コード例 #1
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            int numberOfRandomUsers = new System.Random().Next(5000, 20000);
            var svc = new InMemoryIdentityManagerService(Users.Get(numberOfRandomUsers));

            app.UseIdentityManager(new IdentityManagerConfiguration
                IdentityManagerFactory = () => svc,
                DisableUserInterface   = false,
                SecurityMode           = SecurityMode.Local
コード例 #2
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            // this configures IdentityManager
            // we're using a Map just to test hosting not at the root
            app.Map("/idm", idm =>
                var rand = new System.Random();
                var svc  = new InMemoryIdentityManagerService(Users.Get(rand.Next(5000, 20000)), Roles.Get(rand.Next(15)));
                idm.UseIdentityManager(new IdentityManagerConfiguration
                    IdentityManagerFactory = () => svc,
                    SecurityMode           = SecurityMode.LocalMachine,
                    OAuth2Configuration    = new OAuth2Configuration
                        AuthorizationUrl = "http://localhost:17457/ids/connect/authorize",
                        Issuer           = "https://idsrv3.com",
                        Audience         = "https://idsrv3.com/resources",
                        ClientId         = "idmgr",
                        SigningCert      = Cert.Load(),
                        Scope            = "idmgr",
                        //PersistToken = true,
                        //AutomaticallyRenewToken = true

            // this configures an embedded IdentityServer to act as an external authentication provider
            // when using IdentityManager in Token security mode. normally you'd configure this elsewhere.
            app.Map("/ids", ids =>

            // used to redirect to the main admin page visiting the root of the host
            app.Run(ctx =>