private void popupTestButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message = popupTestLootBox.Text; if (message[5] == ':') //if the time stamp is in the form of hh:mm: (i.e. flash client format) remove the second colon { message = message.Remove(5, 1); } var parseResult = Parser.ParseLootMessage(message); if (parseResult != null) { bool showNotification = PopupManager.ShowDropNotification(new Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> >, string>(parseResult.Item1, parseResult.Item2, message)); if (showNotification) { MainForm.mainForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleLootNotification(parseResult.Item1, parseResult.Item2, message)); }); } } else { MainForm.mainForm.DisplayWarning(String.Format("Could not parse loot message: {0}", popupTestLootBox.Text)); } }
private void showPopupButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (logMessageCollection.SelectedIndex >= 0) { string message = logMessageCollection.Items[logMessageCollection.SelectedIndex].ToString(); var result = Parser.ParseLootMessage(message); if (result != null) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleLootNotification(result.Item1, result.Item2, message)); } } }
public static void deleteLogMessage(Hunt h, string logMessage) { string timeStamp = logMessage.Substring(0, 5); bool found = false; lock (hunts) { if (h.loot.logMessages.ContainsKey(timeStamp)) { if (h.loot.logMessages[timeStamp].Contains(logMessage)) { h.loot.logMessages[timeStamp].Remove(logMessage); var logMessageItems = Parser.ParseLootMessage(logMessage); Creature cr = logMessageItems.Item1; if (h.loot.killCount.ContainsKey(cr)) { h.loot.killCount[cr]--; if (h.loot.killCount[cr] == 0) { h.loot.killCount.Remove(cr); } } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in logMessageItems.Item2) { if (h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].ContainsKey(tpl.Item1)) { h.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] -= tpl.Item2; if (h.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] <= 0) { h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].Remove(tpl.Item1); } } } found = true; } } } if (!found) { return; } LootDatabaseManager.DeleteMessage(h, logMessage, null); LootDatabaseManager.UpdateLoot(); }
public bool DeleteLogMessage(string logMessage) { string timestamp = logMessage.Substring(0, 5); lock (huntLock) { if (this.loot.logMessages.ContainsKey(timestamp)) { if (this.loot.logMessages[timestamp].Contains(logMessage)) { this.loot.logMessages[timestamp].Remove(logMessage); var logMessageItems = Parser.ParseLootMessage(logMessage); Creature cr = logMessageItems.Item1; if (this.loot.killCount.ContainsKey(cr)) { this.loot.killCount[cr]--; if (this.loot.killCount[cr] == 0) { this.loot.killCount.Remove(cr); } } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in logMessageItems.Item2) { if (this.loot.creatureLoot[cr].ContainsKey(tpl.Item1)) { this.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] -= tpl.Item2; if (this.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] <= 0) { this.loot.creatureLoot[cr].Remove(tpl.Item1); } } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static void Initialize() { //"Name#DBTableID#Track#Time#Exp#SideHunt#AggregateHunt#ClearOnStartup#Creature#Creature#..." if (!SettingsManager.settingExists("Hunts")) { SettingsManager.setSetting("Hunts", new List <string>() { "New Hunt#True#0#0#False#True" }); } hunts.Clear(); int activeHuntIndex = 0, index = 0; List <int> dbTableIds = new List <int>(); foreach (string str in SettingsManager.getSetting("Hunts")) { SQLiteDataReader reader; Hunt hunt = new Hunt(); string[] splits = str.Split('#'); if (splits.Length >= 7) { = splits[0]; if (!int.TryParse(splits[1].Trim(), out hunt.dbtableid)) { continue; } if (dbTableIds.Contains(hunt.dbtableid)) { continue; } dbTableIds.Add(hunt.dbtableid); hunt.totalTime = 0; hunt.trackAllCreatures = splits[2] == "True"; double.TryParse(splits[3], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out hunt.totalTime); long.TryParse(splits[4], out hunt.totalExp); hunt.sideHunt = splits[5] == "True"; hunt.aggregateHunt = splits[6] == "True"; hunt.clearOnStartup = splits[7] == "True"; hunt.temporary = false; string massiveString = ""; for (int i = 8; i < splits.Length; i++) { if (splits[i].Length > 0) { massiveString += splits[i] + "\n"; } } hunt.trackedCreatures = massiveString; // set this hunt to the active hunt if it is the active hunt if (SettingsManager.settingExists("ActiveHunt") && SettingsManager.getSettingString("ActiveHunt") == { activeHuntIndex = index; } refreshLootCreatures(hunt); if (hunt.clearOnStartup) { resetHunt(hunt); } // create the hunt table if it does not exist LootDatabaseManager.CreateHuntTable(hunt); // load the data for the hunt from the database reader = LootDatabaseManager.GetHuntMessages(hunt); while (reader.Read()) { string message = reader["message"].ToString(); Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > resultList = Parser.ParseLootMessage(message); if (resultList == null) { continue; } string t = message.Substring(0, 5); if (!hunt.loot.logMessages.ContainsKey(t)) { hunt.loot.logMessages.Add(t, new List <string>()); } hunt.loot.logMessages[t].Add(message); Creature cr = resultList.Item1; if (!hunt.loot.creatureLoot.ContainsKey(cr)) { hunt.loot.creatureLoot.Add(cr, new Dictionary <Item, int>()); } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in resultList.Item2) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; if (!hunt.loot.creatureLoot[cr].ContainsKey(item)) { hunt.loot.creatureLoot[cr].Add(item, count); } else { hunt.loot.creatureLoot[cr][item] += count; } } if (!hunt.loot.killCount.ContainsKey(cr)) { hunt.loot.killCount.Add(cr, 1); } else { hunt.loot.killCount[cr] += 1; } } hunts.Add(hunt); index++; } } if (hunts.Count == 0) { Hunt h = new Hunt(); = "New Hunt"; h.dbtableid = 1; hunts.Add(h); resetHunt(h); } activeHunt = hunts[activeHuntIndex]; MainForm.mainForm.InitializeHuntDisplay(activeHuntIndex); }