private void drawDetectedObjects(List <UIElement> relList, List <UIElement> unrotatedList, int method) { try { MapperVicinity mapperVicinity = CurrentMapper; double frameWidth = canvasRel.ActualWidth; double frameHeight = canvasRel.ActualHeight; double metersPerPixelX = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameWidth / mapperVicinity.RelMapWidth); double metersPerPixelY = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameHeight / mapperVicinity.RelMapHeight); double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Y); double xMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; int i = 0; switch (method) { case 0: default: i = mapperVicinity.Count; break; case 1: lock (mapperVicinity) { foreach (IDetectedObject idobj in mapperVicinity) { DetectedObjectViewControl dovc = null; if (idobj.objectType == DetectedObjectType.Mark) { dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = idobj.color, size = 21 }; } else { dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = idobj.color }; } /* * GeoPosition pos = idobj.geoPosition; * * double distXmeters = (pos.Lng - mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Lng) * Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; * double distYmeters = (pos.Lat - mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Lat) * Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE; */ RelPosition pos = idobj.relPosition; double distXmeters = pos.X; double distYmeters = pos.Y; double xPix = frameWidth / 2.0d - distXmeters / metersPerPixelX; double yPix = frameHeight / 2.0d - distYmeters / metersPerPixelY; dovc.Margin = new Thickness(xPix, yPix, 0, 0); relList.Add(dovc); i++; } } break; } // draw number of Detected Objects: double x0 = 20.0d; double y0 = 20.0d; Label lN = new Label() { Content = string.Format("{0} objects", i), Margin = new Thickness(x0, y0, 0, 0), FontSize = 10, FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal }; unrotatedList.Add(lN); } catch { } }
private void drawDetectedObjects(List<UIElement> relList, List<UIElement> unrotatedList, int method) { try { double frameWidth = canvasRel.ActualWidth; double frameHeight = canvasRel.ActualHeight; double metersPerPixelX = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameWidth / mapperVicinity.RelMapWidth); double metersPerPixelY = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameHeight / mapperVicinity.RelMapHeight); double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Y); double xMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; int i = 0; switch (method) { case 0: default: i = mapperVicinity.Count; break; case 1: lock (mapperVicinity) { foreach (IDetectedObject idobj in mapperVicinity) { DetectedObjectViewControl dovc = null; if (idobj.objectType == DetectedObjectType.Mark) { dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = idobj.color, size = 21 }; } else { dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = idobj.color }; } /* GeoPosition pos = idobj.geoPosition; double distXmeters = (pos.Lng - mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Lng) * Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; double distYmeters = (pos.Lat - mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Lat) * Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE; */ RelPosition pos = idobj.relPosition; double distXmeters = pos.X; double distYmeters = pos.Y; double xPix = frameWidth / 2.0d + distXmeters / metersPerPixelX; double yPix = frameHeight / 2.0d - distYmeters / metersPerPixelY; dovc.Margin = new Thickness(xPix, yPix, 0, 0); relList.Add(dovc); i++; } } break; } // draw number of Detected Objects: double x0 = 20.0d; double y0 = 20.0d; Label lN = new Label() { Content = string.Format("{0} objects", i), Margin = new Thickness(x0, y0, 0, 0), FontSize = 10, FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal }; unrotatedList.Add(lN); } catch { } }
private void drawMission(List<UIElement> relList, List<UIElement> unrotatedList) { if (_currentRoutePlanner != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints.Any()) { try { double frameWidth = canvasRel.ActualWidth; double frameHeight = canvasRel.ActualHeight; double metersPerPixelX = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameWidth / mapperVicinity.RelMapWidth); double metersPerPixelY = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameHeight / mapperVicinity.RelMapHeight); double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Y); double xMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; int i = 0; LocationWp prevWp = null; double xPixPrev=0, yPixPrev=0; foreach(LocationWp curWp in _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints) { Color wpColor; switch (curWp.waypointState) { default: case WaypointState.None: wpColor = Colors.Blue; break; case WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget: wpColor = Colors.Orange; break; case WaypointState.Passed: wpColor = Colors.Green; break; case WaypointState.CouldNotReach: wpColor = Colors.Red; break; } DetectedObjectViewControl dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = wpColor, size = curWp.isHome ? 121 : 41 }; Direction dirToWp = curWp.directionToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition, mapperVicinity.robotDirection); Distance distToWp = curWp.distanceToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition); double metersToWaypoint = Math.Round(distToWp.Meters, 1); distToWp /= 10.0d; // fit to small scale vicinity map RelPosition pos = new RelPosition(dirToWp, distToWp); double distXmeters = pos.X; double distYmeters = pos.Y; double xPix = frameWidth / 2.0d + distXmeters / metersPerPixelX; double yPix = frameHeight / 2.0d - distYmeters / metersPerPixelY; dovc.Margin = new Thickness(xPix, yPix, 0, 0); relList.Add(dovc); string wptCommand = == MAV_CMD.WAYPOINT ? (curWp.isHome ? "HOME" : string.Empty) :; string strSecToWp = string.Empty; if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget && curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue) { strSecToWp = string.Format(" {0:#} sec", (curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.Value - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds); } Label labelWp = new Label() { Content = string.Format("WPT{0}: {1} m {2} deg {3}{4}", curWp.number, metersToWaypoint, Math.Round((double)dirToWp.bearingRelative, 1), wptCommand, strSecToWp), Margin = new Thickness(xPix + 10, yPix + 10, 0, 0), FontSize = 14, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; relList.Add(labelWp); if (prevWp != null) { //Line lineToWp = new Line() { X1 = xPixPrev, Y1 = yPixPrev, X2 = xPix, Y2 = yPix, Stroke=Brushes.Red, StrokeThickness = 4.0d, StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle }; //relList.Add(lineToWp); Brush brush = Brushes.Blue; double thickness = 4.0d; if (prevWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed && curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed) { // leg has been traveled: brush = Brushes.Green; } else if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget) { // current leg: brush = Brushes.OrangeRed; thickness = 6.0d; } relList.Add(LineArrowHelper.DrawLinkArrow(new Point(xPixPrev, yPixPrev), new Point(xPix, yPix), brush, thickness)); } prevWp = curWp; xPixPrev = xPix; yPixPrev = yPix; i++; } } catch { } } }
private void drawMission(List <UIElement> relList, List <UIElement> unrotatedList) { if (_currentRoutePlanner != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints.Any()) { try { double frameWidth = canvasRel.ActualWidth; double frameHeight = canvasRel.ActualHeight; double metersPerPixelX = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameWidth / mapperVicinity.RelMapWidth); double metersPerPixelY = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameHeight / mapperVicinity.RelMapHeight); double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Y); double xMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor; int i = 0; LocationWp prevWp = null; double xPixPrev = 0, yPixPrev = 0; foreach (LocationWp curWp in _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints) { Color wpColor; switch (curWp.waypointState) { default: case WaypointState.None: wpColor = Colors.Blue; break; case WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget: wpColor = Colors.Orange; break; case WaypointState.Passed: wpColor = Colors.Green; break; case WaypointState.CouldNotReach: wpColor = Colors.Red; break; } DetectedObjectViewControl dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl() { color = wpColor, size = curWp.isHome ? 121 : 41 }; Direction dirToWp = curWp.directionToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition, mapperVicinity.robotDirection); Distance distToWp = curWp.distanceToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition); double metersToWaypoint = Math.Round(distToWp.Meters, 1); distToWp /= 10.0d; // fit to small scale vicinity map RelPosition pos = new RelPosition(dirToWp, distToWp); double distXmeters = pos.X; double distYmeters = pos.Y; double xPix = frameWidth / 2.0d + distXmeters / metersPerPixelX; double yPix = frameHeight / 2.0d - distYmeters / metersPerPixelY; dovc.Margin = new Thickness(xPix, yPix, 0, 0); relList.Add(dovc); string wptCommand = == MAV_CMD.WAYPOINT ? (curWp.isHome ? "HOME" : string.Empty) :; string strSecToWp = string.Empty; if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget && curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue) { strSecToWp = string.Format(" {0:#} sec", (curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.Value - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds); } Label labelWp = new Label() { Content = string.Format("WPT{0}: {1} m {2} deg {3}{4}", curWp.number, metersToWaypoint, Math.Round((double)dirToWp.bearingRelative, 1), wptCommand, strSecToWp), Margin = new Thickness(xPix + 10, yPix + 10, 0, 0), FontSize = 14, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; relList.Add(labelWp); if (prevWp != null) { //Line lineToWp = new Line() { X1 = xPixPrev, Y1 = yPixPrev, X2 = xPix, Y2 = yPix, Stroke=Brushes.Red, StrokeThickness = 4.0d, StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle }; //relList.Add(lineToWp); Brush brush = Brushes.Blue; double thickness = 4.0d; if (prevWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed && curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed) { // leg has been traveled: brush = Brushes.Green; } else if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget) { // current leg: brush = Brushes.OrangeRed; thickness = 6.0d; } relList.Add(LineArrowHelper.DrawLinkArrow(new Point(xPixPrev, yPixPrev), new Point(xPix, yPix), brush, thickness)); } prevWp = curWp; xPixPrev = xPix; yPixPrev = yPix; i++; } } catch { } } }