コード例 #1
        private Stack <T> ReconstructPath(ref List <TrackerSearchNode> ClosedArray, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
            Stack <T>         Path    = new Stack <T>(); // init new stack
            TrackerSearchNode Current = null;            // set current exploring node to start

            foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in ClosedArray)
                if (StartIndex == node.Index)
                    Current = node; // set current to the parent of the current exploring

            int pointCount = 0;

            while (Current.Index != EndIndex)
            { // loop until you reached the end index

                if (pointCount != 1)
                    Path.Push((T)Tree[Current.Index]); // add current to the stack

                foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in ClosedArray)
                    if (Current.Parent == node.Index)
                        Current = node; // set current to the parent of the current exploring
            Path.Push((T)Tree[EndIndex]); // add end point.
            Stack <T> path = new Stack <T>();

            foreach (T node in Path)
            } // next we reverse the stack so that it is in the correct order.

            return(path); // return path
コード例 #2
        private void EscapePoint(object Data)
            object[] DataArray = (object[])Data;                                                // Convert data to data array
            T        Position  = (T)DataArray[0];                                               // From node
            Vector2  Direction = (Vector2)DataArray[1];                                         // Direction to look in
            float    Distance  = (float)DataArray[2];                                           // To node

            System.Action <Stack <T> > OnCalculated = (System.Action <Stack <T> >)DataArray[3]; // Convert calculated callback
            System.Action <string>     OnError      = (System.Action <string>)DataArray[4];     // Convert error callback
            System.Action <T>          ReturnPoint  = (System.Action <T>)DataArray[5];
            int CurrentRegion   = (int)DataArray [6];
            int?LastVisitedNode = null;

            if (DataArray.Length >= 8)
                LastVisitedNode = (int?)DataArray [7];

            int start = Tree.NodeIndex(Position);

            if (LastVisitedNode != null && Tree.ValidAndEnabled((int)LastVisitedNode))
                start = (int)LastVisitedNode;
                start = Tree.GetClosedAvailable(start, (object)Tree[start], CurrentRegion);

            // Initialize base data
            List <TrackerSearchNode> Closed      = new List <TrackerSearchNode>(); // the closed array
            List <TrackerSearchNode> Open        = new List <TrackerSearchNode>(); // the open array
            TrackerSearchNode        InitialNode = new TrackerSearchNode(start);   // the initial node to start with
            Vector2 StartVect = (Vector2)Tree[start];
            int     Goal      = 0;                                                 // the holder of the int to pass when done
            int     TickCount = 0;                                                 // tick counter

            int[] NeighborsCache = new int[Tree.NeighborsCount];
            int   MaxIt          = MaxIterations;

            // Highest
            float HighestCost      = 0;
            int   HighestCostIndex = start;

            // Edit base data
            TrackerSearchNode CurrentNode = InitialNode;  // creates and assigns the currentnode variable as the initial node.


            // start loop
            while (CurrentNode.Cost < Distance && !CancelationPending && Open.Count > 0)
            { // tests to see if search to target is in the closed list.
                if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                    OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                if (TickCount > MaxIt)
                }                                 // check if the current iteration doesnt exceed the max iteration count

                if (CurrentNode.Cost >= Distance)
                {          // checks if the current checking node is far enough away.
                    break; // stop this void

                Vector2 CurrentVect = (Vector2)Tree[CurrentNode.Index];

                Tree.Neighbors(ref NeighborsCache, CurrentNode.Index);
                for (int i = 0; i < NeighborsCache.Length; i++)
                    if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                        OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                    int Neighbor = NeighborsCache[i];
                    if (Neighbor < 0)
                    }                               // continue since its not a valid neighbor

                    if (CancelationPending)
                    if (Neighbor < Tree.NodeCount - 1 && Neighbor > 0) // checks to make sure the neighbor is within range.
                        TrackerSearchNode ClosedNode = null;           // get neighbor out of closed array
                        TrackerSearchNode OpenNode   = null;           // get neighbor out of open array
                        foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in Closed)
                            if (node.Index == Neighbor)
                                ClosedNode = node;

                        foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in Open)
                            if (node.Index == Neighbor)
                                OpenNode = node;

                        Vector2 NH = (Vector2)Tree[Neighbor];                           // converts out neighbor to a vector 2 for math reasons.

                        float difX = Mathf.Abs((NH.x - CurrentVect.x) - (Direction.x)); // x differences
                        float difY = Mathf.Abs((NH.y - CurrentVect.y) - (Direction.y)); // y differences
                        float dif  = difX + difY;

                        if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                            OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                        float G = (int)(Tree.Cost(Neighbor, start) / 10f); // cost is distance from neighbor to start
                        float H = dif;                                     // sees how far off the vector directions plot line the current neighbor is.

                        if (G > HighestCost)
                            HighestCost      = G;
                            HighestCostIndex = Neighbor;
                        }                         // set new highest

                        if (ClosedNode != null)
                        }                                   //checks to see if node exists in closed list and skips it if it is.
                        {                                   // neighbor is not in closed array
                            if (OpenNode != null)           //if node is an open node.
                                if (OpenNode.Heuristic > H) //checks to see if the this would make for a better parent or not.
                                    OpenNode.Cost      = G; // set node cost
                                    OpenNode.Heuristic = H;
                                }                  // else skip
                            {                                                             // if node is a new node
                                TrackerSearchNode Node = new TrackerSearchNode(Neighbor); // create new node

                                Node.Cost      = G;                                       // set node cost
                                Node.Heuristic = H;

                                Open.Add(Node);  // add the index to a list for iteration later

                if (CancelationPending)
                TrackerSearchNode lowest = Open[0];      //assigns a node at semi-random to be used for comparinsons to find the lowset cost node;

                for (int i = 0; i < Open.Count - 1; i++) // iterate through the list of open indexies.
                    if (lowest.Heuristic > Open[i].Heuristic)
                        lowest = Open[i];
                    }                     // checks this iterations open node against the assigned currentnode to see who costs less, the lowest cost one becomes the new current node
                Open.Remove(CurrentNode); // removes the current node from the open indexie list as it is the lowes cost node and will soon be added to the closed list.
                CurrentNode = lowest;     //assigns the new currentnode.
                Closed.Add(CurrentNode);  // add current checking to the closed array

                if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                    OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                TickCount++; // up tickcount
            if (CancelationPending)
            Goal = HighestCostIndex;

            if (ReturnPoint != null)
                FindPathCore(new object[] {
コード例 #3
        private void FindPathCore(object Data)
            // Fetching Initial data
            object[] DataArray = (object[])Data;                                                // Convert data to data array
            T        Start     = (T)DataArray[0];                                               // From node
            T        End       = (T)DataArray[1];                                               // To node

            System.Action <Stack <T> > OnCalculated = (System.Action <Stack <T> >)DataArray[2]; // Convert calculated callback
            System.Action <string>     OnError      = (System.Action <string>)DataArray[3];     // Convert error callback
            System.Func <float, bool>  ExitFilter   = null;
            int CurrentRegion   = -1;
            int?LastVisitedNode = null;

            if (DataArray.Length >= 5 && DataArray[4] != null)
                ExitFilter = (System.Func <float, bool>)DataArray[4];
            if (DataArray.Length >= 6)
                CurrentRegion = (int)DataArray[5];
            if (DataArray.Length >= 7)
                LastVisitedNode = (int?)DataArray [6];

            int StartIndex = Tree.NodeIndex(Start); // find index of start node
            int EndIndex   = Tree.NodeIndex(End);   // find index of end node

            int[] NeighborsCache = new int[Tree.NeighborsCount];

            if (LastVisitedNode != null && Tree.ValidAndEnabled((int)LastVisitedNode))
                StartIndex = (int)LastVisitedNode;
                StartIndex = Tree.GetClosedAvailable(StartIndex, (object)End, CurrentRegion);

            EndIndex = Tree.GetClosedAvailable(EndIndex, (object)Start, CurrentRegion);

            if (StartIndex > Tree.NodeCount - 1 || StartIndex < 0 || !Tree.ValidAndEnabled(StartIndex))
                if (CancelationPending)
                OnError.Invoke("Starting point is not part of Grid, or is not a valid walkable node");
            else if (EndIndex > Tree.NodeCount - 1 || EndIndex < 0 || !Tree.ValidAndEnabled(EndIndex))
                if (CancelationPending)
                OnError.Invoke("Desired destination is not part of Grid");

            // Initialize base data
            List <TrackerSearchNode> Open        = new List <TrackerSearchNode>();  //this list will hold the acive indexies of the Open list.
            List <TrackerSearchNode> Closed      = new List <TrackerSearchNode>();
            TrackerSearchNode        InitialNode = new TrackerSearchNode(EndIndex); // the initial node to start with
            int TickCount = 0;                                                      // tick counter

            Grids.GridGraph Graph = (Grids.GridGraph)Tree;

            // Edit base data
            InitialNode.Heuristic = Tree.Heuristic(StartIndex, InitialNode.Index); // calculate the heuristic of the initial node

            TrackerSearchNode CurrentNode = InitialNode;                           // creates and assigns the currentnode variable as the initial node.


            // start loop
            while (!CancelationPending && Open.Count > 0)
            { // tests to see if search to target is in the closed list.
                if (TickCount > MaxIterations)
                }                                         // check if the current iteration doesnt exceed the max iteration count


                if (CurrentNode.Index == StartIndex)
                {                                                                       // checks if the current checking node is equal to the end index
                    Stack <T> Path = ReconstructPath(ref Closed, StartIndex, EndIndex); // Reconstruct the path
                    if (CancelationPending)
                    OnCalculated.Invoke(Path); // invoke the on calculated callback with the constructed path
                    return;                    // stop this void

                if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                    OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                Tree.Neighbors(ref NeighborsCache, CurrentNode.Index);
                for (int i = 0; i < NeighborsCache.Length; i++)
                    if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                        OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                    int Neighbor = NeighborsCache[i];
                    if (Neighbor < 0)
                    }                               // continue since its not a valid neighbor

                    if (CancelationPending)
                    if (Neighbor < Tree.NodeCount - 1 && Neighbor > 0 && Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                        TrackerSearchNode ClosedNode = null; // get neighbor out of closed array
                        TrackerSearchNode OpenNode   = null; // get neighbor out of open array
                        foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in Closed)
                            if (node.Index == Neighbor)
                                ClosedNode = node;

                        foreach (TrackerSearchNode node in Open)
                            if (node.Index == Neighbor)
                                OpenNode = node;

                        float H = Tree.Heuristic(StartIndex, Neighbor); // calculate heuristic of neighbor
                        float G = CurrentNode.Cost + 10;
                        float F = H + G;                                // calculate f cost of neighbor

                        if (ExitFilter != null && ExitFilter.Invoke(H))
                            if (CancelationPending)
                            OnError.Invoke("Cant find a path. Path is broken by exit filter!");

                        if (ClosedNode != null)
                        }                                                //checks to see if node exists in closed list and skips it if it is.
                        {                                                // neighbor is not in closed array
                            if (OpenNode != null)                        //if node is an open node.
                                if (OpenNode.TotalCost > F)              //checks to see if the this would make for a better parent or not.
                                    OpenNode.Heuristic = H;              // set node heuristic
                                    OpenNode.Cost      = G;              // set node cost

                                    OpenNode.Parent = CurrentNode.Index; //reassigns the parent
                                }                  // else skip
                            {                                                             // if node is a new node
                                TrackerSearchNode Node = new TrackerSearchNode(Neighbor); // create new node

                                Node.Heuristic = H;                                       // set node heuristic
                                Node.Cost      = G;                                       // set node cost
                                Node.Parent    = CurrentNode.Index;                       // set node parent

                                Open.Add(Node);                                           // add the index to a list for iteration later

                if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                    OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                if (CancelationPending)
                TrackerSearchNode lowest = Open[0];  //assigns a node at semi-random to be used for comparinsons to find the lowset cost node;

                for (int i = 0; i < Open.Count; i++) // iterate through the list of open indexies.
                    if (lowest.TotalCost > Open[i].TotalCost)
                        lowest = Open[i];
                    }                     // checks this iterations open node against the assigned currentnode to see who costs less, the lowest cost one becomes the new current node
                Open.Remove(CurrentNode); // removes the current node from the open indexie list as it is the lowes cost node and will soon be added to the closed list.
                //Open[CurrentNode.Index] = null; // remove current checking node from the open array
                CurrentNode = lowest;     //assigns the new currentnode.

                if (!Tree.ValidAndEnabled(CurrentNode.Index))
                    OnError.Invoke("Obstacle interupted search");

                TickCount++; // up tickcount
            if (CancelationPending)
            OnError.Invoke("No path could be found from start to end"); // something has gone wrong cause you never reached the goal node. Invoke error callback