public int AddTaskInfo(TaskInfo element) { string sql = "insert into TaskInfo (EntityId, FlowID, Sponsor, Remark) values (" + element.EntityId + ", " + element.Flow.ID + ", '" + element.Sponsor + "', '" + element.Remark + "'); select SCOPE_IDENTITY()"; object obj = sqlHelper.ExecuteSqlReturn(sql); int R; if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value && int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out R)) { Flow flow = FlowLogic.GetInstance().GetFlow(element.Flow.ID); if (flow != null) { FlowTemplate temp = FlowTemplateLogic.GetInstance().GetFlowTemplate(flow.Template.ID); if (temp != null) { Alert alert = new Alert(); alert.提醒对象 = string.Join(",", temp.Stages[flow.CurrentIndex].Executors.ToArray()); alert.提醒方式 = 提醒方式.执行流程; alert.提醒时间 = DateTime.Now; alert.提醒项目 = flow.Name; alert.备注 = flow.ID.ToString(); AlertLogic.GetInstance().AddAlert(alert); Alert alert2 = new Alert(); alert2.提醒对象 = string.Join(",", temp.Stages[flow.CurrentIndex].Approvers.ToArray()); alert2.提醒方式 = 提醒方式.审批流程; alert2.提醒时间 = DateTime.Now; alert2.提醒项目 = flow.Name; alert.备注 = flow.ID.ToString(); AlertLogic.GetInstance().AddAlert(alert2); return(R); } } } return(0); }
public static AlertLogic GetInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new AlertLogic(); } return(instance); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (alert != null) { switch (alert.提醒方式) { case 提醒方式.系统提示: bool f = AlertLogic.GetInstance().SetFlag(alert.ID, 1); if (!f) { MessageBox.Show("已阅置位失败!"); } else { this.Close(); } break; case 提醒方式.执行流程: DocObject doc = DocObjectLogic.GetInstance().GetDocObject(Convert.ToInt32(alert.备注)); if (doc != null) { TaskInfo task = TaskInfoLogic.GetInstance().GetTaskInfoByEntityId(doc.ID); if (task != null) { TaskStageLogic.GetInstance().SetReceiveToExec(task.Flow.Current.ID); } DocEditForm def = new DocEditForm(this.User, this.owner, doc.Form, doc, alert.ID); if (def.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.Close(); } } break; case 提醒方式.审批流程: DocObject doc2 = DocObjectLogic.GetInstance().GetDocObject(Convert.ToInt32(alert.备注)); if (doc2 != null) { TaskInfo task = TaskInfoLogic.GetInstance().GetTaskInfoByEntityId(doc2.ID); if (task != null) { TaskStageLogic.GetInstance().SetReceiveToExec(task.Flow.Current.ID); } DocEditForm def = new DocEditForm(this.User, this.owner, doc2.Form, doc2, alert.ID); if (def.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.Close(); } } break; default: break; } } }
private void LoadAlerts() { List <Alert> elements = AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetAllAlerts(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (Alert element in elements) { comboBox1.Items.Add(element); } }
private void LoadAlerts() { List <Alert> elements = AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetAllAlerts(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (Alert element in elements) { comboBox1.Items.Add(element); } dataGridView1.DataSource = AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetAlerts(string.Empty); }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Alert> alerts = AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetSysAlertsByUser(this.User); foreach (Alert a in alerts) { if (a.提醒时间 < DateTime.Now) { AlertMyForm amf = AlertMyForm.Instance(this.User, this, a); amf.Show(); } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { Alert alert = (Alert)comboBox1.SelectedItem; alert.提醒项目 = textBox1.Text.Trim(); alert.提醒方式 = (提醒方式)comboBox3.SelectedItem; if (alert.提醒方式 == 提醒方式.系统提示 || alert.提醒方式 == 提醒方式.员工短信) { alert.提醒对象 = Commons.GetStaffIdStr(selectStaffControl1.SelectedStaffs); } else if (alert.提醒方式 == 提醒方式.会员短信) { alert.提醒对象 = Commons.GetMemberIdStr(selectMemberControl1.SelectedMembers); } alert.提醒时间 = dateTimePicker1.Value; alert.Flag = checkBox1.Checked ? 1 : 0; alert.备注 = textBox3.Text; AlertLogic al = AlertLogic.GetInstance(); if (al.ExistsNameOther(alert.提醒项目, alert.ID)) { if (MessageBox.Show("系统中已经存在该提醒,确定还要继续保存么?", "重名提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (al.UpdateAlert(alert)) { LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } } else { textBox1.Focus(); textBox1.SelectAll(); } } else { if (al.UpdateAlert(alert)) { LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("先选定要修改的提醒!"); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioButton1.Checked) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <Member> members = selectMemberControl1.SelectedMembers; foreach (Member m in members) { if (sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append(m.ID); } else { sb.Append("," + m.ID); } } Alert alert = new Alert(); alert.提醒对象 = sb.ToString(); alert.提醒方式 = 提醒方式.会员短信; alert.提醒时间 = dateTimePicker2.Value; alert.提醒项目 = textBox3.Text; AlertLogic.GetInstance().AddAlert(alert); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <Staff> staffs = selectStaffControl1.SelectedStaffs; foreach (Staff s in staffs) { if (sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append(s.ID); } else { sb.Append("," + s.ID); } } Alert alert = new Alert(); alert.提醒对象 = sb.ToString(); alert.提醒方式 = 提醒方式.员工短信; alert.提醒时间 = dateTimePicker2.Value; alert.提醒项目 = textBox3.Text; AlertLogic.GetInstance().AddAlert(alert); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (MessageBox.Show("确定要删除该提醒?", "删除提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Alert alert = (Alert)comboBox1.SelectedItem; if (AlertLogic.GetInstance().DeleteAlert(alert)) { LoadAlerts(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("先选定要删除的提醒!"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex > -1) { Alert alert = new Alert(); alert.ID = ((Alert)comboBox1.SelectedItem).ID; alert.提醒项目 = textBox1.Text.Trim(); alert.提醒对象 = textBox2.Text.Trim(); alert.提醒时间 = dateTimePicker1.Value; alert.提醒方式 = comboBox3.SelectedItem as AlertType; alert.备注 = textBox3.Text.Trim(); AlertLogic al = AlertLogic.GetInstance(); if (al.ExistsNameOther(alert.提醒项目, alert.ID)) { if (MessageBox.Show("系统中已经存在该提醒,确定还要继续保存么?", "重名提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (al.UpdateAlert(alert)) { LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } } else { textBox1.Focus(); textBox1.SelectAll(); } } else { if (al.UpdateAlert(alert)) { LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("先选定要修改的提醒!"); } }
private DataTable Search(string name, object alertType, string subject) { string nm = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name.Trim() != "") { nm = " and 提醒项目 like '%" + name.Trim() + "%'"; } string at = ""; string sb = ""; if (alertType is 提醒方式) { 提醒方式 type = (提醒方式)alertType; at = " and 提醒方式='" + type.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject) && subject.Trim() != "") { int id = 0; if (type == 提醒方式.系统提示 || type == 提醒方式.员工短信) { Staff staff = StaffLogic.GetInstance().GetStaffByName(subject.Trim()); if (staff != null) { id = staff.ID; } } else if (type == 提醒方式.会员短信) { Member member = MemberLogic.GetInstance().GetMemberByName(subject.Trim()); if (member != null) { id = member.ID; } } sb = " and ','+提醒对象+',' like '%," + id + ",%'"; } } string where = "(1=1)" + nm + sb + at; return(AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetAlerts(where)); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Alert alert = new Alert(); alert.提醒项目 = textBox1.Text.Trim(); alert.提醒对象 = textBox2.Text.Trim(); alert.提醒时间 = dateTimePicker1.Value; alert.提醒方式 = comboBox3.SelectedItem as AlertType; alert.备注 = textBox3.Text.Trim(); AlertLogic al = AlertLogic.GetInstance(); if (al.ExistsName(alert.提醒项目)) { if (MessageBox.Show("系统中已经存在该提醒,确定还要继续保存么?", "重名提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { int id = al.AddAlert(alert); if (id > 0) { alert.ID = id; LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); } } else { textBox1.Focus(); textBox1.SelectAll(); } } else { int id = al.AddAlert(alert); if (id > 0) { alert.ID = id; LoadAlerts(); MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); } } }
private DataTable Search(string name = null, string subject = null, AlertType alertType = null) { string nm = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name.Trim() != "") { nm = " and 提醒项目 like '%" + name + "%'"; } string sb = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject) && subject.Trim() != "") { sb = " and 提醒对象 like '%" + subject + "%'"; } string at = ""; if (alertType != null) { at = " and 提醒方式=" + alertType.ID; } string where = "(1=1)" + nm + sb + at + " order by ID desc"; return(AlertLogic.GetInstance().GetAlerts(where)); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocObjectLogic dol = DocObjectLogic.GetInstance(); if (doc != null) { if (dol.UpdateDocObject(Document, this.User)) { MessageBox.Show("保存文档成功!"); if (appr > 0) { TaskInfo task = TaskInfoLogic.GetInstance().GetTaskInfoByEntityId(doc.ID); if (task != null) { bool flag = false; string err = ""; if (exeORapp == 0) { if (task.Flow.Execute()) { if (FlowLogic.GetInstance().UpdateFlow(task.Flow)) { if (TaskStageLogic.GetInstance().SetActualExec(task.Flow.Current.ID, this.User)) { flag = true; } else { err = "SetActualExec失败"; } } else { err = "UpdateFlow失败"; } } else { err = "Execute失败"; } } else if (exeORapp == 1) { if (task.Flow.Approve()) { if (FlowLogic.GetInstance().UpdateFlow(task.Flow)) { if (TaskStageLogic.GetInstance().SetActualAppr(task.Flow.Current.ID, this.User)) { flag = true; } else { err = "SetActualAppr失败"; } } else { err = "UpdateFlow失败"; } } else { err = "Approve失败"; } } if (flag) { AlertLogic.GetInstance().SetFlag(appr, 1); MessageBox.Show("执行审批成功!"); this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; } else { MessageBox.Show("执行审批失败。[exeORapp=" + exeORapp + ", err=" + err + "]"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("执行审批失败。"); } } else { this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; } } else { MessageBox.Show("保存文档失败或者您没有权限修改别人的文档!"); } } else { int id = dol.AddDocObject(Document); if (id > 0) { doc.ID = id; MessageBox.Show("新建文档成功!如果需要对该文档做流程,请在右下角点击【设置审批】来生成流程!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("新建文档失败!"); } } }