static void ReadTileset(XmlNode node, ref Map map, string base_path) { TileSet r = new TileSet(); r.FirstGid = node.ReadInt("firstgid"); r.Source = node.ReadTag("source"); r.Name = node.ReadTag("name"); r.TileWidth = node.ReadInt("tilewidth"); r.TileHeight = node.ReadInt("tileheight"); r.Spacing = node.ReadInt("spacing"); r.Margin = node.ReadInt("margin"); Console.Out.WriteLine (r.Source); if (r.Source != "") { String filename = Path.Combine (base_path, r.Source); Console.Out.WriteLine (r.Source); try { XmlDocument extTileset = new XmlDocument (); extTileset.Load (File.OpenRead (filename)); foreach (XmlNode extNode in extTileset.ChildNodes) { if (extNode.Name == "tileset") node = extNode; } r.Name = node.ReadTag("name"); r.TileWidth = node.ReadInt("tilewidth"); r.TileHeight = node.ReadInt("tileheight"); r.Spacing = node.ReadInt("spacing"); r.Margin = node.ReadInt("margin"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (filename); base_path = fi.DirectoryName; } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine (e.Message); return; } } if (node.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) { if (child.Name == "image") { string c = child.ReadTag ("trans", "FFFFFF"); if (c.Length == 6 && !c.StartsWith ("#")) { c = "#" + c; } Color t = ColorTranslator.FromHtml (c); if (child.Attributes ["trans"] != null) { r.Images.Add (new Image () { Source = child.ReadTag ("source"), TransColor = t, UseTransColor = true }); } else { r.Images.Add (new Image () { Source = child.ReadTag ("source"), TransColor = t, UseTransColor = false }); } } else if (child.Name == "tile") { int id = child.ReadInt ("id"); Properties tileprops = new Properties(); XmlNode data = child.FirstChild; // Should be a properties tag. foreach (XmlNode property in data.ChildNodes) { tileprops.Add (property.ReadTag ("name"), property.ReadTag ("value")); } r.TileProperties.Add (id, tileprops); } } } //r.ReadBitmaps(base_path); map.TileSets.Add(r); }
static void ReadLayer(XmlNode node, ref Map map) { Layer r = new Layer(node.ReadInt("width"), node.ReadInt("height")); r.Name = node.ReadTag("name"); r.X = node.ReadInt("x"); r.Y = node.ReadInt("y"); r.Opacity = node.ReadDouble("opacity", 1); r.Visible = node.ReadInt("visible") == 1; if(node.HasChildNodes) { XmlNode data = node.FirstChild; foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) { if (child.Name == "data") { data = child; } if (child.Name == "properties") { foreach (XmlNode prop in child.ChildNodes) { r.Properties.Add (prop.ReadTag ("name"), prop.ReadTag ("value")); } } } string dataVal = data.InnerText.Trim('\n', ' '); string encoding = data.ReadTag("encoding"); string compression = data.ReadTag("compression"); byte[] dataToParse = new byte[0]; byte[] dataDecompressed = new byte[0]; if (encoding == "base64") { dataToParse = Convert.FromBase64String(dataVal); } else if(encoding == "csv") { dataToParse = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(dataVal.Replace(',', ' ').Replace("\n", "")); } if (compression == "gzip") { dataDecompressed = GZip.Decompress (dataToParse); } else if (compression == "zlib") { dataDecompressed = GZip.DecompressZlib (dataToParse); } else { dataDecompressed = dataToParse; } BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader (new MemoryStream (dataDecompressed)); /*using () {*/ for (int y = 0; y < r.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < r.Width; x++) { int v = br.ReadInt32(); r.Data[y,x] = (v&0xFFF)+1; //Why the +1? Investigate. //Throwing away high bits to suvive rotated tiles. } } map.Layers.Add(r); } }
static void ReadObjectGroup(XmlNode node, ref Map map) { ObjectGroup r = new ObjectGroup(); r.Name = node.ReadTag("name"); r.X = node.ReadInt("x"); r.Y = node.ReadInt("y"); r.Width = node.ReadInt("width"); r.Height = node.ReadInt("height"); if (node.HasChildNodes) { ColorConverter cc = new ColorConverter(); foreach (XmlNode c in node.ChildNodes) { MapObject o = new MapObject(); o.Name = c.ReadTag("name"); o.Type = c.ReadTag("type"); o.X = c.ReadInt("x"); o.Y = c.ReadInt("y"); o.Width = c.ReadInt("width"); o.Height = c.ReadInt("height"); o.Gid = c.ReadInt("gid", -1); if (c.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode d in c.ChildNodes) { switch (d.Name) { case "properties": foreach (XmlNode e in d.ChildNodes) { o.Properties.Add(e.ReadTag("name"), e.ReadTag("value")); } break; case "image": string cp = d.ReadTag("trans", "FFFFFF"); if (cp.Length == 6 && !cp.StartsWith("#")) { cp = "#" + cp; } Color t = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(cp); if (d.Attributes["trans"] != null) { o.Images.Add(new Image() { Source = d.ReadTag("source"), TransColor = t, UseTransColor = true }); } else { o.Images.Add(new Image() { Source = d.ReadTag("source"), TransColor = t, UseTransColor = false }); } break; } } } r.Add(o); } } map.ObjectGroups.Add(r); }
/// <summary> /// Open a TMF map file created with tiled : http:// /// </summary> public static Map Open(Stream stream, string base_path) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); Map result = new Map(); try { doc.Load(stream); XmlNode xMap = null; foreach (XmlNode node in doc.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == "map" && node.HasChildNodes) { xMap = node; break; } } if (xMap == null) { throw new Exception("Tried to load a file that does not contain map data."); } result.Version = xMap.ReadTag("version"); switch (xMap.ReadTag("orientation")) { case "isometric": result.Orientation = MapOrientation.Isometric; break; default: result.Orientation = MapOrientation.Orthogonal; break; } result.Width = xMap.ReadInt("width"); result.Height = xMap.ReadInt("height"); result.TileWidth = xMap.ReadInt("tilewidth"); result.TileHeight = xMap.ReadInt("tileheight"); foreach (XmlNode xNode in xMap.ChildNodes) { switch (xNode.Name) { case "tileset": ReadTileset(xNode, ref result, base_path); break; case "layer": ReadLayer(xNode, ref result); break; case "objectgroup": ReadObjectGroup(xNode, ref result); break; } } result.Loaded = new LoadingLog(true, new Exception("Loaded!")); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception n = new Exception(ex.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + ex.StackTrace); result.Loaded = new LoadingLog(false, ex); } return result; }