コード例 #1
        public override MessageShim TranslateToShim(GenericCommand command)
            Tools.Commands.Implementation.IF1.AddAddonMP.AddAddonMP addon = new AddAddonMP();
            req req = new req();
            addon.req = req;

            cid c = new cid();
            req.cid = c;
            c.Item = command.TisTDId.ToString();
            c.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.TISTDid;

            req.reqId = command.ReqId.ToString();
            req.reqTime = command.ReqTime;
            req.phoneNumber = command.PhoneNumber;
            req.TISwalletId = command.TisWalletId;

            if (ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(command.MarketingPackages.Count == 1, "There should be exactly one  marketing package in this command.") &&
    ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(command.MarketingPackages[0].MPType.ToUpper() == "ADDON",
    "One and only ADDON marketing package is allowed and required for this command."))
                MarketingPackage mp = command.MarketingPackages[0];

                if (mp.MPId.HasValue)

                    AddonMP amp = new AddonMP { id = mp.MPId.ToString() };

                    List<@params> parameters = new List<@params>();

                    foreach (PackageParameter pp in mp.Parameters)
                        // Skip parameters with product code of N/A. That is taken from Milorad's code.
                        if (pp.ProductCode.ToUpper() == "N/A")

                        parameters.Add(new @params
                            code = (pp.ParamCode == "N/A") ? String.Empty : pp.ParamCode,
                            productCode = pp.ProductCode,
                            value = pp.Value

                    amp.@params = parameters.ToArray();

                    req.AddonMP = amp;
                    ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(false, String.Format("Marketing package ID is missing (MP_ID command field is null) External mp_instance_id is {0}.", mp.MPInstanceId));

            #region Reference code


            return new MessageShim
                CorrelationId = command.ReqId.ToString(),
                Text = PrepareAndWrapMessageText(req)
コード例 #2
        public override MessageShim TranslateToShim(GenericCommand command)
            Tools.Commands.Implementation.IF1.AddAddonMP.AddAddonMP addon = new AddAddonMP();
            req req = new req();
            addon.req = req;

            cid c = new cid();
            req.cid = c;
            c.Item = command.TisCustomerId;
            c.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.TIScustomerId;

            req.reqId = command.ReqId.ToString();
            req.reqTime = command.ReqTime;
            req.phoneNumber = command.PhoneNumber;
            req.TISwalletId = command.TisWalletId;

            if (ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(command.MarketingPackages.Count == 1, "There should be exactly one  marketing package in this command.") &&
    ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(command.MarketingPackages[0].MPType.ToUpper() == "ADDON",
    "One and only ADDON marketing package is allowed and required for this command."))

                MarketingPackage mp = command.MarketingPackages[0];

                if (mp.MPId.HasValue)

                    AddonMP amp = new AddonMP { id = mp.MPId.ToString() };

                    List<@params> parameters = new List<@params>();

                    CopyParametersToMarketingPackage(mp, parameters);

                    amp.@params = parameters.ToArray();

                    req.AddonMP = amp;
                    ErrorTrap.AddAssertion(false, String.Format("Marketing package ID is missing (MP_ID command field is null) External mp_instance_id is {0}.", mp.MPInstanceId));

            #region Reference code
            //    AddCustomerLevelAddonMPRequest request = 
            //    (AddCustomerLevelAddonMPRequest) getTransportObject().get("request");

            //AddAddonMP addAddonMP = new AddAddonMP();

            //com.telekomsrbija.foris.commandtypes.addaddonmp.Req req = 
            //    new com.telekomsrbija.foris.commandtypes.addaddonmp.Req();

            //Cid cid = new Cid();
            //        BasicConverter.timestampToXMLGregorianCalendar(request.getRequestTime()));

            //AddonMP addon = null;

            //for (MPInstance mpInstance : request.getMarketingPackages()) {
            //    addon = new AddonMP();
            //    AddonInstance a = (AddonInstance) mpInstance;
            //    addon.setId(new BigInteger(a.getMarketingPackageId().toString()));
            //    for (Param param : a.getParams()) {
            //        com.telekomsrbija.foris.commandtypes.alltypes.Params p = 
            //            new com.telekomsrbija.foris.commandtypes.alltypes.Params();

            //        if (param.getPk().getProductCode().equals("N/A"))
            //            continue;

            //        //if (param.getPk().getProductCode().equals("N/A"))
            //        p.setCode((param.getPk().getParamCode().equals("N/A") 
            //                ? "" : param.getPk().getParamCode()));
            //        p.setProductCode(param.getPk().getProductCode());
            //        p.setValue(param.getValue());

            //        addon.getParams().add(p);
            //    }




            //out.add("payload", req);
            //out.add("id", req.getReqId());
            //out.add("commandName", "AddAddonCustLevelMP");//addAddonMP.getClass().getSimpleName());

            return new MessageShim
                CorrelationId = command.ReqId.ToString(),
                Text = PrepareAndWrapMessageText(req)