public static bool DeletePPSbypps(Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps) { SqlConnection conn = Connection.GetConnection(); string strdelcmd = "Delete from Packages_Products_Suppliers " + "where PackageId=@pkgID and ProductSupplierId=@ProdSupId"; SqlCommand delcmd = new SqlCommand(strdelcmd, conn); delcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pkgID", pps.pkgId); delcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdSupId", pps.prodSupId); try { conn.Open(); int count = delcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static Pkg_Product_Suppliers GetDatabyPSID(int prodsupId) { SqlConnection conn = Connection.GetConnection(); string strcmd = "select * from Packages_Products_Suppliers where ProductSupplierId=@prodsupId"; SqlCommand selcmd = new SqlCommand(strcmd, conn); selcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prodsupId", prodsupId); try { conn.Open(); SqlDataReader datareader = selcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow); if (datareader.Read()) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pkgprodsup = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pkgprodsup.pkgId = (int)datareader["PackageId"]; pkgprodsup.prodSupId = (int)datareader["ProductSupplierId"]; return(pkgprodsup); } else { return(null); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static int AddPPSData(Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps) { SqlConnection conn = Connection.GetConnection(); string strcmd = "insert Packages_Products_Suppliers " + "(PackageId, ProductSupplierId) " + "values(@pkgId,@ProdSupID)"; SqlCommand insertcmd = new SqlCommand(strcmd, conn); insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pkgId", pps.pkgId); insertcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProdSupID", pps.prodSupId); try { conn.Open(); insertcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //string strselcmd = "select IDENT_CURRENT('Packages_Products_Suppliers') FROM Packages_Products_Suppliers"; //SqlCommand selectCommand = // new SqlCommand(strselcmd, conn); //int ppsID = Convert.ToInt32(selectCommand.ExecuteScalar()); //return ppsID; return(1); } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static bool UpdateProdSupData(Pkg_Product_Suppliers oldpps, Pkg_Product_Suppliers newpps) { SqlConnection conn = Connection.GetConnection(); string strupdatecmd = "update Packages_Products_Suppliers set " + "ProductSupplierId=@prodsupId " + "where PackageId=@pkgId"; SqlCommand updatecmd = new SqlCommand(strupdatecmd, conn); updatecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pkgId", oldpps.pkgId); updatecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prodsupId", newpps.prodSupId); try { conn.Open(); int count = updatecmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
private void UpdateProdSupTopps(int pkgId) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); Products prod = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(cbProducts.Text); prodsup.nProdId = prod.nProdId;//cbProducts.SelectedValue); Suppliers sup = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(cbSups.Text); prodsup.nSupId = sup.nSupId;// Convert.ToInt32(cbSups.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodsup.nProdId, prodsup.nSupId); int prodsupid = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { prodsupid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductSupplierId"]); } if (prodsupid > 0) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.prodSupId = prodsupid; pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.AddPPSData(pps); refreshitems(); } else { CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("There is no supplier information in database! \n Please select other products!"); custMesg.Show(); } }
//private void BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // dgvPkgProd.DataSource = null; // dgvPkgProd.ColumnCount = 1; // dgvPkgProd.Columns[0].Name = "ProdName"; //} private void BtnDeductProdfromPkg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if pkg with prod_sup //update pkg_prod_sup delete record if (dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count > 0) { if (packageIdTextBox.Text == "" || packageIdTextBox.Text == "-1") { //if new package //remove row if (dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows.Count; i++) { dgvPkgProd.Rows.RemoveAt(dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows[i].Index); dgvPkgProd.Refresh(); } } } else if (packageIdTextBox.Text != "" && packageIdTextBox.Text != "-1") { //if pkg with prod_sup //update pkg_prod_sup delete record int pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); DataTable dt = Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.GetAllPsDatabyPkgId(pkgId); if (dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows.Count; i++) { //delete pkg_prod_sup record according to datagridview prodname and supname int prodId = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString()).nProdId; int supId = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(dgvPkgProd.SelectedRows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString()).nSupId; DataTable dtps = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodId, supId); for (int m = 0; m < dtps.Rows.Count; m++) { int prodsupId = Convert.ToInt32(dtps.Rows[m]["ProductSupplierId"]); for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { int ppspsId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[j]["ProductSupplierId"]); if (prodsupId == ppspsId) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.pkgId = pkgId; pps.prodSupId = prodsupId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbypps(pps); } } } } refreshitems(); } } } }
private void InsertProdSupTopps(int pkgId) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); Products prod = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(cbProducts.Text); prodsup.nProdId = prod.nProdId;//cbProducts.SelectedValue); Suppliers sup = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(cbSups.Text); prodsup.nSupId = sup.nSupId;// Convert.ToInt32(cbSups.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodsup.nProdId, prodsup.nSupId); int prodsupid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductSupplierId"]); Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.prodSupId = prodsupid; pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.AddPPSData(pps); refreshitems(); }
private void BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (packageIdTextBox.Text != "" && packageIdTextBox.Text != "-1") { int pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); //pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); if (Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.CheckDatabyPkgID(pkgId)) { Package oldpkg = new Package(); oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; if (pkgId != 0) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pps); if (!BookingDB.CheckPackageIdInuse(pkgId)) { PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); } else { CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Package is in use in Bookings table!"); cust.Show(); } } BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); } else if (PackageDB.CheckPackIdExist(pkgId)) { Package oldpkg = new Package(); oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; if (!BookingDB.CheckPackageIdInuse(pkgId)) { PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); } else { CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Package is in use in Bookings table!"); cust.Show(); } BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); } else { //Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); //pps.pkgId = pkgId; //Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pps); //Package oldpkg = new Package(); //oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; //PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); //if (pkgId != 0) //{ // Pkg_Product_Suppliers pkgps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); // pps.pkgId = pkgId; // Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pkgps); //} BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Not a valid record!"); cust.Show(); // MessageBox.Show("The Package is using in Package_Product_Supplier Table, Please delete record in Package_Product_Supplier Table First!"); } } else { BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Not a valid record!"); cust.Show(); } }
private void ToolStripBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { int pkgId = 0; Package pkg = new Package(); pkg.PkgName = pkgNameTextBox.Text; pkg.pkgStDate = pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value; pkg.pkgEndDate = pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value; pkg.pkgDesc = pkgDescTextBox.Text; pkg.pkgBasePrice = Convert.ToDouble(pkgBasePriceTextBox.Text); pkg.pkgAgentCom = Convert.ToDouble(pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text); if (packageIdTextBox.Text == "-1") { pkgId = PackageDB.AddPackage(pkg); if (pkgId != 0) { if (dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count; i++) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); Products prod = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); prodsup.nProdId = prod.nProdId; //cbProducts.SelectedValue); Suppliers sup = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); prodsup.nSupId = sup.nSupId; // Convert.ToInt32(cbSups.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodsup.nProdId, prodsup.nSupId); int prodsupid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductSupplierId"]); //int prodsupid = Prod_SuppliersDB.AddRecord(prodsup); Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.prodSupId = prodsupid; pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.AddPPSData(pps); } } } } else { //update package pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); if (pkgId != 0) { Package oldpkg = new Package(); oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; PackageDB.UpdatePkg(oldpkg, pkg); DataTable dtprodsup = Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.GetAllPkgProdSupData(pkgId); if (dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count; i++) { string strprodname = dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string strsupName = dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < dtprodsup.Rows.Count; j++) { if (strprodname != dtprodsup.Rows[j]["ProdName"].ToString() && strsupName != dtprodsup.Rows[j]["SupName"].ToString()) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); Products prod = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); prodsup.nProdId = prod.nProdId; //cbProducts.SelectedValue); Suppliers sup = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(dgvPkgProd.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); prodsup.nSupId = sup.nSupId; // Convert.ToInt32(cbSups.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodsup.nProdId, prodsup.nSupId); Prod_Suppliers newprodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); newprodsup.nProdSupId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductSupplierId"]); int prodsupid = newprodsup.nProdSupId; Pkg_Product_Suppliers oldpps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.prodSupId = prodsupid; oldpps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.UpdatePkgData(oldpps, pps); } } } } } } BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); } }