public static GZipResult Decompress(string lpSrcFolder, string lpDestFolder, string zipFileName, bool deleteTempFile, bool writeFiles, string addExtension, Hashtable htFiles, int bufferSize) { GZipResult result = new GZipResult(); if (!lpDestFolder.EndsWith("\\")) { lpDestFolder += "\\"; } string lpTempFile = lpSrcFolder + zipFileName + ".tmp"; string lpZipFile = lpSrcFolder + zipFileName; result.TempFile = lpTempFile; result.ZipFile = lpZipFile; string line = null; string lpFilePath = null; string lpFolder = null; GZipFileInfo gzf = null; FileStream fsTemp = null; ArrayList gzfs = new ArrayList(); bool write = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addExtension)) { addExtension = string.Empty; } else if (!addExtension.StartsWith(".")) { addExtension = "." + addExtension; } // extract the files from the temp file try { fsTemp = UnzipToTempFile(lpZipFile, lpTempFile, result); if (fsTemp != null) { while (fsTemp.Position != fsTemp.Length) { line = null; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && fsTemp.Position != fsTemp.Length) { line = ReadLine(fsTemp); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { gzf = new GZipFileInfo(); if (gzf.ParseFileInfo(line) && gzf.Length > 0) { gzfs.Add(gzf); lpFilePath = lpDestFolder + gzf.RelativePath; lpFolder = GetFolder(lpFilePath); gzf.LocalPath = lpFilePath; write = false; if (htFiles == null || htFiles.ContainsKey(gzf.RelativePath)) { gzf.RestoreRequested = true; write = writeFiles; } if (write) { // make sure the folder exists if (!Directory.Exists(lpFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(lpFolder); } // read from fsTemp and write out the file gzf.Restored = WriteFile(fsTemp, gzf.Length, lpFilePath + addExtension, bufferSize); } else { // need to advance fsTemp fsTemp.Position += gzf.Length; } } } } } } catch //(Exception ex3) { result.Errors = true; } finally { if (fsTemp != null) { fsTemp.Close(); fsTemp = null; } } // delete the temp file try { if (deleteTempFile) { File.Delete(lpTempFile); result.TempFileDeleted = true; } } catch //(Exception ex4) { result.Errors = true; } result.FileCount = gzfs.Count; result.Files = new GZipFileInfo[gzfs.Count]; gzfs.CopyTo(result.Files); return(result); }