private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(item.Tag); Customer customer = new Customer(id); if (customer.InvoiceCount == 0) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to delete " + customer.Name + "?", Properties.Settings.Default.companyname, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { customer.Delete(); loadList(); } } else { Tools.ShowInfo("Customer has " + customer.InvoiceCount + " invoices, can not delete this customer"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.ShowError("Unable to delete customer\n" + ex.Message); } }
public Statement(Customer customer, Boolean zeroBased, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { this.customer = customer; this.zerobased = zeroBased; this.filtered = true; this.startdate = startdate; this.enddate = enddate; this.openingbalance = 0; this.closingbalance = customer.Balance; try { String start_datetimestring = startdate.Year + "-" + startdate.Month + "-" + startdate.Day; String end_datetimestring = enddate.Year + "-" + enddate.Month + "-" + enddate.Day; dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getStatementByCustomerAndDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", '" + start_datetimestring + "', '" + end_datetimestring + "');"); populateFromResults(results); HashSet<Hashtable> openingresults = dal.executeAsHashset("call getCustomerBalanceByDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", '" + start_datetimestring + "');"); populateOpeningFromResults(openingresults); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load statement for customer by id " + this.customer.Id, ex); } }
public customerForm(Context context) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); customer = new Customer(); populateFields(); }
public customerForm(Context context, Customer customer) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); this.customer = customer; populateFields(); }
public statementForm(Context context, Customer customer, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); this.statement = new Statement(customer, false, startdate, enddate); populateFields(); }
public statementForm(Context context, Customer customer, Boolean zerobased) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); this.statement = new Statement(customer, zerobased); populateFields(); }
public paymentForm(Context context, Customer customer) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); this.customer = customer; payment = new Payment(customer); populateFields(); }
public paymentForm(Context context, Invoice invoice) { this.context = context; InitializeComponent(); this.invoice = invoice; this.customer = invoice.Customer; payment = new Payment(invoice); populateFields(); }
public Invoice() { try { customer = new Customer(); datetime = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load invoice", ex); } }
public static Customer[] listCustomers() { Customer[] customers = new Customer[0]; Dal dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call listCustomers();"); customers = new Customer[results.Count]; int counter = 0; foreach (Hashtable table in results) { Customer customer = new Customer(table); customers[counter] = customer; counter++; } return customers; }
public Statement(Customer customer, Boolean zeroBased) { this.customer = customer; this.zerobased = zeroBased; try { this.openingbalance = 0; this.closingbalance = customer.Balance; dal = new Dal(); HashSet<Hashtable> results = dal.executeAsHashset("call getStatementByCustomerAndDate(" + this.customer.Id + ", null, null);"); populateFromResults(results); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to load statement for customer by id " + this.customer.Id, ex); } }
public Payment(Invoice Invoice) { this.invoice = Invoice; this.customer = invoice.Customer; }
private void buttonEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(item.Tag); Customer customer = new Customer(id); if (!customer.EmailAddress.Equals("")) { DateTime enddate = DateTime.Now; DateTime begindate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); begindate = new DateTime(begindate.Year, begindate.Month, 1); Statement statement = new Statement(customer, true, begindate, enddate); Email email = new Email(); if (email.Send(customer.EmailAddress, customer.Name, "MeulenFoods Statement: " + begindate.ToShortDateString() + "-" + enddate.ToShortDateString(), statement.EmailHTML)) { Tools.ShowInfo("Statement email sent to " + customer.Name + " [" + customer.EmailAddress + "]"); } else { Tools.ShowError(email.ErrorMessage); } } else { Tools.ShowInfo("Customer does not have a email address, update the customer email address first."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.ShowError("Unable to load customer\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void editSelection() { try { if(Security.allowCustomerManagement(this.context.User)){ foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(item.Tag); Customer customer = new Customer(id); customerForm form = new customerForm(this.context, customer); form.ShowDialog(this); loadList(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.ShowError("Unable to load customer\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void buttonStatement_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(item.Tag); Customer customer = new Customer(id); statementSearchForm form = new statementSearchForm(this.context, customer); form.ShowDialog(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.ShowError("Unable to load customer to load statement\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void buttonPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to pay the customer without selecting a invoice?", "Payment direct to customer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(item.Tag); Customer customer = new Customer(id); paymentForm form = new paymentForm(this.context, customer); form.ShowDialog(this); loadList(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.ShowError("Unable to load customer to perform payment\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void populateCustomerFields(Customer customer) { comboBoxCustomers.Text = customer.Name; textBoxStreet.Text = customer.Street; textBoxCity.Text = customer.City; textBoxZip.Text = customer.Zipcode; textBoxVat.Text = customer.VatNumber; textBoxPhone.Text = customer.Phone; textBoxFax.Text = customer.Fax; textBoxContact.Text = customer.Contact; textBoxEmail.Text = customer.EmailAddress; comboBoxPaymentType.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt16(customer.PaymentType); calculateDueDate(); loadListReps(customer.Rep); }
public Payment(Customer Customer) { this.customer = Customer; }