public static void CollectInput(Farm farm) { List <string> options = new List <string>(); // TODO: Check if facilites can process resources before showing the processor. options.Add("Seed Harvester"); options.Add("Meat Processor"); options.Add("Egg Gatherer"); options.Add("Composter"); int choice = StandardMessages.ShowMenu(options, "Choose Equipment to use..."); switch (choice) { case 1: HarvestSeeds.CollectInput(farm); break; case 2: ProcessMeat.CollectInput(farm); break; case 3: GatherEggs.CollectInput(farm); break; case 4: Compost.CollectInput(farm); break; default: break; } }
public static void CollectInput(Farm farm) { bool doOver; do { Console.WriteLine("1. Seed Harvester"); Console.WriteLine("2. Meat Processor"); Console.WriteLine("3. Egg Gatherer"); Console.WriteLine("4. Composter"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Choose equipment to use"); Console.Write("> "); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); doOver = false; int numChoice = 0; try { numChoice = Int32.Parse(choice); } catch (Exception) { numChoice = 0; } switch (numChoice) { case 1: HarvestSeeds.CollectInput(farm); break; case 2: ProcessMeat.CollectInput(farm); break; case 3: GatherEggs.CollectInput(farm); break; case 4: Compost.CollectInput(farm); break; default: Program.ShowMessage("Invalid selection. Please choose again."); doOver = true; break; } } while (doOver); }