コード例 #1
        public static void Add(Delegate function, String name)
            JassTypeAttribute attribute;

            var prototype = "(";

            foreach (var parameter in function.Method.GetParameters())
                attribute  = (JassTypeAttribute)parameter.ParameterType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JassTypeAttribute), true).Single();
                prototype += attribute.TypeString;
            prototype += ")";

            if (function.Method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
                prototype += "V";
                attribute  = (JassTypeAttribute)function.Method.ReturnType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JassTypeAttribute), true).Single();
                prototype += attribute.TypeString;

            InternalNatives.Add(function, name, prototype);
コード例 #2
        private static Int32 InitNativesHook()
            var result = InternalNatives.InitNatives();

            foreach (var native in InternalNatives.customNatives)
                GameFunctions.BindNative(native.Function, native.Name, native.Prototype);

コード例 #3
        //private static IntPtr JassStringHandleToStringHook(IntPtr stringJassHandle)
        //    var vtable = Memory.Read<IntPtr>(stringJassHandle);
        //    if (vtable == UnknownStringType1VTable || vtable == UnknownStringType2VTable)
        //    {
        //        // The two checks above are vtables for the two only know string handles.
        //        return JassStringHandleToString(stringJassHandle);
        //    }
        //    // Anything but the two types above must be strings that doesn't need to be converted.
        //    return stringJassHandle;

        //private static IntPtr JassStringManager__ResizeHook(JassStringManager* @this, UInt32 newSize)
        //    var result = JassStringManager__Resize(@this, newSize);

        //    InternalNatives.JassStringManager = @this;

        //    return result;

        private static void CTriggerWar3__ExecuteHook(CTriggerWar3Ptr @this, IntPtr a2)
                InternalNatives.CTriggerWar3__Execute(@this, a2);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #4
        //public static JassStringManager* JassStringManager;

        public static void Initialize()
            if (Kernel32.GetModuleHandle("game.dll") == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Attempted to initialize " + typeof(InternalNatives).Name + " before 'game.dll' has been loaded.");

            if (!GameAddresses.IsReady)
                throw new Exception("Attempted to initialize " + typeof(InternalNatives).Name + " before " + typeof(GameAddresses).Name + " was ready.");

            var address = IntPtr.Zero;

            address = GameAddresses.InitNatives;
            Trace.Write("InitNatives: 0x" + address.ToString("X8") + " . ");
            InternalNatives.InitNatives = Memory.InstallHook(address, new InitNativesPrototype(InternalNatives.InitNativesHook), true, false);
            Trace.WriteLine("hook installed!");

            //address = GameAddresses.JassStringHandleToString;
            //Trace.Write("JassStringHandleToString: 0x" + address.ToString("X8") + " . ");
            //InternalNatives.JassStringHandleToString = Memory.InstallHook(address, new GameFunctions.JassStringHandleToStringPrototype(InternalNatives.JassStringHandleToStringHook), true, false);
            //Trace.WriteLine("hook installed!");

            //address = GameAddresses.JassStringManager__Resize;
            //Trace.WriteLine("JassStringManager__Resize: 0x" + address.ToString("X8") + " . ");
            //InternalNatives.JassStringManager__Resize = Memory.InstallHook(address, new GameFunctions.JassStringManager__ResizePrototype(InternalNatives.JassStringManager__ResizeHook), true, false);
            //Trace.WriteLine("hook installed!");

            address = GameAddresses.CTriggerWar3__Execute;
            Trace.Write("CTriggerWar3__Execute: 0x" + address.ToString("X8") + " . ");
            InternalNatives.CTriggerWar3__Execute = Memory.InstallHook(address, new CTriggerWar3__ExecutePrototype(InternalNatives.CTriggerWar3__ExecuteHook), true, false);
            Trace.WriteLine("hook installed!");

            //.rdata:6F96B6C0                 dd offset aButton_0     ; "BUTTON"
            //.rdata:6F96B6C4                 dd offset sub_6F5E9400
            // Open the sub on the second line.
            //.text:6F5E9450                 push    3
            //.text:6F5E9452                 mov     ecx, esi
            //.text:6F5E9454                 call    sub_6F5E15A0
            // Find the code above and open the sub.
            //.text:6F5E15F5                 lea     ebx, [esi+128h]
            //.text:6F5E15FB                 push    edi
            //.text:6F5E15FC                 mov     ecx, ebx
            //.text:6F5E15FE                 mov     byte ptr [esp+28h+var_4], 1
            //.text:6F5E1603                 call    sub_6F011300
            //.text:6F5E1608                 mov     dword ptr [ebx], offset off_6F969F5C
            //.text:6F5E160E                 lea     ebx, [esi+134h]
            //.text:6F5E1614                 push    edi
            //.text:6F5E1615                 mov     ecx, ebx
            //.text:6F5E1617                 mov     byte ptr [esp+28h+var_4], 2
            //.text:6F5E161C                 call    sub_6F011300
            //.text:6F5E1621                 mov     dword ptr [ebx], offset off_6F969F5C
            // Code like the above repeats several times, where off_6F969F5C is used seven times. This is the first vtable. Rebase it and we get 969F5C.

            // xref ".?AUJassString@@" and find the function where it's used three times.
            //.text:6F44C678                 add     ebx, edi
            //.text:6F44C67A                 mov     [esi+4], eax
            //.text:6F44C67D                 mov     dword ptr [esi], offset off_6F87688C
            //.text:6F44C683                 mov     [esi+8], eax
            // Find code that looks like the stuff above. It's between the second and third use of the string.
            // This is the vtable we'er looking for.

            address = Kernel32.GetModuleHandle("game.dll") + 0x87688C;
            Trace.WriteLine("UnknownStringType1VTable: 0x" + address.ToString("X8"));
            UnknownStringType1VTable = address;

            address = Kernel32.GetModuleHandle("game.dll") + 0x969F5C;
            Trace.WriteLine("UnknownStringType2VTable: 0x" + address.ToString("X8"));
            UnknownStringType2VTable = address;

            Trace.Write("Scanning vanilla natives . ");
            address = GameAddresses.InitNatives;
            var offset = 0x05;

            while (Memory.Read <Byte>(address + offset) == 0x68)
                InternalNatives.vanillaNatives.Add(new NativeDeclaration(address + offset));
                offset += 0x14;
            Trace.WriteLine("found " + InternalNatives.vanillaNatives.Count + "!");
コード例 #5
 public static void Add(Delegate function)
     InternalNatives.Add(function, function.Method.Name);
コード例 #6
 public static void Add(Delegate function, String name, String prototype)
     InternalNatives.Add(new NativeDeclaration(function, name, prototype));