public static void query() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("hserver", 10000)); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new ThriftHive.Client(protocol); transport.Open(); //client.execute("CREATE TABLE r(a STRING, b INT, c DOUBLE)"); //client.execute("LOAD TABLE LOCAL INPATH '/path' INTO TABLE r"); client.execute("SELECT * FROM pokes where foo=180"); while (true) { var row = client.fetchOne(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row)) break; System.Console.WriteLine(row); } client.execute("SELECT * FROM pokes"); var all = client.fetchAll(); System.Console.WriteLine(all); transport.Close(); }
public static void test() { var hadoop_socket = new TSocket("hserver", 59256); hadoop_socket.Timeout = 10000;// Ten seconds //$hadoop_socket -> setRecvTimeout(20000); // Twenty seconds var hadoop_transport = new TBufferedTransport(hadoop_socket); var hadoop_protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(hadoop_transport); var hadoopClient = new ThriftHadoopFileSystem.Client(hadoop_protocol); hadoop_transport.Open(); //if (hadoopClient.exists(new Pathname { pathname = "/user/root/input" })) //{ // System.Console.WriteLine("exists"); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("no exists"); //} //hadoopClient.mkdirs(new Pathname { pathname = "/zbw911_user" }); //hadoopClient.rm(new Pathname { pathname = "/zbw911_user" }, true); //var h = hadoopClient.createFile(new Pathname { pathname = "user_zbw911" }, 1, true, 1000, 1, 64000); var list = hadoopClient.listStatus(new Pathname { pathname = "/user/root" }); foreach (var item in list) { System.Console.WriteLine(item); //if (item.Isdir) //{ // System.Console.WriteLine("文件夹:" + item.Path + ";权限:" + item.Permission); //} //else //{ // System.Console.WriteLine("文件:" + item.Path + ";权限:" + item.Permission); //} } //hadoopClient.close(h); // Pathname { pathname = "/user/root" }); hadoop_transport.Close(); }
public static void t() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("hserver", 10000)); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new ThriftHive.Client(protocol); transport.Open(); //client.execute("CREATE TABLE r(a STRING, b INT, c DOUBLE)"); //client.execute("LOAD TABLE LOCAL INPATH '/path' INTO TABLE r"); var database = new Database(); database.Name = "helloworldDB"; database.Description = "测试用的第一个DB"; client.create_database(database); transport.Close(); }
public static void t2() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("hserver", 10000)); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new ThriftHive.Client(protocol); transport.Open(); var database = new Database(); database.Name = "helloworldDB"; database.Description = "测试用的第一个DB"; var tables = client.get_all_tables("default"); //var tables = client.get_all_databases(); foreach (var table in tables) { System.Console.WriteLine(table); } transport.Close(); }
public static void UpdateData() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); //client.createTable(Unitl.StrToBytes(tablename), new List<ColumnDescriptor> { new ColumnDescriptor { Name = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911"), InMemory = false } }); client.mutateRow(Unitl.StrToBytes("1"), Unitl.StrToBytes("key"), new List<Mutation> { new Mutation { Column = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911"), Value = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911-Modifyed") } }); transport.Close(); }
public static void ShowTables() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); var tables = client.getTableNames(); foreach (var table in tables) { Console.WriteLine(Unitl.BytesToStr(table)); } transport.Close(); }
public static void Scan() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); var scanid = client.scannerOpenWithStop(Unitl.StrToBytes("t1"), Unitl.StrToBytes("rowno"), Unitl.StrToBytes("rowno"), new List<byte[]> { Unitl.StrToBytes("f1:99913") }); var result = client.scannerGet(scanid); var colum = client.getColumnDescriptors("t1".ToBytes()); var rows = client.getRowsWithColumns("t1".ToBytes() , new List<byte[]> { "rowno".ToBytes() } , new List<byte[]> { "f1:9".ToBytes(), "f1:9999".ToBytes() }); //scanid = client.scannerOpenWithPrefix("".ToBytes(), "".ToBytes(), new List<byte[]> { }); var v = client.getVer("table".ToBytes(), "row".ToBytes(), "col".ToBytes(), 1000); foreach (var xx in v) { } foreach (var r in result) { Console.WriteLine(r.Columns[Unitl.StrToBytes("f1:99913")].Value); } client.scannerClose(scanid); transport.Close(); }
public static void GetData() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); var rows = client.getRow(Unitl.StrToBytes("1"), Unitl.StrToBytes("row9916")); foreach (var row in rows) { Console.WriteLine(row.Columns.ToString()); } transport.Close(); }
public static void BatAddData() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); //client.createTable(Unitl.StrToBytes(tablename), new List<ColumnDescriptor> { new ColumnDescriptor { Name = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911"), InMemory = false } }); var bytevalue = Unitl.StrToBytes(Longdata); for (var j = 0; j < 100000; j++) { //var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { client.mutateRow(Unitl.StrToBytes("1"), Unitl.StrToBytes("" + i + "___" + j), new List<Mutation> { new Mutation { Column = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911"), Value = bytevalue } }); } Console.WriteLine(j + "批=" + 1000 * j); } transport.Close(); }
public static void AddTable(string tablename) { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); client.createTable(Unitl.StrToBytes(tablename), new List<ColumnDescriptor> { new ColumnDescriptor { Name = Unitl.StrToBytes("zbw911"), InMemory = false } }); transport.Close(); }
public static void AddColumn() { var transport = new TBufferedTransport(new TSocket("master", 9090)); transport.Open(); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Hbase.Client(protocol); //client.createTable(Unitl.StrToBytes("t"), new List<ColumnDescriptor> { new ColumnDescriptor { Name = Unitl.StrToBytes("default"), InMemory = false } }); //client.createTable(Unitl.StrToBytes("thetable"), new List<ColumnDescriptor> { new ColumnDescriptor { Name = Unitl.StrToBytes("default"), InMemory = false } }); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { client.mutateRow(Unitl.StrToBytes("t"), Unitl.StrToBytes("key"), new List<Mutation> { new Mutation { Column = Unitl.StrToBytes("default:"+i ), Value = Unitl.StrToBytes( System.DateTime.Now.ToString() ) } }); } transport.Close(); }
public static void CorrelateDFE(double[,] data, int sizeTimeseries, int numTimeseries, double[] correlations) { // Calculates correlations on DFE. Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); // Make socket var socket = new TSocket("localhost", 9090); // Buffering is critical. Raw sockets are very slow var transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket); // Wrap in a protocol var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); // Create a client to use the protocol encoder var client = new correlationService.Client(protocol); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Creating a client:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); try { // Connect! sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Open(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Opening connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); int numTimesteps = sizeTimeseries; double windowSize = (double)sizeTimeseries; int numBursts = calcNumBursts(numTimeseries); // Get loop length sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); List<int> loopLength = new List<int>(); loopLength.Add(client.correlation_get_CorrelationKernel_loopLength()); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Getting Correlation Kernel loopLength:\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Prepare data for DFE sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); double[] precalculations = new double [2 * numTimeseries * numTimesteps]; double[] dataPairs = new double [2 * numTimeseries * numTimesteps]; int burstSize = 384 / 2; // for anything other than ISCA this should be 384 List<int> inMemLoad = new List<int>(); for(int i = 0; i < numBursts * burstSize; i++) { inMemLoad.Add(0); } prepareDataForDFE (data, sizeTimeseries, numTimeseries, numTimesteps, windowSize, precalculations, dataPairs); List<double> precalculationsVec = new List<double>(); List<double> dataPairsVec = new List<double>(); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * numTimeseries * numTimesteps; i++) { precalculationsVec.Add(precalculations[i]); dataPairsVec.Add(dataPairs[i]); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Data reordering time:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Allocate and send input streams to server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var loopLengthSize = 1; var addressLoopLength = client.malloc_int32_t(loopLengthSize); client.send_data_int32_t(addressLoopLength, loopLength); sw.Stop(); var loopLengthTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tSending LoopLength:\t\t(size = {0} bit)\t\t{1}s", loopLengthSize * 32, loopLengthTime); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var inMemLoadSize = numBursts * burstSize; var addressInMemLoad = client.malloc_int32_t(inMemLoadSize); client.send_data_int32_t(addressInMemLoad, inMemLoad); sw.Stop(); var inMemLoadTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tSending InMemLoad:\t\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", inMemLoadSize * 32, inMemLoadTime); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var precalculationsSize = 2 * numTimeseries * numTimesteps; var addressPrecalculations = client.malloc_double(precalculationsSize); client.send_data_double(addressPrecalculations, precalculationsVec); sw.Stop(); var precalculationsTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tSending Precalculations:\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", precalculationsSize * 32, precalculationsTime); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var dataPairsSize = 2 * numTimeseries * numTimesteps; var addressDataPairs = client.malloc_double(dataPairsSize); client.send_data_double(addressDataPairs, dataPairsVec); sw.Stop(); var dataPairsTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tSending DataPairs:\t\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", dataPairsSize * 64, dataPairsTime); var time = loopLengthTime + inMemLoadTime + precalculationsTime + dataPairsTime; var speed = (loopLengthSize * 32 + inMemLoadSize * 32 + precalculationsSize * 64 + dataPairsSize * 64) / time / 1000000; Console.WriteLine("Sending input streams to server total time:\t{0}s\t(average speed = {1}Mb/s)", time, speed); // Allocate memory for output stream on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var addressOutCorrelation = client.malloc_double(numTimesteps * loopLength[0] * correlationNumTopScores * correlationNumPipes + numBursts * 24); var addressOutIndices = client.malloc_int32_t(2 * numTimesteps * loopLength[0] * correlationNumTopScores * correlationNumPipes); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Allocating memory for output stream on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Initialize LMem sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.correlation_loadLMem(numBursts, addressLoopLength, addressInMemLoad); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LMem initialization:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); //Executing correlation action sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.correlation(numBursts, // scalar input numTimesteps, // scalar input numTimeseries, // scalar input 1, // scalar input windowSize, // scalar input addressPrecalculations, // streaming reordered input addressDataPairs, // streaming reordered input addressOutCorrelation, // streaming unordered output addressOutIndices); // streaming unordered output sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Correlation time:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Get output stream from server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var outCorrelationSize = numTimesteps * loopLength[0] * correlationNumTopScores * correlationNumPipes + numBursts * 24; List<double> outCorrelation = new List<double>(); outCorrelation = client.receive_data_double(addressOutCorrelation, outCorrelationSize); sw.Stop(); var outCorrelationTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tGet output stream Correlation:\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", outCorrelationSize * 64, outCorrelationTime); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var outIndicesSzie = 2 * numTimesteps * loopLength[0] * correlationNumTopScores * correlationNumPipes; List<int> outIndices = new List<int>(); outIndices = client.receive_data_int32_t(addressOutIndices, outIndicesSzie); sw.Stop(); var outIndicesTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tGet output stream outIndices:\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", outIndicesSzie * 32, outIndicesTime); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); loopLengthSize = 1; loopLength = client.receive_data_int32_t(addressLoopLength, loopLengthSize); sw.Stop(); loopLengthTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; Console.WriteLine("\tGet output stream loopLength:\t(size = {0} bit)\t\t{1}s", loopLengthSize * 32, loopLengthTime); time = loopLengthTime + outCorrelationTime + outIndicesTime; speed = (loopLengthSize * 32 + outIndicesSzie * 32 + outCorrelationSize * 64) / time / 1000000; Console.WriteLine("Getting output stream from server total time:\t{0}s\t(average speed = {1}Mb/s)", time, speed); // Free allocated memory for streams on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start();;;;;;; sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Freeing allocated memory for streams on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Close! sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Close(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Closing connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Store data sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); int position = 0; int index = 0; int start = (numTimesteps-1) * loopLength[0] * correlationNumTopScores * correlationNumPipes; for (int i=0; i < numTimeseries; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { correlations[index + j] = outCorrelation[start + position + j]; } index += i; position += ((i/12)+1)*12; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("LMem initialization:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the server: {0}.", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured: {0}", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public static List<double> PassThroughDFE(int size, List<double> dataIn) { List<double> dataOut = new List<double>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); // Make socket var socket = new TSocket("localhost", 9090); // Buffering is critical. Raw sockets are very slow var transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket); // Wrap in a protocol var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); // Create a client to use the protocol encoder var client = new PassThroughService.Client(protocol); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Creating a client:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); try { // Connect! sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Open(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Opening connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Initialize maxfile sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var maxfile = client.PassThrough_init(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing maxfile:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Load DFE sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var engine = client.max_load(maxfile, "*"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Loading DFE:\t\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Allocate and send input streams to server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var address_dataIn = client.malloc_float(size); client.send_data_float(address_dataIn, dataIn); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Sending input data:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Allocate memory for output stream on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var address_dataOut = client.malloc_float(size); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Allocating memory for output stream on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Action default sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var action = new PassThrough_actions_t_struct(); action.Param_N = size; action.Instream_x = address_dataIn; action.Outstream_y = address_dataOut; var address_action = client.send_PassThrough_actions_t(action); client.PassThrough_run(engine, address_action); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Pass through time:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Unload DFE sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.max_unload(engine); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Unloading DFE:\t\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Get output stream from server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); dataOut = client.receive_data_float(address_dataOut, size); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Getting output stream:\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", size * 32, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Free allocated memory for streams on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start();;; sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Freeing allocated memory for streams on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Free allocated maxfile data sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.PassThrough_free(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Freeing allocated maxfile data:\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Close(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Closing connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the server: {0}.", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured: {0}", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } return dataOut; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch swDFE = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); swDFE.Start(); // Make socket var socket = new TSocket("localhost", 9090); // Buffering is critical. Raw sockets are very slow var transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket); // Wrap in a protocol var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); // Create a client to use the protocol encoder var client = new MovingAverageService.Client(protocol); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Creating a client:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); try { // Connect! sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Open(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Opening connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); const int size = 384; int sizeBytes = size * 4; List<double> dataIn = new List<double>(); // Generate input data Random random = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i<size; i++) { dataIn.Add(random.Next(0, 100)); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Generating input data:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Initialize maxfile sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var maxfile = client.MovingAverage_init(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Initializing maxfile:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Load DFE sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var engine = client.max_load(maxfile, "*"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Loading DFE:\t\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Allocate and send input streams to server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var address_dataIn = client.malloc_float(size); client.send_data_float(address_dataIn, dataIn); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Sending input data:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Allocate memory for output stream on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var address_dataOut = client.malloc_float(size); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Allocating memory for output stream on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Action default sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); var actions = client.max_actions_init(maxfile, "default"); client.max_set_param_uint64t(actions, "N", size); client.max_queue_input(actions, "x", address_dataIn, sizeBytes); client.max_queue_output(actions, "y", address_dataOut, sizeBytes); client.max_run(engine, actions); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Moving average time:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Unload DFE sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.max_unload (engine); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Unloading DFE:\t\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Get output stream from server sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); List<double> dataOut = client.receive_data_float(address_dataOut, size); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Getting output stream:\t(size = {0} bit)\t{1}s", size * 32, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Free allocated memory for streams on server sw.Reset(); sw.Start();;; sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Freeing allocated memory for streams on server:\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Free allocated maxfile data sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); client.MovingAverage_free(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Freeing allocated maxfile data:\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); // Checking results sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); int status = check(dataIn, dataOut, size); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Checking results:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); transport.Close(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Closing connection:\t\t\t\t{0}s", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); swDFE.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("DFE moving average total time:\t\t\t{0}s", swDFE.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); if (status==0) { Console.WriteLine("Test successful!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Test failed {0} times!", status); Environment.Exit(-1); } } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the server: {0}.", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured: {0}", e.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public IDisposable Query() { Contract.Requires(Observer != null); Contract.Requires(StartDate != null); Contract.Requires(EndDate != null); // restrict to 1 concurrent active query mBarrier.Wait(); mBarrier.Reset(); if (Observer != null) // won't ever be null, we're using code contracts to check this! { try { // create an observable to request the data and encapsulate all the processing logic return Observable.Create<Data>(o => { var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var cancelToken = tokenSource.Token; _cancellationSource = tokenSource; var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // create thrift client connection var socket = new TSocket(mServer, 5049); var transport = new TBufferedTransport(socket); var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); var client = new TCLIService.Client(protocol); // open transport/establish server connection transport.Open(); var req = new TOpenSessionReq() { Client_protocol = TProtocolVersion.HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V1, Username = mUser, Password = mPassword }; var openResp = client.OpenSession(req); var sessHandle = openResp.SessionHandle; //-----------------QUERY--------------------------------- #region Query //Perform actual query -- by switching on option from subscribe #region check UnionType bool imbExist = false; /* if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.IMBALANCE) { //Console.WriteLine("IMBALANCES"); Options = Options | SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE | SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE | SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE | SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE; }*/ if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) == SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) { //Console.WriteLine("T"); unionType = "T"; unionNum++; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) == SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) { //Console.WriteLine("Q"); unionType = unionType + "Q"; unionNum++; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) { //Console.WriteLine("AMEX"); unionType = unionType + "I"; imbExist = true; unionNum++; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) { //Console.WriteLine("ARCA"); if (imbExist == false) { unionType = unionType + "I"; imbExist = true; } unionNum++; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) { //Console.WriteLine("NYSE"); if (imbExist == false) { unionType = unionType + "I"; imbExist = true; } unionNum++; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) { //Console.WriteLine("NASD"); if (imbExist == false) { unionType = unionType + "I"; imbExist = true; } unionNum++; } #endregion if ( unionNum == 1 || unionNum==0) { #region benchmark test /*Console.WriteLine("no block marketdata 1"); doFetchTradeNo(client, sessHandle,StartDate,EndDate); Console.WriteLine("no block marketdata 2"); doFetchTrade2No(client, sessHandle, StartDate, EndDate); Console.WriteLine("block marketdata 1"); #region single table for (DateTime QueryDate = StartDate; QueryDate <= EndDate; QueryDate = QueryDate.AddDays(1)) { if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) == SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) { doFetchTrade(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) == SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) { doFetchQuote(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) { doFetchAMEXImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) { doFetchARCAImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) { doFetchNYSEImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) { doFetchNASDImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) == SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) { doFetchDaily(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } } #endregion Console.WriteLine("block marketdata 2");*/ #endregion #region single table for (DateTime QueryDate = StartDate; QueryDate <= EndDate; QueryDate = QueryDate.AddDays(1)) { if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) == SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) { doFetchTrade2(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date==EndDate.Date); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) == SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) { doFetchQuote(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date == EndDate.Date); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) { doFetchAMEXImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) { doFetchARCAImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) { doFetchNYSEImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date==EndDate.Date); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) { doFetchNASDImbalance(client, sessHandle, QueryDate); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) == SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) { doFetchDaily(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date == EndDate.Date); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.EXGPRINTS) == SubscriptionOptions.EXGPRINTS) { doFetchExgprints(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date == EndDate.Date); } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NEWS) == SubscriptionOptions.NEWS) { doFetchNews(client, sessHandle, QueryDate, QueryDate.Date == EndDate.Date); } } #endregion } else { #region Union fetchdata for (DateTime QueryDate = StartDate; QueryDate <= EndDate; QueryDate=QueryDate.AddDays(1)) { string query = ""; bool firstUnion = false; if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) == SubscriptionOptions.TRADE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionTradeQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionTradeQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) == SubscriptionOptions.QUOTE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionQuoteQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionQuoteQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.AMEX_IMBALANCE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionAmexQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionAmexQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.ARCA_IMBALANCE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionArcaQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionArcaQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NYSE_IMBALANCE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionNyseQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionNyseQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) == SubscriptionOptions.NASD_IMBALANCE) { if (firstUnion == true) { query = query + " union all " + createUnionNasdQuery(QueryDate); } else { query = createUnionNasdQuery(QueryDate); } firstUnion = true; } if ((Options & SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) == SubscriptionOptions.DAILY) { doFetchDaily(client, sessHandle,QueryDate); } query = "select * from ( " + query + " ) log order by log.seqno limit " + Maxrows; // query = "select * from ( " + query + " )"; //Console.WriteLine(query); doFetchUnion(client, sessHandle, query); } #endregion } #endregion //------------------------------------------------------- // close the session/transport var closeReq = new TCloseSessionReq { SessionHandle = sessHandle }; client.CloseSession(closeReq); transport.Close(); }, cancelToken); return Disposable.Create(tokenSource.Cancel); }).Subscribe(Observer); } catch (Exception ex) { Observer.OnError(ex); } finally { // reset barrier mBarrier.Set(); } } return null; }