コード例 #1
        public void RequestCompleted(ServerConfigResp configResp)
            Assert.IsNotNull(configResp); //Request has completed you updated server configuration

            //var exhangeInfo = configResp.ExchangeInfo;
            //foreach (var fileItem in exhangeInfo.Files)  //Test file if anything has changed
            //    if (!File.Exists(fileItem.FilePath)) //Test local file exists
            //        continue;

            //    string s3UploadKey = null;
            //        //Util.CreateS3ItemKey(ApiToken, fileItem.FilePath); //Create unique key for client software

            //    //TODO can be from cache
            //    var s3FileCksum = AmazonS3Service.GetObjectMetadata(s3UploadKey)??string.Empty;            //Test if file has changed
            //    var observedFileCkSum = Util.ComputeFileCheckSum(fileItem.FilePath);
            //    fileItem.HasChanged = !s3FileCksum.Equals(observedFileCkSum);

            //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("File \"{0}\" has changed: {1} -- {2}", fileItem.FilePath, fileItem.HasChanged, DateTime.Today);

            //    if (fileItem.HasChanged)
            //    {
            //        s3FileCksum = AmazonS3Service.PutBucketItem(s3UploadKey,Core.Properties.Settings.Default.AmazonBucketName, fileItem.FilePath); //put file S3 bucket
            //        Assert.AreEqual(observedFileCkSum, s3FileCksum, false, "Checksums don't match");  //checksums should be the same

            //        var autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            //        var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileItem.FilePath);
            //        var req = new ServerNotificationReq(ApiToken)
            //        {
            //            Id = fileItem.Id??-1,
            //            AttachmentFileName = Path.GetFileName(fileItem.FilePath),
            //         //   UploadKey = Util.CreateS3ItemKey(ApiToken, fileItem.FilePath, false),
            //            AttachmentFileSize = fileInfo.Length
            //        };

            //        ClientServices.SendRequest<ServerConfigResp>(req, r =>
            //                                                    autoResetEvent.Set(),
            //                                                     ProgressStatus, e =>
            //                                                     {
            //                                                         ExceptionHander(e);
            //                                                         autoResetEvent.Set();
            //                                                     });

            //        Assert.IsTrue(autoResetEvent.WaitOne(20000), "Asycnc Method finished");

            //    }

コード例 #2
 public void RequestCompleted(ServerConfigResp configResp)