public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop) { forceStop = false; if ( is Agent) { // TODO: This is really confusing - fix it and make sure it works Agent otherAgent = target as Agent; if (target == agent) { otherAgent = (Agent); } ((Agent)target).memoryType.ChangeRLevel(((Agent)target), otherAgent, actualAmount); } else if ( is AgentEvent) { // TODO: Move this into AgentEvent so that it can decide how to handle RLevel changes // Change this agent's R Level for all other attendees in this event AgentEvent agentEvent = (AgentEvent); foreach (AgentEvent.Attendee attendee in agentEvent.attendees) { if (agent != attendee.agent) { agent.memoryType.ChangeRLevel(agent, attendee.agent, actualAmount); } } } return(true); }
// Adds a GoTo Mapping to an EntityType Mapping if its needed public virtual Mapping MaybeAddGoToMapping(Agent agent, Mapping mapping) { if (RequiresGoToMapping(agent, mapping)) { AgentEvent agentEvent = as AgentEvent; if (agentEvent != null) { agentEvent.NotifyTravellingTo(agent); } Mapping goToMapping = CreateGoToMapping(mapping); if (mapping.children == null) { mapping.children = new List <Mapping>() { goToMapping }; mapping.reasonForChildren = new List <InputCondition>() { mapping.mappingType.inputConditions.Last() }; goToMapping.childIndex = 0; } else { mapping.children.Add(goToMapping); mapping.reasonForChildren.Add(mapping.mappingType.inputConditions.Last()); goToMapping.childIndex = mapping.children.Count - 1; } return(goToMapping); } return(mapping); }
void Start() { inAgentEvent = null; isAutonomous = true; isAlive = true; pastLocations.Add(transform.position); mainCoroutine = StartCoroutine(MainAgentLoop()); }
public override bool Check(InputCondition inputCondition, Agent agent, Mapping mapping, Entity target, bool isRecheck) { AgentEvent agentEvent = target as AgentEvent; if (agentEvent.state == (AgentEvent.State)inputCondition.enumValueIndex) { return(true); } return(false); }
// Agent is an attendee in an AgentEvent that has just started - change roles if needed public void EventStarting(AgentEvent agentEvent) { Debug.Log(name + ": Starting Event"); inAgentEvent = agentEvent; // Figure out what roles need to be applied // TODO: Only CreatorAttendee Type is implemented List <RoleType> roleTypes = agentEvent.GetRoleTypes(this); // Handle applying roles foreach (RoleType roleType in roleTypes) { roleType.AddToAgent(this); } }
public override GameObject CreateEntity(int prefabVariantIndex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, Entity creator) { // This appears to work - During runtime the prefab must be saved somewhere - does not change assets GameObject prefab = prefabVariants[prefabVariantIndex]; prefab.SetActive(false); GameObject agentEventGameObject = Instantiate(prefab, position, rotation); AgentEvent agentEvent = agentEventGameObject.GetComponent <AgentEvent>(); agentEvent.state = AgentEvent.State.Waiting; // Set entityType - this allows one prefab to be used for multiple AgentEventTypes agentEvent.entityType = this; agentEvent.agentEventType = this; if (creator != null) { agentEvent.creator = (Agent)creator; } agentEvent.attendees = new List <AgentEvent.Attendee>(); // Create the trigger collider //SphereCollider sc = agentEventGameObject.AddComponent(typeof(SphereCollider)) as SphereCollider; //sc.isTrigger = true; //sc.radius = detectionRadius; // Set Waiting Sound AudioSource audioSource = agentEvent.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (audioSource != null && soundForWaiting != null) { audioSource.clip = soundForWaiting; audioSource.loop = loop; audioSource.playOnAwake = true; } else if (audioSource == null && soundForWaiting != null) { Debug.LogError(name + " has waiting sound set but the AgentEvent " + + " is missing an Audio Sorce."); } agentEventGameObject.SetActive(true); prefab.SetActive(true); return(agentEventGameObject); }
public void QuitEvent() { Debug.Log(name + ": Quitting Event"); // Run On Quit AgentEvent OutputChangesWaitEndOCT decider.RunOutputChangesFromAgent(this, null, OutputChange.Timing.OnQuitAgentEvent); // Disable any AgentEvent roles and figure out changes to Drives and Actions List <RoleType> roleTypes = inAgentEvent.GetRoleTypes(this); // Handle applying roles foreach (RoleType roleType in roleTypes) { roleType.RemoveFromAgent(this); } inAgentEvent.RemoveAttendee(this); inAgentEvent = null; }
public override bool Check(InputCondition inputCondition, Agent agent, Mapping mapping, Entity target, bool isRecheck) { if (agent.inAgentEvent != null) { return(false); } // Event can get destroyed right before this check if (target == null) { return(false); } AgentEvent targetAgentEvent = (AgentEvent)target; // See if the creator's rLevel for this agent meets the min r requirement for this agent event if (targetAgentEvent != null && targetAgentEvent.CanJoin(agent)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop) { forceStop = false; AgentEventType agentEventType = outputChange.entityType as AgentEventType; Vector3 position = target.transform.position; if (agentEventType.prefabVariants == null || agentEventType.prefabVariants.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError( + ": CreateAgentEventOCT: " + + " has no Prefab Variants. Please Fix."); return(false); } GameObject newGameObject = agentEventType.CreateEntity(0, position, agentEventType.prefabVariants[0].transform.rotation, agentEventType.prefabVariants[0].transform.localScale, agent); AgentEvent agentEvent = newGameObject.GetComponent <AgentEvent>(); = agentEvent; agentEvent.AddAttendee(agent); return(true); }