public static DijkstraPoint GetMinimum(List <DijkstraPoint> list) { double minValue = double.MaxValue; DijkstraPoint min = null; foreach (var node in list) { double nodeValue = node.cost; if (nodeValue < minValue) { min = node; minValue = nodeValue; } } return(min); }
public void DrawPath(Graphics gr, TibiaPath path) { if (path.begin.z == mapCoordinate.z) { List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); DijkstraPoint node = path.path; while (node != null) { points.Add(new Point(convertx(node.point.X), converty(node.point.Y))); node = node.previous; } if (points.Count <= 1) { return; } gr.DrawLines(UIManager.pathPen, points.ToArray()); } }
public DijkstraPoint(DijkstraPoint previous, Point point, double cost) { this.previous = previous; this.cost = cost; this.point = point; }
public void UpdateMap(bool periodicUpdate = false) { lock (mapBoxLock) { int PlayerX = 0, PlayerY = 0, PlayerZ = 0; bool recomputeRoute = true; if (targetCoordinate != null) { MemoryReader.UpdateBattleList(); PlayerX = MemoryReader.X; PlayerY = MemoryReader.Y; PlayerZ = MemoryReader.Z; Point3D playerCoordinate = new Point3D(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); if (previousCoordinate != playerCoordinate) { previousCoordinate = playerCoordinate; mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); } else { if (FakePlayerData.X >= 0) { PlayerX = FakePlayerData.X; PlayerY = FakePlayerData.Y; PlayerZ = FakePlayerData.Z; mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); FakePlayerData = new Point3D(-1, -1, -1); } else { if (periodicUpdate) { return; } recomputeRoute = false; } } } if (beginCoordinate == null) { beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapCoordinate); beginWidth = sourceWidth; } if (beginCoordinate.x == Coordinate.MaxWidth / 2 && beginCoordinate.y == Coordinate.MaxHeight / 2 && beginCoordinate.z == 7) { Image oldImage = this.Image; this.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png"); if (oldImage != StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png") && oldImage != null) { oldImage.Dispose(); } this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; return; } if (mapCoordinate.z < 0) { mapCoordinate.z = 0; } else if (mapCoordinate.z >= StorageManager.mapFilesCount) { mapCoordinate.z = StorageManager.mapFilesCount - 1; } if (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.x = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.x + sourceWidth / 2 > Coordinate.MaxWidth) { mapCoordinate.x = Coordinate.MaxWidth - sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.y = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y + sourceWidth / 2 > Coordinate.MaxHeight) { mapCoordinate.y = Coordinate.MaxHeight - sourceWidth / 2; } Image image; if (mapCoordinate.z == zCoordinate) { image = map != null?map.GetImage() : mapImage; } else { Map m = StorageManager.getMap(mapCoordinate.z); if (otherMap != null && m != otherMap) { otherMap.Dispose(); } otherMap = m; image = m.GetImage(); } lock (image) { sourceWidth = Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceWidth, minWidth), maxWidth); Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2, mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2, sourceWidth, sourceWidth); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); if (targetCoordinate != null && recomputeRoute) { Coordinate beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ); Node beginNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(beginCoordinate.x, beginCoordinate.y, beginCoordinate.z); Node endNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(targetCoordinate.x, targetCoordinate.y, targetCoordinate.z); List <Rectangle3D> collisionBounds = null; DijkstraNode highresult = Dijkstra.FindRoute(beginNode, endNode, new Point3D(targetCoordinate), previousResult); previousResult = highresult; SpecialConnection connection = null; nextConnectionPoint = new Point3D(-1, -1, -1); nextImportantTarget = null; nextTarget = "Head to the destination."; if (highresult != null) { collisionBounds = new List <Rectangle3D>(); while (highresult != null) { highresult.rect.Inflate(5, 5); collisionBounds.Add(new Rectangle3D(highresult.rect, highresult.node.z)); /*if (highresult.node.z == beginCoordinate.z) { * Point tl = new Point(convertx(highresult.rect.X), converty(highresult.rect.Y)); * Point tr = new Point(convertx(highresult.rect.X + highresult.rect.Width), converty(highresult.rect.Y + highresult.rect.Height)); * gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Yellow, new Rectangle(tl.X, tl.Y, (tr.X - tl.X), (tr.Y - tl.Y))); * }*/ if (highresult.connection.connection != null) { connection = highresult.connection.connection; if ("stairs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { nextTarget = connection.destination.z > connection.source.z ? "Go down the stairs." : "Go up the stairs."; } else if ("levitate", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { nextTarget = connection.destination.z > connection.source.z ? "Levitate down." : "Levitate up."; } else { nextImportantTarget = String.Format("Take the {0}.",; nextTarget = null; } nextConnectionPoint = new Point3D(connection.destination.x, connection.destination.y, connection.destination.z); } highresult = highresult.previous; } if (collisionBounds.Count == 0) { collisionBounds = null; } } Map m = StorageManager.getMap(beginCoordinate.z); DijkstraPoint result = Dijkstra.FindRoute(image as Bitmap, new Point3D(beginCoordinate), new Point3D(targetCoordinate), collisionBounds, null, connection); if (result != null) { playerPath = new TibiaPath(); playerPath.path = result; playerPath.begin = beginCoordinate; playerPath.end = targetCoordinate; DrawPath(gr, playerPath); } } else if (!recomputeRoute && playerPath != null) { DrawPath(gr, playerPath); } foreach (TibiaPath path in paths) { DrawPath(gr, path); } foreach (Target target in targets) { if (target.coordinate.z == mapCoordinate.z) { int x = target.coordinate.x - (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2); int y = target.coordinate.y - (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < sourceWidth && y < sourceWidth) { x = (int)((double)x / sourceWidth * bitmap.Width); y = (int)((double)y / sourceWidth * bitmap.Height); lock (target.image) { int targetWidth = (int)((double)target.size / target.image.Height * target.image.Width); gr.DrawImage(target.image, new Rectangle(x - targetWidth, y - target.size, targetWidth * 2, target.size * 2)); } } } } } Image oldImage = this.Image; this.Image = bitmap; if (oldImage != null) { oldImage.Dispose(); } } if (MapUpdated != null) { MapUpdated(); } } }
public void UpdateMap() { if (beginCoordinate == null) { beginCoordinate = new Coordinate(mapCoordinate); beginWidth = sourceWidth; } if (beginCoordinate.x == Coordinate.MaxWidth / 2 && beginCoordinate.y == Coordinate.MaxHeight / 2 && beginCoordinate.z == 7) { if (this.Image != StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png") && this.Image != null) { this.Image.Dispose(); } this.Image = StyleManager.GetImage("nomapavailable.png"); this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; return; } if (mapCoordinate.z < 0) { mapCoordinate.z = 0; } else if (mapCoordinate.z >= StorageManager.mapFilesCount) { mapCoordinate.z = StorageManager.mapFilesCount - 1; } if (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.x = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.x + sourceWidth / 2 > map.GetImage().Width) { mapCoordinate.x = map.GetImage().Width - sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2 < 0) { mapCoordinate.y = sourceWidth / 2; } if (mapCoordinate.y + sourceWidth / 2 > map.GetImage().Height) { mapCoordinate.y = map.GetImage().Height - sourceWidth / 2; } sourceWidth = Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceWidth, minWidth), maxWidth); Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2, mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2, sourceWidth, sourceWidth); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { if (mapCoordinate.z == zCoordinate) { Image image = map != null?map.GetImage() : mapImage; lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } else { Map m = StorageManager.getMap(mapCoordinate.z); if (otherMap != null && m != otherMap) { otherMap.Dispose(); } otherMap = m; Image image = m.GetImage(); lock (image) { gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), sourceRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } foreach (TibiaPath path in paths) { if (path.begin.z == mapCoordinate.z) { List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); DijkstraPoint node = path.path; while (node != null) { points.Add(new Point(convertx(node.point.X), converty(node.point.Y))); node = node.previous; } gr.DrawLines(UIManager.pathPen, points.ToArray()); } } foreach (Target target in targets) { if (target.coordinate.z == mapCoordinate.z) { int x = target.coordinate.x - (mapCoordinate.x - sourceWidth / 2); int y = target.coordinate.y - (mapCoordinate.y - sourceWidth / 2); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < sourceWidth && y < sourceWidth) { x = (int)((double)x / sourceWidth * bitmap.Width); y = (int)((double)y / sourceWidth * bitmap.Height); int targetWidth = (int)((double)target.size / target.image.Height * target.image.Width); lock (target.image) { gr.DrawImage(target.image, new Rectangle(x - targetWidth, y - target.size, targetWidth * 2, target.size * 2)); } } } } } if (this.Image != null) { this.Image.Dispose(); } this.Image = bitmap; if (MapUpdated != null) { MapUpdated(); } }
public static DijkstraPoint FindRoute(Bitmap mapImage, Point start, Point end, List <Rectangle> bounds, List <Color> additionalWalkableColors) { if (!isWalkable(mapImage.GetPixel(start.X, start.Y), additionalWalkableColors)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Point ({0},{1}) is not walkable.", start.X, start.Y)); } List <DijkstraPoint> openSet = new List <DijkstraPoint> { new DijkstraPoint(null, start, 0) }; HashSet <Point> closedSet = new HashSet <Point>(); DijkstraPoint closestNode = null; double closestDistance = double.MaxValue; while (openSet.Count > 0) { DijkstraPoint current = GetMinimum(openSet); if (current.point.Equals(end)) { return(current); } if (Distance(current.point, end) < closestDistance) { closestDistance = Distance(current.point, end); closestNode = current; } openSet.Remove(current); closedSet.Add(current.point); //check all the neighbors of the current point foreach (Point p in getNeighbors(current.point)) { if (closedSet.Contains(p)) { continue; } if (!isWalkable(mapImage.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y), additionalWalkableColors)) { closedSet.Add(p); continue; } if (bounds != null) { bool found = false; foreach (Rectangle bound in bounds) { if (bound.Contains(p)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } } double newCost = current.cost + Distance(current.point, p); DijkstraPoint neighborPoint = openSet.Find(o => o.point == p); if (neighborPoint == null) { openSet.Add(new DijkstraPoint(current, p, newCost)); } else if (neighborPoint.cost < newCost) { continue; } else { openSet.Remove(neighborPoint); openSet.Add(new DijkstraPoint(current, p, newCost)); } } } if (closestDistance > 5 && bounds != null) { return(FindRoute(mapImage, start, end, null, additionalWalkableColors)); } return(closestNode); }
public static DijkstraPoint FindRoute(Bitmap mapImage, Point3D start, Point3D end, List <Rectangle3D> bounds, List <Color> additionalWalkableColors, SpecialConnection connection = null) { Point3D connectionPoint = connection == null ? new Point3D(-1, -1, 0) : (connection.source.z == start.Z ? new Point3D(connection.source) : new Point3D(connection.destination)); List <DijkstraPoint> openSet = new List <DijkstraPoint> { new DijkstraPoint(null, start, 0) }; HashSet <Point3D> closedSet = new HashSet <Point3D>(); DijkstraPoint closestNode = null; double closestDistance = double.MaxValue; while (openSet.Count > 0) { DijkstraPoint current = GetMinimum(openSet); if (current.point.Equals(end)) { return(current); } if (Distance(current.point, end) < closestDistance) { closestDistance = Distance(current.point, end); closestNode = current; } openSet.Remove(current); closedSet.Add(current.point); //check all the neighbors of the current point foreach (Point3D p in getNeighbors(current.point)) { double newCost = current.cost + Distance(current.point, p); if (connection != null && p == connectionPoint) { return(new DijkstraPoint(current, p, newCost)); } if (current.point.Z != start.Z) { continue; } if (closedSet.Contains(p)) { continue; } if (!isWalkable(p, mapImage.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y))) { closedSet.Add(p); continue; } if (bounds != null) { bool found = false; foreach (Rectangle3D bound in bounds) { if (bound.Contains(p)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } } DijkstraPoint neighborPoint = openSet.Find(o => o.point == p); if (neighborPoint == null) { openSet.Add(new DijkstraPoint(current, p, newCost)); } else if (neighborPoint.cost < newCost) { continue; } else { openSet.Remove(neighborPoint); openSet.Add(new DijkstraPoint(current, p, newCost)); } } } return(closestNode); }
public static MapPictureBox DrawRoute(Coordinate begin, Coordinate end, Size pictureBoxSize, Size minSize, Size maxSize, List <Color> additionalWalkableColors, List <Target> targetList = null) { if (end.x >= 0 && begin.z != end.z) { throw new Exception("Can't draw route with different z-coordinates"); } Rectangle sourceRectangle; MapPictureBox pictureBox = new MapPictureBox(); if (pictureBoxSize.Width != 0) { pictureBox.Size = pictureBoxSize; } pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; if (targetList != null) { foreach (Target target in targetList) { pictureBox.targets.Add(target); } if (end.x < 0) { if (pictureBoxSize.Width == 0) { pictureBoxSize = new Size(Math.Min(Math.Max(end.z, minSize.Width), maxSize.Width), Math.Min(Math.Max(end.z, minSize.Height), maxSize.Height)); pictureBox.Size = pictureBoxSize; } Map map = StorageManager.getMap(begin.z); = map; pictureBox.sourceWidth = end.z; pictureBox.mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(begin.x, begin.y, begin.z); pictureBox.zCoordinate = begin.z; pictureBox.UpdateMap(); return(pictureBox); } } // First find the route at a high level Node beginNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(begin.x, begin.y, begin.z); Node endNode = Pathfinder.GetNode(end.x, end.y, end.z); List <Rectangle> collisionBounds = null; DijkstraNode highresult = Dijkstra.FindRoute(beginNode, endNode); if (highresult != null) { collisionBounds = new List <Rectangle>(); while (highresult != null) { highresult.rect.Inflate(5, 5); collisionBounds.Add(highresult.rect); highresult = highresult.previous; } if (collisionBounds.Count == 0) { collisionBounds = null; } } Map m = StorageManager.getMap(begin.z); DijkstraPoint result = Dijkstra.FindRoute(m.image, new Point(begin.x, begin.y), new Point(end.x, end.y), collisionBounds, additionalWalkableColors); if (result == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't find route."); } // create a rectangle from the result double minX = int.MaxValue, minY = int.MaxValue, maxX = int.MinValue, maxY = int.MinValue; DijkstraPoint node = result; while (node != null) { if (node.point.X < minX) { minX = node.point.X; } if (node.point.Y < minY) { minY = node.point.Y; } if (node.point.X > maxX) { maxX = node.point.X; } if (node.point.Y > maxY) { maxY = node.point.Y; } node = node.previous; } minX -= 10; minY -= 10; maxX += 10; maxY += 10; int size = (int)Math.Max(maxX - minX, maxY - minY); sourceRectangle = new Rectangle((int)minX, (int)minY, size, size); if (pictureBoxSize.Width == 0) { pictureBoxSize = new Size(Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceRectangle.Width, minSize.Width), maxSize.Width), Math.Min(Math.Max(sourceRectangle.Height, minSize.Height), maxSize.Height)); pictureBox.Size = pictureBoxSize; } TibiaPath path = new TibiaPath(); path.begin = new Coordinate(begin); path.end = new Coordinate(end); path.path = result; pictureBox.paths.Add(path); = m; pictureBox.sourceWidth = size; pictureBox.mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(sourceRectangle.X + sourceRectangle.Width / 2, sourceRectangle.Y + sourceRectangle.Height / 2, begin.z); pictureBox.zCoordinate = begin.z; pictureBox.UpdateMap(); return(pictureBox); }