public void NoteHasUri() { var note = new Note (); var guid = note.Guid; Assert.AreEqual ("note://tomboy/" + guid, note.Uri); }
public static Note GetTesterNote() { if (note == null) note = new Note ("tomboy://90d8eb70-989d-4b26-97bc-ba4b9442e51d"); SetUpNote (); return note; }
public BacklinkMenuItem (Note note, string title_search) : base (note.Title) { this.note = note; this.title_search = title_search; this.Image = new Gtk.Image (NoteIcon); }
public static void WatchNote (Note note) { if (!openNotes.Contains (note)) { openNotes.Add (note); UpdateWindowMenu (); } }
public void ConvertBackAndForth() { var tn1 = new Note () { Title = "This is my Title with Umlauts: äöü", Text = "This is my note body text.", CreateDate = DateTime.Now - new TimeSpan (365, 0, 0, 0), MetadataChangeDate = DateTime.Now, ChangeDate = DateTime.Now - new TimeSpan (14, 0, 0, 0) // TODO check why OpenOnStartup is of type string in Tomboy //OpenOnStartup = "true" }; var dto_note = tn1.ToDTONote (); var tn2 = dto_note.ToTomboyNote (); // notes should be identical Assert.AreEqual (tn1.Guid, tn2.Guid); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.Uri, tn2.Uri); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.Title, tn2.Title); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.Text, tn2.Text); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.ChangeDate, tn2.ChangeDate); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.MetadataChangeDate, tn2.MetadataChangeDate); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.CreateDate, tn2.CreateDate); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.OpenOnStartup, tn2.OpenOnStartup); Assert.AreEqual (tn1.Tags.Keys, tn2.Tags.Keys); }
/// <summary> /// Exports a single Note to HTML in a specified location. /// </summary> public override void ExportSingleNote (Note note, string output_folder) { string output_path = output_folder + SanitizeNoteTitle (note.Title) + "." + export_file_suffix; Logger.Debug ("Exporting Note '{0}' to '{1}'...", note.Title, output_path); StreamWriter writer = null; try { // FIXME: Warn about file existing. Allow overwrite. File.Delete (output_path); } catch { } writer = new StreamWriter (output_path); WriteHTMLForNote (writer, note); if (writer != null) writer.Close (); return; }
public void NoteEqualityOperator() { var note1 = new Note (); var note2 = note1; Assert.AreEqual (note1, note2); Assert.That (note1 == note2); }
public MyDocument (Note note) : base () { // some contructors might pass in null and not an actual note. if (note != null) { this.currentNoteID = note.Uri; this.currentNote = note; } }
public override void SaveNote(Note note) { var db_note = note.ToDTONote ().ToDBNote (Username); db_note.EncryptedKey = GetEncryptedNoteKey (db_note); EncryptNoteBody (db_note); base.SaveDBNote (db_note); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the note file name from URI. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The note file name from URI. /// </returns> /// <param name='note'> /// Note. /// </param> public static string GetNoteFileNameFromURI(Note note) { string name = ""; int begin = note.Uri.LastIndexOf ("/"); begin++; name = note.Uri.Substring (begin,(note.Uri.Length - begin)); return name; }
public void Init() { tagMgr = TagManager.Instance; tag_google = tagMgr.GetOrCreateTag (TAG_NAME_GOOGLE); tag_school = new Tag ("School"); note = TesterNote.GetTesterNote (); note.Tags.Add ("School", tag_school); }
public static bool HasChanged (Note note) { string original_xml = GetContent(note.CreateDate, note.Manager); if (GetContentWithoutTitle (note.TextContent) == GetContentWithoutTitle (XmlDecoder.Decode (original_xml))) { return false; } return true; }
public void SaveNote(Note note) { var dbNote = note.ToDTONote ().ToDBNote (User); // unforunately, we can't know if that note already exist // so we delete any previous incarnations of that note and // re-insert db.Delete<DBNote> (n => n.CompoundPrimaryKey == dbNote.CompoundPrimaryKey); db.Insert (dbNote); }
public void Initialize (Note note) { this.note = note; this.note.Opened += OnNoteOpenedEvent; Initialize (); if (note.IsOpened) OnNoteOpened (); }
/// <summary> /// Read the specified xml and uri. /// </summary> /// <description>XML is the raw Note XML for each note in the system.</description> /// <description>uri is in the format of //tomboy:NoteHash</description> /// <param name='xml'> /// Xml. /// </param> /// <param name='uri'> /// URI. /// </param> public static Note Read(XmlTextReader xml, string uri) { Note note = new Note (uri); DateTime date; int num; string version = String.Empty; while (xml.Read ()) { switch (xml.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: switch (xml.Name) { case "note": version = xml.GetAttribute ("version"); break; case "title": note.Title = xml.ReadString (); break; case "text": // <text> is just a wrapper around <note-content> // NOTE: Use .text here to avoid triggering a save. note.Text = xml.ReadInnerXml (); break; case "last-change-date": if (DateTime.TryParse (xml.ReadString (), out date)) note.ChangeDate = date; else note.ChangeDate = DateTime.Now; break; case "last-metadata-change-date": if (DateTime.TryParse (xml.ReadString (), out date)) note.MetadataChangeDate = date; else note.MetadataChangeDate = DateTime.Now; break; case "create-date": if (DateTime.TryParse (xml.ReadString (), out date)) note.CreateDate = date; else note.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; break; case "x": if (int.TryParse (xml.ReadString (), out num)) note.X = num; break; case "y": if (int.TryParse (xml.ReadString (), out num)) note.Y = num; break; } break; } } return note; }
public override void Initialize() { try { GlobalTodo = Note.Manager.Find(GLOBALTITLE); if(GlobalTodo == null) GlobalTodo = Note.Manager.Create(GLOBALTITLE, GLOBALCONTENT); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error at initialize: " + e); } }
public void SaveNote(Note note) { var dbNote = note.ToDTONote ().ToDBNote (); dbNote.Username = Username; // unforunately, we can't know if that note already exist // so we delete any previous incarnations of that note and // re-insert db.Delete<DBNote> (n => n.Username == Username && n.Guid == dbNote.Guid); db.Insert (dbNote); }
public static Note NewNote(string title, string body) { Note note = new Note ("tomboy://" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ()); if (title != null) note.Title = title; if (body != null) note.Text = body; return note; }
public void RemoveBrokenLinkTag (Note note) { NoteTag broken_link_tag = note.TagTable.BrokenLinkTag; Gtk.TextIter note_start, note_end; // We get the whole note as a range // and then just remove the "broken link" tag from it note.Buffer.GetBounds (out note_start, out note_end); // Sweep 'em note.Buffer.RemoveTag (broken_link_tag,note_start,note_end); Logger.Debug ("Removed broken links from a note: " + note.Title); }
public static Note NewNote(string title, string body) { Note note = new Note ("note://tomboy/" + Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ()); note.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; if (title != null) note.Title = title; if (body != null) note.Text = title + "\n\n" + body; else note.Text = title + "\n\n"; return note; }
static string GetDisplayName (Note note) { string display_name = note.Title; int max_length = (int) Preferences.Get (Preferences.MENU_ITEM_MAX_LENGTH); if (note.IsNew) { string new_string = Catalog.GetString (" (new)"); max_length -= new_string.Length; display_name = Ellipsify (display_name, max_length) + new_string; } else { display_name = Ellipsify (display_name, max_length); } return FormatForLabel (display_name); }
public void DateUtcIsCorrectlyStored() { DbStorage storage = new DbStorage(connFactory, testUser.Username); var tomboy_note = new Note (); tomboy_note.ChangeDate = new DateTime (2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); tomboy_note.CreateDate = tomboy_note.ChangeDate; tomboy_note.MetadataChangeDate = tomboy_note.ChangeDate; storage.SaveNote (tomboy_note); var stored_note = storage.GetNotes ().Values.First (); storage.Dispose (); Assert.AreEqual (tomboy_note.ChangeDate, stored_note.ChangeDate.ToUniversalTime ()); }
public void DeleteNote(Note note) { var dbNote = note.ToDTONote ().ToDBNote (this.Username); // if (UseHistory) { // var archived_note = new DBArchivedNote ().PopulateWith(dbNote); // if (Manifest.NoteRevisions.ContainsKey (note.Guid)) { // archived_note.LastSyncRevision = Manifest.NoteRevisions[note.Guid]; // } // var stored_note = db.FirstOrDefault<DBArchivedNote> (n => n.CompoundPrimaryKey == archived_note.CompoundPrimaryKey); // // if that revision already exists, do not store // if (stored_note == null) // db.Insert<DBArchivedNote> (archived_note); // } db.Delete<DBNote> (n => n.CompoundPrimaryKey == dbNote.CompoundPrimaryKey); }
public NoteStatsDialog(Note note) { this.note = note; this.Build(); SetTitle(); Refresh(); needs_refresh = false; note.Buffer.Changed += OnTextChanged; note.Buffer.MarkSet += OnMarkSet; note.Renamed += OnRenamed; GLib.Timeout.Add (500, OnAutoRefresh); }
public void HighlightWikiWords (Note note) { NoteTag broken_link_tag = note.TagTable.BrokenLinkTag; Gtk.TextIter note_start, note_end; note.Buffer.GetBounds (out note_start, out note_end); // HACK: The below is copied from Watchers.cs->ApplyWikiwordToBlock() // It turns WikiWords back into broken links after sweeping all broken links, // but only in case WikiWords are enabled. // Most probably there's more elegant way of doing this. const string WIKIWORD_REGEX = @"\b((\p{Lu}+[\p{Ll}0-9]+){2}([\p{Lu}\p{Ll}0-9])*)\b"; Regex regex = new Regex (WIKIWORD_REGEX, RegexOptions.Compiled); NoteBuffer.GetBlockExtents (ref note_start, ref note_end, 80 /* max wiki name */, broken_link_tag); for (Match match = regex.Match (note_start.GetText (note_end)); match.Success; match = match.NextMatch ()) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group group = match.Groups [1]; Logger.Debug ("Highlighting back wikiword: '{0}' at offset {1}", group, group.Index); Gtk.TextIter start_cpy = note_start; start_cpy.ForwardChars (group.Index); note_end = start_cpy; note_end.ForwardChars (group.Length); if (note.Manager.Find (group.ToString ()) == null) { note.Buffer.ApplyTag (broken_link_tag, start_cpy, note_end); } } /// End of hack }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new tasklists including all the given tasks. /// </summary> /// <param name="tasks"> /// A <see cref="List<Task>"/> /// </param> public TaskList(Note note, List<Task> tasks, String name, Gtk.TextIter start) { ContainingNote = note; //TODO possible merge this with things below? Name = name; TaskListTag tag = (TaskListTag)ContainingNote.TagTable.CreateDynamicTag ("tasklist"); NoteBuffer buffer = note.Buffer; Initialize (start, tag); var end = Start; if (tasks.Count == 0) name = name + "\n"; buffer.Insert (ref end, name); start = Start; if (!end.EndsLine ()) end.ForwardToLineEnd (); end.ForwardChar (); Buffer.ApplyTag (TaskListTag, start, end); Tasks = new List<Task> (); if (tasks.Count > 0) foreach (Task task in tasks) { Tasks.Add (task); task.RemoveTag (task.ContainingTaskList.Tag); task.ContainingTaskList = this; // This is required for intendation this.Tag.Priority = 0; task.ApplyTag (this.Tag); } else { end.BackwardChar (); AddTask (end); } }
public NoteBuffer (Gtk.TextTagTable tags, Note note) : base (tags) { RegisterSerializeFormat ("text/html", (Gtk.TextBufferSerializeFunc) Delegate.CreateDelegate (typeof(Gtk.TextBufferSerializeFunc), this, "SerializeToHtml")); active_tags = new List<Gtk.TextTag> (); undo_manager = new UndoManager (this); InsertText += TextInsertedEvent; DeleteRange += RangeDeletedEvent; MarkSet += MarkSetEvent; TagApplied += OnTagApplied; tags.TagChanged += OnTagChanged; widgetQueue = new Queue <WidgetInsertData> (); widgetQueueTimeout = 0; this.note = note; }
/// <summary> /// Translate the note content from legacy XML format to WebKit /// </summary> /// <param name = "note"> /// </param> public string From (Note note) { if (note == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("note"); /* * I'm sure there must be a better way to do this. * Basically the translator needs to be on this side of the library * because when the sync service runs, it needs notes to be in their * original format. * * It seems very cludgy to do what I am doing here, but I don't know of another way. * Aug 21, 2012 JJennings */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(sb); XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stringWriter); StringBuilder sbNoteText = new StringBuilder(); sbNoteText.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); sbNoteText.AppendLine("<note version=\"0.3\" " + "xmlns:link=\"\" " + "xmlns:size=\"\" " + "xmlns=\"\">"); sbNoteText.AppendLine("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">"); sbNoteText.AppendLine("<note-content version=\"1\">"); sbNoteText.Append(note.Text); sbNoteText.AppendLine("</note-content>"); sbNoteText.AppendLine("</text>"); sbNoteText.AppendLine("</note>"); StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(sbNoteText.ToString ()); XPathDocument doc; try { doc = new XPathDocument(stringReader); xslTransformFrom.Transform(doc, null, xmlTextWriter); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e.Message, e, sbNoteText.ToString()); } stringReader.Close(); return sb.ToString().Trim(); }
public NoteMenuItem (Note note, bool show_pin) : base (GetDisplayName(note)) { this.note = note; Image = new Gtk.Image (note_icon); #if HAS_GTK_2_16 this.SetAlwaysShowImage (true); #endif if (show_pin) { Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox (false, 0); Gtk.Widget child = Child; Remove (child); box.PackStart (child, true, true, 0); Add (box); box.Show(); pinned = note.IsPinned; pin_img = new Gtk.Image(pinned ? pindown : pinup); pin_img.Show(); box.PackStart (pin_img, false, false, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the note. /// </summary> /// <param name='note'> /// Note. /// </param> /// <param name='update_dates'> /// By default true and can be omited. If set to false, do not update the ChangeDate /// and MetadataChangeDate fields. Usefull for pure data storage, and when syncing. /// </param> public void SaveNote(Note note, bool update_dates = true) { if (update_dates) { DateTime saveUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; note.ChangeDate = saveUtcNow; } /* Update the dictionary of notes */ if (notes.ContainsKey (note.Uri)) notes.Remove (note.Uri); notes.Add (note.Uri, note); tagMgr.AddTagMap (note); /* Save Note to Storage */ (note); if (NoteUpdated != null) NoteUpdated (note); }