コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a ControlRow (i.e., a template row definitions) construct a column for its data based on the
        /// - the control type (Note, Date, File etc)
        /// - its DataLabel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        protected FileTableColumn(ControlRow control)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(control, nameof(control));

            this.ControlType = control.Type;
            this.DataLabel   = control.DataLabel;
コード例 #2
        public FileTableChoiceColumn(ControlRow control)
            : base(control)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(control, nameof(control));

            this.choices      = control.GetChoices(false);
            this.defaultValue = control.DefaultValue;
コード例 #3
        // Given a list of duplicates and their common relative path, update the corresponding duplicates in the database
        // We do this by getting the IDs of duplicates in the database, where we update each database by ID to a duplicate.
        // If there is a mismatch in the number of duplicates in the database vs. in the CSV file, we just update whatever does match.
        private static string UpdateDuplicatesInDatabase(FileDatabase fileDatabase, List <Dictionary <string, string> > duplicatesDictionaryList, string relativePath, string file)
            List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere> imagesToUpdate = new List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere>();
            string errorMessage = String.Empty;

            // Find THE IDs of ImageRows with those RelativePath / File values

            List <long> duplicateIDS = fileDatabase.SelectFilesByRelativePathAndFileName(relativePath, file);

            if (duplicateIDS.Count != duplicatesDictionaryList.Count)
                string dbEntry  = duplicateIDS.Count == 1 ? "entry" : "entries";
                string csvEntry = duplicatesDictionaryList.Count == 1 ? "entry" : "entries";
                errorMessage = String.Format("duplicate entry mismatch for {0}: {1} database {2} vs. {3} CSV {4}.", Path.Combine(relativePath, file), duplicateIDS.Count, dbEntry, duplicatesDictionaryList.Count, csvEntry);

            int idIndex = 0;

            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in duplicatesDictionaryList)
                if (idIndex >= duplicateIDS.Count)

                // Process each row
                ColumnTuplesWithWhere imageToUpdate = new ColumnTuplesWithWhere();
                foreach (string header in rowDict.Keys)
                    ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);
                    // process each column but only if its off the specific type
                    if (controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Flag ||
                        controlRow.Type != Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Counter ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality
                        imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(header, rowDict[header]));

                // Add to the query only if there are columns to add!
                if (imageToUpdate.Columns.Count > 0)
            if (imagesToUpdate.Count > 0)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a synchronization between the given control row and this instance's control row is needed,
        /// which wojld occur if any field differs.
        /// Note: As a side effect it also re-orders this instance's ControlOrder and SpreadsheetOrder to the other's order if needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controlRowToMatch"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryUpdateThisControlRowToMatch(ControlRow controlRowToMatch)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(controlRowToMatch, nameof(controlRowToMatch));

            bool synchronizationMadeChanges = false;

            if (this.Copyable != controlRowToMatch.Copyable)
                this.Copyable = controlRowToMatch.Copyable;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.ControlOrder != controlRowToMatch.ControlOrder)
                this.ControlOrder          = controlRowToMatch.ControlOrder;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.DefaultValue != controlRowToMatch.DefaultValue)
                this.DefaultValue          = controlRowToMatch.DefaultValue;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.Label != controlRowToMatch.Label)
                this.Label = controlRowToMatch.Label;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.List != controlRowToMatch.List)
                this.List = controlRowToMatch.List;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.SpreadsheetOrder != controlRowToMatch.SpreadsheetOrder)
                this.SpreadsheetOrder      = controlRowToMatch.SpreadsheetOrder;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.Tooltip != controlRowToMatch.Tooltip)
                this.Tooltip = controlRowToMatch.Tooltip;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.Visible != controlRowToMatch.Visible)
                this.Visible = controlRowToMatch.Visible;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
            if (this.Width != controlRowToMatch.Width)
                this.Width = controlRowToMatch.Width;
                synchronizationMadeChanges = true;
コード例 #5
        // Given a ControlRow (i.e., a template row definitions), create a column depending upon its type
        public static FileTableColumn CreateColumnMatchingControlRowsType(ControlRow control)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(control, nameof(control));

            switch (control.Type)
            case Constant.Control.Note:
            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date:
            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.File:
            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Folder:
            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath:
            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time:
                return(new FileTableNoteColumn(control));

            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality:
                return(new FileTableChoiceColumn(control));

            case Constant.Control.Counter:
                return(new FileTableCounterColumn(control));

            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime:
                return(new FileTableDateTimeColumn(control));

            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag:
            case Constant.Control.Flag:
                return(new FileTableFlagColumn(control));

            case Constant.Control.FixedChoice:
                return(new FileTableChoiceColumn(control));

            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset:
                return(new FileTableUtcOffsetColumn(control));

                throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled control type {0}.", control.Type));
コード例 #6
 public FileTableFlagColumn(ControlRow control)
     : base(control)
コード例 #7
 public FileTableCounterColumn(ControlRow control)
     : base(control)
コード例 #8
        // Try importing a CSV file, checking its headers and values against the template's DataLabels and data types.
        // Return a list of errors if needed.
        public static async Task <Tuple <bool, List <string> > > TryImportFromCsv(string filePath, FileDatabase fileDatabase)
            // Set up a progress handler that will update the progress bar
            Progress <ProgressBarArguments> progressHandler = new Progress <ProgressBarArguments>(value =>
                // Update the progress bar
                CsvReaderWriter.UpdateProgressBar(GlobalReferences.BusyCancelIndicator, value.PercentDone, value.Message, value.IsCancelEnabled, value.IsIndeterminate);
            IProgress <ProgressBarArguments> progress = progressHandler;

            bool          abort        = false;
            List <string> importErrors = new List <string>();

            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(0, "Reading the CSV file. Please wait", false, true));
                List <List <string> > parsedFile = ReadAndParseCSVFile(filePath);
                if (parsedFile == null)
                    // Could not open the file
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The file '{0}' could not be read. To check: Is opened by another application? Is it a valid CSV file?", Path.GetFileName(filePath)));
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                if (parsedFile.Count < 2)
                    // The CSV file is empty or only contains a header row
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The file '{0}' does not contain any data.", Path.GetFileName(filePath)));
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                List <string> dataLabels = fileDatabase.GetDataLabelsExceptIDInSpreadsheetOrder();

                // Get the header (and remove any empty trailing headers from the list)
                List <string> dataLabelsFromHeader = parsedFile[0].Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList();

                // validate .csv file headers against the database
                List <string> dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase = dataLabelsFromHeader.Except(dataLabels).ToList();

                // File - Required datalabel and contents as we can't update the file's data row without it.
                if (dataLabelsFromHeader.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.File) == false)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("A '{0}' column containing matching file names to your images is required to do the update.", Constant.DatabaseColumn.File));
                    abort = true;

                // Required: the column headers must exist in the template as valid DataLabels
                // Note: could do this as a warning rather than as an abort, but...
                foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The column heading '{0}' in the CSV file does not match any DataLabel in the template.", dataLabel));
                    abort = true;

                if (abort)
                    // We failed. abort.
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Create a List of all data rows, where each row is a dictionary containing the header and that row's valued for the header
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowDictionaryList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                int rowNumber = 0;
                int numberOfHeaders = dataLabelsFromHeader.Count;
                foreach (List <string> parsedRow in parsedFile)
                    // For each data row
                    if (rowNumber == 1)
                        // Skip the 1st header row

                    // for this row, create a dictionary of matching the CSV column Header and that column's value
                    Dictionary <string, string> rowDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHeaders; i++)
                        string valueToAdd = (i < parsedRow.Count) ? parsedRow[i] : String.Empty;
                        rowDictionary.Add(dataLabelsFromHeader[i], parsedRow[i]);

                // Validate each value in the dictionary against the Header type and expected
                foreach (string header in dataLabelsFromHeader)
                    ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);

                    // We don't need to worry about File-related or Date-related controls as they are mot updated
                    if (controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Flag ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Counter ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality
                        rowNumber = 0;
                        foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in rowDictionaryList)
                            switch (controlRow.Type)
                            case Constant.Control.Flag:
                            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag:
                                if (!Boolean.TryParse(rowDict[header], out _))
                                    // Flag values must be true or false, but its not. So raise an error
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be true or false, but is '{2}'", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                            case Constant.Control.Counter:
                                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[header]) && !Int32.TryParse(rowDict[header], out _))
                                    // Counters must be integers / blanks
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be blank or a number, but is '{2}'", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                            case Constant.Control.FixedChoice:
                            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality:
                                if (controlRow.List.Contains(rowDict[header]) == false)
                                    // Fixed Choices must be in the Choice List
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be in the template's choice list, but '{2}' isn't in it.", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                if (abort)
                    // We failed. abort.
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Create the data structure for the query
                // Update the database 100 rows at a time.
                List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere> imagesToUpdate = new List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere>();
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in rowDictionaryList)
                    // Process each row
                    ColumnTuplesWithWhere imageToUpdate = new ColumnTuplesWithWhere();
                    foreach (string header in rowDict.Keys)
                        ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);
                        // process each column but only if its off the specific type
                        if (controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Flag ||
                            controlRow.Type != Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Counter ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality
                            imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(header, rowDict[header]));

                    // Add to the query only if there are columns to add!
                    if (imageToUpdate.Columns.Count > 0)
                        if (rowDict.ContainsKey(Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath]))
                            imageToUpdate.SetWhere(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath], rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.File]);

                    // write current batch of updates to database
                    if (imagesToUpdate.Count >= 100)
                // perform any remaining updates
                return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(true, importErrors);
コード例 #9
 public FileTableDateTimeColumn(ControlRow control)
     : base(control)
コード例 #10
        // Validate Data columns against data type. Return false if any of the types don't match
        static private bool VerifyDataInColumns(FileDatabase fileDatabase, List <string> dataLabelsFromCSV, List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowDictionaryList, List <string> importErrors)
            bool abort = false;
            // For each column in the CSV file,
            // - get its type from the template
            // - for particular types, validate the data in the column against that type
            // Validation ignored for:
            // - Note, as it can hold any data
            // - Folder, as it is just a string (although we could check to see if it has invalid characters, the folder name is not used to do anything important)
            // - File, RelativePath, as that data row would be ignored if it does not create a valid path
            // Although dates following selected exact DateTime formats are imported, otherwise they are ignored
            //   - Date, Time formats must match exactl
            // Day: 03-Jul-2017  Time: 12:30:57
            //   - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (includes T separator, incorporates UTCoffset in its time): Check, as not altered by Excel, no UTC offset
            //   - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (excludes T separator, incorporates UTCoffset in its time): Altered by Excel (e.g., leading 0s removed), no UTC offset
            int  rowNumber = 0;
            bool errorInRow;
            int  numberRowsWithErrors      = 0;
            int  maxRowsToReportWithErrors = 2;

            // For every row
            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in rowDictionaryList)
                errorInRow = false;

                // For every column
                foreach (string csvHeader in dataLabelsFromCSV)
                    // Get the header type
                    ControlRow controlRow     = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(csvHeader);
                    string     controlRowType = controlRow.Type;
                    if (IsStandardColumn(controlRowType))
                        // Validate the data as needed for each of these columns in the row
                        switch (controlRowType)
                        case Constant.Control.Flag:
                        case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag:
                            if (!Boolean.TryParse(rowDict[csvHeader], out _))
                                // Flag values must be true or false, but its not. So raise an error
                                importErrors.Add(String.Format("- error in row {1} as {0} values must be true or false, but is '{2}'", csvHeader, rowNumber, rowDict[csvHeader]));
                                abort = true;

                        case Constant.Control.Counter:
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[csvHeader]) && !Int32.TryParse(rowDict[csvHeader], out _))
                                // Counters must be integers / blanks
                                importErrors.Add(String.Format("- error in row {1} as {0} values must be blank or a number, but is '{2}'", csvHeader, rowNumber, rowDict[csvHeader]));
                                abort = true;

                        case Constant.Control.FixedChoice:
                        case Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality:
                            if (controlRow.List.Contains(rowDict[csvHeader]) == false)
                                // Fixed Choices must be in the Choice List
                                importErrors.Add(String.Format("- error in row {1} as {0} values must be in the template's choice list, but '{2}' isn't in it.", csvHeader, rowNumber, rowDict[csvHeader]));
                                abort = true;

                        case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Folder:
                        case Constant.Control.Note:
                            // as these can be any string, they don't require checking
                        if (!errorInRow && abort)
                            // If there is an error, only count one error per row.
                            errorInRow = true;
                        if (numberRowsWithErrors > maxRowsToReportWithErrors)
                            importErrors.Add(String.Format("- Timelapse only reports data errors for a maximum of {0} rows. Use the information above to start fixing them.", maxRowsToReportWithErrors));
                            importErrors.Add("- Use the information above to check the data values in those columns for all rows.");
コード例 #11
        // Try importing a CSV file, checking its headers and values against the template's DataLabels and data types.
        // Duplicates are handled.
        // Return a list of errors if needed.
        // However, error reporting is limited to only gross mismatches.
        // Note that:
        // - rows in the CSV file that are not in the .ddb file are ignored (not reported - maybe it should be?)
        // - rows in the .ddb file that are not in the CSV file are ignored
        // - if there are more duplicate rows for an image in the .csv file than there are in the .ddb file, those extra duplicates are ignored (not reported - maybe it should be?)
        // - if there are more duplicate rows for an image in the .ddb file than there are in the .csv file, those extra duplicates are ignored (not reported - maybe it should be?)
        public static async Task <Tuple <bool, List <string> > > TryImportFromCsv(string filePath, FileDatabase fileDatabase)
            // Set up a progress handler that will update the progress bar
            Progress <ProgressBarArguments> progressHandler = new Progress <ProgressBarArguments>(value =>
                // Update the progress bar
                CsvReaderWriter.UpdateProgressBar(GlobalReferences.BusyCancelIndicator, value.PercentDone, value.Message, value.IsCancelEnabled, value.IsIndeterminate);
            IProgress <ProgressBarArguments> progress = progressHandler;

            List <string> importErrors = new List <string>();

            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                const int bulkFilesToHandle = 2000;
                int processedFilesCount = 0;
                int totalFilesProcessed = 0;
                int dateTimeErrors = 0;
                progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(0, "Reading the CSV file. Please wait", false, true));

                // PART 1. Read in the CSV file. Return false if there is a problem in reading the CSV file or if the CSV file is empty
                if (false == TryReadingCSVFile(filePath, out List <List <string> > parsedFile, importErrors))
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Now that we have a parsed file, get its headers, which we will use as DataLabels
                List <string> dataLabelsFromCSV = parsedFile[0].Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList();

                // Part 2. Abort if required CSV column are missing or there is a problem matching the CSV file headers against the DB headers.
                if (false == VerifyCSVHeaders(fileDatabase, dataLabelsFromCSV, importErrors))
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Part 3: Create a List of all data rows, where each row is a dictionary containing the header and that row's valued for the header
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowDictionaryList = GetAllDataRows(dataLabelsFromCSV, parsedFile);

                // Part 4. For every row, validate each column's data against its type. Abort if the type does not match
                if (false == VerifyDataInColumns(fileDatabase, dataLabelsFromCSV, rowDictionaryList, importErrors))
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Part 4. Check and manage duplicates
                // Get a list of duplicates in the database, i.e. rows with both the Same relativePath and File
                List <string> databaseDuplicates = fileDatabase.GetDistinctRelativePathFileCombinationsDuplicates();

                // Sort the rowDictionaryList so that duplicates in the CSV file (with the same relative path / File name) are in order, one after the other.
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > sortedRowDictionaryList = rowDictionaryList.OrderBy(dict => dict["RelativePath"]).ThenBy(dict => dict["File"]).ToList();
                int sortedRowDictionaryListCount = sortedRowDictionaryList.Count;
                // Create the data structure for the query

                List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere> imagesToUpdate = new List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere>();

                // Handle duplicates and more
                int nextRowIndex = 0;
                string currentPath = String.Empty;       // the path of the current row
                string examinedPath = String.Empty;      // the path of a surrounding row currently being examined to see if its a duplicate
                string duplicatePath = String.Empty;     // a duplicate was identified, and this holds the duplicate path
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > duplicatesDictionaryList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in sortedRowDictionaryList)
                    // For every row...
                    currentPath = Path.Combine(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath], rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.File]);

                    #region Handle duplicates
                    // Duplicates are special cases, where we have to update each set of duplicates separately as a chunk.
                    // To begin, check if its a duplicate, which occurs if the path (RelativePath/File) is identical

                    if (currentPath == duplicatePath)
                        // we are in the middle of a sequence, and this record has the same path as the previously identified duplicate.
                        // Thus the current record has to be a duplicate.
                        // Add it to the list.

                        // A check if we are at the end of the CSV file - this catches the condition where the very last entry in the sorted csv file is a duplicate
                        if (nextRowIndex >= sortedRowDictionaryListCount)
                            string error = UpdateDuplicatesInDatabase(fileDatabase, duplicatesDictionaryList, Path.GetDirectoryName(duplicatePath), Path.GetFileName(duplicatePath));
                            if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                        // Check if we are at the end of a duplicate sequence
                        if (duplicatesDictionaryList.Count > 0)
                            // This entry marks the end of a sequence as the paths aren't equal but we have duplicates. Process the prior sequence
                            string error = UpdateDuplicatesInDatabase(fileDatabase, duplicatesDictionaryList, Path.GetDirectoryName(duplicatePath), Path.GetFileName(duplicatePath));
                            if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))

                        // We are either not in a sequence, or we completed the sequence. So we need to manage the current entry.
                        if (nextRowIndex < sortedRowDictionaryListCount)
                            // We aren't currently in a sequence. Determine if the current entry is a singleton or the first duplicate in a sequence by checking its path against the next record.
                            // If it is a duplicate, add it to the list.
                            Dictionary <string, string> nextRow = sortedRowDictionaryList[nextRowIndex];
                            examinedPath = Path.Combine(nextRow[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath], nextRow[Constant.DatabaseColumn.File]);
                            if (examinedPath == currentPath)
                                // Yup, its the beginning of a sequence.
                                duplicatePath = currentPath;
                                // It must be singleton
                                duplicatePath = String.Empty;
                                if (databaseDuplicates.Contains(currentPath))
                                    // But, if the database contains a duplicate with the same relativePath/File, then we want to update just the first database duplicate, rather than update all those
                                    // database duplicates with the same value (if we let it fall thorugh
                                    string error = UpdateDuplicatesInDatabase(fileDatabase, duplicatesDictionaryList, Path.GetDirectoryName(currentPath), Path.GetFileName(currentPath));
                                    if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                    #endregion Handle duplicates

                    #region Process each column in a row by its header type
                    // Process each non-duplicate row
                    // Note that we never update:
                    // - Path-related fields (File, RelativePath, Folder)
                    // - Date and Time-related fields (DateTime, Date, Time, UtcOffset
                    ColumnTuplesWithWhere imageToUpdate = new ColumnTuplesWithWhere();
                    CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                    DateTime datePortion = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime timePortion = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime dateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    foreach (string header in rowDict.Keys)
                        // For every column ...
                        ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);
                        // process each column but only if its of the specific type
                        if (IsStandardColumn(controlRow.Type))
                            imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(header, rowDict[header]));
                            // Its not a standard control, so check if its a date/time control and handle that as these are special cases
                            if (controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime)
                                string strDateTime = rowDict[header];
                                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(strDateTime, Constant.Time.DateTimeCSVWithoutTSeparator, provider, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime))
                                    // Standard DateTime
                                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Standard: " + dateTime.ToString());
                                else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(strDateTime, Constant.Time.DateTimeCSVWithTSeparator, provider, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime))
                                    // Standard DateTime wit T separator
                                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("StandardT: " + dateTime.ToString());
                            else if (controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date)
                                // Date only
                                string strDateTime = rowDict[header];
                                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(strDateTime, Constant.Time.DateFormat, provider, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime tempDateTime))
                                    datePortion = tempDateTime;
                            else if (controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time)
                                // Time only
                                string strDateTime = rowDict[header];
                                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(strDateTime, Constant.Time.TimeFormat, provider, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime tempDateTime))
                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Time only: " + tempDateTime.ToString());
                                    timePortion = tempDateTime;
                    #endregion Process each column by its header type

                    // We've now looked at all the columns in a row, so continue processing that row as needed

                    if (dateTime != DateTime.MinValue || (datePortion != DateTime.MinValue && timePortion != DateTime.MinValue))
                        // If the separate date and time fields were used, update dateTime from them
                        if (datePortion != DateTime.MinValue && timePortion != DateTime.MinValue)
                            // We have a valid separate date and time. Combine it.
                            dateTime = datePortion.Date + timePortion.TimeOfDay;
                        // Because we expect a UTC date/time, set its kind
                        dateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                        // We should now have a valid dateTime. Add it to the database.
                        // Note that this resets UtcOffset to 0, as its recorded in  local time
                        imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime, dateTime));
                        imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset, new TimeSpan(0)));
                        imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date, DateTimeHandler.ToStringDisplayDate(dateTime)));
                        imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time, DateTimeHandler.ToStringDisplayTime(dateTime)));
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Wrote DateTime: " + dateTime.ToString());
                        // importErrors.Add(String.Format("{0}: Could not extract datetime", currentPath));
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Could not extract datetime");
                    dateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    datePortion = DateTime.MinValue;
                    timePortion = DateTime.MinValue;

                    // NOTE: We currently do NOT report an error if there is a row in the csv file whose location does not match
                    // the location in the database. We could do this by performing a check before submitting a query, eg. something like:
                    //  Select Count (*) from DataTable where File='IMG_00197.JPG' or File='IMG_01406.JPG' or File='XX.JPG'
                    // where we would then compare the counts against the rows. However, this likely has a performance hit, and it doesn't
                    // return the erroneous rows... So its not done yet.

                    // Add to the query only if there are columns to add!
                    if (imageToUpdate.Columns.Count > 0)
                        if (rowDict.ContainsKey(Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath]))
                            imageToUpdate.SetWhere(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath], rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.File]);

                    // Write current batch of updates to database. Note that we Update the database every number of rows as specified in bulkFilesToHandle.
                    // We should probably put in a cancellation token somewhere around here...
                    if (imagesToUpdate.Count >= bulkFilesToHandle)
                        processedFilesCount += bulkFilesToHandle;
                        progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(Convert.ToInt32(((double)processedFilesCount) / sortedRowDictionaryListCount * 100.0), String.Format("Processing {0}/{1} files. Please wait...", processedFilesCount, sortedRowDictionaryListCount), false, false));
                // perform any remaining updates
                if (dateTimeErrors != 0)
                    // Need to check IF THIS WORKS FOR files with no date-time fields!
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The Date/Time was not be updated for {0} / {1} files. ", dateTimeErrors, totalFilesProcessed));
                    if (dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime) || (dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date) && dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time)))
                        importErrors.Add("- some date / time values in the DateTime, Date or Time columns are in an unexpected format (see manual)");
                        importErrors.Add("- the CSV file is missing either a DateTime column or both Date and Time columns (this is ok if it was intended)");
                return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(true, importErrors);