コード例 #1
ファイル: FeaturesForm.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the Features form so the user can view (but not edit)
        /// the features of the given SyntaxNode. The user can also modify
        /// the FavoriteListFeatures, FavoriteTreeFeatures and
        /// CopyFavoritesOnly settings. If the user clicks OK, changes are
        /// saved to the settings, and DialogResult.OK is returned.
        /// Otherwise, DialogResult.Cancel is returned and any changes are
        /// discarded.
        /// </summary>
        public static DialogResult OpenFeaturesReadOnly(SyntaxNode oNode)
            // Validate the parameters.

            if (oNode == null)
                string sMessage = "Invalid argument: "
                    + "FeaturesForm.OpenFeaturesReadOnly() requires "
                    + "a SyntaxNode object that is not null.";
                throw new Exception(sMessage);

            // Create an instance of the FeaturesForm.

            FeaturesForm oForm = new FeaturesForm();

            // Set the form's ReadOnly property to true (the user is not
            // allowed to edit features).

            oForm.ReadOnly = true;

            // Set the form's DisplayedNode property to a copy of the node
            // specified by the oNode parameter.

            oForm.DisplayedNode = oNode.CloneNode();

            // Show the form so the user can view (but not edit) the
            // features of the DisplayedNode.

            DialogResult iResult = oForm.ShowDialog();

            // Return the dialog result.

            return iResult;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Associates the given oTreeNode with with the indicated
        /// oSyntaxNode (by setting oTreeNode.Tag to oSyntaxNode). The
        /// oSyntaxNode features are then used to determine the text that is
        /// displayed by the oTreeNode. (If this node is a leaf node and
        /// morphology nodes are not shown, the oSyntaxNode can have child
        /// nodes to represent morphology. Otherwise, the given oSyntaxNode
        /// cannot have child nodes.)
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateNode(TreeViewerNode oTreeNode,
			SyntaxNode oSyntaxNode)
            Debug.Assert(oTreeNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(oSyntaxNode != null);

            // The oSyntaxNode can have child nodes (representing
            // morphology) only if this is a leaf node and morphology nodes
            // are not shown.

            if (! oSyntaxNode.IsSyntaxLeaf)
                Debug.Assert(oSyntaxNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0);
            if (ShowMorphology)
                Debug.Assert(oSyntaxNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0);

            // Set the oTreeNode.Tag to associate the displayed node with
            // the indicated oSyntaxNode.

            oTreeNode.Tag = oSyntaxNode;

            // If this is a leaf node, display the node's text in a bold
            // font style. Otherwise, use a regular font style.

            if (oSyntaxNode.IsSyntaxLeaf)
                Font oFont = Font;
                if (oFont.FontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold))
                    oFont = new Font(oFont,FontStyle.Bold);
                oTreeNode.Font = oFont;
                Font oFont = Font;
                if (oFont.FontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular))
                    oFont = new Font(oFont,FontStyle.Regular);
                oTreeNode.Font = oFont;

            // The displayed text always starts with the node's label.

            string sText = oSyntaxNode.Label;

            // If the ShowFeatures property is true, add the name and value
            // text for each feature.

            if (ShowFeatures)
                // For find-pattern and replace-pattern nodes, show all
                // features.
                // For parse-tree nodes, only show the features that are
                // named in the FavoriteTreeFeatures collection.

                SyntaxNode oFilteredSyntaxNode = oSyntaxNode.CloneNode();
                if ((! DisplayFindPattern) && (! DisplayReplacePattern))

                // Append the name and value text for each feature (except
                // the node-label feature, since the text already starts
                // with the node's label).

                foreach (SyntaxFeature oFeature in
                    if (oFeature.Name != TreeTranEngineString.NodeLabel)
                        string sName = oFeature.Name;
                        string sValue = oFeature.Value;
                        sText = sText + Environment.NewLine
                            + sName + "=" + sValue;

            // Set the text of the displayed node.

            oTreeNode.Text = sText;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FeaturesForm.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the Features form so the user can view and edit the
        /// features of the given SyntaxNode. The user can also modify the
        /// FavoriteListFeatures, FavoriteTreeFeatures and CopyFavoritesOnly
        /// settings. If the user clicks OK, the edits are saved to the
        /// SyntaxNode features, changes are saved to the settings, and
        /// DialogResult.OK is returned. Otherwise, DialogResult.Cancel is
        /// returned and any changes are discarded.
        /// </summary>
        public static DialogResult OpenFeatures(SyntaxNode oNode)
            // Validate the parameters.

            if (oNode == null)
                string sMessage = "Invalid argument: "
                    + "FeaturesForm.OpenFeatures() requires "
                    + "a SyntaxNode object that is not null.";
                throw new Exception(sMessage);

            // Create an instance of the FeaturesForm.

            FeaturesForm oForm = new FeaturesForm();

            // Set the form's ReadOnly property to false.

            oForm.ReadOnly = false;

            // Set the form's DisplayedNode property to a copy of the node
            // specified by the oNode parameter.

            oForm.DisplayedNode = oNode.CloneNode();

            // Show the form so the user can view and edit the features of
            // the DisplayedNode.

            DialogResult iResult = oForm.ShowDialog();

            // If the user clicked OK, save the changes that the user made
            // to the features:
            // Update the specified oNode by clearing its features and then
            // copying all the features from the form's DisplayedNode to the
            // oNode.Features collection.

            if (iResult == DialogResult.OK)
                foreach (SyntaxFeature oFeature in
                    oNode.Features[oFeature.Name] = oFeature.Value;

            // Return the dialog result.

            return iResult;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the given oTreeNode to display features of the indicated
        /// oSyntaxNode. Children are then recursively added to oTreeNode to
        /// represent the children of oSyntaxNode (unless it is a leaf node
        /// and morphology nodes are hidden). If the optional oTreeTransfer
        /// argument is given, its CurrentParseTreeNode indicates the node
        /// to select, and items in its MatchingNodes and ReplacedNodes
        /// collections indicate nodes to highlight.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateBranch(TreeViewerNode oTreeNode,
			SyntaxNode oSyntaxNode,TreeTransfer oTreeTransfer)
            Debug.Assert(oTreeNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(oSyntaxNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(oTreeTransfer != null);

            // The given oTreeNode should not already have children.

            Debug.Assert(oTreeNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0);

            // Set the node's context menu.

            oTreeNode.ContextMenu = moMenu;

            // Use the oTreeTransfer.CurrentParseTreeNode property to
            // determine if the node is selected.

            if (oSyntaxNode == oTreeTransfer.CurrentParseTreeNode)
                moTreeViewer.SelectedNode = oTreeNode;

            // Use the oTreeTransfer.MatchingNodes and .ReplacedNodes
            // collections to determine the node's background color.

            Color oForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
            Color oBackColor = SystemColors.Window;

            foreach (SyntaxNodePair oNodePair in
                if (oSyntaxNode == oNodePair.ParseTreeNode)
                    oBackColor = FindPatternColor;
            foreach (SyntaxNodeTriple oNodeTriple in
                if (oSyntaxNode == oNodeTriple.ParseTreeNode)
                    oBackColor = ReplacePatternColor;

            if (DisplayFindPattern)
                oBackColor = FindPatternColor;
            if (DisplayReplacePattern)
                oBackColor = ReplacePatternColor;

            oTreeNode.ForeColor = oForeColor;
            oTreeNode.BackColor = oBackColor;

            // Determine if the node's children should be shown.
            // A node's children are usually shown, but if the node is a
            // leaf node and ShowMorphology is false, the leaf node's
            // children (representing morphology) are not shown (unless the
            // leaf node's children are selected or highlighted).

            bool bShowChildNodes = true;
            if (oSyntaxNode.IsSyntaxLeaf)
                if (! ShowMorphology)
                    bShowChildNodes = false;

                    // Even if ShowMorphology is false, a leaf node's
                    // children are shown if any of the child branches
                    // contains a selected or highlighted node.

                    foreach (SyntaxNode oSyntaxChild in
                        if (BranchContainsSelectionOrHighlight(
                            bShowChildNodes = true;

            // Display the node (showing or hiding its children).

            if (bShowChildNodes)
                // Display the node and its children.
                // Clone the oSyntaxNode (without including child nodes) and
                // call PopulateNode().


                // For each child node, add a new TreeViewerNode to the tree
                // and make a recursive call to PopulateBranch().

                foreach (SyntaxNode oSyntaxChild in oSyntaxNode.ChildNodes)
                    TreeViewerNode oTreeChild = new TreeViewerNode();
                // Display the node, but hide its children.
                // Clone the entire oSyntaxNode branch (so the cloned branch
                // includes child nodes that represent morphology) and call
                // PopulateNode().
