コード例 #1
        private static STBone LoadBoneHiearchy(node daeNode, STGenericModel model,
                                               STBone boneParent, ref Matrix4 parentTransform)
            STBone bone = new STBone(model.Skeleton, daeNode.name);


            var transform = DaeUtility.GetMatrix(daeNode.Items) * parentTransform;

            bone.Position = transform.ExtractTranslation();
            bone.Scale    = transform.ExtractScale();
            bone.Rotation = transform.ExtractRotation();
            bone.Parent   = boneParent;
            Console.WriteLine("NODE " + bone.Name + " " + bone.Transform);

            //Reset the parent transform for children. We only need to apply the parent root transform
            parentTransform = Matrix4.Identity;

            if (daeNode.node1 != null)
                foreach (node child in daeNode.node1)
                    bone.Children.Add(LoadBoneHiearchy(child, model, bone, ref parentTransform));
コード例 #2
        public static Node LoadHiearchy(Node parent, node daeNode,
                                        STGenericModel model, ColladaScene colladaScene)
            Node node = new Node(parent);

            node.Name      = daeNode.name;
            node.Type      = daeNode.type;
            node.Transform = DaeUtility.GetMatrix(daeNode.Items) * parent.Transform;

            if (daeNode.instance_geometry != null)
                geometry geom = DaeUtility.FindGeoemertyFromNode(daeNode, colladaScene.geometries);
                model.Meshes.Add(LoadMeshData(colladaScene, node, geom, colladaScene.materials));
            if (daeNode.instance_controller != null)
                controller controller = DaeUtility.FindControllerFromNode(daeNode, colladaScene.controllers);
                geometry   geom       = DaeUtility.FindGeoemertyFromController(controller, colladaScene.geometries);
                model.Meshes.Add(LoadMeshData(colladaScene, node, geom, colladaScene.materials, controller));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to convert mesh {daeNode.name} \n {ex.ToString()}");

            //Find the root bone
            if (node.Type == NodeType.JOINT)
                //Apply axis rotation
                Matrix4 boneTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                if (colladaScene.UpAxisType == UpAxisType.Y_UP)
                    //  boneTransform = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(90));
                if (colladaScene.UintSize != null && colladaScene.UintSize.meter != 1)
                    var scale = ApplyUintScaling(colladaScene, new Vector3(1));
                    boneTransform *= Matrix4.CreateScale(scale);

                LoadBoneHiearchy(daeNode, model, null, ref boneTransform);
            else if (daeNode.node1 != null)
                foreach (node child in daeNode.node1)
                    node.Children.Add(LoadHiearchy(node, child, model, colladaScene));

コード例 #3
        private static Node LoadBoneNodeHiearchy(Node parent, node daeNode, ref Matrix4 parentTransform)
            Node node = new Node(parent);

            node.Name      = daeNode.name;
            node.Type      = daeNode.type;
            node.ID        = daeNode.id;
            node.Transform = DaeUtility.GetMatrix(daeNode.Items) * parentTransform;

            if (daeNode.node1 != null)
                foreach (node child in daeNode.node1)
                    node.Children.Add(LoadBoneNodeHiearchy(node, child, ref parentTransform));
