コード例 #1
		public override void Added()

			Text_Time = new Otter.Text( "", 32 );
				Text_Time.X = X;
				Text_Time.Y = Y;
				Text_Time.OutlineColor = Color.Black;
				Text_Time.OutlineThickness = 2;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Time );

			// Initialize the fade in/out
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Parent.Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;
コード例 #2
		public override void Added()

			// Get reference to GameWands interface for handling Leap Tools
			GameWands = ( (Scene_GameClass) Scene ).GameWands;

			Text_Warning = new Otter.Text( "", 32 );
				Text_Warning.X = X;
				Text_Warning.Y = Y;
				Text_Warning.OutlineThickness = 2;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Warning );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Parent.Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;
コード例 #3
		public override void Added()

			string text = "Loser!";
				if ( Winner )
					text = "Winner!";
			Text_Outcome = new Otter.Text( text, 96 );
				Text_Outcome.X = X;
				Text_Outcome.Y = Y;
				Text_Outcome.OriginY = Text_Outcome.Height;
				Text_Outcome.OutlineThickness = 4;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Outcome );

			Text_Score = new Otter.Text( Score.ToString(), 96 );
				Text_Score.X = X;
				Text_Score.Y = Y;
				Text_Score.OriginY = -Text_Score.Height;
				Text_Score.OutlineThickness = 4;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Score );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Parent.Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;
コード例 #4
		public override void Added()

			// Initialize the background Leap cable image
			Image_LeapCable_Background = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapcableback.png" );
				Image_LeapCable_Background.X = X;
				Image_LeapCable_Background.Y = Y;
				Image_LeapCable_Background.OriginX = Image_LeapCable_Background.Width + 32;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_LeapCable_Background );

			// Initialize the Leap cable image
			Image_LeapCable = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapcable.png" );
				Image_LeapCable.X = X;
				Image_LeapCable.Y = Y;
				Image_LeapCable.OriginX = Image_LeapCable.Width + 32;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_LeapCable );

			// Initialize the Leap controller image
			Image_Leap = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapmotion.png" );
				Image_Leap.X = X;
				Image_Leap.Y = Y;
				Image_Leap.OriginX = 0;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_Leap );

			Text_Warning = new Otter.Text( "Plug in Leap Motion Controller device", 16 );
				Text_Warning.X = X + 55;
				Text_Warning.Y = Y;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Warning );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Cable = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Cable.Value = 32;
				Cable.Minimum = -6;
				Cable.Maximum = 32;

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Parent.Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;
コード例 #5
		public override void Added()
			// Add state machine component
			AddComponent( TragicStateMachine );

			// Initialize to the menu state
			TragicStateMachine.ChangeState( TragicState.Menu );

			// Add the game round timer to the manager
			AddComponent( RoundTime );
			AddComponent( ScoreTime );

			// Initalize first wizards to offscreen
			foreach ( WizardClass wizard in CurrentScene.Wizards )
				float wizardoffset = -256; // Offscreen
					if ( wizard.Graphic.Angle > 0 ) // Light player
						wizardoffset = Game.Instance.Width - wizardoffset;
				wizard.SetPosition( wizardoffset, Game.Instance.HalfHeight );
				wizard.Destination = new Vector2( wizard.X, wizard.Y );
				wizard.Pause = true; // Pause to stop player movement (nothing to do with Otter Entity pausing, still need some input)

			// Initialize the fade in/out
			Ground_Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Ground_Alpha.Value = 0;
				Ground_Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Ground_Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Ground_Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

            // Initialize the camera shaker
            ScreenShake = new ScreenShaker();

			// Initialize the tweet finished flag for the wizards
			TweetFinished = new bool[Scene_GameClass.WIZARDS];
				for ( short wizard = 0; wizard < Scene_GameClass.WIZARDS; wizard++ )
					TweetFinished[wizard] = false;

			// Initialize the match outcome for the wizards
			Outcome = new MatchOutcome[Scene_GameClass.WIZARDS];
コード例 #6
		public override void Added()

			float height = 16;

			// Initialize the Team Member's image
			Image_Avatar = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/team/" + Username + ".png" );
				Image_Avatar.Scale = IMAGE_SCALE;
				Image_Avatar.X = X;
				Image_Avatar.Y = Y;
				Image_Avatar.OriginY += IMAGE_OFFSET_TEXT;
			AddGraphic( Image_Avatar );

			// Store the y offset for text elements
			float offsety = ( IMAGE_OFFSET_TEXT * Image_Avatar.Width * Image_Avatar.ScaleX );

			// Initialize the Team Member's twitter username
			Text_Name = new Otter.Text( Name, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Name.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Name.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Name );

			// Initialize the Team Member's role
			Text_Role = new Otter.Text( Role, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Role.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Role.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Role );

			// Add extra offset between name&role, and contact details
			offsety += Text_Role.Height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE / 2;

			// Initialize the Team Member's twitter username
			Text_Username = new Otter.Text( "@" + Username, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Username.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Username.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Username );

			// Initialize the Team Member's website url
			Text_Website = new Otter.Text( Website, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Website.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Website.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			//AddGraphic( Text_Website );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;