public void refreshHuntLog(Hunt h) { if (h == null) return; const int maxLogLines = 250; int count = 0; logMessageCollection.Items.Clear(); foreach (string message in h.IterateLogMessages()) { logMessageCollection.Items.Add(message); if (count++ > maxLogLines) break; } }
public void refreshHuntLog(Hunt h) { if (h == null) return; const int maxLogLines = 250; List<string> timestamps = h.loot.logMessages.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => o).ToList(); int count = 0; logMessageCollection.Items.Clear(); foreach (string t in timestamps) { List<string> strings = h.loot.logMessages[t].ToList(); strings.Reverse(); foreach (string str in strings) { logMessageCollection.Items.Add(str); if (count++ > maxLogLines) break; } if (count > maxLogLines) break; } }
public static void SetHuntTime(Hunt h, int clearMinutes) { var expInformation = GlobalDataManager.GetTotalExperience(TimestampManager.getLatestTimes(clearMinutes)); h.totalExp = expInformation.Item1; h.totalTime = expInformation.Item2 * 60; }
public static void ShowLootDrops(Hunt h, string comm, string screenshot_path) { LootDropForm ldf = new LootDropForm(comm); ldf.hunt = h; ShowNotification(ldf, comm, screenshot_path); }
public static void DeleteHuntTable(Hunt hunt) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", hunt.GetTableName())); ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", hunt.GetWasteTableName())); }
public static Tuple<Dictionary<Creature, int>, List<Tuple<Item, int>>> GenerateLootInformation(Hunt hunt, string rawName, Creature lootCreature) { Dictionary<Creature, int> creatureKills; List<Tuple<Item, int>> itemDrops = new List<Tuple<Item, int>>(); bool raw = rawName == "raw"; bool all = raw || rawName == "all"; List<Creature> displayedCreatures = null; if (!hunt.trackAllCreatures && hunt.trackedCreatures.Length > 0) { displayedCreatures = hunt.GetTrackedCreatures(); } else if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("IgnoreLowExperience")) { displayedCreatures = new List<Creature>(); foreach (Creature cr in hunt.IterateCreatures()) { if (cr.experience >= SettingsManager.getSettingInt("IgnoreLowExperienceValue")) { displayedCreatures.Add(cr); } } } if (lootCreature != null) { //the command is loot@<creature>, so we only display the kills and loot from the specified creature creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(lootCreature); } else if (displayedCreatures == null) { creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(); //display all creatures //loot.killCount; } else { // only display tracked creatures creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(displayedCreatures); // new Dictionary<Creature, int>(); } // now handle item drops, gather a count for every item Dictionary<Item, int> itemCounts = new Dictionary<Item, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Creature, Dictionary<Item, int>> kvp in hunt.IterateLoot()) { if (lootCreature != null && kvp.Key != lootCreature) continue; // if lootCreature is specified, only consider loot from the specified creature if (displayedCreatures != null && !displayedCreatures.Contains(kvp.Key)) continue; foreach (KeyValuePair<Item, int> kvp2 in kvp.Value) { Item item = kvp2.Key; int value = kvp2.Value; if (!itemCounts.ContainsKey(item)) itemCounts.Add(item, value); else itemCounts[item] += value; } } // now we do item conversion long extraGold = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<Item, int> kvp in itemCounts) { Item item = kvp.Key; int count = kvp.Value; // discard items that are set to be discarded (as long as all/raw mode is not enabled) if (item.discard && !all) continue; // convert items to gold (as long as raw mode is not enabled), always gather up all the gold coins found if ((!raw && item.convert_to_gold) || item.displayname == "gold coin" || item.displayname == "platinum coin" || item.displayname == "crystal coin") { extraGold += item.GetMaxValue() * count; } else { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple<Item, int>(item, count)); } } // handle coin drops, we always convert the gold to the highest possible denomination (so if gold = 10K, we display a crystal coin) long currentGold = extraGold; if (currentGold > 10000) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple<Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("crystal coin"), (int)(currentGold / 10000))); currentGold = currentGold % 10000; } if (currentGold > 100) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple<Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("platinum coin"), (int)(currentGold / 100))); currentGold = currentGold % 100; } if (currentGold > 0) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple<Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("gold coin"), (int)(currentGold))); } // now order by value so most valuable items are placed first // we use a special value for the gold coins so the gold is placed together in the order crystal > platinum > gold // gold coins = <gold total> - 2, platinum coins = <gold total> - 1, crystal coins = <gold total> itemDrops = itemDrops.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1.displayname == "gold coin" ? extraGold - 2 : (o.Item1.displayname == "platinum coin" ? extraGold - 1 : (o.Item1.displayname == "crystal coin" ? extraGold : o.Item1.GetMaxValue() * o.Item2))).ToList(); return new Tuple<Dictionary<Creature, int>, List<Tuple<Item, int>>>(creatureKills, itemDrops); }
void loadLog(Hunt h, string logPath) { resetHunt(h); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(logPath); string line; Dictionary<string, List<string>> logMessages = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Length < 15) continue; string t = line.Substring(0, 5); if (!(isDigit(t[0]) && isDigit(t[1]) && isDigit(t[3]) && isDigit(t[4]) && t[2] == ':')) continue; //not a valid timestamp if (!logMessages.ContainsKey(t)) logMessages.Add(t, new List<string>()); logMessages[t].Add(line); } ParseLootMessages(h, logMessages, null, true, true); LootChanged(); }
public static bool HuntTableExists(Hunt h) { int value = 0; object result = ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{0}';", h.GetTableName())); if (result != null && int.TryParse(result.ToString(), out value)) { return value != 0; } return false; }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetHuntMessages(Hunt hunt) { return(ExecuteReaderQuery(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\" ORDER BY day, hour, minute;", hunt.GetTableName()))); }
public static void InsertMessage(Hunt hunt, int stamp, int hour, int minute, string message) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO \"{4}\" VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, \"{3}\");", stamp, hour, minute, message.Replace("\"", "\\\""), hunt.GetTableName()), lootConn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static void CreateHuntTable(Hunt hunt) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{0}\"(day INTEGER, hour INTEGER, minute INTEGER, message STRING);", hunt.GetTableName())); ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{0}\"(itemid INTEGER, amount INTEGER);", hunt.GetWasteTableName())); }
public void UpdateLootForm() { Hunt hunt = HuntManager.activeHunt; int minheight, maxheight; ClearControlList(lootControls, out minheight, out maxheight); int counter; int y = minheight; if (maxheight < 0) { y = 30; foreach (Control c in summaryControls) { y = Math.Max(c.Location.Y + c.Height, y); } } var loot = LootDropForm.GenerateLootInformation(hunt, "", null); totalValue = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in loot.Item2) { totalValue += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } int maxDrops = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxItemDrops"); if (maxDrops < 0) { maxDrops = 5; } if (maxDrops > 0) { CreateHeaderLabel("Item Drops", x, ref y, lootControls); counter = 0; int width = 0; var items = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in loot.Item2) { int amount = tpl.Item2; while (amount > 0) { int count = Math.Min(100, amount); amount -= count; items.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, count)); width += ImageHeight + 2; if (width > ImageWidth - ImageHeight) { CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, lootControls); items.Clear(); width = 0; if (++counter >= maxDrops) { break; } } } } if (items.Count > 0) { CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, lootControls); items.Clear(); } } int maxCreatures = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxCreatures"); if (maxCreatures < 0) { maxCreatures = 5; } if (maxCreatures > 0) { CreateHeaderLabel("Creature Kills", x, ref y, lootControls); counter = 0; foreach (Creature cr in loot.Item1.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => loot.Item1[o] * (1 + o.experience)).ToList <Creature>()) { CreateCreatureBox(cr, loot.Item1[cr], x, ref y, lootControls); if (++counter >= maxCreatures) { break; } } } int maxRecentDrops = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxRecentDrops"); if (maxRecentDrops < 0) { maxRecentDrops = 5; } if (maxRecentDrops > 0) { CreateHeaderLabel("Recent Drops", x, ref y, lootControls); var recentDrops = ScanningManager.GetRecentDrops(maxRecentDrops); foreach (var drops in recentDrops) { CreateCreatureDropsBox(drops.Item1, drops.Item2, drops.Item3, x, ref y, lootControls); } } UpdateDamageForm(); }
public static void DeleteMessagesBefore(Hunt h, int stamp, int hour, int minute) { SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE day < {1} OR hour < {2} OR (hour == {2} AND minute < {3})", h.GetTableName(), stamp, hour, minute), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static void DeleteMessage(Hunt hunt, string msg, SQLiteTransaction transaction) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE message=\"{1}\"", hunt.GetTableName(), msg.Replace("\"", "\\\"")), lootConn, transaction); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static void InsertMessage(Hunt hunt, int stamp, int hour, int minute, string message) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("INSERT INTO \"{4}\" VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, \"{3}\");", stamp, hour, minute, message.Replace("\"", "\\\""), hunt.GetTableName())); }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetHuntMessages(Hunt hunt) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\" ORDER BY day, hour, minute;", hunt.GetTableName()), lootConn); return command.ExecuteReader(); }
public static void DeleteMessage(Hunt hunt, string msg, SQLiteTransaction transaction) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE message=\"{1}\"", hunt.GetTableName(), msg.Replace("\"", "\\\""))); }
void clearOldLog(Hunt h, int clearMinutes = 10) { var time = DateTime.Now; int hour = time.Hour; int minute = time.Minute; while (clearMinutes > 60) { hour--; clearMinutes -= 60; } if (minute >= clearMinutes) { minute -= clearMinutes; } else { hour--; minute = 60 + (minute - clearMinutes); } int stamp = getDayStamp(); while (hour < 0) { hour += 24; stamp--; } h.loot.creatureLoot.Clear(); h.loot.killCount.Clear(); h.loot.logMessages.Clear(); h.totalExp = 0; h.totalTime = 0; foreach (string t in getLatestTimes(clearMinutes)) { if (totalExperienceResults.ContainsKey(t)) { h.totalExp += totalExperienceResults[t]; h.totalTime += 60; } } SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE day < {1} OR hour < {2} OR (hour == {2} AND minute < {3})", h.GetTableName(), stamp, hour, minute), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\"", h.GetTableName()), lootConn); SQLiteDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> logMessages = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); while (reader.Read()) { string line = reader["message"].ToString(); if (line.Length < 15) continue; string t = line.Substring(0, 5); if (!(isDigit(t[0]) && isDigit(t[1]) && isDigit(t[3]) && isDigit(t[4]) && t[2] == ':')) continue; //not a valid timestamp if (!logMessages.ContainsKey(t)) logMessages.Add(t, new List<string>()); logMessages[t].Add(line); } ParseLootMessages(h, logMessages, null, false, false, true); LootChanged(); }
public static void DeleteMessagesBefore(Hunt h, int stamp, int hour, int minute) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE day < {1} OR hour < {2} OR (hour == {2} AND minute < {3})", h.GetTableName(), stamp, hour, minute)); }
void saveLog(Hunt h, string logPath) { StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(logPath); // we load the data from the database instead of from the stored dictionary so it is ordered properly SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\"", h.GetTableName()), lootConn); SQLiteDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { streamWriter.WriteLine(reader["message"].ToString()); } streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetUsedItems(Hunt h) { return(ExecuteReaderQuery(String.Format("SELECT itemid, amount FROM {0}", h.GetWasteTableName()))); }
public static void UpdateUsedItems(Hunt h) { var usedItems = h.GetUsedItems(); lock(lootLock) { foreach (var item in usedItems) { int itemid =; int amount = item.Item2; int value = 0; object result = ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT itemid FROM {0} WHERE itemid={1}", h.GetWasteTableName(), itemid)); if (result != null && int.TryParse(result.ToString(), out value)) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("UPDATE {0} SET amount={1} WHERE itemid={2}", h.GetWasteTableName(), amount, itemid)); } else { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (itemid, amount) VALUES ({1}, {2})", h.GetWasteTableName(), itemid, amount)); } } } }
public static bool ExecuteCommand(string command, ParseMemoryResults parseMemoryResults = null) { try { if (parseMemoryResults == null) { parseMemoryResults = ScanningManager.lastResults; } string comp = command.Trim().ToLower(); Console.WriteLine(command); if (comp.StartsWith("creature" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //creature@ { string[] split = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(cr, command); } else { List <TibiaObject> creatures = StorageManager.searchCreature(parameter); if (creatures.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(creatures[0].AsCreature(), command); } else if (creatures.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(creatures, "Creature List", command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("look" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //look@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "on") { SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "True"); } else if (parameter == "off") { SettingsManager.setSetting("LookMode", "False"); } else { List <string> times = TimestampManager.getLatestTimes(5); List <TibiaObject> items = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (string message in GlobalDataManager.GetLookInformation(times)) { string itemName = Parser.parseLookItem(message).ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(itemName); if (item != null) { items.Add(item); } else { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(itemName); if (cr != null) { items.Add(cr); } } } if (items.Count == 1) { if (items[0] is Item) { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower()); } else if (items[0] is Creature) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureDrops(items[0].AsCreature(), command); } } else if (items.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Looked At Items", command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("stats" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //stats@ { string name = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(name); if (cr != null) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureStats(cr, command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("close" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //close@ // close all notifications { NotificationManager.ClearNotifications(); PopupManager.ClearSimpleNotifications(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("delete" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //delete@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); int killCount; if (int.TryParse(parameter, out killCount)) { HuntManager.deleteCreatureWithThreshold(killCount); } else { Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { HuntManager.deleteCreatureFromLog(cr); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("skin" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //skin@ { string[] split = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = split[1].Trim().ToLower(); int count = 1; Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { if (split.Length > 2) { int.TryParse(split[2], out count); } HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count); } else { int.TryParse(parameter, out count); // find creature with highest killcount with a skin and skin that cr = HuntManager.GetHighestKillCreature(HuntManager.activeHunt); if (cr != null) { HuntManager.InsertSkin(cr, count); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("city" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //city@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (StorageManager.cityNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { City city = StorageManager.cityNameMap[parameter]; NotificationManager.ShowCityDisplayForm(city, command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("damage" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //damage@ { if (parseMemoryResults != null) { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string screenshot_path = ""; string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2) { parameter = ""; screenshot_path = splits[2]; } NotificationManager.ShowDamageMeter(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, command, parameter, screenshot_path); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("experience" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //experience@ { if (parseMemoryResults != null) { NotificationManager.ShowExperienceChartNotification(command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("exp" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //exp@ { string title = "Experience"; string text = "Currently gaining " + (parseMemoryResults == null ? "unknown" : ((int)parseMemoryResults.expPerHour).ToString()) + " experience an hour."; Image image = StyleManager.GetImage("tibia.png"); if (!SettingsManager.getSettingBool("UseRichNotificationType")) { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(title, text, image); } else { PopupManager.ShowSimpleNotification(new SimpleTextNotification(null, title, text)); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("loot" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //loot@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string screenshot_path = ""; string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (parameter == "screenshot" && splits.Length > 2) { parameter = ""; screenshot_path = splits[2]; } Hunt currentHunt = HuntManager.activeHunt; if (splits.Length >= 2 && splits[1] != "") { Hunt h = HuntManager.GetHunt(splits[1]); if (h != null) { currentHunt = h; } } // display loot notification NotificationManager.ShowLootDrops(currentHunt, command, screenshot_path); } else if (comp.StartsWith("clipboard" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //clipboard@ // Copy loot message to the clipboard // clipboard@damage copies the damage information to the clipboard // clipboard@<creature> copies the loot of a specific creature to the clipboard // clipboard@ copies all loot to the clipboard { string creatureName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Creature lootCreature = null; if (creatureName == "damage" && parseMemoryResults != null) { var damageInformation = DamageChart.GenerateDamageInformation(parseMemoryResults.damagePerSecond, ""); string damageString = "Damage Dealt: "; foreach (var damage in damageInformation) { damageString += String.Format("{0}: {1:N1}%; ",, damage.percentage); } Clipboard.SetText(damageString.Substring(0, damageString.Length - 2)); return(true); } else if (creatureName != "") { lootCreature = StorageManager.getCreature(creatureName); } var tpl = LootDropForm.GenerateLootInformation(HuntManager.activeHunt, "", lootCreature); var creatureKills = tpl.Item1; var itemDrops = tpl.Item2; string lootString = ""; if (creatureKills.Count == 1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills) { lootString = "Total Loot of " + kvp.Value.ToString() + " " + kvp.Key.GetName() + (kvp.Value > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": "; } } else { int totalKills = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, int> kvp in creatureKills) { totalKills += kvp.Value; } lootString = "Total Loot of " + totalKills + " Kills: "; } foreach (Tuple <Item, int> kvp in itemDrops) { lootString += kvp.Item2 + " " + kvp.Item1.displayname + (kvp.Item2 > 1 ? "s" : "") + ", "; } lootString = lootString.Substring(0, lootString.Length - 2) + "."; Clipboard.SetText(lootString); } else if (comp.StartsWith("reset" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //reset@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); int time = 0; if (parameter == "old") { HuntManager.clearOldLog(HuntManager.activeHunt); } else if (int.TryParse(parameter, out time) && time > 0) { HuntManager.clearOldLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, time); } else { // reset@<hunt> resets the specified hunt if (parameter.Length > 0 && HuntManager.resetHunt(parameter)) { return(true); } else { //reset@ deletes all loot from the currently active hunt HuntManager.resetHunt(HuntManager.activeHunt); } } MainForm.mainForm.refreshHunts(); ReadMemoryManager.ignoreStamp = TimestampManager.createStamp(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("refresh" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //refresh@ // refresh: refresh duration on current form, or if no current form, repeat last command without removing it from stack /*if (tooltipForm != null && !tooltipForm.IsDisposed) { * try { * (tooltipForm as NotificationForm).ResetTimer(); * } catch { * } * } else if (command_stack.Count > 0) {*/ { ExecuteCommand(NotificationManager.LastCommand().command); //} return(true); } else if (comp.StartsWith("switch" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //switch@ // switch: switch to hunt { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); HuntManager.SwitchHunt(parameter); HuntManager.SaveHunts(); } else if (comp.StartsWith("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //item@ //show the item with all the NPCs that sell it { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification(command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("task" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //task@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (StorageManager.taskList.Keys.Contains(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.taskList[parameter].ToList <TibiaObject>(), StorageManager.taskList[parameter][0].groupname, command); } else { int id = -1; int.TryParse(parameter, out id); List <TibiaObject> tasks = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Task> > kvp in StorageManager.taskList) { foreach (Task t in kvp.Value) { if (id >= 0 && == id) { NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(t, command); return(true); } else { if (t.GetName().Contains(parameter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { tasks.Add(t); } } } } if (tasks.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowTaskNotification(tasks[0] as Task, command); } else { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(tasks, String.Format("Tasks Containing \"{0}\"", parameter), command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("category" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //category@ // list all items with the specified category { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); List <TibiaObject> items = StorageManager.getItemsByCategory(parameter); if (items.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowItemNotification("item" + Constants.CommandSymbol + items[0].GetName().ToLower()); } else if (items.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(items, "Category: " + parameter, command, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("hunt" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //hunt@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsInCity(parameter); NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts in " + parameter, command); return(true); } HuntingPlace h = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter); if (h != null) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(h, command); return(true); } Creature cr = StorageManager.getCreature(parameter); if (cr != null) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForCreature(; NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts containing creature " + parameter.ToTitle(), command); return(true); } int minlevel = -1, maxlevel = -1; int level; if (int.TryParse(parameter, out level)) { minlevel = (int)(level * 0.8); maxlevel = (int)(level * 1.2); } else if (parameter.Contains('-')) { string[] split = parameter.Split('-'); int.TryParse(split[0].Trim(), out minlevel); int.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out maxlevel); } if (minlevel >= 0 && maxlevel >= 0) { List <HuntingPlace> huntingPlaces = StorageManager.getHuntsForLevels(minlevel, maxlevel); huntingPlaces = huntingPlaces.OrderBy(o => o.level).ToList(); NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntingPlaces.ToList <TibiaObject>(), "Hunts between levels " + minlevel.ToString() + "-" + maxlevel.ToString(), command); return(true); } else { string title; List <HuntingPlace> huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter); title = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (huntList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntingPlace(huntList[0], command); } else if (huntList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("npc" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) //npc@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPC(parameter); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } else if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.getNPCWithCity(parameter), "NPC List", command); } else { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(StorageManager.searchNPC(parameter), "NPC List", command); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("savelog" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { HuntManager.SaveLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("loadlog" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { HuntManager.LoadLog(HuntManager.activeHunt, command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().Replace("'", "\\'")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("setdiscardgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { double val; if (double.TryParse(command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(), out val)) { StorageManager.setGoldRatio(val); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("wiki" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); string response = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { response = client.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&limit=1&minArticleQuality=10&batch=1&namespaces=0", parameter)); } Regex regex = new Regex("\"url\":\"([^\"]+)\""); Match m = regex.Match(response); var gr = m.Groups[1]; MainForm.OpenUrl(gr.Value.Replace("\\/", "/")); } else if (comp.StartsWith("char" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); MainForm.OpenUrl("" + parameter); } else if (comp.StartsWith("setconvertgoldratio" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); string[] split = parameter.Split('-'); if (split.Length < 2) { return(true); } int stackable = 0; if (split[0] == "1") { stackable = 1; } double val; if (double.TryParse(split[1], out val)) { StorageManager.setConvertRatio(val, stackable == 1); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("recent" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol) || comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { bool url = comp.StartsWith("url" + Constants.CommandSymbol); int type = url ? 1 : 0; string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); if (comp.StartsWith("last" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { parameter = "1"; } List <Command> command_list = GlobalDataManager.GetRecentCommands(type).Select(o => new Command() { player = o.Item1, command = o.Item2 }).ToList(); command_list.Reverse(); int number; //recent@<number> opens the last <number> command, so recent@1 opens the last command if (int.TryParse(parameter, out number)) { if (number > 0 && number <= command_list.Count) { ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number - 1].command, type);; return(true); } } else { //recent@<player> opens the last bool found = false; foreach (Command comm in command_list) { if (comm.player.ToLower() == parameter) { ListNotification.OpenCommand(command_list[number].command, type); found = true; break; } } if (found) { return(true); } } NotificationManager.ShowListNotification(command_list, type, command); } else if (comp.StartsWith("spell" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // spell@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int initialVocation = -1; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out initialVocation)) { } Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(parameter); if (spell != null) { NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spell, initialVocation, command); } else { List <TibiaObject> spellList = new List <TibiaObject>(); string title; if (Constants.vocations.Contains(parameter)) { spellList = StorageManager.getSpellsForVocation(parameter); title = parameter.ToTitle() + " Spells"; } else { spellList = StorageManager.searchSpell(parameter); if (spellList.Count == 0) { spellList = StorageManager.searchSpellWords(parameter); } title = "Spells Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; } if (spellList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowSpellNotification(spellList[0].AsSpell(), initialVocation, command); } else if (spellList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(spellList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("outfit" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // outfit@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Outfit outfit = StorageManager.getOutfit(parameter); if (outfit != null) { NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfit, command); } else { string title; List <TibiaObject> outfitList = StorageManager.searchOutfit(parameter); title = "Outfits Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (outfitList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowOutfitNotification(outfitList[0].AsOutfit(), command); } else if (outfitList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(outfitList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("quest" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // quest@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>(); if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command); } else { string title; if (Constants.cities.Contains(parameter)) { title = "Quests In " + parameter; foreach (Quest q in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { if ( == parameter) { questList.Add(q); } } } else { title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; string[] splitStrings = parameter.Split(' '); foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { bool found = true; foreach (string str in splitStrings) { if (!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { questList.Add(quest); } } } if (questList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestNotification(questList[0], command); } else if (questList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); //ShowQuestList(questList, title, command, page); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("guide" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // guide@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; string mission = ""; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } if (splits.Length > 3) { mission = splits[3]; } List <Quest> questList = new List <Quest>(); if (StorageManager.questNameMap.ContainsKey(parameter)) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(StorageManager.questNameMap[parameter], command, page, mission); } else { string title; foreach (Quest quest in StorageManager.questIdMap.Values) { if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { questList.Add(quest); } } title = "Quests Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (questList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowQuestGuideNotification(questList[0], command, page, mission); } else if (questList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(questList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("direction" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // direction@ { string[] splits = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string parameter = splits[1].Trim().ToLower(); int page = 0; if (splits.Length > 2 && int.TryParse(splits[2], out page)) { } List <HuntingPlace> huntList = new List <HuntingPlace>(); HuntingPlace h = StorageManager.getHunt(parameter); if (h != null) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(h, command, page); } else { string title; huntList = StorageManager.searchHunt(parameter); title = "Hunts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (huntList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowHuntGuideNotification(huntList[0], command, page); } else if (huntList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(huntList.ToList <TibiaObject>(), title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("mount" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) // mount@ { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Mount m = StorageManager.getMount(parameter); if (m != null) { NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(m, command); } else { string title; List <TibiaObject> mountList = StorageManager.searchMount(parameter); title = "Mounts Containing \"" + parameter + "\""; if (mountList.Count == 1) { NotificationManager.ShowMountNotification(mountList[0].AsMount(), command); } else if (mountList.Count > 1) { NotificationManager.ShowCreatureList(mountList, title, command); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("pickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, false); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("nopickup" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemDiscard(item, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("convert" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, true); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("noconvert" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(parameter); if (item != null) { StorageManager.setItemConvert(item, false); } } else if (comp.StartsWith("setval" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string parameter = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim(); if (!parameter.Contains('=')) { return(true); } string[] split = parameter.Split('='); string item = split[0].Trim().ToLower().Replace("'", "\\'"); long value = 0; if (long.TryParse(split[1].Trim(), out value)) { Item it = StorageManager.getItem(split[0]); if (it != null) { StorageManager.setItemValue(it, value); } } } else if (comp.StartsWith("screenshot" + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { ScreenshotManager.saveScreenshot("Screenshot", ScreenshotManager.takeScreenshot()); } else { bool found = false; foreach (string city in Constants.cities) { if (comp.StartsWith(city + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string itemName = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol)[1].Trim().ToLower(); Item item = StorageManager.getItem(itemName); if (item != null) { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCSellingItemInCity(, city); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } } else { Spell spell = StorageManager.getSpell(itemName); if (spell != null) { NPC npc = StorageManager.getNPCTeachingSpellInCity(, city); if (npc != null) { NotificationManager.ShowNPCForm(npc, command); } } } found = true; } } // else try custom commands foreach (SystemCommand c in MainForm.mainForm.GetCustomCommands()) { if (c.tibialyzer_command.Trim().Length > 0 && comp.StartsWith(c.tibialyzer_command + Constants.CommandSymbol)) { string[] parameters = command.Split(Constants.CommandSymbol); string systemCallParameters = c.parameters; int i = 0; while (true) { if (systemCallParameters.Contains("{" + i.ToString() + "}")) { systemCallParameters = systemCallParameters.Replace("{" + i.ToString() + "}", parameters.Length > i + 1 ? parameters[i + 1].Trim() : ""); } else { break; } i++; } ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(c.command, systemCallParameters); procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; // Do not show the cmd window to the user. procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; procStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process.Start(procStartInfo); return(true); } } if (found) { return(true); } //if we get here we didn't find any command return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { MainForm.mainForm.DisplayWarning(String.Format("Tibialyzer Exception While Processing Command \"{0}\".\nMessage: {1} ", command, e.Message)); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(true); } }
private void showAllLootButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hunt h = MainForm.mainForm.getSelectedHunt(); CommandManager.ExecuteCommand("loot" + Constants.CommandSymbol + (h == null ? "" :; }
public static void DeleteHuntTable(Hunt hunt) { SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", hunt.GetTableName()), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static void CreateHuntTable(Hunt hunt) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{0}\"(day INTEGER, hour INTEGER, minute INTEGER, message STRING);", hunt.GetTableName()), lootConn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static void SwitchHunt(string parameter) { lock (hunts) { foreach (Hunt h in hunts) { if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { activeHunt = h; break; } } } }
public static void ShowWasteForm(Hunt hunt, string command) { if (hunt == null) return; WasteForm f = new WasteForm(); f.hunt = hunt; ShowNotification(f, command); }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetHuntMessages(Hunt hunt) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\" ORDER BY day, hour, minute;", hunt.GetTableName()), lootConn); return(command.ExecuteReader()); }
public void refreshHuntLog(Hunt h) { (Tabs[3] as LogsTab).refreshHuntLog(h); }
public void UpdateLootForm() { Hunt hunt = HuntManager.activeHunt; int minheight, maxheight; ClearControlList(lootControls, out minheight, out maxheight); int counter; int y = minheight; if (maxheight < 0) { y = 30; foreach (Control c in summaryControls) { y = Math.Max(c.Location.Y + c.Height, y); } } var loot = LootDropForm.GenerateLootInformation(hunt, "", null); totalValue = 0; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in loot.Item2) { totalValue += tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue() * tpl.Item2; } averageValue = LootDropForm.GetAverageGold(loot.Item1); int maxDrops = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxItemDrops"); if (maxDrops < 0) { maxDrops = 5; } if (maxDrops > 0) { List <ItemRegion> region; int imageHeight = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryLootItemSize"); imageHeight = imageHeight < 0 ? BlockHeight : imageHeight; CreateHeaderLabel("Item Drops", x, ref y, lootControls); counter = 0; bool display = true; int width = 0; var items = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in loot.Item2) { int amount = tpl.Item2; while (amount > 0) { int count = Math.Min(100, amount); amount -= count; items.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, count)); width += imageHeight + 2; if (width > BlockWidth - imageHeight) { region = new List <ItemRegion>(); CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, lootControls, imageHeight, region, counter).MouseDown += OpenLootWindow; lootRegions[counter] = region; items.Clear(); width = 0; if (++counter >= maxDrops) { display = false; break; } } } if (!display) { break; } } if (items.Count > 0) { region = new List <ItemRegion>(); CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, lootControls, imageHeight, region, counter).MouseDown += OpenLootWindow; lootRegions[counter] = region; items.Clear(); } } int maxCreatures = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxCreatures"); if (maxCreatures < 0) { maxCreatures = 5; } if (maxCreatures > 0) { CreateHeaderLabel("Creature Kills", x, ref y, lootControls); counter = 0; foreach (Creature cr in loot.Item1.Keys.OrderByDescending(o => loot.Item1[o] * (1 + o.experience)).ToList <Creature>()) { CreateCreatureBox(cr, loot.Item1[cr], x, ref y, lootControls); if (++counter >= maxCreatures) { break; } } } int maxRecentDrops = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxRecentDrops"); if (maxRecentDrops < 0) { maxRecentDrops = 5; } if (maxRecentDrops > 0) { CreateHeaderLabel("Recent Drops", x, ref y, lootControls); int imageHeight = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryRecentDropsItemSize"); imageHeight = imageHeight < 0 ? BlockHeight : imageHeight; var recentDrops = ScanningManager.GetRecentDrops(maxRecentDrops); int index = 0; foreach (var drops in recentDrops) { List <ItemRegion> region = new List <ItemRegion>(); CreateCreatureDropsBox(drops.Item1, drops.Item2, drops.Item3, x, ref y, lootControls, imageHeight, region, index).MouseDown += OpenRecentDropsWindow; recentDropsRegions[index++] = region; } } UpdateDamageForm(); }
public static bool HuntTableExists(Hunt h) { SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{0}';", h.GetTableName()), lootConn); int value = int.Parse(command.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); return value != 0; }
public void UpdateWasteForm() { Hunt hunt = HuntManager.activeHunt; int minheight, maxheight; ClearControlList(usedItemsControls, out minheight, out maxheight); int y = 30; foreach (Control c in damageControls.Count > 0 ? damageControls : (lootControls.Count > 0 ? lootControls : summaryControls)) { y = Math.Max(c.Location.Y + c.Height, y); } totalWaste = 0; int maxUsedItems = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryMaxUsedItems"); if (maxUsedItems < 0) { maxUsedItems = 5; } if (maxUsedItems > 0) { List <ItemRegion> region; int imageHeight = SettingsManager.getSettingInt("SummaryWasteItemSize"); imageHeight = imageHeight < 0 ? BlockHeight : imageHeight; int counter = 0; CreateHeaderLabel("Used Items", x, ref y, usedItemsControls); int width = 0; var items = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); bool display = true; foreach (Tuple <Item, int> tpl in HuntManager.GetUsedItems(hunt)) { int amount = tpl.Item2; totalWaste += amount * tpl.Item1.GetMaxValue(); while (amount > 0 && display) { int count = Math.Min(100, amount); amount -= count; items.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(tpl.Item1, count)); width += imageHeight + 2; if (width > BlockWidth - imageHeight) { region = new List <ItemRegion>(); CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, usedItemsControls, imageHeight, region, counter).MouseDown += OpenWasteWindow; wasteRegions[counter] = region; items.Clear(); width = 0; if (++counter >= maxUsedItems) { display = false; } } } } if (items.Count > 0) { region = new List <ItemRegion>(); CreateItemList(items, x, ref y, usedItemsControls, imageHeight, region, counter).MouseDown += OpenWasteWindow; wasteRegions[counter] = region; items.Clear(); } } if (y != maxheight) { this.Size = new Size(BlockWidth + 10, y + 5); } }
public void addKillToHunt(Hunt h, Tuple<Creature, List<Tuple<Item, int>>> resultList, string t, string message, int stamp = 0, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, SQLiteTransaction transaction = null) { Creature cr = resultList.Item1; if (!h.loot.creatureLoot.ContainsKey(cr)) h.loot.creatureLoot.Add(cr, new Dictionary<Item, int>()); foreach (Tuple<Item, int> tpl in resultList.Item2) { Item item = tpl.Item1; int count = tpl.Item2; if (!h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].ContainsKey(item)) h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].Add(item, count); else h.loot.creatureLoot[cr][item] += count; } if (!h.loot.killCount.ContainsKey(cr)) h.loot.killCount.Add(cr, 1); else h.loot.killCount[cr] += 1; if (!h.loot.logMessages.ContainsKey(t)) h.loot.logMessages.Add(t, new List<string>()); h.loot.logMessages[t].Add(message); if (transaction != null) { string query = String.Format("INSERT INTO \"{4}\" VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, \"{3}\");", stamp, hour, minute, message.Replace("\"", "\\\""), h.GetTableName()); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(query, lootConn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public static Tuple <Dictionary <Creature, int>, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > GenerateLootInformation(Hunt hunt, string rawName, Creature lootCreature) { Dictionary <Creature, int> creatureKills; List <Tuple <Item, int> > itemDrops = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); bool raw = rawName == "raw"; bool all = raw || rawName == "all"; List <Creature> displayedCreatures = null; if (!hunt.trackAllCreatures && hunt.trackedCreatures.Length > 0) { displayedCreatures = hunt.GetTrackedCreatures(); } else if (SettingsManager.getSettingBool("IgnoreLowExperience")) { displayedCreatures = new List <Creature>(); foreach (Creature cr in hunt.IterateCreatures()) { if (cr.experience >= SettingsManager.getSettingInt("IgnoreLowExperienceValue")) { displayedCreatures.Add(cr); } } } if (lootCreature != null) { //the command is loot@<creature>, so we only display the kills and loot from the specified creature creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(lootCreature); } else if (displayedCreatures == null) { creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(); //display all creatures //loot.killCount; } else { // only display tracked creatures creatureKills = hunt.GetCreatureKills(displayedCreatures); // new Dictionary<Creature, int>(); } // now handle item drops, gather a count for every item Dictionary <Item, int> itemCounts = new Dictionary <Item, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Creature, Dictionary <Item, int> > kvp in hunt.IterateLoot()) { if (lootCreature != null && kvp.Key != lootCreature) { continue; // if lootCreature is specified, only consider loot from the specified creature } if (displayedCreatures != null && !displayedCreatures.Contains(kvp.Key)) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Item, int> kvp2 in kvp.Value) { Item item = kvp2.Key; int value = kvp2.Value; if (!itemCounts.ContainsKey(item)) { itemCounts.Add(item, value); } else { itemCounts[item] += value; } } } // now we do item conversion long extraGold = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <Item, int> kvp in itemCounts) { Item item = kvp.Key; int count = kvp.Value; // discard items that are set to be discarded (as long as all/raw mode is not enabled) if (item.discard && !all) { continue; } // convert items to gold (as long as raw mode is not enabled), always gather up all the gold coins found if ((!raw && item.convert_to_gold) || item.displayname == "gold coin" || item.displayname == "platinum coin" || item.displayname == "crystal coin") { extraGold += item.GetMaxValue() * count; } else { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(item, count)); } } // handle coin drops, we always convert the gold to the highest possible denomination (so if gold = 10K, we display a crystal coin) long currentGold = extraGold; if (currentGold > 10000) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("crystal coin"), (int)(currentGold / 10000))); currentGold = currentGold % 10000; } if (currentGold > 100) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("platinum coin"), (int)(currentGold / 100))); currentGold = currentGold % 100; } if (currentGold > 0) { itemDrops.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem("gold coin"), (int)(currentGold))); } // now order by value so most valuable items are placed first // we use a special value for the gold coins so the gold is placed together in the order crystal > platinum > gold // gold coins = <gold total> - 2, platinum coins = <gold total> - 1, crystal coins = <gold total> itemDrops = itemDrops.OrderByDescending(o => o.Item1.displayname == "gold coin" ? extraGold - 2 : (o.Item1.displayname == "platinum coin" ? extraGold - 1 : (o.Item1.displayname == "crystal coin" ? extraGold : o.Item1.GetMaxValue() * o.Item2))).ToList(); return(new Tuple <Dictionary <Creature, int>, List <Tuple <Item, int> > >(creatureKills, itemDrops)); }
void deleteLogMessage(Hunt h, string logMessage) { string timeStamp = logMessage.Substring(0, 5); bool found = false; lock (hunts) { if (h.loot.logMessages.ContainsKey(timeStamp)) { if (h.loot.logMessages[timeStamp].Contains(logMessage)) { h.loot.logMessages[timeStamp].Remove(logMessage); var logMessageItems = ParseLootMessage(logMessage); Creature cr = logMessageItems.Item1; if (h.loot.killCount.ContainsKey(cr)) { h.loot.killCount[cr]--; if (h.loot.killCount[cr] == 0) { h.loot.killCount.Remove(cr); } } foreach (Tuple<Item, int> tpl in logMessageItems.Item2) { if (h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].ContainsKey(tpl.Item1)) { h.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] -= tpl.Item2; if (h.loot.creatureLoot[cr][tpl.Item1] <= 0) { h.loot.creatureLoot[cr].Remove(tpl.Item1); } } } found = true; } } } if (!found) return; string huntTable = h.GetTableName(); SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("SELECT day,hour,minute,message FROM \"{0}\" WHERE message=\"{1}\"", huntTable, logMessage.Replace("\"", "\\\"")), lootConn); SQLiteDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DELETE FROM \"{0}\" WHERE day={1} AND hour={2} AND minute={3} AND message=\"{4}\"", huntTable, reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2), reader["message"].ToString()), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } LootChanged(); }
public static List <TibiaObject> refreshLootCreatures(Hunt h) { return(h.RefreshLootCreatures()); }
void resetHunt(Hunt h) { lock (hunts) { h.loot.creatureLoot.Clear(); h.loot.killCount.Clear(); h.loot.logMessages.Clear(); h.totalExp = 0; h.totalTime = 0; } string huntTable = h.GetTableName(); SQLiteCommand comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", huntTable), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); comm = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"{0}\"(day INTEGER, hour INTEGER, minute INTEGER, message STRING);", huntTable), lootConn); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); LootChanged(); }
public static void Initialize() { lock (hunts) { //"Name#DBTableID#Track#Time#Exp#SideHunt#AggregateHunt#ClearOnStartup#Creature#Creature#..." if (!SettingsManager.settingExists("Hunts")) { SettingsManager.setSetting("Hunts", new List <string>() { "New Hunt#True#0#0#False#True" }); } hunts.Clear(); int activeHuntIndex = 0, index = 0; List <int> dbTableIds = new List <int>(); foreach (string str in SettingsManager.getSetting("Hunts")) { SQLiteDataReader reader; Hunt hunt = new Hunt(); string[] splits = str.Split('#'); if (splits.Length >= 7) { = splits[0]; if (!int.TryParse(splits[1].Trim(), out hunt.dbtableid)) { continue; } if (dbTableIds.Contains(hunt.dbtableid)) { continue; } dbTableIds.Add(hunt.dbtableid); hunt.totalTime = 0; hunt.trackAllCreatures = splits[2] == "True"; double.TryParse(splits[3], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out hunt.totalTime); long.TryParse(splits[4], out hunt.totalExp); hunt.sideHunt = splits[5] == "True"; hunt.aggregateHunt = splits[6] == "True"; hunt.clearOnStartup = splits[7] == "True"; hunt.temporary = false; string massiveString = ""; for (int i = 8; i < splits.Length; i++) { if (splits[i].Length > 0) { massiveString += splits[i] + "\n"; } } hunt.trackedCreatures = massiveString; // set this hunt to the active hunt if it is the active hunt if (SettingsManager.settingExists("ActiveHunt") && SettingsManager.getSettingString("ActiveHunt") == { activeHuntIndex = index; } refreshLootCreatures(hunt); if (hunt.clearOnStartup) { resetHunt(hunt); } // create the hunt table if it does not exist LootDatabaseManager.CreateHuntTable(hunt); // load the data for the hunt from the database reader = LootDatabaseManager.GetHuntMessages(hunt); while (reader.Read()) { string message = reader["message"].ToString(); Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > resultList = Parser.ParseLootMessage(message); if (resultList == null) { continue; } string t = message.Substring(0, 5); hunt.AddKillToHunt(resultList, t, message); } reader = LootDatabaseManager.GetUsedItems(hunt); List <Tuple <Item, int> > usedItems = new List <Tuple <Item, int> >(); while (reader.Read()) { int itemid = reader.GetInt32(0); int amount = reader.GetInt32(1); usedItems.Add(new Tuple <Item, int>(StorageManager.getItem(itemid), amount)); } hunt.AddUsedItems(usedItems); hunts.Add(hunt); index++; } } if (hunts.Count == 0) { Hunt h = new Hunt(); = "New Hunt"; h.dbtableid = 1; hunts.Add(h); resetHunt(h); } activeHunt = hunts[activeHuntIndex]; MainForm.mainForm.InitializeHuntDisplay(activeHuntIndex); } }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetUsedItems(Hunt h) { return ExecuteReaderQuery(String.Format("SELECT itemid, amount FROM {0}", h.GetWasteTableName())); }
public static void SetActiveHunt(Hunt h) { lock (hunts) { activeHunt = h; } }
public static Creature GetHighestKillCreature(Hunt h) { return(h.GetHighestKillCreature()); }
public static void AddSkin(Hunt h, string message, Creature cr, Item item, int count, string timestamp) { h.AddSkin(message, cr, item, count, timestamp); }
public static List <Tuple <Item, int> > GetUsedItems(Hunt hunt) { return(hunt.GetUsedItems()); }
public static SQLiteDataReader GetHuntMessages(Hunt hunt) { return ExecuteReaderQuery(String.Format("SELECT message FROM \"{0}\" ORDER BY day, hour, minute;", hunt.GetTableName())); }
public static void ParseLootMessages(Hunt h, Dictionary <string, List <string> > newDrops, List <Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> >, string> > newItems, bool commit = true, bool switchHunt = false, bool addEverything = false) { SQLiteTransaction transaction = null; if (commit) { transaction = LootDatabaseManager.BeginTransaction(); } int stamp = TimestampManager.getDayStamp(); Dictionary <string, List <string> > itemDrops = addEverything ? new Dictionary <string, List <string> >() : globalMessages; bool skipDuplicateLoot = (ProcessManager.IsFlashClient() || !SettingsManager.getSettingBool("ScanInternalTabStructure")) && SettingsManager.getSettingBool("SkipDuplicateLoot"); // now the big one: parse the log messages and check the dropped items foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > kvp in newDrops) { string t = kvp.Key; List <string> itemList = skipDuplicateLoot ? kvp.Value.Distinct().ToList() : kvp.Value; if (!itemDrops.ContainsKey(t)) { itemDrops.Add(t, new List <string>()); } if (itemList.Count > itemDrops[t].Count) { int hour = int.Parse(t.Substring(0, 2)); int minute = int.Parse(t.Substring(3, 2)); foreach (string message in itemList) { if (!itemDrops[t].Contains(message)) { // new log message, scan it for new items Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> > > resultList = ParseLootMessage(message); if (resultList == null) { continue; } Creature cr = resultList.Item1; if (switchHunt && commit) { h = HuntManager.CheckTrackedHunts(h, resultList, t, message, stamp, hour, minute, transaction); } HuntManager.AddKillToHunt(h, resultList, t, message, stamp, hour, minute, transaction); if (newItems != null && MainForm.fileWriter != null && SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutomaticallyWriteLootToFile")) { MainForm.fileWriter.WriteLine(message); MainForm.fileWriter.Flush(); } if (newItems != null) { newItems.Add(new Tuple <Creature, List <Tuple <Item, int> >, string>(resultList.Item1, resultList.Item2, message)); } } else { itemDrops[t].Remove(message); } } itemDrops[t] = itemList; } } if (transaction != null) { transaction.Commit(); } }
public static void ParseLootMessages(Hunt h, Dictionary<string, List<string>> newDrops, List<Tuple<Creature, List<Tuple<Item, int>>>> newItems, bool commit = true, bool switchHunt = false, bool addEverything = false) { lock (HuntManager.hunts) { SQLiteTransaction transaction = null; if (commit) { transaction = LootDatabaseManager.BeginTransaction(); } int stamp = TimestampManager.getDayStamp(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> itemDrops = addEverything ? new Dictionary<string, List<string>>() : globalMessages; // now the big one: parse the log messages and check the dropped items foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> kvp in newDrops) { string t = kvp.Key; List<string> itemList = kvp.Value; if (!itemDrops.ContainsKey(t)) { itemDrops.Add(t, new List<string>()); } if (itemList.Count > itemDrops[t].Count) { int hour = int.Parse(t.Substring(0, 2)); int minute = int.Parse(t.Substring(3, 2)); foreach (string message in itemList) { if (!itemDrops[t].Contains(message)) { // new log message, scan it for new items Tuple<Creature, List<Tuple<Item, int>>> resultList = ParseLootMessage(message); if (resultList == null) continue; Creature cr = resultList.Item1; if (switchHunt && commit) { foreach (Hunt potentialHunt in HuntManager.hunts) { if (potentialHunt.lootCreatures.Contains(cr.GetName(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (potentialHunt.sideHunt) { h = potentialHunt; HuntManager.activeHunt = potentialHunt; } else if (potentialHunt.aggregateHunt && potentialHunt != h) { HuntManager.AddKillToHunt(potentialHunt, resultList, t, message, stamp, hour, minute, transaction); } } } } HuntManager.AddKillToHunt(h, resultList, t, message, stamp, hour, minute, transaction); if (MainForm.fileWriter != null && SettingsManager.getSettingBool("AutomaticallyWriteLootToFile")) { MainForm.fileWriter.WriteLine(message); MainForm.fileWriter.Flush(); } if (newItems != null) { newItems.Add(resultList); } } else { itemDrops[t].Remove(message); } } itemDrops[t] = itemList; } } if (transaction != null) { transaction.Commit(); } } }