public Grammar() { Symbols = new Symbols(); SkipSymbols = new Symbols(); Directives = new Directives(); }
private void SetupDirectives() { Directive d = Directives.Find("TinyPG"); if (d == null) { d = new Directive("TinyPG"); Directives.Insert(0, d); } if (!d.ContainsKey("Namespace")) { d["Namespace"] = "TinyPG"; // set default namespace } if (!d.ContainsKey("OutputPath")) { d["OutputPath"] = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; // write files to current path } if (!d.ContainsKey("Language")) { d["Language"] = "C#"; // set default language } if (!d.ContainsKey("TemplatePath")) { switch (d["Language"].ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { // set the default templates directory case "visualbasic": case "vbnet": case "": case "vb": d["TemplatePath"] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Path.Combine("Templates", "VB") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; break; case "java": d["TemplatePath"] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Path.Combine("Templates", "Java") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; break; default: d["TemplatePath"] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Path.Combine("Templates", "C#") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; break; } } d = Directives.Find("Parser"); if (d == null) { d = new Directive("Parser"); Directives.Insert(1, d); } if (!d.ContainsKey("Generate")) { d["Generate"] = "True"; // generate parser by default } if (!d.ContainsKey("CustomCode")) { d["CustomCode"] = ""; // no custom code by default } d = Directives.Find("Scanner"); if (d == null) { d = new Directive("Scanner"); Directives.Insert(1, d); } if (!d.ContainsKey("Generate")) { d["Generate"] = "True"; // generate scanner by default } if (!d.ContainsKey("CustomCode")) { d["CustomCode"] = ""; // no custom code by default } d = Directives.Find("ParseTree"); if (d == null) { d = new Directive("ParseTree"); Directives.Add(d); } if (!d.ContainsKey("Generate")) { d["Generate"] = "True"; // generate parsetree by default } if (!d.ContainsKey("CustomCode")) { d["CustomCode"] = ""; // no custom code by default } d = Directives.Find("TextHighlighter"); if (d == null) { d = new Directive("TextHighlighter"); Directives.Add(d); } if (!d.ContainsKey("Generate")) { d["Generate"] = "False"; // do NOT generate a text highlighter by default } if (!d.ContainsKey("CustomCode")) { d["CustomCode"] = ""; // no custom code by default } }