private void InstantiateClientDiscoveryWindow() { if ((cdw == null) || (cdw.IsLoaded == false)) // HACK: the first time cdw is null { cdw = new ClientDiscoveryWindow(); cdw.Show(); } else { cdw.Activate(); } }
private void InstantiateClientDiscoveryWindow(string filePath) { if ((cdw == null) || (cdw.IsLoaded == false)) // HACK: the first time cdw is null, so the second condition will not be evaluated { cdw = new ClientDiscoveryWindow(filePath); cdw.Show(); } else // That means that I'm trying to open 2 ClientDiscoveryWindow (two servers) { MessageBox.Show("To start sending another file, close the open Transfar Windows.", "Transfar", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.OK, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); } }