public static Invoice[] listInvoices(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, String customer) { Invoice[] invoices = new Invoice[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); String startdate = startDate.Year + "-" + startDate.Month + "-" + startDate.Day; String enddate = endDate.Year + "-" + endDate.Month + "-" + endDate.Day; String query = ""; if ((customer != null)&&(!customer.Equals(""))) { query = "call listInvoicesByDateAndCustomer('" + startdate + "','" + enddate + "','%" + customer + "%');"; } else { query = "call listInvoicesByDateAndCustomer('" + startdate + "','" + enddate + "',null);"; } HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset(query); invoices = new Invoice[results.Count]; int counter = 0; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { Invoice invoice = new Invoice(table); invoices[counter] = invoice; counter++; } DateTime after = DateTime.Now; //now.Subtract(after) return invoices; }
public Report(ReportType reportType) { try { this.reporttype = reportType; dal = new Dal(); switch (this.reporttype) { case ReportType.IncomeExpenses: this.reporttitle = "Income & Expenses"; updateEntries(); break; case ReportType.ProductSales: this.reporttitle = "Product Sales"; updateEntries(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load report " + reportType.ToString(), ex); } }
public Statement(Customer customer, Boolean zeroBased, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { this.customer = customer; this.zerobased = zeroBased; this.filtered = true; this.startdate = startdate; this.enddate = enddate; this.openingbalance = 0; this.closingbalance = customer.Balance; try { String start_datetimestring = startdate.Year + "-" + startdate.Month + "-" + startdate.Day; String end_datetimestring = enddate.Year + "-" + enddate.Month + "-" + enddate.Day; dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getStatementByCustomerAndDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", '" + start_datetimestring + "', '" + end_datetimestring + "');"); populateFromResults(results); HashSet<Hashtable> openingresults = dal.executeAsHashset("call getCustomerBalanceByDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", '" + start_datetimestring + "');"); populateOpeningFromResults(openingresults); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load statement for customer by id " + this.customer.Id, ex); } }
public User(String username) { try { dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getUserByUsername(\"" + username + "\");"); populateUserFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load user by username " + username + ex.Message, ex); } }
public Product(int id) { try { dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getProductById(" + id + ");"); populateFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load product by id " + id, ex); } }
public Invoice(int id) { try { dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getInvoiceById(" + id + ");"); populateFromResults(results); HashSet<Hashtable> productsresults = dal.executeAsHashset("call getInvoiceProductsById(" + id + ");"); populateProductsFromResults(productsresults); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load invoice by id " + id, ex); } }
public static Invoice[] listInvoices() { Invoice[] invoices = new Invoice[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listInvoices();"); invoices = new Invoice[results.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { Invoice invoice = new Invoice(table); invoices[counter] = invoice; counter++; } return invoices; }
public static Customer[] listCustomers() { Customer[] customers = new Customer[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listCustomers();"); customers = new Customer[results.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { Customer customer = new Customer(table); customers[counter] = customer; counter++; } return customers; }
public Statement(Customer customer, Boolean zeroBased) { this.customer = customer; this.zerobased = zeroBased; try { this.openingbalance = 0; this.closingbalance = customer.Balance; dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getStatementByCustomerAndDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", null, null);"); populateFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load statement for customer by id " + this.customer.Id, ex); } }
public void Pay(Double amount, DateTime date) { try { if (amount==0) throw new Exception("Amount mandatory"); this.datetime = date; String datetimestring = this.Date.Year + "-" + this.Date.Month + "-" + this.Date.Day; dal = new Dal(); if (invoice != null) { dal.executeNonQuery("call addPayment(" + this.customer.Id + ", " + amount + ", " + this.invoice.Id + ", '" + datetimestring + "');"); } else { dal.executeNonQuery("call addPayment(" + this.customer.Id + ", " + amount + ", 0, '" + datetimestring + "');"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to make payment", ex); } }
public void Save() { try { if ("")) throw new Exception("Name mandatory"); dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call updateProduct('" + + "', " + this.price + ", " + Convert.ToInt16(this.instock) + "," + this.vatpercentage + ");"); populateFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to save product", ex); } }
public static Hashtable listSearchProducts() { Hashtable products = new Hashtable(); Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listProducts();"); foreach (Hashtable table in results) { products.Add(table["name"].ToString().ToLower(), table["id"]); } return products; }
public void Delete() { try { dal = new Dal(); dal.executeNonQuery("call deleteProduct(" + this.Id + ");"); = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to delete product", ex); } }
public void Save() { try { if (this.username.Equals("")) throw new Exception("Username mandatory"); dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call updateUser('" + this.username + "', '" + this.password + "', '" + + "', '" + this.surname + "', '" + this.emailaddress + "', '" + this.phonenumber + "', " + Convert.ToInt16(this.role) + ");"); populateUserFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to save user", ex); } }
public static User[] listUsers() { User[] users = new User[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listUsers(null);"); users = new User[results.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { User user = new User(table); users[counter] = user; counter++; } return users; }
public void Save() { try { String datetimestring = this.Date.Year + "-" + this.Date.Month + "-" + this.Date.Day; dal = new Dal(); if ( == 0) { HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call updateInvoice(null, " + this.customerid + ",'" + datetimestring + "','" + this.createdby + "','" + this.instructions + "', " + Convert.ToInt16(this.finalized) + ", " + Convert.ToInt16(this.paymentdue) + ");"); populateFromResults(results); } else { HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call updateInvoice(" + + ", " + this.customerid + ",\"" + datetimestring + "\",\"" + this.createdby + "\",\"" + this.instructions + "\", " + Convert.ToInt16(this.finalized) + "," + Convert.ToInt16(this.paymentdue) + ");"); populateFromResults(results); dal.executeNonQuery("call deleteInvoiceProducts(" + + ");"); } foreach (InvoiceProduct product in this.products) { dal.executeNonQuery("call addInvoiceProduct(" + + ", '" + product.Name + "', " + product.Price + ", " + product.Quantity + ", " + Convert.ToInt16(product.HasVat) + ");"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to save invoice", ex); } }
public static Product[] listProducts() { Product[] products = new Product[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listProducts();"); products = new Product[results.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { Product product = new Product(table); products[counter] = product; counter++; } return products; }
public void Save() { try { if ("")) throw new Exception("Name mandatory"); dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call updateCustomer('" + + "', '" + this.street + "', '" + + "', '" + this.zipcode + "', '" + + "', '" + this.fax + "', '" + this.vatnumber + "', '" + this.emailaddress + "', '" + + "', " + this.rep.Id + ", " + Convert.ToInt16(this.paymenttype) + ");"); populateFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to save customer", ex); } }