private void UpdateProdSupTopps(int pkgId) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); Products prod = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(cbProducts.Text); prodsup.nProdId = prod.nProdId;//cbProducts.SelectedValue); Suppliers sup = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(cbSups.Text); prodsup.nSupId = sup.nSupId;// Convert.ToInt32(cbSups.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(prodsup.nProdId, prodsup.nSupId); int prodsupid = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { prodsupid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductSupplierId"]); } if (prodsupid > 0) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.prodSupId = prodsupid; pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.AddPPSData(pps); refreshitems(); } else { CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("There is no supplier information in database! \n Please select other products!"); custMesg.Show(); } }
private void BtnChangePwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validation()) { AgentLogin agent = new AgentLogin(); agent.nAgentId = Convert.ToInt32(txtUsrID.Text); agent.strPassword = GetHashString(txtPwd.Text); if (AgentLogInDB.CheckIDexist(agent.nAgentId)) { AgentLogInDB.UpdateAgentLogin(agent, agent); CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Password updated!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Password updated!"); } else if (AgentsDB.CheckAgentIDExist(agent.nAgentId)) { AgentLogInDB.AddAgentLogIn(agent); CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Account created!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Account created!"); } else { txtUsrID.Text = ""; txtPwd.Text = ""; CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("AgentId does not exist, Please refill the form!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("AgentId does not exist, Please refill the form!"); } } }
private void BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { if (txtProdSupID.Text != "-1") { int nprodId = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(cbProducts.Text).nProdId; int nsupId = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(cbSuppliers.Text).nSupId; Prod_Suppliers ps = new Prod_Suppliers(); ps.nProdId = nprodId; ps.nSupId = nsupId; int prodsupID = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdSupID.Text); ps.nProdSupId = prodsupID; if (!Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.CheckDataInusebyPSID(prodsupID) && !BookingDetailsDB.CheckProdSupInuse(prodsupID)) { Prod_SuppliersDB.DeleteRec(ps); refreshitems(); } else { CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("The Product_Supplier record is in use in Pkg_Product_Supplier table,\n Please delete record in Pkg_Product_Supplier table first!"); custMesg.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource psbindsource = new BindingSource(); psbindsource.DataSource = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetAllDatabyName(); bindingNavigatorPS.BindingSource = psbindsource; } } else { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Not a valid record!"); msgfrm.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource psbindsource = new BindingSource(); psbindsource.DataSource = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetAllDatabyName(); bindingNavigatorPS.BindingSource = psbindsource; //MessageBox.Show("Not a valid record!"); } } else { refreshitems(); BindingSource psbindsource = new BindingSource(); psbindsource.DataSource = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetAllDatabyName(); bindingNavigatorPS.BindingSource = psbindsource; } }
private void BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { if (txtSupId.Text == "-1" || txtSupId.Text == "") { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Not a valid Supplier!"); msgfrm.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource supbindsource = new BindingSource(); supbindsource.DataSource = SupplierDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorSup.BindingSource = supbindsource; //MessageBox.Show("Not a valid Supplier!"); } else { int supId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSupId.Text); Suppliers sup = new Suppliers(); sup.nSupId = supId; sup.strSupName = txtSupName.Text; if (!Prod_SuppliersDB.CheckSupInusebySupId(supId) && !SupplierContactsDB.CheckSupplierInuse(supId)) { //if the supplier information is not in use in Prod_supplier table SupplierDB.DeleteSupplier(sup); refreshitems(); } else { //if the supplier info is using in Prod_supplier table CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("The Supplier is in use in Product_Supplier table,\n Please delete record in Product_Supplier table first!"); custMesg.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource supbindsource = new BindingSource(); supbindsource.DataSource = SupplierDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorSup.BindingSource = supbindsource; } } } else { refreshitems(); BindingSource supbindsource = new BindingSource(); supbindsource.DataSource = SupplierDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorSup.BindingSource = supbindsource; } }
private void BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { if (txtProdId.Text == "-1" || txtProdId.Text == "") { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Not a valid Product!"); msgfrm.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource prodbindsource = new BindingSource(); prodbindsource.DataSource = ProductDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorProd.BindingSource = prodbindsource; } else { int prodId = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdId.Text); Products prod = new Products(); prod.nProdId = prodId; prod.strProdName = txtProdName.Text; if (!Prod_SuppliersDB.CheckProdInusebyProdId(prodId)) { ProductDB.DeleteProduct(prod); refreshitems(); } else { CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("The Product is in use in Product_Supplier table,\n Please delete record in Product_Supplier table first!"); custMesg.Show(); refreshitems(); BindingSource prodbindsource = new BindingSource(); prodbindsource.DataSource = ProductDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorProd.BindingSource = prodbindsource; } } } else { refreshitems(); BindingSource prodbindsource = new BindingSource(); prodbindsource.DataSource = ProductDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorProd.BindingSource = prodbindsource; } }
private void ToolStripBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { if (txtProdId.Text != "") { int prodId = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdId.Text); Products prod = new Products(); prod.nProdId = prodId; prod.strProdName = txtProdName.Text; if (txtProdId.Text == "-1") { //insert new if (ProductDB.CheckProductsExistbyName(txtProdName.Text)) { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Products Exist already!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Products Exist already!"); } else { ProductDB.AddProduct(prod); } } else { //update ProductDB.UpdateProduct(prod, prod); } refreshitems(); BindingSource prodbindsource = new BindingSource(); prodbindsource.DataSource = ProductDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorProd.BindingSource = prodbindsource; } } }
private void ToolStripBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validation()) { if (txtSupId.Text != "") { int supId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSupId.Text); Suppliers sup = new Suppliers(); sup.nSupId = supId; sup.strSupName = txtSupName.Text; if (txtSupId.Text == "-1") { //insert new if (SupplierDB.CheckSuppliersExistbyName(txtSupName.Text)) { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Supplier exist already!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Supplier exist already!"); } else { SupplierDB.AddSupplier(sup); } } else { //update SupplierDB.UpdateSupplier(sup, sup); } refreshitems(); BindingSource supbindsource = new BindingSource(); supbindsource.DataSource = SupplierDB.GetData(); bindingNavigatorSup.BindingSource = supbindsource; } } }
private void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validation()) { AgentLogin agent = new AgentLogin(); agent.nAgentId = Convert.ToInt32(txtUsrID.Text); agent.strPassword = GetHashString(txtPwd.Text); if (AgentLogInDB.CheckIDexist(agent.nAgentId)) { if (AgentLogInDB.CheckPwdMatch(agent)) { MainFrm mainfrm = new MainFrm(); if (!FrmValid.checkformopen(mainfrm.Text)) { FrmValid.AgentId = agent.nAgentId; //this.Close(); mainfrm.Show(); this.Visible = false; } } else { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Password Wrong!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Password Wrong!"); } } else { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("User is not exist!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("User is not exist!"); } } }
private void ToolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Save if (Validation()) { int nprodId = ProductDB.GetProductsbyName(cbProducts.Text).nProdId; int nsupId = SupplierDB.GetSuppliersbyName(cbSuppliers.Text).nSupId; Prod_Suppliers ps = new Prod_Suppliers(); ps.nProdId = nprodId; ps.nSupId = nsupId; if (txtProdSupID.Text == "-1") { if (Prod_SuppliersDB.GetProd_SupbyPsId(nprodId, nsupId).Rows.Count <= 0) { Prod_SuppliersDB.AddRecord(ps); } else { CustMesg msgfrm = new CustMesg(); msgfrm.Showmsg("Record exist already!"); msgfrm.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("Record exist already!"); } } else { int prodsupID = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdSupID.Text); ps.nProdSupId = prodsupID; Prod_SuppliersDB.UpdateRecord(ps, ps); } refreshitems(); BindingSource psbindsource = new BindingSource(); psbindsource.DataSource = Prod_SuppliersDB.GetAllDatabyName(); bindingNavigatorPS.BindingSource = psbindsource; } }
private void BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (packageIdTextBox.Text != "" && packageIdTextBox.Text != "-1") { int pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); //pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); if (Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.CheckDatabyPkgID(pkgId)) { Package oldpkg = new Package(); oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; if (pkgId != 0) { Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); pps.pkgId = pkgId; Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pps); if (!BookingDB.CheckPackageIdInuse(pkgId)) { PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); } else { CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Package is in use in Bookings table!"); cust.Show(); } } BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); } else if (PackageDB.CheckPackIdExist(pkgId)) { Package oldpkg = new Package(); oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; if (!BookingDB.CheckPackageIdInuse(pkgId)) { PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); } else { CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Package is in use in Bookings table!"); cust.Show(); } BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); } else { //Pkg_Product_Suppliers pps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); //pps.pkgId = pkgId; //Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pps); //Package oldpkg = new Package(); //oldpkg.nPkgId = pkgId; //PackageDB.DeletePackage(oldpkg); //if (pkgId != 0) //{ // Pkg_Product_Suppliers pkgps = new Pkg_Product_Suppliers(); // pps.pkgId = pkgId; // Pkg_Product_SuppliersDB.DeletePPSbyPkgId(pkgps); //} BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Not a valid record!"); cust.Show(); // MessageBox.Show("The Package is using in Package_Product_Supplier Table, Please delete record in Package_Product_Supplier Table First!"); } } else { BindingSource pkgbindsource = new BindingSource(); pkgbindsource.DataSource = PackageDB.GetAllPkg(); PackagesBindingNavigator.BindingSource = pkgbindsource; refreshitems(); CustMesg cust = new CustMesg(); cust.Showmsg("Not a valid record!"); cust.Show(); } }
private void BtnAddProdSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validateprodSup()) { //if current pkg have prod sup already change current package prod supplier //update pkg_prod_supplier //if current no prod sup //add new recordd into pkg_prod_supplier //if add to new package //reemove binding souce of datagridview(done by package add button already) and just add row int pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(packageIdTextBox.Text); if (pkgId == -1)//new package { //create new package //if no prod_supplier info then insert only package info //if have prod_supplier info then insert package and package_product_supplier info if (dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count > 0) { //have prod_supplier info then insert package and package_product_supplier info List <Prod_Suppliers> prodlist = new List <Prod_Suppliers>(); for (int j = 0; j < dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count; j++) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); prodsup.strProdName = dgvPkgProd.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); prodsup.strSupName = dgvPkgProd.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); prodlist.Add(prodsup); } for (int j = 0; j < prodlist.Count; j++) { if ((cbProducts.Text == prodlist[j].strProdName) && (cbSups.Text == prodlist[j].strSupName)) { prodlist.RemoveAt(j); break; } else { continue; } } if (prodlist.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < prodlist.Count; i++) { DataGridViewRow newrow = (DataGridViewRow)dgvPkgProd.Rows[0].Clone();; newrow.Cells[0].Value = cbProducts.Text; newrow.Cells[1].Value = cbSups.Text; dgvPkgProd.Rows.Add(newrow); } } } else { //No prod_supplier info, only insert package information into package table DataGridViewRow newrow = new DataGridViewRow(); //(DataGridViewRow)dgvPkgProd.Rows; newrow.Cells[0].Value = cbProducts.Text; newrow.Cells[1].Value = cbSups.Text; dgvPkgProd.Rows.Add(newrow); } } else if (dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count > 0) { //if combobox content already in datagridview //do nothing //if not in datagridview //update pkg_prod_sup insert record List <Prod_Suppliers> prodlist = new List <Prod_Suppliers>(); bool bexist = false; //take current data in table into list for (int j = 0; j < dgvPkgProd.Rows.Count; j++) { Prod_Suppliers prodsup = new Prod_Suppliers(); prodsup.strProdName = dgvPkgProd.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); prodsup.strSupName = dgvPkgProd.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); prodlist.Add(prodsup); } for (int j = 0; j < prodlist.Count; j++) { if ((cbProducts.Text == prodlist[j].strProdName) && (cbSups.Text == prodlist[j].strSupName)) { //if the product and supplier already in table then remove from the list prodlist.RemoveAt(j); CustMesg custMesg = new CustMesg(); custMesg.Showmsg("Product_Supplier Info already in table!"); custMesg.Show(); //lblAddDelMsg.Text = "Product_Supplier Info already in table!"; bexist = true; break; } else { continue; } } //check data in prod_supplier table? if exist then just show info in gridview, else insert into prod_supplier table //update data in package and pkg_prod_supplier if (!bexist) { UpdateProdSupTopps(pkgId); } } else { //package no prod_supplier yet InsertProdSupTopps(pkgId); } } }