static void Main(string[] args) { string fileTi = "ticket.csv"; string fileEn = "enhancements.csv"; string fileTa = "task.csv"; Int16 choice; Int32 totalFound; String searchChoice; String watchingChoice; TicketFile ticketFile = new TicketFile(fileTi); EnhancementsFile enhancementsFile = new EnhancementsFile(fileEn); TaskFile taskFile = new TaskFile(fileTa); do { // ask user a question Console.WriteLine("1) Show all tickets data."); Console.WriteLine("2) Add a Ticket."); Console.WriteLine("3) Show all enhancements data."); Console.WriteLine("4) Add an enhancements."); Console.WriteLine("5) Show all task data."); Console.WriteLine("6) Add a task."); Console.WriteLine("7) Search based on status."); Console.WriteLine("8) Search based on priority."); Console.WriteLine("9) Search based on submitter."); Console.WriteLine("Enter any other number to exit."); // input response choice = Int16.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: foreach (Ticket t in ticketFile.Ticket) { Console.WriteLine(t.Display()); } break; case 2: if (File.Exists(fileTi)) { Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the ticket."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the ticket."); ticket.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the ticket."); ticket.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the ticket."); ticket.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the ticket."); ticket.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the ticket?"); ticket.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); ticket.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the severity of the ticket?"); ticket.severity = Console.ReadLine(); ticketFile.AddTicket(ticket); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; case 3: foreach (Enhancements e in enhancementsFile.Enhancement) { Console.WriteLine(e.Display()); } break; case 4: if (File.Exists(fileEn)) { Enhancements enhancement = new Enhancements(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the enhancement."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the enhancement."); enhancement.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the enhancement."); enhancement.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the enhancement."); enhancement.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the enhancement."); enhancement.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the enhancement?"); enhancement.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); enhancement.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the software fo the enhancement?"); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the cost of the enhancement?"); enhancement.cost = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the reason for the enhancement?"); enhancement.reason = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the estimate for the enhancement?"); enhancement.estimate = Console.ReadLine(); enhancementsFile.AddTicket(enhancement); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; case 5: foreach (Tasks t in taskFile.Task) { Console.WriteLine(t.Display()); } break; case 6: if (File.Exists(fileTa)) { Tasks task = new Tasks(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the task."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the task."); task.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the task."); task.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the task."); task.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the task."); task.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the task."); task.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); task.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the task's project name?"); task.projectName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the due date of the Task? (MM dd, yyyy)"); task.dueDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); taskFile.AddTicket(task); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; //seach status case 7: Console.WriteLine("What is the status you are looking for?"); searchChoice = Console.ReadLine(); var statusSearchFile = ticketFile.Ticket.Where(t => t.status.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var statusSearchEn = enhancementsFile.Enhancement.Where(e => e.status.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var statusSearchTask = taskFile.Task.Where(e => e.status.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); totalFound = statusSearchFile.Count() + statusSearchEn.Count() + statusSearchTask.Count(); Console.WriteLine($"There are {totalFound} matches found for \"{searchChoice}\"."); foreach (Ticket t in statusSearchFile) { Console.WriteLine($"{t.Display()}"); } foreach (Enhancements e in statusSearchEn) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Display()}"); } foreach (Tasks a in statusSearchTask) { Console.WriteLine($"{a.Display()}"); } break; //search priority case 8: Console.WriteLine("What is the priority you are looking for?"); searchChoice = Console.ReadLine(); var prioritySearchFile = ticketFile.Ticket.Where(t => t.priority.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var prioritySearchEn = enhancementsFile.Enhancement.Where(e => e.priority.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var prioritySearchTask = taskFile.Task.Where(e => e.priority.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); totalFound = prioritySearchFile.Count() + prioritySearchEn.Count() + prioritySearchTask.Count(); Console.WriteLine($"There are {totalFound} matches found for \"{searchChoice}\"."); foreach (Ticket t in prioritySearchFile) { Console.WriteLine($"{t.Display()}"); } foreach (Enhancements e in prioritySearchEn) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Display()}"); } foreach (Tasks a in prioritySearchTask) { Console.WriteLine($"{a.Display()}"); } break; //search submitter case 9: Console.WriteLine("What is the submitter you are looking for?"); searchChoice = Console.ReadLine(); var submitterSearchFile = ticketFile.Ticket.Where(t => t.submitter.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var submitterSearchEn = enhancementsFile.Enhancement.Where(e => e.submitter.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); var submitterSearchTask = taskFile.Task.Where(e => e.submitter.Contains($"{searchChoice}")); totalFound = submitterSearchFile.Count() + submitterSearchEn.Count() + submitterSearchTask.Count(); Console.WriteLine($"There are {totalFound} matches found for \"{searchChoice}\"."); foreach (Ticket t in submitterSearchFile) { Console.WriteLine($"{t.Display()}"); } foreach (Enhancements e in submitterSearchEn) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Display()}"); } foreach (Tasks a in submitterSearchTask) { Console.WriteLine($"{a.Display()}"); } break; default: break; } } while (choice > 0 && choice < 10); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string fileTi = "ticket.csv"; string fileEn = "enhancements.csv"; string fileTa = "task.csv"; Int16 choice; String watchingChoice; TicketFile ticketFile = new TicketFile(fileTi); EnhancementsFile enhancementsFile = new EnhancementsFile(fileEn); TaskFile taskFile = new TaskFile(fileTa); do { // ask user a question Console.WriteLine("1) Show all tickets data."); Console.WriteLine("2) Add a Ticket."); Console.WriteLine("3) Show all enhancements data."); Console.WriteLine("4) Add an enhancements."); Console.WriteLine("5) Show all task data."); Console.WriteLine("6) Add a task."); Console.WriteLine("Enter any other number to exit."); // input response choice = Int16.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: foreach (Ticket t in ticketFile.Ticket) { Console.WriteLine(t.Display()); } break; case 2: if (File.Exists(fileTi)) { Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the ticket."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the ticket."); ticket.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the ticket."); ticket.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the ticket."); ticket.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the ticket."); ticket.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the ticket?"); ticket.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); ticket.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the severity of the ticket?"); ticket.severity = Console.ReadLine(); ticketFile.AddTicket(ticket); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; case 3: foreach (Enhancements e in enhancementsFile.Enhancement) { Console.WriteLine(e.Display()); } break; case 4: if (File.Exists(fileEn)) { Enhancements enhancement = new Enhancements(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the enhancement."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the enhancement."); enhancement.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the enhancement."); enhancement.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the enhancement."); enhancement.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the enhancement."); enhancement.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the enhancement?"); enhancement.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); enhancement.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the software fo the enhancement?"); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the cost of the enhancement?"); enhancement.cost = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the reason for the enhancement?"); enhancement.reason = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the estimate for the enhancement?"); enhancement.estimate = Console.ReadLine(); enhancementsFile.AddTicket(enhancement); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; case 5: foreach (Tasks t in taskFile.Task) { Console.WriteLine(t.Display()); } break; case 6: if (File.Exists(fileTa)) { Tasks task = new Tasks(); //get the data Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID of the task."); = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the summary of the task."); task.summary = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the status of the task."); task.status = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the priority of the task."); task.priority = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the submitter of the task."); task.submitter = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is assigned the task."); task.assigned = Console.ReadLine(); //loop to get who is watching do { Console.WriteLine("Enter someone who is watching."); task.watching.Add(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Are there more people watching Y/N."); watchingChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } while (watchingChoice.Equals("y") || watchingChoice.Equals("Y")); Console.WriteLine("What is the task's project name?"); task.projectName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the due date of the Task? (MM dd, yyyy)"); task.dueDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); taskFile.AddTicket(task); } else { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist"); } break; default: break; } } while (choice > 0 && choice < 7); }