes, int currentLevel)
            foreach (var element in siteMapNodes)
                TridionSiteMapNode childNode;

                var attributes = new NameValueCollection();

                foreach (var a in element.Attributes())
                    attributes.Add(a.Name.ToString(), a.Value);

                childNode = new TridionSiteMapNode(this,
                                                   element.Attribute("id").Value,          //key
                                                   null,                                   //url
                                                   element.Attribute("title").Value,       //title
                                                   element.Attribute("description").Value, //description
                                                   null,                                   //roles
                                                   attributes,                             //attributes
                                                   null,                                   //explicitresourceKeys
                    Uri = element.Attribute("url").Value, Level = currentLevel
                };                                                                        // implicitresourceKey

                NodeDictionary.Add(childNode.Key, childNode);

                //Use the SiteMapNode AddNode method to add the SiteMapNode to the ChildNodes collection
                AddNode(childNode, rootNode);

                // Check for children in this node.
                AddChildren(childNode, element.Elements(), currentLevel + 1);