private void FillTimeZone(int locationId) { ITimeZoneService service = null; try { // Get time zone id. Location selectedLocation = this.mLocation.Where(item => item.Id == locationId).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedLocation == null) { this.hdnTimeZoneId.Value = "0"; this.spnTimeZone.InnerHtml = ""; return; } // Create the service. service = AppService.Create <ITimeZoneService>(); service.AppManager = this.AppManager; Tks.Entities.TimeZone timeZone = service.Retrieve(selectedLocation.TimeZoneId); // Bind. this.hdnTimeZoneId.Value = timeZone.Id.ToString(); this.spnTimeZone.InnerHtml = timeZone.Name; } catch { throw; } }
private void DisplayEntityForEdit(int index) { ITimeZoneService service = null; try { //Create a Instance Tks.Entities.TimeZone entity = mTimeZoneList[index]; // Assign to controls. this.hdnTimeZoneId.Value = entity.Id.ToString(); this.txtName.Value = entity.Name; this.txtShortName.Value = entity.ShortName; this.txtDescription.InnerText = entity.Description; this.chkIsActive.Checked = entity.IsActive; // Show/Hide the controls. this.ShowHideEditControls(true); } catch { throw; } finally { if (service != null) { service.Dispose(); } } }
protected void gvwTimeZoneList_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Tks.Entities.TimeZone Entity = (Tks.Entities.TimeZone)e.Row.DataItem; HtmlGenericControl active = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Row.FindControl("spnIsActive"); HtmlGenericControl LastUpdateuser = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Row.FindControl("spnLastUpdateUser"); //Bind the TimeZone is Active or not active.InnerText = Entity.IsActive == true ? "Yes" : "No"; //Bind the Last modified Username LastUpdateuser.InnerText = Entity.CustomData["LastUpdateUserName"].ToString(); } } catch { throw; } }
public bool UpdateEntity() { ITimeZoneService service = null; bool validateupdate = false; try { // Validate the entity values. if (hdnTimeZoneId.Value != "0") { this.ValidateEntity("Update"); } else { this.ValidateEntity(string.Empty); } // Build entity. Tks.Entities.TimeZone entity = new Tks.Entities.TimeZone(); entity.Id = Int32.Parse(this.hdnTimeZoneId.Value); entity.Name = this.txtName.Value; entity.ShortName = this.txtShortName.Value; entity.Description = this.txtDescription.InnerText.ToString().Replace("<", ""); if (hdnTimeZoneId.Value != "0") { entity.IsActive = this.chkIsActive.Checked; } else { entity.IsActive = true; } entity.Reason = this.txtReason.Value; entity.LastUpdateUserId = 1; entity.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; // Create service and call method. service = AppService.Create <ITimeZoneService>(); service.AppManager = mAppManager; service.Update(entity); // Display succeed message. } catch (ValidationException ve) { // Display validation erros. this.DisplayValidationMessage(ve); validateupdate = true; } catch (Exception ex) { validateupdate = true; throw ex; } finally { if (service != null) { service.Dispose(); } } return(validateupdate); }