コード例 #1
        private void NormalizeTemplate(VmTemplate template, HypervisorServiceConfiguration option)
            if (!template.Iso.HasValue())
                // need to have a backing file to add the cdrom device
                template.Iso = option.IsoStore + "null.iso";

            var isopath = new DatastorePath(template.Iso);

            template.Iso = isopath.ToString();

            foreach (VmDisk disk in template.Disks)
                if (!disk.Path.StartsWith(option.DiskStore)
                    DatastorePath dspath = new DatastorePath(disk.Path);
                    disk.Path = dspath.ToString();
                if (disk.Source.HasValue() && !disk.Source.StartsWith(option.DiskStore)
                    DatastorePath dspath = new DatastorePath(disk.Source);
                    disk.Source = dspath.ToString();

            if (template.IsolationTag.HasValue())
                string tag = "#" + template.IsolationTag;
                Regex  rgx = new Regex("#.*");
                if (!template.Name.EndsWith(template.IsolationTag))
                    template.Name = rgx.Replace(template.Name, "") + tag;
                foreach (VmNet eth in template.Eth)
                    //don't add tag if referencing a global vlan
                    if (!_vlanman.Contains(eth.Net))
                        eth.Net = rgx.Replace(eth.Net, "") + tag;
コード例 #2
        public async Task <Vm> ChangeConfiguration(string id, VmKeyValue change)
            _logger.LogDebug("changing " + id + " " + change.Key + "=" + change.Value);

            Vm vm = await Load(id);

            if (vm == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            VimClient host = FindHostByVm(id);
            VmOptions vmo  = null;

            var    segments = change.Value.Split(':');
            string val      = segments.First();
            string tag      = segments.Length > 1
                ? $":{segments.Last()}"
                : "";

            //sanitize inputs
            if (change.Key == "iso")
                // vmo = await GetVmIsoOptions(vm.Name.Tag());
                // if (!vmo.Iso.Contains(change.Value))
                //     throw new InvalidOperationException();
                var isopath = new DatastorePath(val);
                change = new VmKeyValue
                    Key   = "iso",
                    Value = isopath.ToString() + tag

            if (change.Key == "net" && !change.Value.StartsWith("_none_"))
                vmo = await GetVmNetOptions(vm.Name.Tag());

                if (!vmo.Net.Contains(val))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return(await host.Change(id, change));
コード例 #3
ファイル: HypervisorService.cs プロジェクト: ddieruf/TopoMojo
        public async Task <Vm> ChangeConfiguration(string id, VmKeyValue change)
            _logger.LogDebug("changing " + id + " " + change.Key + "=" + change.Value);
            Vm vm = await Load(id);

            if (vm == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            VimClient host = FindHostByVm(id);
            VmOptions vmo  = null;

            //sanitize inputs
            if (change.Key == "iso")
                // vmo = await GetVmIsoOptions(vm.Name.Tag());
                // if (!vmo.Iso.Contains(change.Value))
                //     throw new InvalidOperationException();
                var isopath = new DatastorePath(change.Value);
                change = new VmKeyValue
                    Key   = "iso",
                    Value = isopath.ToString()

            if (change.Key == "net")
                vmo = await GetVmNetOptions(vm.Name.Tag());

                if (!vmo.Net.Contains(change.Value))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return(await host.Change(id, change));
コード例 #4
ファイル: VimClient.cs プロジェクト: FredLackey/TopoMojo
        public async Task <string[]> GetFiles(string path, bool recursive)
            await Connect();

            List <string> list    = new List <string>();
            DatastorePath dsPath  = new DatastorePath(path);
            string        oldRoot = "";
            string        pattern = dsPath.File ?? "*";

            RetrievePropertiesResponse response = await _vim.RetrievePropertiesAsync(

            ObjectContent[] oc = response.returnval;

            foreach (ObjectContent obj in oc)
                ManagedObjectReference dsBrowser = (ManagedObjectReference)obj.propSet[0].val;

                var capability = obj.propSet[1].val as DatastoreCapability;

                var summary = obj.propSet[2].val as DatastoreSummary;

                // if topLevelDirectory not supported (vsan), map from directory name to guid)
                if (
                    capability.topLevelDirectoryCreateSupportedSpecified &&
                    !capability.topLevelDirectoryCreateSupported &&
                    oldRoot = dsPath.TopLevelFolder;
                    string target = summary.url + oldRoot;

                    if (!_dsnsMap.ContainsKey(target))
                        var result = await _vim.ConvertNamespacePathToUuidPathAsync(

                        _dsnsMap.Add(target, result.Replace(summary.url, ""));

                    dsPath.TopLevelFolder = _dsnsMap[target];

                    // vmcloud sddc errors on Search_Datastore()
                    // so force SearchDatastoreSubFolders()
                    recursive = true;
                    pattern   = "*" + Path.GetExtension(dsPath.File);

                    _logger.LogDebug("mapped datastore namespace: " + dsPath.ToString());

                if (summary.name == dsPath.Datastore)
                    ManagedObjectReference task = null;
                    TaskInfo info = null;

                    var spec = new HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
                        matchPattern = new string[] { pattern },

                    var results = new List <HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults>();

                    if (recursive)
                        try {
                            task = await _vim.SearchDatastoreSubFolders_TaskAsync(
                                dsBrowser, dsPath.FolderPath, spec

                            info = await WaitForVimTask(task);

                            if (info.result != null)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.LogError(ex, "error searching datastore.");
                        task = await _vim.SearchDatastore_TaskAsync(
                            dsBrowser, dsPath.FolderPath, spec

                        info = await WaitForVimTask(task);

                        if (info.result != null)

                    foreach (HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults result in results)
                        if (result != null && result.file != null && result.file.Length > 0)
                            string fp = result.folderPath;
                            if (oldRoot.HasValue())
                                fp = fp.Replace(dsPath.TopLevelFolder, oldRoot);

                            if (!fp.EndsWith("/"))
                                fp += "/";

                            list.AddRange(result.file.Select(o => fp + o.path));
コード例 #5
ファイル: VimClient.cs プロジェクト: ddieruf/TopoMojo
        public async Task <string[]> GetFiles(string path, bool recursive)
            await Connect();

            List <string> list   = new List <string>();
            DatastorePath dsPath = new DatastorePath(path);

            RetrievePropertiesResponse response = await _vim.RetrievePropertiesAsync(
                _props, FilterFactory.DatastoreFilter(_res));

            ObjectContent[] oc = response.returnval;

            foreach (ObjectContent obj in oc)
                ManagedObjectReference dsBrowser = (ManagedObjectReference)obj.propSet[0].val;
                string dsName = ((DatastoreSummary)obj.propSet[1].val).name;
                if (dsName == dsPath.Datastore)
                    ManagedObjectReference task = null;
                    TaskInfo info = null;
                    HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec spec = new HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
                        matchPattern = new string[] { dsPath.File }
                    List <HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults> results = new List <HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults>();
                    if (recursive)
                        task = await _vim.SearchDatastoreSubFolders_TaskAsync(
                            dsBrowser, dsPath.FolderPath, spec);

                        info = await WaitForVimTask(task);

                        if (info.result != null)
                        task = await _vim.SearchDatastore_TaskAsync(
                            dsBrowser, dsPath.FolderPath, spec);

                        info = await WaitForVimTask(task);

                        if (info.result != null)

                    foreach (HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults result in results)
                        if (result != null && result.file != null && result.file.Length > 0)
                            string fp = result.folderPath;
                            if (!fp.EndsWith("/"))
                                fp += "/";

                            list.AddRange(result.file.Select(o => fp + o.path));