コード例 #1
        public static void VerifyConfigValues(TreeOverhaulConfig config, TreeOverhaul mod)
            bool invalidConfig = false;

            if (config.SaveSprouts < 0 || config.SaveSprouts > 3)
                invalidConfig      = true;
                config.SaveSprouts = 0;

            if (config.FruitTreeGrowth < 0 || config.FruitTreeGrowth > 2)
                invalidConfig          = true;
                config.FruitTreeGrowth = 0;

            if (config.ShakingSeedChance < 0)
                invalidConfig            = true;
                config.ShakingSeedChance = 0;

            if (config.ShakingSeedChance > 100)
                invalidConfig            = true;
                config.ShakingSeedChance = 100;

            if (invalidConfig)
                mod.DebugLog("At least one config value was out of range and was reset.");
コード例 #2
        public static void SetUpModConfigMenu(TreeOverhaulConfig config, TreeOverhaul mod)
            GenericModConfigMenuAPI api = mod.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi <GenericModConfigMenuAPI>("spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu");

            if (api == null)

            var manifest = mod.ModManifest;

            api.RegisterModConfig(manifest, () => config = new TreeOverhaulConfig(), delegate { mod.Helper.WriteConfig(config); VerifyConfigValues(config, mod); });

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "General Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Stop Seed Growth In Shade", "Seeds don't sprout in the 8 surrounding tiles of a tree", () => config.StopShadeSaplingGrowth, (bool val) => config.StopShadeSaplingGrowth = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Growth Ignores Stumps", "Trees can grow even if a small stump is next to them", () => config.GrowthIgnoresStumps, (bool val) => config.GrowthIgnoresStumps = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Save Sprouts From Tools", "Normal and fruit trees can't be killed by the selected tools", () => GetElementFromConfig(SSChoices, config.SaveSprouts), (string val) => config.SaveSprouts = GetIndexFromArrayElement(SSChoices, val), SSChoices);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Winter Tweaks", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Normal Trees Grow In Winter", null, () => config.NormalTreesGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.NormalTreesGrowInWinter            = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Mushroom Trees Grow In Winter", null, () => config.MushroomTreesGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.MushroomTreesGrowInWinter      = val);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Fruit Trees Don't Grow In Winter", null, () => config.FruitTreesDontGrowInWinter, (bool val) => config.FruitTreesDontGrowInWinter = val);

            api.RegisterLabel(manifest, "Buffs And Nerfs", null);

            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Buff Mahogany Tree Growth", "20% unfertilized and 100% fertilized (from 15% and 60%)", () => config.BuffMahoganyTrees, (bool val) => config.BuffMahoganyTrees = val);
            api.RegisterClampedOption(manifest, "Seed Chance From Shaking", "Chance that a seed drops from shaking a tree (default: 5%, chance depends on host)", () => config.ShakingSeedChance, (int val) => config.ShakingSeedChance     = val, 0, 100);
            api.RegisterSimpleOption(manifest, "Faster Normal Tree Growth", "Normal trees try to grow twice every day, still random whether they succeed", () => config.FasterNormalTreeGrowth, (bool val) => config.FasterNormalTreeGrowth = val);
            api.RegisterChoiceOption(manifest, "Fruit Tree Growth Options", null, () => GetElementFromConfig(FTChoices, config.FruitTreeGrowth), (string val) => config.FruitTreeGrowth = GetIndexFromArrayElement(FTChoices, val), FTChoices);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.
        /// Loads config file and subscribes methods to some of the events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
        public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
            config = Helper.ReadConfig <TreeOverhaulConfig>();

            TreeOverhaulConfig.VerifyConfigValues(config, this);

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += delegate { OnDayStarted(); };

            // when the day ends reset all relevant data for 'SafeSprouts' feature just to be sure. This could happen if the day ends in the middle of an animation.
            Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayEnding += delegate

            // when we return to title reset all relevant data for 'SafeSprouts' feature just to be sure.
            Helper.Events.GameLoop.ReturnedToTitle += delegate { ResetSprouts(); };

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += delegate { CheckForToolUseToSaveSprouts(); };

            Helper.Events.Input.ButtonPressed += CheckForWeaponUseToSaveSprouts;

            Helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += delegate { TreeOverhaulConfig.SetUpModConfigMenu(config, this); };
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.
 /// Loads config file and adds method to the event of starting a new day.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
 public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
     helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += OnDayStarted;
     treeOverhaulConfig = helper.ReadConfig <TreeOverhaulConfig>();
コード例 #5
 public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
     TimeEvents.AfterDayStarted += Events_NewDay;
     treeOverhaulConfig          = helper.ReadConfig <TreeOverhaulConfig>();
     this.Monitor.Log(GetType().Name + " has loaded", LogLevel.Trace);