コード例 #1
        private MemberInitExpression BuildProjectionExpression(Expression sourceAccess, Type destinationType, ProposedTypeMapping proposedMap)
            var memberBindings = new List <MemberBinding>();

            foreach (var member in proposedMap.ProposedMappings)
                BuildMemberAssignmentExpressions(sourceAccess, memberBindings, member, proposedMap.CustomMapping);

            foreach (var complexMember in proposedMap.ProposedTypeMappings)
                if (complexMember.IsEnumerable || CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(complexMember))
                    if (mapper.Options.Projection.MapCollectionMembers)
                        BuildCollectionComplexTypeExpression(sourceAccess, memberBindings, complexMember);
                    BuildComplexTypeExpression(sourceAccess, memberBindings, complexMember);

            var initDestination = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(destinationType), memberBindings);

コード例 #2
            private bool CanUseDirectAssignment(TypePair pair, PropertyOrFieldInfo destinationMember, PropertyOrFieldInfo sourceMember, Type nullableType, ProposedHierarchicalMapping hierarchicalMapping)
                Type sourceMemberType = null;

                if (sourceMember == null)
                    if (hierarchicalMapping == null)
                    sourceMemberType = sourceMember.PropertyOrFieldType;

                if (hierarchicalMapping != null)
                    sourceMemberType = hierarchicalMapping.ReturnType;

                if (!destinationMember.PropertyOrFieldType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceMemberType))
                    if (sourceMemberType.IsNullableValueType() && destinationMember.PropertyOrFieldType.IsAssignableFrom(nullableType))
                    else if (ConversionTypeHelper.AreConvertible(sourceMemberType, destinationMember.PropertyOrFieldType))

                if (pair.SourceType == pair.DestinationType && this.options.Conventions.MakeCloneIfDestinationIsTheSameAsSource)
                    if (sourceMemberType.IsValueType || sourceMemberType == typeof(string))

                // Can't assign enumerable memebers to eachother, we leave that decision to the code
                // generator which can determine if we need to preserve the contents of the enumerable.
                if (CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(destinationMember.PropertyOrFieldType) &&
                    CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(sourceMemberType) &&
                    this.options.Conventions.PreserveDestinationListContents) // but only if the option is turned on at all

コード例 #3
            private bool TryGetCustomMapping(TypePair pair, out CustomMapping customMapping)
                if (CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(pair))
                    var source      = CollectionTypeHelper.GetTypeInsideEnumerable(pair.SourceType);
                    var destination = CollectionTypeHelper.GetTypeInsideEnumerable(pair.DestinationType);
                    pair = new TypePair(source, destination);
                IEnumerable <CustomMapping> matchingMappings;

                customMappingCache.TryGetValue(pair, out customMapping);

                matchingMappings = (from m in customMappingCache
                                    where m.Key.DestinationType.IsAssignableFrom(pair.DestinationType) &&
                                    m.Key.DestinationType != pair.DestinationType
                                    orderby DistanceFromType(pair.DestinationType, m.Key.DestinationType, 0) ascending
                                    select m.Value);

                matchingMappings = matchingMappings.Union(from m in customMappingCache
                                                          where m.Key.SourceType.IsAssignableFrom(pair.SourceType) &&
                                                          m.Key.SourceType != pair.SourceType
                                                          orderby DistanceFromType(pair.SourceType, m.Key.SourceType, 0) ascending
                                                          select m.Value).ToList();

                customMapping = customMapping ?? matchingMappings.FirstOrDefault();

                if (customMapping != null)

コード例 #4
 private static bool AreMembersIEnumerable(PropertyOrFieldInfo destinationMember, PropertyOrFieldInfo sourceMember)
     return(CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(sourceMember.PropertyOrFieldType) &&
コード例 #5
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a type mapping of the TypePair you pass in.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private ProposedTypeMapping GetTypeMapping(int currentDepth, TypePair pair, MemberOptions options = null, CustomMapping customMapping = null)
                if (!typeStack.Contains(pair))
                else if (this.options.Safety.IfRecursiveRelationshipIsDetected == RecursivePropertyOptions.ThrowIfRecursionIsDetected)
                    // Oh noes, recursion!
                    throw new RecursiveRelationshipException(pair);
                // if it's a recursive relationship, by default we return null which is handled after the method returns

                var typeMapping = new ProposedTypeMapping();

                typeMapping.SourceMember      = null;
                typeMapping.DestinationMember = null;

                Type destinationType, sourceType;

                // If it's an enumerable type (List<>, IEnumerable<>, etc) then we're currently interested
                // in the type 'inside' the enumerable.
                if (CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(pair.DestinationType))
                    destinationType = CollectionTypeHelper.GetTypeInsideEnumerable(pair.DestinationType);
                    destinationType = pair.DestinationType;

                // Same here.
                if (CollectionTypeHelper.IsEnumerable(pair.SourceType))
                    sourceType = CollectionTypeHelper.GetTypeInsideEnumerable(pair.SourceType);
                    sourceType = pair.SourceType;

                // The memberprovider is responsible for linking a destination member with a source member
                var memberProvider = this.strategy.MemberProviderFactory.GetMemberProvider(sourceType, destinationType, mapper);

                // Loop through all members it could find
                foreach (var mapping in GetTypeMembers(memberProvider, options, currentDepth))
                    var destinationMember = mapping.Destination;
                    var sourceMember      = mapping.Source;

                    // Does the memberprovider see any reason to ignore this member?
                    if (memberProvider.IsMemberIgnored(sourceType, destinationMember))

                    Expression customExpression = null;

                    // Try to extract an expression that was supplied for this destination member
                    if (customMapping != null)
                        customExpression = customMapping.GetExpressionForMember(destinationMember);

                        if (mapping.ConversionFunction == null)
                            var conversionFunction = customMapping.GetConversionFunction(sourceMember, destinationMember);

                            mapping.ConversionFunction = conversionFunction;

                    // Did the user supply a function to transform the source member's value?
                    if (mapping.ConversionFunction != null)
                        // If no custom mapping yet, then we need to create one
                        // as it's where we'll be storing the conversion function
                        if (customMapping == null)
                            customMapping = new CustomMapping
                                DestinationType = destinationType

                            customMappingCache.AddOrUpdate(pair, customMapping, (k, v) => customMapping);

                            typeMapping.CustomMapping = customMapping;

                        // Let the custom mapping be the owner of the conversion function
                        customMapping.AddConversionFunction(sourceMember, destinationMember, mapping.ConversionFunction);
                    else if (customMapping != null)

                    ProposedHierarchicalMapping hierarchicalMapping = null;

                    // No source member or can't write to the destination?
                    if (HasNoSourceMember(customExpression, sourceMember) || !destinationMember.CanWrite)
                        if (this.options.Conventions.AutomaticallyFlattenHierarchies)
                            // Propose a mapping that flattens a hierarchy if possible.
                            // For example, map type.CompanyName to otherType.Company.Name
                            hierarchicalMapping = memberProvider.ProposeHierarchicalMapping(destinationMember);

                        // No way to map this thing? Add it to incompatible members if the option has been turned on.
                        // Will cause an (intended) exception later on, allowing you to verify your mappings
                        // for correctness and completeness.
                        if (hierarchicalMapping == null && this.options.Strictness.ThrowWithoutCorrespondingSourceMember)

                    // Nullable value types screw up everything!
                    var nullableType = NullableTypeHelper.TryGetNullableType(sourceMember);

                    // Can we do a simple right to left assignment between the members?
                    // So, are they basically the same type or do we need to do further mapping?
                    var canUseSimpleTypeMapping = CanUseDirectAssignment(pair, destinationMember, sourceMember, nullableType, hierarchicalMapping);

                    if (canUseSimpleTypeMapping)
                        // If simple mapping is possible create a mapping between the members
                            new ProposedMemberMapping
                            SourceMember        = sourceMember,
                            DestinationMember   = destinationMember,
                            HierarchicalMapping = hierarchicalMapping
                    // No simple assignment, but a custom expression is supplied
                    // and that's just as good as having a direct assignment mapping
                    else if (customExpression != null || mapping.ConversionFunction != null)
                            new ProposedMemberMapping
                            SourceMember        = sourceMember,
                            DestinationMember   = destinationMember,
                            HierarchicalMapping = hierarchicalMapping
                    // We have a source member but can't directly assign the source to the destination.
                    // Further mapping is needed.
                    else if (sourceMember != null)
                        // Is the member of an IEnumerable type?
                        if (AreMembersIEnumerable(destinationMember, sourceMember))
                            // Create a deeper mapping for IEnumerable members
                            GenerateEnumerableMapping(currentDepth, options, customMapping, typeMapping, destinationMember, sourceMember);
                            // Create a deeper mapping for a 'regular' type.
                            GenerateComplexTypeMapping(currentDepth, options, customMapping, typeMapping, destinationMember, sourceMember);
                    // All we have is a destination member and a custom expression
                    // that gives the destination member a value. Good enough!
                    else if (customExpression != null)
                            new ProposedMemberMapping
                            SourceMember      = null,
                            DestinationMember = destinationMember

                // Don't cache the typemapping when this flag has been set.
                // That happens when the maximum depth was reached during the mapping
                // for this particular type and we didn't explore the full depth
                // of the type. We don't wanna reuse this typemapping at a later time
                // because the mapping might be for something completely different
                // at a depth at which the full depth CAN be explored.
                if (!typeMapping.DoNotCache)
                    mappingCache[pair] = typeMapping;

