/// <summary> /// Calculates the current metrics for flowing and waiting vehicles /// </summary> /// <param name="wait"></param> /// <param name="flow"></param> /// <returns>true if the values could be calculated, false otherwise</returns> public bool calcWaitFlow(out float wait, out float flow) { #if TRACE Singleton <CodeProfiler> .instance.Start("TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow"); #endif #if DEBUGMETRIC bool debug = timedNode.NodeId == 3201; #else bool debug = false; #endif #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log.Warning($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: ***START*** @ node {timedNode.NodeId}"); } #endif uint numFlows = 0; uint numWaits = 0; uint curMeanFlow = 0; uint curMeanWait = 0; // we are the master node. calculate traffic data foreach (ushort timedNodeId in timedNode.NodeGroup) { TrafficLightSimulation sim = TrafficLightSimulation.GetNodeSimulation(timedNodeId); if (sim == null || !sim.IsTimedLight()) { continue; } TimedTrafficLights slaveTimedNode = sim.TimedLight; if (slaveTimedNode.NumSteps() <= timedNode.CurrentStep) { for (int i = 0; i < slaveTimedNode.NumSteps(); ++i) { slaveTimedNode.GetStep(i).invalid = true; } continue; } TimedTrafficLightsStep slaveStep = slaveTimedNode.Steps[timedNode.CurrentStep]; //List<int> segmentIdsToDelete = new List<int>(); // minimum time reached. check traffic! foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, CustomSegmentLights> e in slaveStep.segmentLights) { var fromSegmentId = e.Key; var segLights = e.Value; // one of the traffic lights at this segment is green: count minimum traffic flowing through SegmentEnd fromSeg = TrafficPriority.GetPrioritySegment(timedNodeId, fromSegmentId); if (fromSeg == null) { #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log.Warning($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: No priority segment @ seg. {fromSegmentId} found!"); } #endif //Log.Warning("stepDone(): prioSeg is null"); //segmentIdsToDelete.Add(fromSegmentId); continue; // skip invalid segment } //bool startPhase = getCurrentFrame() <= startFrame + minTime + 2; // during start phase all vehicles on "green" segments are counted as flowing ExtVehicleType validVehicleTypes = VehicleRestrictionsManager.GetAllowedVehicleTypes(fromSegmentId, timedNode.NodeId); foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, ExtVehicleType> e2 in segLights.VehicleTypeByLaneIndex) { byte laneIndex = e2.Key; ExtVehicleType vehicleType = e2.Value; if (vehicleType != ExtVehicleType.None && (validVehicleTypes & vehicleType) == ExtVehicleType.None) { continue; } CustomSegmentLight segLight = segLights.GetCustomLight(laneIndex); if (segLight == null) { Log.Warning($"Timed traffic light step: Failed to get custom light for vehicleType {vehicleType} @ seg. {fromSegmentId}, node {timedNode.NodeId}!"); continue; } #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log._Debug($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: Checking lane {laneIndex} @ seg. {fromSegmentId}. Vehicle types: {vehicleType}"); } #endif Dictionary <ushort, uint> carsFlowingToSegmentMetric = null; Dictionary <ushort, uint> allCarsToSegmentMetric = null; try { carsFlowingToSegmentMetric = fromSeg.GetVehicleMetricGoingToSegment(false, laneIndex, debug); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("calcWaitFlow (1): " + ex.ToString()); } try { allCarsToSegmentMetric = fromSeg.GetVehicleMetricGoingToSegment(true, laneIndex, debug); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("calcWaitFlow (2): " + ex.ToString()); } if (carsFlowingToSegmentMetric == null) { continue; } // build directions from toSegment to fromSegment Dictionary <ushort, Direction> directions = new Dictionary <ushort, Direction>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, uint> f in allCarsToSegmentMetric) { var toSegmentId = f.Key; SegmentGeometry geometry = SegmentGeometry.Get(fromSegmentId); Direction dir = geometry.GetDirection(toSegmentId, timedNodeId == geometry.StartNodeId()); directions[toSegmentId] = dir; #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log._Debug($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: Calculated direction for seg. {fromSegmentId} -> seg. {toSegmentId}: {dir}"); } #endif } // calculate waiting/flowing traffic foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, uint> f in allCarsToSegmentMetric) { ushort toSegmentId = f.Key; uint totalNormCarLength = f.Value; uint totalFlowingNormCarLength = carsFlowingToSegmentMetric[f.Key]; #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log._Debug($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: Total norm. car length of vehicles on lane {laneIndex} going to seg. {toSegmentId}: {totalNormCarLength}"); } #endif bool addToFlow = false; switch (directions[toSegmentId]) { case Direction.Turn: addToFlow = TrafficPriority.IsLeftHandDrive() ? segLight.isRightGreen() : segLight.isLeftGreen(); break; case Direction.Left: addToFlow = segLight.isLeftGreen(); break; case Direction.Right: addToFlow = segLight.isRightGreen(); break; case Direction.Forward: default: addToFlow = segLight.isForwardGreen(); break; } if (addToFlow) { ++numFlows; curMeanFlow += totalFlowingNormCarLength; } else { ++numWaits; curMeanWait += totalNormCarLength; } #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log._Debug($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: Vehicles on lane {laneIndex} on seg. {fromSegmentId} going to seg. {toSegmentId} flowing? {addToFlow} curMeanFlow={curMeanFlow}, curMeanWait={curMeanWait}"); } #endif } } } // delete invalid segments from step /*foreach (int segmentId in segmentIdsToDelete) { * slaveStep.segmentLightStates.Remove(segmentId); * }*/ if (slaveStep.segmentLights.Count <= 0) { invalid = true; flow = 0f; wait = 0f; #if TRACE Singleton <CodeProfiler> .instance.Stop("TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow"); #endif return(false); } } #if DEBUGMETRIC if (debug) { Log._Debug($"TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow: ### Calculation completed. numFlows={numFlows}, numWaits={numWaits}, curMeanFlow={curMeanFlow}, curMeanWait={curMeanWait}"); } wait = curMeanWait; flow = curMeanFlow; #else if (numFlows > 0) { curMeanFlow /= numFlows; } if (numWaits > 0) { curMeanWait /= numWaits; } float fCurMeanFlow = curMeanFlow; fCurMeanFlow /= waitFlowBalance; // a value smaller than 1 rewards steady traffic currents wait = (float)curMeanWait; flow = fCurMeanFlow; #endif #if TRACE Singleton <CodeProfiler> .instance.Stop("TimedTrafficLightsStep.calcWaitFlow"); #endif return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the current metrics for flowing and waiting vehicles /// </summary> /// <param name="wait"></param> /// <param name="flow"></param> /// <returns>true if the values could be calculated, false otherwise</returns> public bool calcWaitFlow(out float wait, out float flow) { #if DEBUG bool debug = timedNode.NodeId == 17857; #else bool debug = false; #endif uint numFlows = 0; uint numWaits = 0; uint curMeanFlow = 0; uint curMeanWait = 0; // we are the master node. calculate traffic data foreach (ushort timedNodeId in groupNodeIds) { TrafficLightSimulation sim = TrafficLightSimulation.GetNodeSimulation(timedNodeId); if (sim == null || !sim.IsTimedLight()) { continue; } TimedTrafficLights slaveTimedNode = sim.TimedLight; if (slaveTimedNode.NumSteps() <= timedNode.CurrentStep) { for (int i = 0; i < slaveTimedNode.NumSteps(); ++i) { slaveTimedNode.GetStep(i).invalid = true; } continue; } TimedTrafficLightsStep slaveStep = slaveTimedNode.Steps[timedNode.CurrentStep]; //List<int> segmentIdsToDelete = new List<int>(); // minimum time reached. check traffic! foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, CustomSegmentLights> e in slaveStep.segmentLights) { var fromSegmentId = e.Key; var segLights = e.Value; // one of the traffic lights at this segment is green: count minimum traffic flowing through SegmentEnd fromSeg = TrafficPriority.GetPrioritySegment(timedNodeId, fromSegmentId); if (fromSeg == null) { //Log.Warning("stepDone(): prioSeg is null"); //segmentIdsToDelete.Add(fromSegmentId); continue; // skip invalid segment } bool startPhase = getCurrentFrame() <= startFrame + minTime + 2; // during start phase all vehicles on "green" segments are counted as flowing ExtVehicleType validVehicleTypes = VehicleRestrictionsManager.GetAllowedVehicleTypes(fromSegmentId, timedNode.NodeId); foreach (ExtVehicleType vehicleType in segLights.VehicleTypes) { if (vehicleType != ExtVehicleType.None && (validVehicleTypes & vehicleType) == ExtVehicleType.None) { continue; } CustomSegmentLight segLight = segLights.GetCustomLight(vehicleType); if (segLight == null) { Log.Warning($"Timed traffic light step: Failed to get custom light for vehicleType {vehicleType} @ seg. {fromSegmentId}, node {timedNode.NodeId}!"); continue; } Dictionary <ushort, uint>[] carsToSegmentMetrics = new Dictionary <ushort, uint> [startPhase ? 1: 2]; try { carsToSegmentMetrics[0] = fromSeg.GetVehicleMetricGoingToSegment(null, vehicleType, segLights.SeparateVehicleTypes, debug); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("calcWaitFlow: " + ex.ToString()); } if (!startPhase) { try { carsToSegmentMetrics[1] = fromSeg.GetVehicleMetricGoingToSegment(0.1f, vehicleType, segLights.SeparateVehicleTypes, debug); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("calcWaitFlow: " + ex.ToString()); } } if (carsToSegmentMetrics[0] == null) { continue; } // build directions from toSegment to fromSegment Dictionary <ushort, Direction> directions = new Dictionary <ushort, Direction>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, uint> f in carsToSegmentMetrics[0]) { var toSegmentId = f.Key; SegmentGeometry geometry = CustomRoadAI.GetSegmentGeometry(fromSegmentId); Direction dir = geometry.GetDirection(toSegmentId, timedNodeId); directions[toSegmentId] = dir; } // calculate waiting/flowing traffic for (int i = 0; i < carsToSegmentMetrics.Length; ++i) { if (carsToSegmentMetrics[i] == null) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, uint> f in carsToSegmentMetrics[i]) { ushort toSegmentId = f.Key; uint totalNormCarLength = f.Value; bool addToFlow = false; switch (directions[toSegmentId]) { case Direction.Left: if (segLight.isLeftGreen()) { addToFlow = true; } break; case Direction.Right: if (segLight.isRightGreen()) { addToFlow = true; } break; case Direction.Forward: default: if (segLight.isForwardGreen()) { addToFlow = true; } break; } if (addToFlow) { if (i > 0 || startPhase) { ++numFlows; curMeanFlow += totalNormCarLength; } } else if (i == 0) { ++numWaits; curMeanWait += totalNormCarLength; } } } } } // delete invalid segments from step /*foreach (int segmentId in segmentIdsToDelete) { * slaveStep.segmentLightStates.Remove(segmentId); * }*/ if (slaveStep.segmentLights.Count <= 0) { invalid = true; flow = 0f; wait = 0f; return(false); } } if (numFlows > 0) { curMeanFlow /= numFlows; } if (numWaits > 0) { curMeanWait /= numWaits; } float fCurMeanFlow = curMeanFlow; fCurMeanFlow /= 100f * waitFlowBalance; // a value smaller than 1 rewards steady traffic currents wait = (float)curMeanWait / 100f; flow = fCurMeanFlow; return(true); }