public static void WriteFile(object rootObject, ParsedPath xnbFile) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(xnbFile, FileMode.Create)) { new XnbFileWriterV5(fileStream).Write(rootObject); } }
public static PinboardFileV1 Load(ParsedPath pinboardFileName) { PinboardFileV1 data = null; if (pinboardFiles == null) pinboardFiles = new Dictionary<ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1>(); if (pinboardFiles.TryGetValue(pinboardFileName, out data)) { return data; } try { data = PinboardFileReaderV1.ReadFile(pinboardFileName); } catch { throw new ContentFileException("Unable to read pinboard file '{0}'".CultureFormat(pinboardFileName)); } pinboardFiles.Add(pinboardFileName, data); return data; }
public static PinboardFileV1 ReadFile(ParsedPath contentFile) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(contentFile)) { return new PinboardFileReaderV1(reader).ReadPinboardXml(); } }
/// <summary> /// See <see cref="DirectoryInfoUtility.GetFiles(string, SearchScope)"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileSpec"></param> /// <param name="scope"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList<ParsedPath> GetFiles(ParsedPath fileSpec, SearchScope scope) { IList<FileInfo> fileInfos = DirectoryInfoUtility.GetFiles(fileSpec, scope); ParsedPath[] files = new ParsedPath[fileInfos.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < fileInfos.Count; i++) files[i] = new ParsedPath(fileInfos[i].FullName, PathType.File); return files; }
/// <summary> /// See <see cref="DirectoryInfoUtility.GetDirectories(string, SearchScope)"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="dirSpec"></param> /// <param name="scope"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList<ParsedPath> GetDirectories(ParsedPath dirSpec, SearchScope scope) { IList<DirectoryInfo> dirInfos = DirectoryInfoUtility.GetDirectories(dirSpec, scope); ParsedPath[] dirs = new ParsedPath[dirInfos.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dirInfos.Count; i++) dirs[i] = new ParsedPath(dirInfos[i].FullName, PathType.Directory); return dirs; }
private static void RecursiveGetParentDirectories(ParsedPath rootPath, ref List<DirectoryInfo> dirs) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(rootPath.VolumeAndDirectory); DirectoryInfo [] dirInfos = dirInfo.GetDirectories(rootPath.FileAndExtension); dirs.AddRange(dirInfos); if (!rootPath.IsRootDirectory) { RecursiveGetParentDirectories(rootPath.MakeParentPath(), ref dirs); } }
static ToolPaths() { try { #if WINDOWS RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"svgfile\shell\Inkscape\command", false); if (key != null) { string s = (string)key.GetValue(""); if (s != null && s.Length > 0) { if (s[0] == '"') s = s.Substring(1, s.IndexOf('"', 1) - 1); ParsedPath path = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).WithExtension(".com"); if (File.Exists(path)) Inkscape = path; } } key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"svgfile\shell\Edit with GIMP\command", false); if (key != null) { string s = (string)key.GetValue(""); if (s != null && s.Length > 0) { if (s[0] == '"') s = s.Substring(1, s.IndexOf('"', 1) - 1); ParsedPath path = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).WithFileAndExtension("rsvg-convert.exe"); if (File.Exists(path)) RSvgConvert = path; } } #elif OSX ParsedPath path = new ParsedPath("/Applications/", PathType.File); if (File.Exists(path)) Inkscape = path; #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } catch { } }
private SlnDocument(ParsedPath filePath, string content) { projects = new List<SlnProject>(); globalSections = new List<SlnGlobalSection>(); solutionConfigs = new List<SlnConfiguration>(); projectConfigs = new List<SlnProjectConfiguration>(); Regex slnProjectRegex = new Regex("Project\\(\"(?'type'{.*?})\"\\) = \"(?'name'.*?)\", \"(?'path'.*?)\", \"(?'guid'{.*?})\"[\\t\\r ]*\\n(?'content'(.*\\n)*?)EndProject[\\t\\r ]*\\n", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); MatchCollection matches = slnProjectRegex.Matches(content); foreach (Match match in matches) { this.projects.Add(new SlnProject { TypeGuid = match.Groups["type"].Value, Name = match.Groups["name"].Value, Path = new ParsedFilePath(match.Groups["path"].Value).MakeFullPath(filePath), ProjectGuid = match.Groups["guid"].Value, Content = match.Groups["content"].Value }); } Regex slnGlobalSectionRegex = new Regex("[\\t ]*GlobalSection\\((?'name'.*?)\\) = (?'order'(pre|post)Solution)[\\t\\r ]*\\n(?'content'([\\t ]*.*[\\t ]*\\n)+?)[\\t ]*EndGlobalSection[\\t\\r ]*\\n", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); matches = slnGlobalSectionRegex.Matches(content); foreach (Match match in matches) { var name = match.Groups["name"].Value; var groupContent = match.Groups["content"].Value; if (name == "SolutionConfigurationPlatforms") { ParseSolutionConfigurationPlatforms(groupContent); } else if (name == "ProjectConfigurationPlatforms") { ParseProjectConfigurationPlatforms(groupContent); } else { this.globalSections.Add(new SlnGlobalSection { Name = name, Order = match.Groups["order"].Value, Content = groupContent }); } } }
public static PngFile ReadFile(ParsedPath pngFileName) { PngFile pngFile = new PngFile(); ImageSurface image = new ImageSurface(pngFileName); if (image.Format != Format.ARGB32) throw new NotSupportedException("Only PNG's in ARGB32 format currently supported"); pngFile.Width = image.Width; pngFile.Height = image.Height; pngFile.RgbaData = GetRgbaData(image); return pngFile; }
public static void AssertBadPath( string path, PathType type) { try { ParsedPath pp = new ParsedPath(path, type); Assert.IsNotNull(pp); Assert.Fail("Badly formed path not caught"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsTrue(e is ArgumentException); } }
public static ContentFileV2 ReadFile(ParsedPath contentFile) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(contentFile)) { try { return new ContentFileReaderV2(reader).ReadContentElement(); } catch (Exception e) { e.Data["LineNumber"] = ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).LineNumber; throw; } } }
public static void AssertParentPath( string path, int level, string machine, string share, string drive, string directory, string file, string extension) { ParsedPath pp; // Test out specific entry points based on the values passed in if (level < -1) { pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeParentPath(level); if (pp == null) { Assert.IsNull(directory, "Expected result was not null"); return; } } else { pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeParentPath(); if (pp == null) { Assert.IsNull(directory, "Expected result was not null"); return; } } #if MACOS // We have to compare to OS specific paths machine = machine.Replace(@"\", "/"); share = share.Replace(@"\", "/"); directory = directory.Replace(@"\", "/"); #endif Assert.AreEqual(machine, pp.Machine.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(share, pp.Share.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(drive, pp.Drive.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(directory, pp.Directory.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(file, pp.File.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(extension, pp.Extension.ToString()); }
public static StringsFileV1 ReadFile(ParsedPath fileName) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fileName)) { try { return new StringsFileReaderV1(reader).ReadStringsElement(); } catch (Exception e) { e.Data["ContentFile"] = fileName; e.Data["LineNumber"] = ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).LineNumber; throw; } } }
public static void AssertBadPathFull( string path, string baseDir) { try { ParsedPath pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeFullPath( baseDir == null ? null : new ParsedPath(baseDir, PathType.Directory)); Assert.IsNotNull(pp); Assert.Fail("Badly formed path not caught"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsTrue(e is ArgumentException); } }
private void ProcessDirectory(ParsedPath dir) { var files = DirectoryUtility.GetFiles(dir, SearchScope.DirectoryOnly); foreach (var file in files) { if (file.Extension == ".cs") ScanFile(file); } var dirs = DirectoryUtility.GetDirectories(dir, SearchScope.DirectoryOnly); foreach (var subDir in dirs) { ProcessDirectory(subDir); } }
public static void CombinePngs(List<ImagePlacement> placements, ParsedPath pngPath) { try { int w = 0; int h = 0; foreach (var placement in placements) { int wt = (int)placement.TargetRectangle.Width; int ht = (int)placement.TargetRectangle.Height; if (wt > w) w = wt; if (ht > h) h = ht; } using (ImageSurface combinedImage = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, w, h)) { using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context(combinedImage)) { foreach (var placement in placements) { using (ImageSurface image = new ImageSurface(placement.ImageFile)) { int x = (int)placement.TargetRectangle.X; int y = (int)placement.TargetRectangle.Y; g.SetSourceSurface(image, x, y); g.Paint(); } } } combinedImage.WriteToPng(pngPath); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to combine images into file '{0}'".CultureFormat(pngPath), e); } }
private CsprojDocument(ParsedPath csprojPath, string content) { refs = new List<CsprojReference>(); projRefs = new List<CsprojProjectReference>(); this.xdoc = XDocument.Parse(content); XElement firstItemGroup; var refElems = GetElements(ns + "Reference", out firstItemGroup); this.refItemGroup = firstItemGroup; foreach (var refElem in refElems) { var hintPath = refElem.Element(ns + "HintPath"); refs.Add(new CsprojReference { Name = refElem.Attribute("Include").Value, HintPath = (hintPath != null ? new ParsedPath(hintPath.Value, PathType.File).MakeFullPath(csprojPath) : null) }); } refElems.Remove(); var projRefElems = GetElements(ns + "ProjectReference", out firstItemGroup); this.projRefItemGroup = firstItemGroup; foreach (var projRefElem in xdoc.Descendants(ns + "ProjectReference")) { projRefs.Add(new CsprojProjectReference { Include = new ParsedPath(projRefElem.Attribute("Include").Value, PathType.File).MakeFullPath(csprojPath), Guid = projRefElem.Element(ns + "Project").Value, Name = projRefElem.Element(ns + "Name").Value }); } projRefElems.Remove(); this.projectGuid = xdoc.Descendants(ns + "ProjectGuid").First().Value; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of files given a file search pattern. Will also search sub-directories. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchPattern">Search pattern. Can include a full or partial path and standard wildcards for the file name.</param> /// <param name="scope">The scope of the search.</param> /// <param name="baseDir">Base directory to use for partially qualified paths</param> /// <returns>An array of <c>FileInfo</c> objects for files matching the search pattern. </returns> public static IList<FileInfo> GetFiles(ParsedPath fileSpec, SearchScope scope) { ParsedPath rootPath = fileSpec.MakeFullPath(); if (scope != SearchScope.DirectoryOnly) { List<FileInfo> files = new List<FileInfo>(); if (scope == SearchScope.RecurseParentDirectories) RecursiveGetParentFiles(rootPath, ref files); else RecursiveGetSubFiles(rootPath, (scope == SearchScope.RecurseSubDirectoriesBreadthFirst), ref files); return files.ToArray(); } else { return NonRecursiveGetFiles(rootPath); } }
public static void AssertBadParentPath( string path, int level) { try { ParsedPath pp; if (level <= -1 || level > 0) pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeParentPath(level); else pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeParentPath(); Assert.IsNotNull(pp); Assert.Fail("Get parent succeeded and should have failed"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsTrue(e is ArgumentException || e is InvalidOperationException); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of directories given a file search pattern. Will also search sub-directories and /// parent directories. /// </summary> /// <param name="dirSpec">Search specification with with optional directory and wildcards</param> /// <param name="scope">The scope of the search. <see cref="SearchScope"/></param> /// <returns>An array of <c>DirectoryInfo</c> objects for files matching the search pattern. </returns> public static IList<DirectoryInfo> GetDirectories(ParsedPath dirSpec, SearchScope scope) { if (!dirSpec.HasFilename) throw new ArgumentException("Path does not have a filename"); ParsedPath rootPath = dirSpec.MakeFullPath(); if (scope != SearchScope.DirectoryOnly) { List<DirectoryInfo> dirs = new List<DirectoryInfo>(); if (scope == SearchScope.RecurseParentDirectories) RecursiveGetParentDirectories(rootPath, ref dirs); else RecursiveGetSubDirectories(rootPath, (scope == SearchScope.RecurseSubDirectoriesBreadthFirst), ref dirs); return dirs.ToArray(); } else { return NonRecursiveGetDirectories(rootPath); } }
private void AssertPathPartsRelative( string path, string basePath, string directory) { ParsedPath pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeRelativePath(new ParsedPath(basePath, PathType.Unknown)); Assert.AreEqual(directory, pp.Directory); }
public void Save(ParsedPath fileName) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { writer.Write("\r\nMicrosoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\r\n"); writer.Write("# Visual Studio 2012\r\n"); foreach (var project in this.projects) { var projectPath = project.Path.MakeRelativePath(fileName).ToString("\\"); var prefix = ".\\"; if (projectPath.StartsWith(prefix)) projectPath = projectPath.Substring(prefix.Length); writer.Write("Project(\"{0}\") = \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\"\r\n{4}EndProject\r\n", project.TypeGuid, project.Name, projectPath, project.ProjectGuid, project.Content); } writer.Write("Global\r\n"); writer.Write("\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\r\n"); foreach (var solutionConfig in this.solutionConfigs) { writer.Write("\t\t{0}|{1} = {0}|{1}\r\n", solutionConfig.Configuration, solutionConfig.Platform); } writer.Write("\tEndGlobalSection\r\n"); writer.Write("\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\r\n"); foreach (var projectConfig in this.projectConfigs) { writer.Write("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.ActiveCfg = {3}|{4}\r\n", projectConfig.Guid, projectConfig.SolutionConfiguration.Configuration, projectConfig.SolutionConfiguration.Platform, projectConfig.ProjectConfiguration.Configuration, projectConfig.ProjectConfiguration.Platform); writer.Write("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.Build.0 = {3}|{4}\r\n", projectConfig.Guid, projectConfig.SolutionConfiguration.Configuration, projectConfig.SolutionConfiguration.Platform, projectConfig.ProjectConfiguration.Configuration, projectConfig.ProjectConfiguration.Platform); } writer.Write("\tEndGlobalSection\r\n"); foreach (var globalSection in this.globalSections) { writer.Write("\tGlobalSection({0}) = {1}\r\n", globalSection.Name, globalSection.Order); writer.Write(globalSection.Content); writer.Write("\tEndGlobalSection\r\n"); } writer.Write("EndGlobal\r\n"); } }
public static SlnDocument Parse(ParsedPath filePath) { return new SlnDocument(filePath, File.ReadAllText(filePath)); }
public ImagePlacement(ParsedPath pngPath, Cairo.Rectangle targetRectangle) { this.ImageFile = pngPath; this.TargetRectangle = targetRectangle; }
public static void RotatePng(ParsedPath pngPath, ImageRotation rotation) { if (rotation == ImageRotation.None) return; using (ImageSurface originalImage = new ImageSurface(pngPath)) { int w; int h; if (rotation == ImageRotation.Left || rotation == ImageRotation.Right) { w = originalImage.Height; h = originalImage.Width; } else { w = originalImage.Width; h = originalImage.Height; } double[] rotationRadians = {0, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI }; using (ImageSurface rotatedImage = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, w, h)) { using (Cairo.Context g = new Cairo.Context(rotatedImage)) { g.Translate(rotatedImage.Width / 2.0, rotatedImage.Height / 2.0); g.Rotate(rotationRadians[(int)rotation]); g.Translate(-originalImage.Width / 2.0, -originalImage.Height / 2.0); g.SetSourceSurface(originalImage, 0, 0); g.Paint(); } rotatedImage.WriteToPng(pngPath); } } }
public static void CompressPngToTexture2DContent( ParsedPath pngFileName, string compressionType, out Texture2DContent textureContent) { PngFile pngFile = PngFileReader.ReadFile(pngFileName); SquishMethod? squishMethod = null; SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; switch (compressionType.ToLower()) { case "dxt1": squishMethod = SquishMethod.Dxt1; surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt1; break; case "dxt3": squishMethod = SquishMethod.Dxt3; surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt3; break; case "dxt5": squishMethod = SquishMethod.Dxt5; surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt5; break; default: case "none": surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; break; } BitmapContent bitmapContent; if (surfaceFormat != SurfaceFormat.Color) { byte[] rgbaData = Squish.CompressImage( pngFile.RgbaData, pngFile.Width, pngFile.Height, squishMethod.Value, SquishFit.IterativeCluster, SquishMetric.Default, SquishExtra.None); bitmapContent = new BitmapContent(surfaceFormat, pngFile.Width, pngFile.Height, rgbaData); } else { bitmapContent = new BitmapContent(SurfaceFormat.Color, pngFile.Width, pngFile.Height, pngFile.RgbaData); } textureContent = new Texture2DContent(bitmapContent); }
public void MakeFullPath() { // Test some good paths AssertPathPartsFull(@".txt", @"c:\temp\", "", "", @"c:", @"\temp\", "", ".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@"c:\test\..\temp\??.txt", null, "", "", @"c:", @"\temp\", @"??", @".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@"\test\..\temp\abc.txt", @"c:\a\b\", "", "", "c:", @"\temp\", @"abc", @".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@"test\..\temp\abc.txt", @"c:\a\b\", "", "", @"c:", @"\a\b\temp\", @"abc", @".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@".\test\....\temp\abc.txt", @"c:\a\b\c\", "", "", "c:", @"\a\temp\", @"abc", @".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@"...\test\abc.txt", @"c:\a\b\c\", "", "", "c:", @"\a\test\", @"abc", @".txt"); AssertPathPartsFull(@"C:\temp\\and...\so...\\.this.\blah.txt", null, "", "", @"C:", @"\temp\\and\so\\.this\", @"blah", @".txt"); // Test that using the current directory works ParsedPath pp = new ParsedPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory, PathType.Directory); AssertPathPartsFull(@"test.txt", null, pp.Machine, pp.Share, pp.Drive, pp.Directory, "test", ".txt"); // Test some bad paths AssertBadPathFull(@"c:\test\..\..\temp\abc.txt", null); // Too many '..'s AssertBadPathFull(@"test\......\temp\.\abc.txt", @"c:\"); // Too many '....'s }
private ParsedPath FindNugetLibrary(ParsedPath slnPath, ParsedPath csprojPath) { var projectName = ProjectName; var packagesConfigPath = csprojPath.WithFileAndExtension("packages.config"); if (!File.Exists(packagesConfigPath)) throw new PopperToolExeception("Cannot find '{0}'".InvariantFormat(packagesConfigPath)); var doc = XDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(packagesConfigPath)); var element = doc.Root.Elements("package").Where(e => e.Attribute("id").Value == projectName).FirstOrDefault(); if (element == null) throw new PopperToolExeception("Cannot find project '{0}' in '{1}'".InvariantFormat(projectName, packagesConfigPath)); var s = "packages/{0}.{1}/lib/{2}/{0}.dll".InvariantFormat( projectName, element.Attribute("version").Value, element.Attribute("targetFramework").Value); return slnPath.VolumeAndDirectory.Append(s , PathType.File); }
private ParsedPath GetSlnForProject(ParsedPath csprojPath) { var files = DirectoryUtility.GetFiles(csprojPath.WithFileAndExtension("*.sln"), SearchScope.RecurseParentDirectories); if (files.Count == 0) throw new PopperToolExeception("Cannot find .sln for project '{0}'".InvariantFormat(csprojPath)); return files[0]; }
private void AssertPathPartsFull( string path, string baseDir, string machine, string share, string drive, string directory, string file, string extension) { ParsedPath pp; if (baseDir != null) pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeFullPath(new ParsedPath(baseDir, PathType.Directory)); else pp = new ParsedPath(path, PathType.Unknown).MakeFullPath(); Assert.AreEqual(machine, pp.Machine); Assert.AreEqual(share, pp.Share); Assert.AreEqual(drive, pp.Drive); Assert.AreEqual(directory, pp.Directory); Assert.AreEqual(file, pp.File); Assert.AreEqual(extension, pp.Extension); }